Thursday 14 February 2019


First off .. a little quote to a reminder of how I think and analyse things ..

Once you eliminate the impossible whatever remains, no matter how improbable, has to be the truth – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This has ended up being a long one. Wont be the last either as you can possibly imagine? It is difficult with things like this as I have to search and watch videos and hope that they sound level headed and wont mention Nibiru, flat-Earth or some other mad sounding thing in the video.

It is only ever about what is provable, reasonable theory and of course the facts.

News is just that, news. It might be good, it might be extremely bad or it could be anywhere in between. It should be purely taken as advisory and any scientist should endeavour to find out the exact data as best they can - The Author

Known about this subject for close to two decades. Knew it had happened previously and it was obvious it was going to happen again. Never thought it would ever happen in my life time or ever become a thing I would talk about quite so much on my blog.

Well it not only is happening but turns out it has been happening for a long time. Like I have long predicted the climate changing is not because of carbon and not because of man. Also just as I kept telling these fucking armchair scientist leftists that want reality to be how they want it to be .. under their control like everything else .. there is no way of stopping this.


A theory on charged particles and that the weather is made up of elements molecules with essentially positive and negative particles has been dogging me I might need to think more on over time. Not that if I ever came up with something it would ever save us, mind you.

It has been dogging me that an exiting magnetosphere and an atmosphere full of atoms that contain subatomic particles with electrical charges. In all my years I have never had anyone point out this link or whether there was some connection that could drive the weather.

I know wonder if, provided current direction and speed of the magnetic poles continues, we might find out the hard way that we missed a connection?

The Girl With The Golden Hair on YouTube .. Speaker Robert Felix

'Shocking Governments Are Preparing For A Ice Age'

Some of the things you will hear ..

Yes and with your carbon tax money .. if this is the case these worst of society using you so that they survive need to be wiped off the map themselves.

Author of a book talking that sounded pretty level headed .. very reluctant to sound like a conspiracy theorist.

He thought Global Warming was a hoax .. now he thinks it is a fraud.

Most glaciers are now growing and not shrinking. States we were told that all the ice on the Himalayas will be gone by 2035 but are actually growing.

Glacier on Mount St Helens bigger than it was before its eruption and that 90% of the worlds glaciers are growing so why are we being told that they are shrinking?

Ice-Ages happen in conjunction with magnetic reversals. Though many report last full reversal was 750,000 years ago there are Magnetic Excursions.

They said that our magnetosphere was weakening by 5% per 100 years but now they say it is weakening by 5% per decade.

States we used to think that Ice-Ages started very slowly but they found evidence to suggest that you can get deep into one in 20 years.

Greenland ice sheet bigger than normal.

Most of Alaska was not covered in ice during the last Ice-Age?

Ah sea levels were 400 feet lower than they are today. Baring Strait was a land bridge in last Ice-Age so the UK will be reconnected to Europe?

Magma when cooling have their magnetic property set a certain way .. drilling a hole into rock and dropping a compass into it tells you in what direction the positive pole was when the rock was formed and therefore you just have to date the rock itself. Difficulty was in finding rocks that go back far enough.

State climatologists of Oregon, Virginia and Delaware lost their jobs because they disagreed with climate change. Therefore everyone started to toe the line. He does not think it is a conspiracy but let us be honest .. just stating those jobs alone being lost it certainly sounds like it, no?

End YouTube Video

Many state things like mile deep snow but I really have difficulties with this statement .. mile deep ice across the northern hemisphere? Where is all that water coming from? Because if it did the seas will be a lot shallower and therefore more land exposed, that is for sure. It has to come from somewhere .. not enough in the sky .

Robert Felix: Onset of Crop Losses, Cosmic Rays and Cold Climate

Part One

Scientists now realise there are 3 million underwater volcanoes but climate scientists still insist that these still cannot affect the climate.

Because of course if your lying in a hammock hanging over a giant sized vessel full of water whose temperature continues to rise the air around you wont ever warm up and you wont notice anything. Just like the hot water running through a radiator has no affect on the temperature of the air in a room despite having zero direct contact with that air.

Sea levels have been rising for thousands of years .. not just because of man or oil and I have stated myself in previous posts on this that .. you could once walk from Norfolk in East England and maybe even as far north as Newcastle or even Scotland to Sweden. You could also have done this from Dover to probably around Portsmouth straight across to France.

Part Two

Do not have time to correct what is happening, as I have always maintained is the issue ..

(Me: but the people that fucked everything up are so self-righteous they believe themselves to be the ones to survive, right?)

End of Video


Yeah told yah .. told yah for nearly 7 years and said it since I first hears about it, that it was a provision for a coming global catastrophe they knew was coming.

I recall first hearing about these seed banks many years ago and it was years before they even finished storing the intended food plant seeds.

I was watching this with a friend and he knew I could always see the wood despite the trees and I asked “Why now? You know the more I think about this the more I think they know something is coming?”

I have always maintained that I believe that they suspected something was coming .. it was just impossible to know what it was going to be. The list is long and I have covered these in the past.

  • Comet Strike
  • Asteroid Strike
  • Interstellar Object Strike (Oumuamua)
  • Seismic Activity
  • Volcanic Activity
  • Disease
  • Continental Drift
  • Ice Age
  • Gamma Ray Burst
  • and of course ..
  • Magnetic Flip


If I have one more person tell me that I am getting obsessed and excited about something to shut me up when the truth is, as I just told a friend, that is is they that suddenly do not want to talk, I will scream.

Just visited someone that not only loves to talk about science subjects likes pulling up videos on catastrophes, actually did this while I was there, but as soon as I started to explain about the possibilities of the splitting and moving north an south poles did not want to hear it. Turned to me and accused me of being the one getting stressed out about it and this was stressing them out.

Confused and looking at him funny I then said ..

“Eh? Wait a minute .. do not project. I am not getting stressed out. You wanted to talk about this .. I already know what could happen and I accept that. It is YOU that is now getting stressed out because this is not affecting someone far away but will affect you. YOU are now getting scared and it is YOU that is stressing yourself out”

Look on his face was a picture.

Soo people only want to talk about things like this when it is happening to other people but as soon as it is them that is to be affected, or they realise it will, they suddenly do not want to talk about it any more.

Worse still is they cannot even admit it is them themselves that is the problem and have to project or blame others.

Yep and before I even left my house he wanted to talk about it .. he just had not figured it might involve a story that might affect him.

This is a classic example of a sandhead .. and these are complicit in allowing themselves to be manipulated and the government getting away with murder.

So people want to talk to me about what they want to do in a few years time .. chances are your not going to be doing bugger all in a few years time.

Was laying in the bathtub thinking about taking photographs either now or in the warmer months and actually sat there wondering if it was worth it. Been trying to build up a library for nearly two years and either government or my health, also not helped by government, has fecked this up every step of the way.

On top of this Flickr got taken over by someone who stated they was not going to change anything and then fecking changed something, stating if you have 1,000 photos you wont be able to upload any more. Thanks .. now private companies are lying and changing the goalposts without warning just like public services and central government. Gets better as a YouTube channel on photography, Jared Polin I think it was, stated in a video yet another movement of the goalposts by newly owned Flicker I knew nothing about. They started deleting the oldest photos with anyone with over 1,000 photos and will continue to do this until you have less than 1,000 photos.

Yeah .. you cannot do jack shit with that .. bye, bye Flickr it was ice knowing you. Storage sizes get larger and cheaper over time .. now out ot my 3,200 photos they are going to delete 2,200 of them after I spent years building them up?! Morons!

So laying their in the bathtub .. what do I do? I now have to find someone else as Flickr are names I could not repeat publicly. Is there even any others out there?

Do I set up my own web-page and storage? There is Deviant Art I guess?

But this will take time and with my current equipment and connection and my lack of work area and shite connection and dodgy and underpowered hardware, all except for my expensive and professional camera and lenses, will be a pain in the rear end. Can spend months doing this to try and bring in much needed income, as help promised and other endeavours have not worked as as expected .. or promised, and by then we might have realised that an Ice-Age is indeed coming?

Why would they not tell you?” is something I often get.

Because currency would become worthless overnight!” is how I always answer.

Your someone rich and powerful and have ignored all the warning from scientists for year .. not prepared for a damn thing. Suddenly one of these turns out to be the case and you want to survive. Well you might require a sea worthy ship, an underground base or base on the Moon even? Now you have to build it. Which means it will cost money. But money is only effective in getting people to work if they are under the illusion that the money can but them things. Tell them that in 3 to 10 years time that money wont be able to buy jack shit and who is going to work any longer? You have yourself a bit if a conundrum if your rich, powerful, self-righteous and want to survive.”

I have even said that maybe .. if this occurs and we survive this, well more than just the absolute worst of humanity, maybe we might learn? Maybe religion might go the world over? Maybe we will put science at the forefront of everything?

JUNK SCIENCE – 'Basic Physics at NASA
Tony Heller on YouTube

I find it funny that the rich and powerful over the last 100 years or so has driven the use of fossil fuels, forced the work on people, forced people to rely on fuels like petrol and diesel and now you have NASA and Climate Scientists blaming the workers, or should I say mindless slaves or sheep at this point? So we do as we are instructed .. they make us rely on things .. getting about in cars means we can do more work .. but now use of all these fuels they got rich and pwerful with is wrong and it is our faut for doing so and now we must pay for our mistakes. Except any mistakes was actually theirs. Except it was all al lie anyway .. as it never did have anything to do with CO2.

So we paid for something that was not our fault and was not to blame and we have done this for well over a decade now.

In a video below .. someone points out that exactly 10 years ago NASA pointed out that the sea ice at the North Pole would be gone in 10 years. We was also told we would 'boil like frogs' and that you 'would never see snow again'.

Now remember these points ..

  • CO2 was responsible was never proved
  • The predictions have never played out as stated
  • Prediction above of zero ice in 10 years at the north pole resulted in no change to the level of ice at he north pole AFTER those ten years
  • NASA produced maps to show that the air at the Pole was unusually warm
  • Even my daughter gave me temps at the north pole I said was bullcrap
  • Coldest arctic weather ever experienced with wind-chill factors of minus 50 have now hit North America .. possibly Russia too

But it is NASA, right? Well according to the video .. no, actually. In fact on the screen as he explains that it is not you see bloody Huff Post of all things. Doesn't George Soros have control or ownership on that one? Oddly I recall the sale of Huffington Post and I simply could not understand how it got the money that it did. Or Mashable for that matter. Making sense now, let me tell you!

It gets better as old NASA told new NASA to stop publishing .. JUNK SCIENCE! I absolutely kid you not on that as he explains in the video below.


As I was walking home my brain, which does sometimes work, was working away on a long term problem I had issues with. The depths of ice they always talk about.

In fact my journey back was not without incident as my journey there as I experienced a fair bit of pain. Lost count of the number of times I had to pull up while stifling any sound. On three occasions that failed as a loud groan escaped me as I pulled up.

But between these .. events it was eating away at me at the amount of ice along with two things I had picked up in recent videos. The lack of ice in Alaska and that the Amazon would be unaffacted.

How could this be and ow could so much snow me deposited not that far away from the Amazon while it was unaffected?

Then a theory hit me.

These .. jet streams and gulf streams, maybe they dissipate? Without air being moved around it is possible that the equator stays the same or gets warmer while everything else gets colder. The Earth and the atmosphere might act as a lens? Of course the other factor is that the magnetosphere will weaken. More rays of all kinds getting through. What if the sea currents slow down to?

Without this mixing of the seas or air via their currents its entirely plausible that the sea and air at the equator would get hotter. More evaporation from the sea and warm air carrying it?

If this is the case there must be some process of channelling the warm air from the equator up to the north and into the cold air to keep depositing that snow to get the ice that deep?

Maybe you have a gulf stream type current that switches on and off?

This thought process was fuelled by the statements made that the Ice-Age can arrive fairly quickly and it would take a very, very serious amount of snow over a long time to end up a mile thick.

Also do not forget that you have a waning heliosphere as well as a waning magnetosphere and maybe if climate scientists and other parroting scientists have given this more thought someone might have come up with some plausible possibilities? But no. We have absolutely no idea and nor do I.

Yeah it kinda bugs me when something does not make sense and no one seems to cover it when they state something fantastical .. like ice that is a mile or three thick.

Unfortunately I might have achieved a lot more many years ago had I received more help than hindrance. Unfortunately value does not seem to be placed on someone like me.

A great deal of value is placed on manipulating, controlling, using and evil liars though, eh?


So .. what will be the first drastic effect to occur and what can possibly occur before we even are in an Ice Age be it a mini one or otherwise?

The first thing and could well be on the rise is the number of people with cancer, but at first and with the news media burying the real reason behind the weather, no one will link in to the poles shifting.

The real drastic effect will come down to one of two things .. and these are ..

  • Electronics failures, communication
  • Food Production

Anyone that has grown plants or kept animals from around the world know full well that temperature and humidity is a big factor. Followed by the amount of water and then followed by PH of the soil.

Many things will no longer grow if the temperatures rapidly change and in some places will not have enough time to grow between winters, which are likely to get longer, or not at all because of permanent snow.

Anyone recall them growing meat in a lab and that very expensive hamburger? Yeah that went quiet and I wondered why we hard no more and they had better have been stepping up research, no?

But we do not know at what point this will happen as the pole heads south and what could become before that is interference with electronics and communication because of satellites becoming affected. To think the big news a few years back was satellites being taken out by massive solar flares but now it is the fact that the satellites were previously protected my a magnetosphere that is now weakening. It is theorised that satellites wont be protected at all.

The heliosphere is also theorised to protect Earth. A bubble region the Sun creates that stops a certain level of cosmic rays from reaching Earth's surface, something the magnetosphere also does so losing two levels of protection.

As this has never happened we just do not know .. there may be some theories that might exist due to spacecraft being sent to great distances from the Earth? But then again maybe no one ever imagine this occurring so never stopped to think about it? Or maybe they do know due to the fact they have know for awhile this was going to happen .. but as they are not actively talking about it to the public .. they will not state anything about it .. until such a time that the proverbial cat is out of the bag and will be asked about this?

There is one other thing that will occur prior to the onset of an Ice-Age, can you think what it might be?

OK .. what could possibly occur before any ice that would literally bring a society to a grinding halt?

Now remember .. were not quite sure how the snow and ice will start or how quick it will be but we did have a taste of it. The real onset could be a lot worse and a lot more rapid than what was recently seen in the USA.

So with this a possibility is it not reasonable to wonder if whether or not those rich and powerful in charge of the countries to be the worst affected might flee? Basically leaving no one actually running a country?

There was a story circulating among people online, on Twitter for one, of Britain's Royal Family apparently leaving the country this year of 2019. People were calling bullcrap and the official reason given was Brexit. Those that circulated and commented on this story, mostly laughter, are not even aware of any pole shift, split or talk of an Ice Age and as far as I know I am the only one among my circle of a few thousand people?

I am on GAB and I have had just one lady comment on my posts. So I know there is one. That is out of around 3,000 followers. There is another platform which I hall not mention and there I have had a few people repost things on the Ice Age.

I suspect though this will speed up .. especially once people realise the poles splitting is a thing or officially talked about in the lying mainstream media. They simply wont have a choice before very long.

If there is another Arctic blast or the one they currently have hangs on for a long time then this will also cause people to take notice, start asking questions and begin actively searching for answers.

The Sun's Decreased Activity in 2014 & the BBC ..

Grand Solar Minimum and Arctic Blast Hitting US Channel Adapt 2030

Official Update (NOAA or BGS) from MavericStar Reloaded (Has been building own sensors and monitoring the shifting Poles - Predicted the Poles splitting as well as the Arctic Bast)

NASA & Junk Science by Tony Heller on YouTube

Magnetic North Pole Drifting Towards Russia by Russia Today

Robert Felix Author of 'Not bu Fire But by Ice' talking on Adapt 2030 (Part 1 of 3) ..

Robert Felix Author of 'Not by Fire But by Ice' on Adapt 2030 (Part 2 of 3) ..

Robert Felix Author of 'Not by Fire But by Ice' on Adapt 2030 (Part 3 of 3) ..

Adapt 2030 on Global Cooling ..

Changes in Clouds through Weakened Magnetosphere by Adapt 2030 ..

Mini Ice Age Predicted from January 2017 .. prior to Pole Split and Moving .. now they think it could be Full Ice Age by Adapt 2030 ..

The odd announcement by NASA of space-ports in the UK, space stations orbiting the Moon and a base on its surface ..

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