This has turned out
to be a bad week .. information overload.
I just do not get
this world.
I do not feel
comfortable in this world.
Out today with a
intense feeling of foreboding.
Had to go out .. get
something .. that I need to help .. deal with things and today I
could not return without it. Not today. So a lot of time was spent
sitting on benches and hunched over my walking stick in pain.
It never rains but
it pours.
End fore-note
OK now this one was
meant to be AFTER another post regarding AGW, Leftists, Marxists and
the cult that keep lying to pretend CO2 is warming the planet to
dangerous levels. Well more to do with the battles and the sheer
stupid things and lies they come out with.
I added yet another
series on the Grand Solar Minimum with my last post. I have exposed
many corrupt things and cover-ups with British Government, and
We have not only been
treated as subhuman and as if we were the perpetrators but my
daughter and I have been persecuted in all manner of ways.
- Persecuted directly.
- Persecuted indirectly.
- Persecuted financially.
- Persecuted through children.
My daughter had to flee
the neighourhood she grew up in because of the social workers, Wirral
Council and the Police hounding her constantly as well as doing some
very evil things.
You need to check up
'Country of the Damned' for just SOME of the story and some secretly
recorded aufio with Police Detectives. This shite was going for few
years before that recording in 2011-2012 and still going on today.
You had better believe it.
We had media agents all
over us .. lawyers all over us .. talking and promising all kinds of
things including vast sums of money for our story. I have gone into
this many times on this blog.
Only right now .. I am
awaiting a phone-call. Despite the cancer, having a child taken fro
her and placed with a paedophile father and another with an evil
woman, with three children all with difficulties my daughter did what
I wanted her to do some time ago now.
Enrolled onto a college
She picked up a friend,
a Chinese woman, though I am not sure if this was from college or
some other place?
I was there .. but once
again we got screwed over by the authorities which only seems to
happen if your native and white, I am shamed to say. I have lost tens
of thousands in savings, my car, a home, a business and 90% of my
belongings. Trapped in a hell of a place that have people on the
phone to me going crazy because of my situation in London and WHO I
am trapped with.
Not one impossible
person .. not TWO impossible people but THREE impossible people.
- Nasty socially awkward person that thinks switching the WIFI off for people that are upstairs, whenever he is alone, is funny.
- Fixed a laptop for him over 6 months ago hoping that helping him for free would stop him doing this, it did not
- He has three adult offspring, two women and one man, from first marriage that have refused to talk to him for 30 years
- His current partner has four grown children his stabs in the back constantly and none talk to him
- He gets away with it because his partner is a narcissistic, Marxist socialist and her enabler and agrees with him victimhood
- She thinks her suspected epilepsy that no one has witnessed and not on her medical records is worse than
- Cancer
- Fibromyalgia Syndrome
- Her conditions are .. MANUFACTURED
- She cannot abide anyone else getting any attention at all and demands constant attention all the time
- Lost a cousin that was like a sister to them, now has refused to talk to her for 6 years
- Everyone else has very little to do with her
- Friend of mine thought I was being evil describing her but
- Apologized after meeting her twice, said she was worse than even I described and they visit same place and he and his girlfriend literally duck and run if they see her
- Then there is another that
- Wants to complain constantly
- Does not want to listen to anyone else's complaints
- Not very bright but makes shit up to make himself sound like he is but says utterly, stupidly wrong this that have others staring at him in disbelief
- Only wants to talk about what interests him
- Gets annoyed with you if you have a theory he does not like, would make a good socialist
- Anger management problem
- Rude, nearly got himself thrown out of a car half way to Brighton and NOT by me
- Snappy
- But will talk about the width of a Moth's arse for hours
- Likes to talk about 'burning in' headphones and not a good idea to state that you do not believe in that .. he explodes
- Not spoken for several weeks now
Yeah I am trapped in a
very tiny room, my smartphone has failed in a way I have never seen
My laptop is playing up
in ways I have never come across in 20 years. My desktop is playing
up in odd ways and I am so pushed for space I cannot work here. It is
a little over 8 feet by a little under 6 feet.
Been trying to find
help, figure out a way to get an income back in as I have none
presently and no access to Doctors.
Want to return to my
daughter's. Can help in various ways and with college as I have a
Degree and was offered a PhD place, working in medicine, animals and
computing. Stupidly turned this down as I thought I was too old at
the time and did not want even more debt.
But they started
messing with me and I was not sure why at the time but it seems those
trying to take over you lives now only want certain truths being
Telling the truth about
- British Government
- Leftists
- Donald Trump
- Climate Change
- Rape Gangs
- Terrorists
.. is apparently not
allowed but they do not tell you this .. they just start burying your
links and other things ..
- Google
- Blogger
- Numbers being shown suppressed
- Adsense frozen for 3 years despite ads still showing
- YouTube
- Suppressing my videos for couple years
- many thought me mad but have now seen and in a little doubt
- Same videos posted to YT and BitChute at same time latter did ..
- 6,000% better despite no followers or TAGS?!
- Twitter
- Retweets are deleted
- Followers or knocked off
- Anyone centre-left to moderate right are fully suspended, far-right all went ages ago probably to GAB (only a fraction of users)
- 2,000 followers is considered big if not a celebrity (*sigh* idolisation is our downfall)
- Have had 4,000 followers knocked off
- Still .. I have around 7,000 followers
- Facebook
- Warning over a link posted
- Minds
- Followers shoot up to 997 in 3 months
- Followers drop back to 772
- Followers not reached 1,000 yet after another 8 months
- Posts been deleted, gone missing
- When I put more effort in followers went up to 1,998
- Then GAB radically changed
- Followers went back down to 1,700 plus
- Like Minds .. 8 months later not at 2,000 yet
- WordPress now too
- Refused to link to Electroverse site
- Was consistently getting message from WP to say my blog was booking then just stopped and they stopped coming
- Despite being on social media and promoting it
All these have been
affected .. leaving only very glitchy, not to mention requiring a lot
of work, Parler not doing anything odd.
All the help dried up
as did all the promises and without reason and in the early days my
daughter thought, along with everyone else, this talk was bonkers.
Not me being bonkers just that I was wrong. As did her friends and my
They do not think that
today. In fact now that they know everything is real and are seeing
things for themselves posted on various social media I will tell you
what a social worker, of 25 years, said to me twice recently. Him and
his girlfriend said this and she is a teacher. He is Mediterranean
and she is African.
“We are so fed
up with this country we would like to leave”
He often talks about how I was right all along and for years now as,
as I stated, this all started in 2011 and I had some bold claims for
years up until that point which have since turned out to be true.
He talks about ways of me getting back to my daughter's, odd as four
years ago he was against it and did not believe anything my daughter
was telling me at the time. Different story today.
He was amazed that my daughter had enrolled in college and was
pleased about it and her moving to Wales.
I think I may, or perhaps did not as my memory is bad, have told him
that my daughter has this Chinese woman who seems to be a bit
obsessed with her.
bizarre behaviour but if my daughter spoke to anyone else she would,
right in front of these people too, say things like “Oh
you do not want to have anything to do with them, they are not good
Now when my friend calls me I am going to have to tell him that this
obsession has not got out of hand and that my daughter is scared and
waiting for a phone-call right now as I received a message telling me
this woman broke her door handle?!
That is pretty extreme and now I am wondering exactly who this woman
is and going to have to check her out!
This makes people coming to me saying things like ..
- Keep doing the same thing, you are going the right way
- Do not worry this wont last much longer
- If you do this I will take away your financial problems
My intention was to not only carry on what I was doing but show how
widespread the conspiracy and corruption was. If I could use social
media to increase my viewers five to ten fold, which I have, people
will realise the fact that I am not increasing my revenue means they
are messing with me.
This will soon be beyond a shadow of a doubt.
You see while battling with Marxists on social media who still seem
somehow confident they will get their own way when the proverbial
cat is out of the bag, I got put on a shortlist of people that blew
my mind.
- Tony Heller of YouTube
- Ned Nikolov PhD Planetary Scientist, I believe he is
- Karl Zeller
- Don Smith Radio Show host
- Geraint Hughes author
- Anthony Watts of the most viewed climate change website 'Watts Up With That'
In my battles these are things to remember before I move on ..
- Never had accusations of me lying proved once
- Never been beaten
- Never been disproved
- Blog predictions have mostly been shown to be accurate
- Predictions not yet, like EU falling, still look like they are n the cards, so to speak
Now think about this for a moment .. the previously mentioned people
get a lot of followers on the subject of climate change and get an
income from it. Ad Revenue or donations like Patreon, who tend to now
ban people talking about certain things.
So how come I have not?
I mean I have been put up there with these people and now family and
friends are seeing this and asking themselves questions.
But I also cover ..
- Child Abuse and Rape Gangs
- Police Corruption
- Immigration
- Politics
- Corruption in social services
- Politics around the globe when I can
- Donald Trump
- Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and the elections
- Gilets Jaunes
- NHS corruption
- Ombudsman corruption
Now considering that for all of this I have published ..
- My own recordings, though many are held back as there are far too many to go through
- Had hoped media organisation would take them off my hands, Rebel Media came close but disappeared
- My own documents
- Many links, videos and such
- Other blogs on reptiles, amphibians, fish, orchids, astrophysics and computers, there are 13 in all
Or to put it in the words of my social worker friend who is friendly
with a scientist I know and more and more people are asking ..
“How are you
NOT making any money?!”
“Why have you
had so many people offer to help only to have nothing come of it?!”
“How are you
managing to handle your situation?!”
My answers are normally ..
“I do not know”
to the first two and then ..
“Used to it!
“Sometimes I
Considering my daughter, her health, my grandchildren, one being kept
and we were told by social services without any follow up or
explanation that the missing one had been 'beaten' we presumed by his
More and more people are stunned at the way we have been treated.
One follower on Twitter got the shock of his life after a few months
when he looked at my profile, in the early days, and said “You are
not gonna believe this but we KNOW EACH OTHER PAL!”
Back then I had a few hundred follower and before I lost 4,000 and he
told others ..
“This is the
guy I said told us all this was happening years ago and we all
thought he was mad! We lost contact about 6 years ago after the death
of a mutual friend”
That friend was a socialist and a sane one and we used to talk a few
times a week until 3am about politics and everything going wrong.
Before he died he realised that this country was heading downhill and
was worried for me and out mutual friend about how we going to
survive and cope. I reassured him I would be fine. I ended up not
being fine. As you can see.
Still awaiting this phone-call and I am going to have to check out
this woman. Its highly suspicious as my daughter had someone threaten
her via a game, of all things, on Android. Oddly enough using the
same name as someone who had hounded us on Twitter, 'Nathan'. As it
turned out 'Nathan' on Twitter was not even a guy.
They turned out to be Labour MP Naz Shah who had a meltdown when I
worked out who she was after she insisted I would never find out.
Considering my extremely limited resources, failing equipment and
other handicaps I do not do badly and many admit I do better than
Was in the middle of acquiring better resources when it all went
wrong for the umpteenth time.
the promises were made with me knowing that the world does not stop
until someone, somewhere decides to help. Being told to be patient
would involve another catastrophe and another ad infinitum until such
a time it WOULD stop. And so it has.
So as of right now I am awaiting a call and when it comes will use
that time on the phone venturing outside to do something I .. have
to, to do something embarrassing .. which helps me stop going out of
my mind with all this.
Would it surprise you to learn that this is not the first incident
with us involving a stalker? Nor is it the second or third either!
- Was stalked myself at least twice (Ashton, Andy)
- Was contacted, have recordings, of bizarre women turned to to be linked to GCHQ
- My daughter was stalked at least three times
- What are the chances of any one person getting more than one stalker?
- What are the chances of this happening to one woman and her father?
Now despite the horror stories do you think it could actually get any
How about ..
- We both have health conditions considered to be bad disabilities
- Despite all else ..
- British Government and Public Services NOW wont recognise them as such
- Either to save money, censor us or more than likely BOTH?
- Fibromyalgia affects us both
- Pain in feet, ankles, legs back, shoulders, fingers and others
- Memory Issues
- Skin Issues
- Heart affected badly
- Now losing sensation in my right foot
- Hypomagnesaemia which itself potentially fatal
- Anxiety, well go figure
- Long list not going into and have done so previously
- Eyesight is worsening now too
- Trigeminal Neuralgia with my daughter
- Social Worker friend it Type 1 Diabetic and he thought his was insane and not is cared (wanted to leave country) as they have been messing him around too
- Also have hernias as has my daughter, one strangulated needed operation on
- Cervical Cancer with daughter need op on so we have that to worry about coming back
How about two autistic children they lied about? Refuse to give help
friend Mario often now gets told when he tells me they have tried to
screw him over “Well think, if they can screw over
children then no one is safe”
The problem with continuing, and its been eight years thus far, as
people keep encouraging you to do is your running down the proverbial
tunnel and the faster you run the further the light seems to get from
Here is yet another insane facet to our issues ..
I know and the science backs it up from many areas we are n a stage
of global cooling and I have had sites refuse to post links to
Electroverse, Facebook and WordPress now.
If they tell you its been the four hottest years ever they are lying
.. an autumn that is exactly like a bad January has already affected
countless countries and it is predicted to get worse.
A meteorologist is predicting a record breaking winter for the UK. He
follows me on social media.
It can only get a lot worse until 2027 and many think we are in for a
big freeze and all the craziness you see is to keep you angry and
disguise this fact. I call it Project Distraction. Even hashtag it as
Warming of the globe depends on solar maximums in the solar cycle
which has gotten lowers and longer over the last 12 years.
2014 was too low to warm hence the harsher, colder and longer
winters. The solar maximum due around 2014, was originally supposed
to be 2022, to 2015 and counting is also predicted to be half that of
2014. Meaning that it has to continue getting colder until sometime
after 2037 at the earliest.
As a friend of mine knows and a few others I am battling against the
sands of time.
It is my belief and I have posted about this before than when the
reality of the situation dawns on everyone the money markets will
crash and its likely to render currency worthless when it does.
Now originally I thought this was likely to happen around the years
2023 to 2025 when this global realisation takes place.
However for the past few months I have started to think, but not all
on my side see it happening this early, that it could happen by June
|Oops .. it is a few hours later and I have now had two phone-calls
from two people .. my daughter first and then the social worker who
got to hear the shite I am about to divulge on here.
I am now expecting another phone-call from each of them.
This is what I knew of this stalked up until today
- Oriental in late twenties
- Married to a guy a lot older then her
- Parents live four streets away
- Seem to recall something about a take-away food store?
- Name starts with 'S' is all I will say at this point, despite being told she used a false name
Suspicious minds and all that and rarely wrong on my gust instincts,
if ever, I asked a series of questions and this is what I now know ..
- They were met at college
- They have upset other people that get friendly with my daughter
- They contacted a relative when my daughter refused to answer and told them my daughter was dead in her house
- They have messaged other people, messages are going to be sent to me
- She claims to be Malaysian
- A tutor discovered she had dropped out of another course on catering
- It now turns out they have used false names
- Who manages to enroll in any college, school or university under false names?
- No one at the college knows her, nobody from the other course recognizes her
- She has broken a door handle trying to get into my daughter's house
- No one has seen her before and nor ..
- Have they seen her mystery husband
- Nor have they seen either of her parents
- Tutors and others have expressed shock at their behaviour stating that even for a man stalking this would be over the top and scary .. but a WOMAN?!
My social worker friend's reaction was “what the fuck?!”
She had a Mike and a Nathan and an ex-husband and others stalk her.
Stalked by Police as well as social workers.
I have had ..
- Someone move things around in a garden at a previous address, NOT NEIGHBOURS
- Different someone tried to forced their way into my house with crowbar
- Police involved in both, have recording of forensics visit .. somewhere
- These were around three and six years ago
- Odd person contacted me via a contact site, later turned out to be GCHQ linked and she disappeared along with her profile that was far too perfect
- Stalked on social media and that numbers in the dozens, one called Nathan who later turned out to be Naz Shah MP, she had a team of at least three people, was literally called a super-stalker by dozens of my followers
So what I stated to my daughter was that either ..
- She is a registered stalker with something on her record and hence why she changes the name or ..
- She is another in a long line of people that could well be government
- The use of false names is not easy
- The fact that no one seems to have any knowledge of her is highly suspicious
- If this is the more sinister choice then I expect they will vanish into thin air next
Being government is not that much of a stretch .. contrary to the way
people normally react .. these people are not fantasy and they do
No doubt watch people they see as a threat .. to whatever it is.
As I have had previous involvement where they were first interested
in hiring me and later I helped them stop a terrorist attack at the
London Olympics they did not acknowledge my involvement over ..
Then later started publishing and posting .. SOME of the recordings
they have no doubt been watching me for some time.
This seem to be only obvious to me .. and one other man I know who
worked for Cambridge University who warned me way back when I started
8 or 9 years ago “Be careful .. they will be watching you now!”
while we sat in a pub in Enfield Town called The George.
Since that day the number of catastrophes, screw-ups and stabs in the
back have numbered in the dozens.
There is a very good reason my social worker friend often says he is
utterly stunned at what we have been put through over and over again
for a decade now.
Started this blog because I was already fed up with things and needed
a way to try and keep track of what was going on.
At the exact same time I could warn others.
While also in times with enough people I could support myself
financially or get help with all of this crap.
Was actually signed up with the government to be self-employed only
for them to pull the rug from under me two weeks after I was
self-employed. Do you reckon they decided to look at my blogs and
realised what I was doing?
This was a few months after my ad revenue froze.
Been trying to keep it going for 8.5 years trying everything I can to
get as many people as I can to the blogs so that Google might realize
they cannot keep the revenue frozen while still placing adverts on
the site?
Here is an idea of what it is like on one level at this location and
upon hearing this many people are going to lose it on the phone ..
Bearing in mind people here have just found out my daughter as a
stalker .. and not forgetting everything else
- Was told I was being given a washing up bowl for this room, 8ft by 5.8ft to was up plates
- Upon asking why I was told I was washing them in the bathroom and getting .. wait for it ..
- Spaghetti Bolognese up the walls and on the shower head?!
- Thinking to myself what a farcking nuthouse I am in .. ask the if they have lost their mind and the answer is ..
- Well no one else is doing it
Here is what else I have noticed while here
- The selfish tw@t none of 7 children will have anything to do with
- claims half the fridge for himself in a house with four people in it
- Food and milk mysteriously goes missing
- A jar of sliced pickled gherkins that had gone off ..
- I later realised were in a jar that was for whole gherkins
- Jars of things that are 75% full one day are gone the next
- Have a pot of Heritage Ground Pepper in my room because I found it full of salt
- Now spoken to someone else who thinks he is a weirdo .. he knew about the food and sauce in the shower as he had found it himself .. he now realises its not me
- Told him about the gherkins and we think now he is trying
Here are some screen-shots
feelings today were .. weird.
feeling of being alone and cut off .. due to the above. My last post
and first for months got out of hand. Annoyed with myself as I am
sure I have missed things out.
a series of other things with the stalking and deliberate food
poisoning and then today I got some other news. Which kind of made
sense and I had some slight suspicions.
have not learnt to trust my gut instincts despite how many times
those instincts turn out to be correct.
has to be the most uncomfortable I have felt with a feeling of
loneliness I think I have ever felt my entire life?
End footnote
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