Thursday 11 April 2019


Bullshit Detection Alert: SOLAR CYCLES ..

So this is from 'The Watchers' website which is quite good for information but is regarding a panel on Solar Cycles from NOAA. Kind of like Britain's BGS and their official body for these things .. so kinda think NASA if your not familiar.

"Scientists charged with predicting the Sun’s activity for the next 11-year solar cycle say that it’s likely to be weak, much like the current one - Solar Cycle 24. The current cycle is declining and predicted to reach solar minimum late in 2019 or 2020. The next peak activity is expected between 2023 and 2026"

Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel experts said Solar Cycle 25 may have a slow start, but is anticipated to peak with solar maximum occurring between 2023 and 2026, and a sunspot range of 95 to 130"

Right .. it is supposed to arrive in 2022 and it cannot currently before 2024 if the cycle rises TODAY!

Will get to this prediction momentarily to reverse the cooling it needs to be above 130 .. the higher the faster the reversal .. but still take TWO YEARS minimum for effect

"This is well below the average number of sunspots, which typically ranges from 140 to 220 sunspots per solar cycle"

Can be as high as 300 .. consecutively high peaks will gradually raise the temps up .. I.E. Global Warming ..

"However, the panel has high confidence that the coming cycle should break the trend of weakening solar activity seen over the past four cycles"

Nothing on the data can give anyone any confidence of any kind .. and they are so dull of confidence that it then states ..

"We expect Solar Cycle 25 will be very similar to Cycle 24: another fairly weak cycle, preceded by a long, deep minimum" said panel co-chair Lisa Upton, Ph.D., solar physicist with Space Systems Research Corp

Yup .. as you can see extremely high confidence considering we are in a solar minimum that is twice as long as the previous longest minimum on the back of three consecutive drops in the numbers of average Sunspots at the Solar Cycle peaks with itself as never occurred before ..

"Solar Cycle 24 reached its maximum - the period when the Sun is most active - in April 2014 with a peak average of 82 sunspots"

That peak was late .. and was predicted by SOMEONE ELSE who I suggest people pay more attention to. Look up my blog post 'The Solar Prediction' which contains a link to a video of said prediction in 2012.

Also note that less than 100 Sunspots has not occurred for 170 years and a third drop in a row has not occurred since PRIOR to the Maunder Minimum.

These people are completely full of it and I am totally amazed they are paid for their positions. The only thing they are doing here is trying not to panic using nothing more than the mathematical odds of these events occurring or getting worse. We all call this 'GAMBLING'.

"there is no indication that we are currently approaching a Maunder-type minimum in solar activity"


Torsional Oscillations, Three consecutive drops in peak average Sunspots number which has not happened post Maunder Minimum, less then 100 Sunspot last peak not happened for 170 years, no mention of the confirmed connection in volcanic eruptions which have increased and DO contribute to a global cooling. No mention of Sunspots and wheat prices as first noted by William Herschel. Record Snowfall, records broken for low temperatures, animal migration of kilt. Rise in UV rays, rise in cosmic rays, spreading up of poles shifting, magnetosphere weakening, Global Positioning Systems being reprogrammed 18 months ahead of schedule, scientists lying about very obvious increase in seismic activity on BBC News 24, same BBC News stating in 2024 that were heading for a mini ice-age .. need I go on?

At the same time .. would like to know exactly how they decide on indicators for one thing that has hot occurred for 350 years and others for tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands.

But are ignoring a dozen data sets mostly with unprecedented or unusual results.

Quite bizarre too that they are also not mentioning another cooling minimum, known as the Dalton Minimum and this was POST Little Ice Age of the Maunder Minimum, or even cooling in general, no?

Notice also that is clearly stated that which I put for the average Sunspots in my blog, 82 to 85 ish, and YET .. what does the chart on the page show? It shows clearly around 120 Sunspots with a ghosted image looking similar.

Now they are expecting the same or higher .. well it needs to be a lot higher otherwise it will just get colder .. only at a slower pace. Two years minimum delay do not forget? Well other people are expecting a peak, of of course we get one at all, to be 60 or less .. which will also be bad news.

Last chance at #ProjectDistraction

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I appreciate that. Sometimes I get carried away .. normally dealing with pain and/or short term memory issues so its a bit tough quite often.
