Sunday 7 April 2019


It would appear that long with my three or four pronged assault on all of those that are corrupt, evil and lie .. nature seems to have its own ideas at matching me and even trumping me.

The world seems to be going mad and large groups are acting like crazy people and believe dishonesty, threats and violence are OK?

Governments are not only betraying their own people but are beating them and killing them and I am talking about Europe .. not North Korea.

Civil Wars look inevitable in a growing number of countries.

And now it looks like the Sun has gone into a dormant mode which will mean colder and longer winters for several years and maybe even an ice-age, looking very likely right now.

Now as far as mine were concerned ..

Muslims raping under-age girls and the Police, Courts, Social Workers and Governments turning a blind eye to it.

Several organisations trying very hard to shut me up .. because of something I was saying and paying groups to hound me online. Governments refusing all my right and despite being disabled with potentially fatal conditions no access to money, help or even advice.

Failures over children by social services and there tricks to set mothers up for things that they did not do so that they can take the children away from them.

So me and nature had some pretty extreme things on the go for a number of years .. though it seemed to be trumping me without me realising it was doing this.

Would you believe it might be me realising it was trumping me that the powers that be were scared of and the odd thing is this ..

The past few weeks the weather and temperature changes that are occurring and will be coming has had something eating away at me. As well as importing a disease from overseas by way of foolishly letting in all these undesirable people without the proper checks, undoing years and trillions of pounds/euros/dollars of work fir disease prevention I thought another might crop up?

Animals and humans do not do well in temps that swing around all over the place and even now my sister is messaging about the weather swinging around all over the place. Another friend that thought I was wrong without looking at the data stated it was warm. Yeah .. it was at the time and does not mean a fucking thing. Oddly since it went very cold several days ago he has not said a bloody word about it.

Well it turns out mother nature thought it might move into a check-mate position as I heard, from Tim Pool of all people, that a drug resistant fungus called Candida auris has been spreading quite badly and they have been keeping very hush about it.

North America has had over a thousand cases in Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia. In fact the page I will ink below goes on to state that another 1056 cases have been found in addition to 1,000 plus cases in the states I have listed here.

You know a lot of governments and people in power and obsessed with money are going to find out within one to five years the pitfalls and consequences of keeping secrets and lies.

Added to this a lot of naïve people that decided in their infinite wisdom to 'buy their heads in the sand' because 'that is the way that it is' and attitudes like 'well what can you do about it?' are going to learn the hard way that we can never allow it to get like this ever again.

Tim Pool mentioned Great Britain too and one has to wonder if these were these cases of an unusual disease that had people in alert that then went quiet, never to be heard of again?

My daughter even asked about that.

You see after I watched the video I have linked below I recalled some people that had come into the UK that had been hospitalised and with a shroud of secrecy regarding as to why.

This has even happened in the Liverpool area and was they were not stating what it was I had to message my daughter not to go near any hospitals in the city .. because I do not trust the NHS in the UK to be either 1) Honest or 2) Competent .. and they refused to announce what was up with these people. In fact its like what a year later? I am finding out from a honest news reporting guy in America?

Stunning that they keep these secrets and the reasons they would give have been a reality for decades and yet they have done fuck all about it.

  • Stock Market
  • Money Flow
  • Banks
  • Rich

Done .. no .. thing.

Oddly you can get that they think that it is their God given right to be the ones to continue on living above all others, right?

  • Never dealt with any problems
  • Lied to their people
  • Stood with proverbial whips behind the sick and disabled
  • Kept secrets
  • Used people as slave labour
  • Been biased and not fair across the board
  • Created Taxes from Lies
  • Climate Change Hoax
  • Disregarded Child Rape Victims
  • Paedophile Rings Ignored with ..
    • BBC
    • Politicians
    • Muslims
  • Taxes used for their self-preservation
  • Global Cooling Data Comes out bit by bit for a decade
  • Grand Solar Minimum Talk starts FIVE YEARS AGO
  • Record Breaking Cold starts THREE YEARS OR MORE AGO
  • Fake News Silent
    • On Record Snow in unprecedented amounts and never before seen place
    • Flooding in record amounts and never before seen places
    • Fluctuating temperatures
    • Animals across Earth behaving in strange ways and turning up in the wrong places
    • All of which suggest diseases and viruses may occur .. especially with mass migration
    • Yet seen not a single safety video or health warning video I used to see on TV as a child

Think about it .. we have spent how much on the prevention and eradication of disease over the years? Huge organisations to fight and battle the spread of disease?

Same with battling climate and saving animals? Charities helping different groups and areas on TV in adverts with their caps in hand begging you for money. Charities, climate change, carbon and God knows what else.

Yet I published a video from the 1970's narrated by Leonard Nimoy that stated that an ice-age was coming.

They built the Svalbard Seed Vault in the 1980's but no one seemed to know about this until well over a decade, maybe even two, later?

January 2011 its predicted the Sun will go dormant.

Inn 2013 the Sun goes dormant far quicker and for far longer then they expected.

Does this not suggest that they have known all along? As I have stated all along that there IS something coming but I did not know what and they they knew about it and were preparing?

Now quickly .. back to the charities and the taxes .. quick now .. and think fast ..

What can you recall happening from all that money? From all those taxes to battle things and all those charities .. quick now .. what?

Starting to sound like the biggest con and lie in the history of mankind?

From those that have appointed themselves worthy survivors and leaders of mankind?

Who could have come up with safeguards over the years to avoid keeping secrets so that people had plenty of time to think, prepare, work collectively and come up with the best answers and solutions to an upcoming global disaster?

If you doubt this .. and think that your doubts matter I have a wake up call for you ..

  • The data means something to me and I am factual
  • If they mean something to me they will mean something to the rich, powerful and governments of the world too
  • THEY .. will make plans .. and then you have ..
  • COBRA and FEMA and God knows what else

The chances are that we are going to face a major and global health issues and I imagine that this could occur in the next two to five years .. during the whole time that the temperatures fluctuate.

These fluctuations are going tp be hard to predict as to where ad for how long, though I am getting a feel that the largest and longest fluctuations will be Europe. Unless the data, or more specifically a vector .. changes.

It may not even be from this new Candida auris fungus and may well be some strand of influenza or something else?

When masses of people were let into countries unchecked the one thing everyone with any intelligence and sanity asked along with the lack of money, infrastructure, jobs and health service resources and money was ..

  • What if your importing diseases?

Do not recall a single fake news outlet asking about this? Other than the stories about people being hospitalised which then quickly got forgotten about. Or rather, ignored.

It is truly staggering that with the amount of evidence that exists in all the numerous and various fields of science just how all of this has been ignored. Well all except one brief interview with either a seismologist or volcanologist on BBC News 24

Why has activity increased?” was the question put while a snap back was the following ..

Not its not, it just appears as if it has because of social media” and well yeah .. because social media has only been around for 5 minutes .. or 6 months .. ooooh waaiiiiiit .. he LIED!

Yeah .. he lied.

I spoke about this with people at the time and its extremely likely I posted about on on this blog that he lied and I KNEW he lied. I did not need to view the graphs and figures to know that he lied.

I have sice look at the graphs and the figures to know that he lied and I never once recalled that lying moron and his lies on BBC News 24 and do you know why?

Because I knew immediately that he lied!

Now are we effing THERE YET?!

Some people do not know and trust authorities to lead them, inform them and hold their hands.

Some people have the ability to get enough of an idea, know they are being lied to but do not want to know and therefore stick their heads in the sands.

Some people are so full of hatred and want to blame the rich and the powerful that they in fact risk their own lives, the lives of their loved ones and anywhere from hundreds to millions and even billions of people by refusing to look at the data.

Stupid as the blaming of the rich and powerful can the come later from keeping everyone in the dark and turning everyone against each other and using stupid, naïve and full of hate Muslims to do it.

Yup I even tried to give the socialists and the leftists the ammunition they wanted to go after those that they hate and they simply refused to listen or even check.

Inevitably costing the lives they claim to be trying to save.


Oddly this was known to only the wrong people .. who knew I could work it out, knew I was factual, knew I had periods of high popularity in my life .. but shy away from the limelight .. knew people would pay attention.

As for those that could help and realise what I knew coming forward? Yeah never really happened to date.

As for those that knew what I could potentially achieve and wanted to stop it?

Yup .. if I stated that they queued around the block as they do when a new iPhone comes out that would be a fair comparison. Its in the hundreds at a minimum and only if we think one person had more than one account most of the time.

As for accounts its probably in the thousands.

Here is a break down of where and how many .. see if yu can work anything out?

  • Minds ..
    • ZERO
  • Facebook ..
    • ZERO
  • GAB ..
    • ZERO
  • Twitter ..
    • ALL OF THEM!

Want to know why?

Because when they realise they needed to keep secrets their absolutely worst enemy and website that could send things going viral very quickly was .. what?


So when they realised they were being censored and yet did not even realise all the reasons why they went off and created something very similar called GAB .. and that got a lot of attention from the media and false claims its right-wing extremists.

Because with as many people or even more .. things can get around a lot more quickly than they do on Twitter. Because as everyone knows Twitter also fecks with your tweets, retweets, pinned tweets and your followers. Then of course there is the shadow banning when you only implement when you KNOW your in the wrong or doing things that are either immoral, illegal or indeed BOTH.

Trust me on this .. when I came back to Twitter after ignoring it for years I could have slapped myself silly.

After messing around with it for two weeks I got 5 bans, to my shock, and 200 followers and my most viewed blog only had 290 after 6 years and I realised that with just one or two weeks, shadow bans or not I could reach 300 followers before any of my blogs did.

If only I had realised this 3 years before! The amount of hell and heartache I could have avoided .. and the pain and anxiety for my family. So annoying.

But then a whole bunch of charities, government agencies and public services were approached and I was told ..

  • 'Nothing doing'

  • 'Talk about it it will solve everything while I get paid to do fuck all' or ..

  • 'Yeah will will help until a week after you sign this document and will then pull everything' and even ..

  • 'Oh someone stole £35,000 from your inheritance? Yeah despite being informed both pre and post death were NOT GOING TO BOTHER INVESTIGATING'.

  • Now its 'Your going in the right direction, its lasted 20 years but wont last forever .. just keep going!'

The western world has been very wrong, doing things very wrong and lying for a very, very long time and that has allowed the enemies that hate us because of the actions of those that govern us to rape and murder us while stealing everything from us.

No I do not mean socialism is the answer as that will be very clearly worse .. just that the Conservatives are not really conservatives and have not been for a long time and act like a bunch of bean counters.

Said this for years and people might have disagreed .. they have in real life but unfortunately and as some have admitted .. I got everything right.

All my major predictions .. no matter how unlikely, no matter the odds and in all cases regardless of what the entire fake news media of the western world told you .. I GOT IT RIGHT.

Out of dozens of major predictions I have yet to get anything wrong in nealry 7 years of blogging and 15 years or more of predicting.

One day people might look at all this, realise I am telling the truth, am being factual and have got this right too?

One .. day? Perhaps before it is too late?

Tim Pool on Candida auris ..

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