Saturday 6 April 2019


People are very bizarre creatures. Many of them think they are right and the rest of the world is wrong but mostly keep this to themselves.

Get enough of them together that think similarly and they start getting loud. A biggish number and they think they have the right to dictate to others and control them.

They then push and push and push and destroy communities and then towns, cities, counties, entire countries and then the world ..

  • Because everyone else is evil apparently?

5 minute ad on Google .. PragerU while watching this and boy did they rail on leftists and I was shocked that YouTube even allowed this advert and I have absolutely no idea who PragerU are.

There seems to be these evil people .. or really, really, really .. stupid people as I have not quite worked it out. That are or have become leftists .. and like to talk down to everyone else like we are idiots while they themselves sound like idiots. They are nasty, dirty, evil scumbags of the highest and most immoral order. A few steps from the devil of himself.

Here them talk .. sorry, sorry my bad .. PREACH and you would be forgive for thinking that they are the archangel Gabriel in the flesh. With lots of love for everyone and everything and no .. that is not a force for good and how it works .. it is a force for evil.

  • Hurt feelings outweigh ..
    • Physical pain
    • Mental Pain
  • Hate Speech
    • Anything the left do not agree with
  • Boy Scouts Destroyed
  • Leftism only Destroys
    • It does not build
  • Gender
    • Indoctrination
    • Teaching children there are no boys and girls
    • Except you cannot teach AUTISM this falsehood
  • Politics Destroyed
    • See Bottom
  • Escapism Destroyed
    • Star Wars Destroyed
    • Star Trek Destroyed
    • Ghostbusters Destroyed
    • Doctor Who Destroyed
    • Mainstream UK TV Destroyed
    • PC Gaming Destroyed
    • Xbox Gaming Destroyed
    • Playstation Gaming Destroyed
  • Journalism Destroyed
    • BBC Set people up now and have done fo5 15 years
    • All national tabloids ignored grooming gangs
    • They also ignored evidence
    • As did BBC News, Sky News, C4 News, C5 News ITV News,

What I find odd is that the leftists are being used and do not even know it .. they worship the likes of Google, Twitter, Facebook and the others because they help them keep those they do not agee with offline.

The people that get a number of people that are the equivalent to entire nations work for them for free and for years, yeah lest time I checked leftists that was slavery.


And what do you do? Go running around to the people already so angry they break through the glass ceiling you created of politically correct nonsense and speak out and you attack them like packs of Wolves .. fuck me one leader even calls himself @oldwolf1778 or some bollocks or the other.

Oh that is the leader of Resisting Hate and he ripped into me after I destroyed all his pawns .. and he was laughing and calling me an idiot over astrophysics using Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity to prove me wrong.

Ex teacher or some such? Ex head teacher or some such?

Yeah? Nit fucking science it wasn't because after telling me nothing moves faster than the speed of light in the universe I spent two hours explaining this, though he kept laughing and insulting me .. and we was watched by a lot of people ..

.. and yeah once I let him dig himself in like a starved tick ..

.. I proved it to him.

Ran and blocked me with everyone laughing at him.

Asked Brian Cox some stuff about climate change and astrophysics .. well it seemed that my reputation preceded me .. blocked without so much as an answer.

Hmm just been listening to MaverickStar Reloaded while typing this out, he monitors the magnetosphere and .. well .. sounds awful like someone has been reading my blog? Lol.

Well he would not be the first to read the series about an approaching ice-age as author David Montaigne has been talking to me on one blog.

His book, Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced, is available on Amazon.

I really must give out my phone number and email addresses to those I trust more on the various social media and blogs but how do I do that with such a large bloody hit squad after me who are chasing ghosts just as it has been planned for them.?

Funny that .. an ice-age coming and how stupid are people?

Well you figure it out ..

  • Climate Scientists make predictions for next two decades non of which come true ..
  • Leftists still believe them and call everyone else evil and stupid ..
    • Because they want to blame evil white and rich men
  • Climate Sceptics say it is not CO2 .. or man .. get predictions bang on for two decades
  • Leftists call them tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists ..
    • Because they just so want it to be those that they love to hate soo bloody much

Now do you see why I call the stupid morons? Because they fucking are and other stupid morons like Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde stop me from making them see the light.

Well maybe those two are not stupid morons? But for that to be true they would therefore have to be lying, evil, amoral bastards who are acting out of self-preservation with the grand plan of wiping out the worst of humanity and Islam .. and Africa by allowing the worst to move into the UK, Europe and the USA .. oh and Canada so that a vast majority of the worst of humanity will get wiped out?

It is what I would do .. I just would not sacrifice the best of my own people while protecting the worst of my own people to achieve this.

Let me give you some mass psychology 101 Jack and Vijaya and every other absolute moron pout there ..

  • When people are angry enough to speak out ..
    • Bullying them only gets them even more angry
    • Silencing them only gets them even more angry
    • Suspending them off social media only gets them even more angry
    • Acting traitorous only gets them even more angry
    • Being condescending, patronizing, lecturing or just a fucking ass in general ..
    • Will get them even more angry
    • Absolutely NOTHING .. gives you the right to act in any of the ways above
    • Continue and a war will start and you can picture what will happen when all of those angry people that have been oppressed for years, yes your OPPRESSIVE NAZIS, get their hands on you?

Yeah .. I predicted what would happen if you persisted upon the course you have been on for two decades.

I approached and tried to tell you of this on social media.

I tried to tell you directly ass all other attempts were indeed thwarted.

But strange that as all offers of help towards me and my daughter were also pulled at the eleventh hour.

Oddly the latest bloody buzzword is 'article' and no one even noticed and whether this is stopping the UK from leaving the EU or .. silencing people on social media and the Internet in general.

It is like this ban on conspiracy theorist videos on YouTube I heard they were going to introduce .. and I was like .. wait a minute?

  • Soo the History Channel can make Conspiracy Theory videos now and air them but ..
  • An individual working for themselves now cannot?
  • Sounds a lot like a certain troll who recently has been ordering me offline ..
  • Ordering me to stop blogging ..
  • Ordering me to get a .. JOB?!

Make no mistake .. they are trying to stop something from spreading around .. a piece of news that will disrupt everything. Something that could bring entire nations to a halt. Because that scares the shit out of them.

As I said before .. worldwide and utter madness requires a single global reason.

  • Is it more likely that its tens of thousands if problems causing the tens of thousands of mad things going on ..
  • .. that it is just one or two very big things causing the tens of thousands of instances of madness going on?
  • Now do not be a muppet now!

Or let us put it another way ..

  • Oh shit everything is slowly going nuts, why are they doing this?
  • Oh shit .. they just did that? Do they know something? Nahhhh .
  • Oh shit everything is rapidly going nuts, did they actually just do that?!
  • Oh shit .. they just did this? Hmm do they know something is coming?
  • Oh effing crap! Did I just watch what I think I just watched?
  • Oh effing crap! Did they say what I think they just said?
  • Oh crap were all those other things I just read about for real?!
  • Oh shit .. yeah .. something is coming and like I suspected they God damn knew it!!
  • Ooooh that is why they have been doing ll this other crap!

Anyway ..

As this series was being posted .. the one that had super-stalked me started to do some cart-wheeling. After being caught having a go at a bunch of what appeared to be feminists, I am not sure which kind, of which he was accused of ..

  • Being a misogynist, which is odd as he was now coming across as a man that identified as a woman .. or that was the intention?
  • Caught out several times yet again for not being British, was 4 or 5 but he later lied and said there was only one

Well he also was going a little crazy on my spam folder and was twisting like a proverbial kite in a hurricane and was all over the place.

He had this habit if suddenly declaring he had more important things to do when he was beaten to which he would spend 6 to 48 hours licking his wounds and then come back.

Now this was happening on a daily basis and in the last few days this was happening twice a day on occasion, He also started to appear to be getting weary, though as it turned out later not when it came to jumping on threads and insulting people.

Oh my God .. leftists and their logic .. conversation ..

  • People really dislike Trump”
  • Me: “No they really don't”
  • Them: Sarcastic look and rolling eyes “Yeaah .. THEY DO I read about it on the [INTERPRAT]”
  • Me: “No .. they really don't dislike him and the facts speak for themselves!”
  • Them: “What facts?!”
  • Me: “He is the President”
  • Them: “Being the President does not mean you cannot be disliked”
  • Me: “Yeah but he is liked so why are centre-left people like Tim Pool saying he is going to win yet again and some say a landslide?”
  • Them: Just laughter like reality does not mean anything because one prat on the Internet somewhere said something they agree with
  • Their statement was “Nobody likes Trump”
  • Except tens of millions voted for him and that number looks certain to be higher and ..
  • Yes this person also knows that the Russia Collusion thing came to nothing
  • Five minutes before this statement it was also explained that MSNBC and CNN among others leftist news outlets lost millions on viewers
  • Guarenteed they sill cry to people about how stressed out she is that I think I am right all the time
  • Yeah I am RELATED to this person who also causes massive chest pains with me and aggravates, knowingly, many extremely painful and potentially dangerous conditions in what has become a prison I cannot escape from

Very often I just hope that I get hit by a truck or a bus and this is not specific to me either .. I just suffer more than most.

Tells everyone what a hard like she has worried about her grand-children .. when one child with three grand-children does not speak to her because she does not give a shit about her grand-children. One of those grand-children is an adult and he wont even answer messages from her.

She does not ask about my daughter or my grand-children and yet .. my daughter has had cervical cancer, abdominal hernia and trigeminal neuralgia and was a repeat victim of Muslim grooming gangs to which the social services and the Police covered up for over 7 years.

Recordings to those conversations with Detectives can be found in the post 'Country Of The Damned' while very soon I will include recordings with the social services.

Yup and all that was in the last year .. she had two of three surgeries performed and despite knowig all year that they were coming up .. it was a month after the second surgery this virtue signalling socialist had it thrown in her face when she was moaning she does not get enough attention or everything her own way.

Oddly I have a social worker friend and he and his teach girlfriend literally duck and run, yeah yeah that is literally, if they see this one walking towards them at a boot sale they both frequent in the warmer months.

This couple had thought that two of her children were nasty and horrible about her when they first heard. They had figured that no one on Earth and no mother could be that bad.

Fast forward a few months and this social worker and his girlfriend apologise to us and say this ..

“We are sooo sorry. We thought you was really evil saying the things that you did and used to talk about how shocked we were at your descriptions. But after meeting her just a few times .. we realise she is not just as BAD as you made her out to be .. she is far, far worse and you were actually being KIND!! The crazy part about it all is she thinks she is the best mother in the world?!”

Today a week does not go by where he does not say to me at some point the following things

How is the [SOCIALIST'S NAME] Appreciation Society going?” to ..

How you have coped for so long being there I do not know .. you deserve a medal” and ..

Yeah you cannot talk to her because she has to make it all about her”

I have had to put up with that .. hundreds of trolls from thee organisations reporting me to suspend me, Google using me as slave labour for Blogger and YouTube .. my numbers being messed with and for something I worked on for over 8 years .. with government support that was then pulled, m disability pulled twice .. lied to by the NHS .. massive potentially fatal errors which are still ongoing. Severe memory issues and many areas of pain that include my feet, back and now hands along with memory loss and a medical record that read like a work of Tolstoy.

What do I get?

Oh just keep going, it wont last forever it will all get better soon”

Think I need to check under my bed because many people seem to think I am the proud owner of the Elder Wand?

Britain now feels like the Hotel California from the song by The Eagles .. but even checking-out your not allowed to do .. because of legal crap or religious crap that is ignored when it is just about anything else.

Anyway .. rant .. over ..

So want it to be over ..

So then back to the other hell I have to endure .. without a single vice to comfort me for any of the living hells .. because income is very literally non-existent now .. for a variety of reasons I know now how to deal with ..

Hence why sometimes I talk about how good it would be to team up with someone .. all my key equipment is problematic in one way or another and I am constantly terrified on a daily basis I will lose one or other of them?

So after getting a verbal battering from me .. he falls back onto his old tricks, remember this is someone who has tried to befriend me five times?

My social worker friend and eve my daughter stated they thought this person had a sexual obsession over me and even wondered at one point if they was a woman .. or gay? That was many months ago too!

But here he comes for like the 20th time with me being a failure as a father and .. of course .. calls me a monster .. blames all things that went wrong on me .. no one else's fault. Nope defintitely was not the Muslims who raped her and she ended up with two children under-age .. no-no-no. Not the authorities for not supporting her and refusing disability for her or her three children while threatening to take the children away after spending 20 years covering up their shite? No-no-no. Nor was it the Police for nto locking anyone up despite exhibits 'A' and 'B' in the evidence locker being not ONE but TWO children.

Yeah in case you missed it .. or I did not put up enough screen-shots this person went 100,000 miles to defend the EU .. the Police .. and Social Services.

Odd then that not only realising that the social services and local councils of the UK have a hard-left attitude that includes treating white victims as if they were the perpetrators but ..

Since found out Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of cover ups and the EU have had their greasy little fingers within the local councils and social services and I for one want to know ..


Yeah .. those that know me very well .. well everyone except the socialist in the family .. and another whose not very bright and thinks everything is simple but never gets anything right ..

.. everyone else wonders how I have not gone totally insane.

It is a crying shame that the social worker is only on my Facebook friends and not on Twitter as he could then confirm many things I have blogged about.

Well I say that as, as I told someone earlier .. I have collected an absolute mountain of evidence and though the frequency has dropped right off .. I still am .. except ..

You would think that after almost 7 years or blogging and closing in on a million views that just a single person or organisation out there .. SOMEWHERE .. might make a genuine effort to get their hands on everything I have, no?

And so come the labels and insults from Anti-Populist .. monster, failure a a father and he even told people I had abused my own daughter he wanted to defend Muslims that badly. That was how I first thought he was a Muslim. He later put up a photo of him looking very tanned .. but insisted he was white. Might not have actually been him of course?

The trouble with him was this ..

  • Suspected he was not a leftist
  • Though he was more sinister
  • Meaning it was going to be bloody hard to find out
  • Who he was
  • What he stood for and above all ..
  • Why and who paid him

He liked to claim that everyone on Twitter thought I was crazy and what he did not know was he was right .. they thought I was crazy for continuing to deal with him.

Yeah but when they are as obsessed as this one is there simply is not getting away from them .. you can ignore the account name but there really is no way, thanks to Twitter's idiocy .. or indeed intentions, they just come back.

Besides .. I dealt with government .. that's what this blog was all about. I have dealt with clandestine organisations and their aloofness. I dealt with terror cells too. I am enraged to the point where I long to be hit by a bus .. and I want JUSTICE OR DEATH .. soo .. what was the likelihood I was going to turn away from this?

What made it worse, of course, was Twitter. Yeah there claim about being fair because of people's feelings has created a world of oppression, anxiety and torture.

He could be linked to the very organisation I wanted to bring down for so very long .. whoever and whatever it was that was responsible for all the lies .. all the manipulation .. all the control .. all the torture and all the death!

The very thought that the pain that my daughter and I have experienced for year after year after fucking year .. could be behind this one?

Oh man I could not possibly repeat here the thoughts that went though my head and the visions I dreamed up. The very thought of what I would do and what it would feel like to get revenge on those that have caused so much pain and anger for so very long?

Of course now and with the scientific data I have come across, which is way more than a dozen sets which is way more than a dozen sets more than Global Warming ever conjured up, it looks to be part now of what I call Project Distraction?

Now I stopped blogging and tweeting about the very subject they claimed they were stalking me over and I waited .. and I waited .. and I waited.

They failed to notice thought hey were watching me on other fake accounts and then finally it come .. the attack on my endeavours and my blog only ..

.. nothing about Islam or Muslims?!

No .. it was about the science I discovered .. the various datasets .. and I was told I was an idiot and wrong several times. Though not provided with a single thing mind you, to back him up.

Yes it occurred to me that I might not have been targeted over Isam at all and that this could have been used as a cover.

You see I stumbled across the scientific data in this year of 2019. And the blogs got started in 2012 a little after the London Olympics and I had to wait for a whole year until that was over. Reasons are n the secret Police recordings of the Detectives. So Islam was the more obvious reason except I had only ever been factual. Kinda shocked me all the negative attention I got for being factual.

Yeah except it occurred to me that I have posted about these sciences the whole time and have suspected something was coming ever since the Svalbard Seed Bank was announced, though back then I wondered if it might be a comet or an asteroid.

All the screwing around with the blog and the numbers, money and Adsense advertising started within two months of me informing my government of my blogs.

I was offered support and after a 13 week NEA course I was on suddenly everything got pulled and I was effectively shut down. At the time I was also dealing with the fact my daughter ad been abused again and this time her husband was in jail. Yup posts and links to articles about this too sit on this blog.

So yeah .. its possible someone looked thoroughly at my blogs and realised I was someone not only building up an audience but that I might realise what is going on and reveal all?

Blogger, YouTube, WordPress, Adsense, Twitter and even Facebook .. has all had interference and major issues not of my making. Many of which simply beggar belief.

Even this troll this very series is about thought I was getting paid for my online activity and yet the fact is .. not a penny has been physically received and very soon may not be able to receive if I did.

It is shocking at how much you get screwed in every single way in a position like mine ,, with your safety and even help, health, legal representation and even banking and welfare and I do not have access to any of these things.

Some friends do not even realise and argue with my I am wrong .. like health .. yeah I can just go into a GP Surgery and register? No .. you cannot and they simply cannot believe that despite the fact that one GP practice that refused me was 200 yards from his home.

He actually gets annoyed with ME when I tell HIM what the GP SURGERY TOLD ME?!

I kid you not.

I dunno what it is with British people today they seem to have their heads either up in the clouds or up their own arses to be honest.

Maybe it is because they hear so much about people coming over from abroad and getting treatment and it is the understandable conclusion that ..

  • Well someone from the Middle-East can turn up with no proof of who or what they are and no credentials so how can it be that someone born here as these difficulties?
  • Tend to think that a lot of these refusals to understand or listen comes from fear that they might hear something that they one day might have to deal with?

Sometimes I end up in a rant .. with my social worker friend .. when he is not getting it and he goes quiet and realises. He does realise it is bad .. and hard to deal with all this but sometimes he fails to realise just how bad it is.

A couple of people that heard most but not even all of the stories and years ago before it took a nose-dive and got a lot worse asked me the following ..

Don't you feel like your just some part of some huge experiment by the government or something to see how far you can be pushed before you snap?”

Mad one that .. but I did say .. well yeah .. kinds does feel like that now that you put it that way and mainly because it as all been so relentless and with very little .. peace.

Now .. lets show some more of the social media side to the issues .. or at least some of it at any rate and with screen-shots ..

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