Monday 1 April 2019


Thought about listing this as an official part 21 of the Pole Shift Series but it is more like an addendum, if anything.

After a discussion I went for a walk .. I had just had a conversation that involved how useless Virgin Media was as a company and broadband service and the global cooling now going on.

Went for a walk and while I was out something hit me.

You see during all this and despite the fact that no one wants to talk about it .. which will inevitable lead to their doom .. I think of the children.

Thinking that people would want to talk about this issue because of their children and/or grandchildren .. I told people. But as it turns out even those claiming to be into astrophysics and astronomy did not want to talk about it. Too depressing.

Yah think?!

In the event that an ice-age suddenly occurs there are those that will want to ensure mankind's survival. The plans for such a thing would involved some very clever plans .. while at the same time trying to keep the truth from getting out.

Now I have posted about this and I have a 20 part series as well as a couple of other parts added to this. Do not want this to be the case .. but I am afraid it is.

While I was out walking I realised that given that there is enough time only one member of my family will be able to escape. One brother. The reason?

He has a son in Lisbon who is half Portuguese you see.

When this dawned on me, he also has a son who is half Angolan, it made me think about something else that is being pushed by the left that could be part of the grand plan.

Now there has been a curious rise in the authorities taking children and reported even by tabloids like The Guardian in the UK. I am also sure I have been hearing if this elsewhere too, like the USA? It occurred to me that if this was so that they could move children en masse out of the country to so that some survive, now it sounds like the film with Nicholas Cage called 'KNOWING', those doing the taking cannot know anything about the real reasons.

Then I remembered this other drive .. that has been going on that they have been going nuts about in the western world, though curiously white males are always left out of the equation.

They have been pushing for mixed race couples. In Germany they were even giving training to men arriving in the country on how to chat up women. Yeah there was even a video about it too! It was shown by a YouTube channel in Canada, I believe, called .. called .. well .. it had 'red' in the name I believe? 'Red Pill Nation' or 'Red Pill Faction'? Hmm not even sure it was Canada actually?

It occurred to me that if they allow leftists to push this .. any children 5 or 10 years down the line would be easier to move around to different countries, no?

I am sure they leftist socialists thought it was a way of doing away with racism, as they are a bit stupid like that.

This was the one thing that during all my research of scientific data did not once occur to me and nor did I even recall this one thing. One thing that is in a very .. VERY long list of mad things going on globally right now.

Annoyingly this should have occurred to me because there is another side to this coin ..

The United Nations Migration Pact which came out of the blue that also enraged many people. Why would they suddenly push for this out of the blue?

Now factor in why they have allowed loads of migrants into the country in what is seemingly a bunch of countries pushing the self-destruct button?

Do you think that it might be that for the rich and powerful of the west .. they might realise now that to make it easier for them to save themselves they need to spend a few years looking like they are humanitarian?

Also if you factor in that they have talked about this global possibility since the 1970's, which then went quiet for years and then we got told it was Global Warming before that changed to Climate Change. Well the truth about this started to emerge back around 2010 and might have been way earlier? I am going to argue they knew all along form the 1970's and the Svalbard Seed Vault suggests I was right all along.

Yeah only in 2010 things that could be noticed by more than some clandestine group started to emerge. Something that could not be buried away. Sets of data that other scientists not actually within .. 'the fold' could access and work out?

In all my parts on the subject I have plenty of videos and proof .. links .. graphs and tie it all together using my own theories. This has been picked up by an author on the subject who got into a mini conversation with me. He has a book on Amazon called the Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced. His name is David Montaigne.

Along with the UN Migration Pact is the fact that at some point Guy Verhofstadt was talking about creating a super-state with Africa and the Chinese were suddenly interested in Africa. You think it might be that deserts like the Sahara might suddenly become the places were large scale farming is possible? Look for recent flooding in the Atacama Desert or a 10 mile long lake appearing in Death Valley, Arizona.

“The world is ending” and “Yeah but Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo in on the telly!” is literally how a conversation just went.

I am sure the Dinosaurs looked skyward and wondered what that big bright light was in the sky before they returned to chomping down on grass .. leaves .. or other Dinosaurs, right?

Funny how mankind has always thought of itself as a higher form of intelligence to that of the animals and yet you have had the ones that have insisted upon being the Kings, Queens, governors and yet we have still over-populated and poisoned the planet anyway?

As I stated before .. hard to come up with a grand plan but keep the truth hidden .. turn to those that have tunnel vision that you can allow to push their beliefs and agendas that will achieve that which you want , but for completely different reasons.

Use different sides to achieve different things .. while at the same time create division and anger, turn the different factions, political leanings and religions against each other .. and everyone is blinded by anger and rage?

Genius. Sinister .. but genius.

However I cannot believe they are doing all this to save people or for the benefit of mankind, though and not for a moment.

Very few stretches of land available or suitable for producing food .. mass starvation, disease and God knows what else on the horizon?

The rich and powerful scared shitless at losing their positions of privilege, power and money because they simply would not know what to do and it terrifies them. Not wanting to be exposed to disease and literally a vision of hell on Earth.

Cull the world is the only answer. Use nature to do it as it is now presenting them with the opportunity to do all this and with ..

'Plausible Deniability', no?

Now then .. lastly and I do believe the last pieces in the puzzle that no one has considered at all in all those videos and webpages I have viewed ..

Rising utility prices?

Yeah .. obviously many rich and powerful own and control the power, right? The fuels and such like that we all depend upon.

Right first problem is that if and when the poles go through a reversal many are stating that we will lose both power and communications.

As a matter of fact there have been many stories of whole towns or sections of towns suddenly losing power .. stories of transformers exploding and even videos of what they call 'blue lightning' or blue flashes in the night sky that some thing are down to these transformers exploding?

Right that is one major issue but what if the climate is ging to make a major global shift and I have stated this before but ..

The regions of Earth where food can be produced are likely to be the planet's deserts. Yeah no one mentions this. If they did they might have asked themselves ..

'OK so we are going to farm in the Atacama, Sahara and Gobi deserts among others, right? Sooo how? Where is the power coming from?!'

Now do you think that they might be rising prices to stash money to one side so that in the event os this taking place .. they can then go and build power-plants in these regions and therefore stay in control?

Now .. if they were doing this all for the benefit of mankind and not themselves then ..

  • Would not be keeping secrets about it
  • Would be stock-piling survival packs and not body-bags
  • Would be stock-piling solar panels to give out to its people in case the day comes that the power goes out
  • Building Greenhouses to produce food and warmth based on solar power and not space-stations in places like the UK, space station orbiting the Moon and a Moon Base for the rich and powerful to possibly escape a coming catastrophe, right?

Food for thought, no?

I spent weeks thinking about all this, looking at different sets of data and not believing that which I was looking at. Half of me thinking I must have this all wrong but the analytical half of me not being able to ignore the data.

I have had to tell people that told me 'But scientists are always wrong' where I state that the climate scientists are not stating this and this is not 'science theory' it is set after set after set of science facts and numbers.

Just any two of these sets taken in combination would raise alarms but you have set .. after set .. after set.

  • Magnetic Pole movement
  • Magnetosphere Strength
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Sunspots
  • Torsional Oscillations
  • Coronal Holes
  • Seismic Data
  • Volcanic Data
  • Wind Patterns, Jet-Streams weakening
  • Temperature Fluctuations
  • Rain
  • Animal Behaviour and Migration

Remember any two of the above on the move would be enough to raise an eyebrow in a few people but you have every single one of them on the move at the same time.

Then you factor in that since this was all predicted by a few those predictions have come true ..

  • Lowest Sunspots at a Solar Cycle peak for 170 years
  • Longest solar cycle for many hundreds of years
  • Longest solar minimum for 350 years
  • Predicted Arctic Blasts
  • Predicted Snowfall
  • Predicted Record Breaking Low Temperatures
  • Predicted lengthening of duration of winter which coincides with
  • Predicted shortening of growing seasons

Now consider the Climate Scientists ..

  • Almost all they predicted for 20 years with Global Warming has not taken place
  • They have never convincingly proved their claims
  • Yet a large number of naïve fools still believe their reasons
  • Despite all the previous predictions regarding the weather, temperature, wind, rain, snow, Sunspots, Torsional Oscillations, Food Price, Solar Cycles ..
  • People will still refuse to even entertain this and stick to the Climate Scientists ..
  • Because White Man is Evil

That last one is so bad that there is a very widespread, and still spreading, belief that there is a worldwide plan to wipe out the white race.

Now how do you think that came about?

Could it be that they came up with a fecking crap plan and spend years guilt tripping white folk more and more and more?

This developed into the idea that they were working towards a future and way of doing things everyone calls the NWO or New World Order.

But here in lies the rub .. umm rubs?

  • Everyone knows there is some underlying reason behind all the madness
  • Are they acting as ..

  • Saviours of Mankind?
  • The culling of Mankind?
  • Or is it just plain old self-preservation?

Oddly enough there are those that now believe this is all coming and some of those people have for some time now. They call themselves 'preppers'. As in they have been preparing for some time, be this months or years.

I dare say there have been people that have been doing this for the tinfoil hat reasons and for those that genuinely know their sheeet .. I feel sorry for them. As I am sure they would have beeen treated like tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists?

Because people love to make snap decision without actually doing any research whatsoever which is OK with the more out of this world stuff. Nit when you have scientific data staring you in the face it is not.

After all when I first stumbled across this I pictured a saucepan on my head .. and was .. apprehensive as I explained in the beginning.

Yeah I used to love watching tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists only in that it was entertaining and I used to love picking apart their theories.

One of these was this whole 'Planet X' Nibiru thing, I mean really?

Some are even saying now that a the changes are down to Nibiru approaching .. only that for this to be even remotely true one of two things would have to be the case ..

  • Any planetary body that could affect us in the ways we are experiencing would be a damn site bigger in the night sky than either Mars of Jupiter and we would see it
  • It would have to be a Black Hole otherwise and .. ergo not a 'Planet X'
Yup sorry but all these different theories has only served in them allowing to keep the truth hidden from everyone's view.

Grasping at straws .. is not a very good idea.

Though I might have just pissed off Marduk?!

I think I have that right .. don't the 'Planet X' people believe in some alien race from this planet they call the Anunnaki or something?

Want to know how I stumbled across all this? American girl living in Cambridge, UK I met once he believed in all this. She would not even allow herself to say the name 'Marduk' out loud and freaked if I said it.

Do I believe in all this?

Have you seen me speaking about my cute, blond, smart American girlfriend?

Yeah I only went up there a single time. Often wondered if I should have persisted .. may be in time I might have helped her seen the light .. ooh bad choice of words!

That reminds me of some videos that was sent to me .. a Lloyd Pie, was it? Something to do with this bizarre looking skeleton they called the Star Child?

Other videos that used to get sent to me by people were ..

  • Bigfoot, oh dear .. interesting but no
  • Dogman, SayWotNow?!
  • Flat Earth .. oh come onnnnnnn?!

  • Last one is 'Fucked Earth' and yeah they have known about it for a very long time now

Now I see them as people knowing something has been wrong with the world for years but ..

Clutching at straws?

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