Friday 15 March 2019


Every now and then something unexpected comes my way. Sometime these are things I should be looking into to give me some idea, inspiration or drive to write something.

This came from someone who was a carer who my daughter had met for the first time who seemed to have a deep understanding of things with a thirst for more knowledge. We spoke briefly on the phone. She told me to look up this old documentary type film.

Zeitgeist 'The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the beliefs at the time'

Guess this could be applied to the 1940's or the 1960's one for each country of the former for Germany or Britain of the USA for the latter.

In the world today there is a new one .. or to be precise there are two and this sweeps across the western world that has had me astounded for a number of years. A divide the likes of which has never been witnessed to either this degree nor this widespread.

For 18 months plus now this has been extremely hard to find and that drive and the ability to be creative and inspirational has been clearly lacking.

Of late I have been privy to some information and data that has lead me on a path. The deeper I dived the more of the madness I have witnessed started to make sense.

This left me with a series of problems and some I did not foresee, first this very surreal feeling and wondering now what I am supposed to do or even what to do and now find myself without the ability to do very much.

Once again surrounded by people that never want to talk about anything else other than what they want to talk, bitch and moan about .. except .. mine involved the future and so when anyone wants to talk about .. anything involving the future and nearly everything does this conflicts with that I know of said future which I am not allowed to mention.

The other thing people love to talk about is bitch about the past, often for hours and hours and stories and anecdotes I have hard dozens or even hundreds of times before. Always OK when they do it, eh?

Except my attitude is this .. why obsess about the past that you cannot do anything about?

No one wants to hear the same old anecdotes even when not bitching and whining and talking about the present almost always involved the future.

Talk about a camera, computer, laptop, gaming, movies, TV, Music or anything else and people always talk about what will come down the line from next year to five years time.

Yeah that is a bit hard when the scientific and analytical part of your brain keeps banging the human side with the data you have seen. The data no one wants to talk about.

Lets make something clear ..

  • There is currently a growing feeling that something is wrong .. which is now being joined by unrest in a very large number of places
  • I have myself felt for a very long time, likely two decades or more, that something is wrong
  • One friend on Twitter knew me 7 years or more ago when was well into all this and despite how much we were mates .. thought I was off on all this
  • Today this is a different story and he has told thousands of followers that ..
    • I woke up far too early
    • He apologised to me and stated that it must have been a living hell to know all that I did and have no one believe me .. no friends .. no family
  • Many idiot leftists seem to think I am all about ego when the truth is my life has been a long series of living hells and still is .. but hey ho .. leftists narrative following morons will

Annoying from governments and/or public organisations of which I have lost count of how many times I had ripped them up for their patronising attitudes and for the following ..

  • Government or Public Service action takes a bloody lifetime and complaints regarding this are met with surprised looks and lines of “These things take time” and words like 'Protocol' and 'Legislation' like it has been written in stone since the beginning of time
  • Government or Public Service demands are expected to take place on hours, days or you get a month at the very most .. of your lucky ..
  • The latter attitude takes place even when your waiting on another public service who are themselves giving you the crap from the first bullet point

Yes this is quite specific but I am sure many today would agree that it matters not where you look or what it is you look at this seems to be everywhere. Everywhere something seems off and now probably seems like it has been off for a fair old while, no? If you see or feel this have you not asked yourself how you have not noticed this before?

Many have noticed this over the years and there have been issues and no doubt attempts to muddy the waters too.

Some idiots in power no doubt with a strong feeling of self-entitlement t the point they almost have the attitude they are of a different species to the rest of society, more of that and the 'theory' that sprung up shortly.

Unfortunately what these morons either failed to take into account or did not care is the one thing that has been obvious to everyone for a millenia.

We are a species that delight from puzzles because deep within our psyche we do not actually like them so so need to solve them so that me might understand.

What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? It is NOT .. 42.

Some in power have been of the belief since the 1940's, which is where is started, even a famous name linked here, and grew from there. Thank you Germany!

These naïve fools were under the misconception that it was better for mankind and yet mankind thought very differently.

The attitude of secrecy and cover-ups along with false information did not stop with a few clandestine organisations and others started to think they had the right to do this too.

So adopting this attitude would have been the biggest and/or the most profitable organisations that thought they had the God given right to do this to. To protect their own interests and personal empires. When they got it wrong they then had this self-entitled feeling that when they gambled and got it wrong that everyone else should pay for this. By way of manipulating and lying to their customer base or tax handouts.

Of course it was inevitable that this would spread to smaller and smaller companies with the attitudes that “Well they are allowed to do this, so why not us?!”

Over time it was slowly adopted by the masses that business meant being dishonest. No .. it did not now should it ever have been. But no one wanted to listen. I said that in time this would not end well.

Life was given to us a billion years ago and we have spent all of this time figuring out what to do with it and we have got a lot of those decisions wrong.

So for a long time more and more people have senses things. In this instance people tend to fill in the blanks.

Now what happens is psychologically people need something or someone to fill in the blanks with and if they have suffered .. and blame something or someone many will fill in the blanks with those people.

I apply this logic to leftists .. they seem to hurt over everything or have big hang ups .. make it their moral duty to protect Earth and animals and therefore blame oil companies and rich people for everything. If they are directly responsible this is great. But they will just find a way to attribute blame and this actually does more harm than good.

This is exactly the same for tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists.

I mentioned earlier that the powerful have this feeling of self-entitled almost as if they are a different species? I stated that I would get to this shortly? Well there is one that does talks around the world that lizard people live among us. That would be David Icke. I dare say that there are several that state that aliens live among us too?

In the end you have a very large number of groups with a very narrow field of view none of which can see the wood for the trees.

Anyone else who starts looking for their own answers are then swamped with data overload and end up not knowing if they are coming or going.

Of course it could be argued that governments wanting to hide things could add their own conspiracy theories to the mix to muddy the waters further still?

The more companies, organisations and governments lie and the more lies they tell the more blanks there are for people to fill in. In the end it becomes a mess .. were all treated is fools and used as pawns.

Scores of people so desperate to make sense of the chaos and full of hatred along with the despite to have something to focus that anger on and the accusations and the theories fly.

Eventually even the wildest theories become claims and before long you can watch these people online getting angry with others for not taking the random texts in the form of posts, tweets and such as gospel.

No random text and powerful beliefs behind something does not make this fact and I do not care what webpage says what and links what to which. They are just links and compelling they might be but until it is a proven fact it will always remain a theory.

What also amazes me and they just do not see it are the opportunists that think that because of the chaos they can go after everyone they blame at once .. no and the only thing yu are doing is serving those that you dislike. Those in power that are guilty probably sit in their gentleman's laughing at how you just simply cannot get focused. How you fail to understand simple facts in any given war. That a war is always won by a series of smaller battles and never by one big one.

But a large number of naïve people believe that it is just has the hard-left are naïve enough to be convinced that socialism will work this time where it has failed almost all, if not all, times before.

One thing that comes up a lot is this plan to .. mix things up a bit in western countries but this theory is not thought through ..

Yeah numbers people. If you create a large mixed race base to control and it outnumbers yours ten to one your .. fecked! Do not be naïve.

There are lot of theories and plans and I do not put paid to any of them because .. it is very easy to state why this cannot be the case or even work.

Yes I know there is a lot wrong in the world and there are both reasons for this and people to blame for this too.

In fact I would go as far as stating that the United Nations are letting mass migration go on not to help people but to lead them into areas where they will inevitably die by one of two means.

I had initially thought, as I am sure many still do, that this was some wayward and stupid attempt to save people. Or create some new world order, yeah that may be a plan but this is not what you think it is.

Oh my God I forgot. They have all got names. They all have phrases and their all all manner of terms. You need to list and publish the conspiracy theorists dictionary?!

Over the many months I have been on Twitter and other social media sites I have had all kinds of labels and names thrown at me and every single one of them has been wrong.

The hilarious thing is that with many of them .. and they thought they were making me angry by tossing them at me .. which they as not because .. I did not even bloody know what they meant!

I still do not.

People that do generally belong to these groups and conspiracy beliefs tend to ..

  • ONE: Know all the bloody terms and ..
  • TWO: Are proud to be seen as part of said groups, movements or leanings and ..
  • THREE: Leftists wont care .. they want you to be or want it to appear that you are in which case ..
  • Just like the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists they laugh at they help keep the worst and dangerous ones hidden in the mix
  • FOUR: Yeah .. I kept tell them, or you, to their, or your, IRE .. your being fecking idiots and .. this is why!
  • Well .. one of the reasons

Language brought mankind many great things .. the ability to work collectively to solve problems which helped brig about mechanics, engineering and science.

Unfortunately it also brought about lying deceit, religion and war.

As for conspiracy theories .. even years back you could not really blame people for coming up with them and conspiracies are going on. But if you look at everything that has gone on for the last decade it has been nuts. And become even more nuts as time has gone on.

The last three to five has been crazy and it just gets worse with every few months that goes by.

You also have to take into consideration that this is not an isolated event and not specifice to a town, city or even an area. In fact this would be totally insane of this was isolated to a whole country which in itself would be rare. Two countries at once? Nope. Not far off from each other and you could say Libya and Syria.

Lets take a mass influx of migrants to the point where many countries could not cope, went well beyond a tipping point and then the United Nations and Germany decided to make a UN Migration Pact so that people could go wherever they want?! After .. it was way past the tipping point?!

Why the hell would anyone single country do this? But the United Nations did this?!

This resulted in the birth of the Gilets Jaunes in France, known as the Yellow Vests movement which become movements and this spread to some very unlikely countries .. here is a short list of the ones currently listed on WikiPencil ..

Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Taiwan, Tunisia and the UK.

That is twenty two countries and Americans I speak to are aching to start something similar there so it is only a matter of time, no?

Now I cannot see this occurring in China, except maybe Hong Kong, or North Korea but I do wonder if South Korea and Japan might get in on the act .. pardon the pun.

What makes me curious is what the reactions are going to be when the populations of the world realise how big the lie is, what that lie is and how long it has gone on for?

I certainly would NOT want to be associated with any government when the obvious facts get out which is itself inevitable.

Hooo boy. And if there has been some secret plans for those that conspired in a mass lie because of things they implemented they should never have done and all for money and power? Hooo boy!

Now I would imagine that if they all secretly scurried off .. it wont be like scenes from some disaster movie. You would have small armies form over time with a hatred for the lives that they and there families have been put through and worked their arse off for years knowing that what they thought they was working for was all a lie.

No I do not think for a second that the ones perpetrating the lies will be allowed to be the ones the ones to continue mankind.

Think about it for a moment? The biggest liars, the most heartless, the most self-entitled and probably no idea which end of a shovel is the business end, never done any labour .. only ever controlled currency which would no longer exist as such.

Will they have a plan to take the best of society? And if they do will it be as their equals? Or their slaves?

If what I have been researching and keeping an eye on does turn out to be the big lie and it does explain all of the madness .. there will be two to three things occur ..

  • It will look more and more obvious
  • Something big will occur that catches the attention of the world
  • Bizarre things will start happening and things will start breaking down

As entertaining as the less crazy conspiracy theories might be I do tend to like sticking to ones that are both realistic and has some history to it as regards scientific data.

And no hack scientists!

All that has been required is for one coming global event that makes all the current global events make perfect sense. One that explains them all.

So what do you have? A long term global story that states that the planet is warming up and that the western world and its people is behind it. So those not far from anywhere near the regions of the tropics of cancer and capricorn have been panicking that they will produce a lot less food. Not being very responsible many of these, because of totally amoral reasons, have bred like proverbial rabbits and overpopulated their regions.

Then tales come thick and fast of lands where the streets are paved with gold and much in the way of free stuff awaits and several exoduses begin. The first waves are let into these northern cooler climates and so repeated tsunamis of people flow.

Except .. as it turns out what appeared to be an attempt to save people .. was quite the opposite as in 2013 the scientists actually admitted that an ice-age was heading our way. This matched up with things that they stated back in the 1970's. Except somewhere around the mid 80s to mid 90's this switched to global warming. Then at some point it changed to climate change.

Coming Ice-Age to Global Warming to Climate Change and .. now?

Well not it is going through yet another change only this one seems to be coming out in spits and spurts and over the last 5 years plus and yet .. everyone is still mostly oblivious to this provable fact that anyone only has to check the last two winters for the only sign you need.

Global cooling that at first was predicted to be a mini ice-age, BBC and its Scientists in 2013, and now they are stating it might be worse .. at least worse than the Maunder Minimum and one I am still trying to estimate myself.

I should have a much better idea in 6 to 12 months time. With any luck as I have a theory or two and if certain activities increase as they have it might become obvious that certain things may well be inevitable.

There are, aren't there always, other possible events linked that may not be obvious early on and these may take another 12 to 24 months on before we can start worrying about something else.

It will be interesting to see if I am right about the science and then right about the psychology and I think that the Internet will go into a viral state and then everyone will go into meltdown when the truth is realised.

After this point you will get talk about retributions towards a large number of people and groups and at that point I will simply state to those in the reticules “well that did you expect?!”

Very sorry but when you tell lies bad enough ad long enough to adversely affect people's lives you wont get any sympathy from me because I have already been one of your victims. Sitting their in your ivory towers presiding over all others and tasked with upholding the law which itself is intended to make things fair .. it most certainly has not felt anything close to fair.

Quite the opposite in fact and treated in a cold, heartless and patronising way and of this I have one particular hour long recording and I bet there are several others too?

Was noticed again tonight on Twitter. Yup .. Twitter.

As my daughter knows only too well and ow remarks on often, as this has happened to her too several times. We get noticed. We get a lot of talk come our way. This is sometimes followed with a lot of promises coming our way. This always comes to nothing.

Even having people state that JF Kennedy was shot over it which sounds fantastical but then here I the UK it was a bit weird when something real occurred, Jimmy Savile and BBC which was linked to death of Lady Diana.

I must try and make a list of the conspiracy theories I have either stumbled across or have been put to me directly or the names I have had thrown at me .. which I may or may not know ..

  • Bircher
  • Bildeberg
  • Rothschild
  • Kalergi
  • Moon landings faked
  • Earth is flat
  • Lizard People run the planet
  • Hitler and Nazis in underground city in Antarctica

Probably many missing.

Oddly socialists that do not like what I say have tried to call me all manner of things or look into where I get my data or facts from .. except ..

It matters not who passed the truth on of from where it was sourced .. all that matter is whether or not it is the truth.

Show me the people who will claim that a truth is a lie based purely on the dislike of the person that stated it or indeed its source and I will show you the fools that will lead you or a nation to its doom.

I have done this, I have done this for a very long time .. I still do this and as I have long predicted they will blame everyone else but themselves. Until finally they will blame others for not doing as their told. Or in reality be allowed to be led to their doom.

That is the errand that many fools are now on.

Socialists do very good impressions of Marxists because they fully believe they have the moral high ground to suppress the truths they do not want out while propagating pure lies to get what they want.

Now I really cannot speak for anyone else here and call me old fashioned but I cannot accept or live in a society or even agree or sympathise with groups or people that think for a single moment that it is morally acceptable to either lie or suppress these truths.

Like I said .. call me old fashioned.

Start lying and falsifying I science and you will not only kill people but put us back into the stone-age and its a course of action only the most incompetent of fools or people with serious mental health or psychological problems would be happy with.

Some .. sensible people have simplified the term 'conspiracy theory' into what they have turned it into today but does not mean. Romanian Vee on YouTube said its a 'dog whistle' for censorship.

Just wondering ..

  • If Civil Wars break out in the western countries of the northern hemisphere ..
    • Between stupid, evil, lying leftists and normies how many get killed
    • Then between everyone else and Islam how many get killed?
  • If an Ice-Age the scientific data states could arrive suddenly in 5 to 10 years
    • How many people get killed?
  • Should sort out the overpopulated planet and the evil shall inherit the Earth?

I mean look at the sheer madness going on in the world right now?

Has it ever been this mad where you are?

Have you ever seen it quite this mad in so many places in the world at once?

Have you ever seen such a large movement of people in the world at once as you have in recent years?

Have you ever heard quite so many crazy things being said in the world by political parties and governments?

All the other shite too?

  • So .. you have to make a decision ..
  • Is it all just some utterly crazy coincidence that all this is going on?
  • Is it a means to cause civil wars to get the population down?
  • Is it that a global event is coming and they are trying to save everyone in an overpopulated planet that wont be able to produce enough food in 10 years or ..
  • Is it that a global event is coming and they see the mass movement of people as a way of getting the population of Earth down to a manageable level?

  • Or ..
  • A) Is it just one big giant, crazy and highly unlikely coincidence
  • B) Is it a WAR they want ..
  • C) Or a DISTRACTION to a coming GLOBAL (or mostly) EVENT
  • If the latter what be their intentions?

It first appeared to be option 'A' but in reality I knew this was not in any way a realistic option.

Then some data started to emerge .. and emerge .. and .. emerge. It them started to look like option 'B' and .. yeah a better .. fit .. but did not feel quite .. right?

Then I thought a bout the processes involved if what the scientific data suggests was happening and .. then option 'C' popped into view and THAT .. was a perfect fit that explained everything.

Scenes like these will help more people flood into the danger zones ..

US is on alert with Yellowstone, Russia on alert and just had an eruption .. magma on the move in places prevously dormant, Japan concerned with Mount Fuji and looking into it, scientists lying about increases in seismic and volcanic activity, lying about coloured skies .. the list goes on ..

In China 66,000 people were affected by natural disasters in January of this year of 2019 .. which is an incredible amount of people .. and the the following month of February, and it is only mid March now, 630,000 people were affected ..

This is how it works .. and from 2011 and I as someone deeply interested in the science did not know about this .. Pole Shift concerns .. please not from the quoted page that the are concerned and that the climate is to do with the POLES and not MAN .. about the time things really started to go nuts and we felt an earthquake in the UK ..

A growing number of scientists are starting to worry the magnetic pole shift, that seems to be underway, is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the Sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently discovered and released information about a major breach in the Earth's magnetic field.

The speed of this shift has grown exponentially and is tugging on the Earth's crust with greater intensity .. leading to seismic activity increases ..

Now before we go onto volcanic activity we have already had one very long eruption in Hawaii with Kilauea .. and now they have had an earthquake there ..

This in turn has the inevitable effect of increasing volcanic activity ..

Some we heard about, like Kilauea, and some we have not in South America and Russia .. and here is a sudden sinking of ground somewhere putting everyone on alert ..

And recording breaking Geyser Activity, seismic activity and ground level rise at Yellowstone ..

And riddle me this .. concerned comment on the following page concerning the release of Helium 4 and the fact that no one is talking about Yellowstone's increased activity in the news. Also talks about a hoax claim that Yellowstone was going to erupt in two weeks which was not true.

HOWEVER .. the article highlights how the increase in seismic and geyser activity along with temperatures is not a big issue .. and how any dangers will happen but years away .. there they go yet again .. being human ..

Ok this is weird .. DAMMIT! I have use the wrong graph here and have never seen this before and now I do not know what graph I was supposed to use or where I obtained it from!

This is really .. weird as I have never seen this particular graph and I normally link them in!

Yeah except see that graph? By all account the activity has continued to increase on the whole and the temperatures have continued to rise on the whole and just recently the water temperature of a river flowing though the park rose by 10 Celsius in a single day! This article is from 2014 too!

Except it is still not being talked about and we are all distracted by other .. things .. no?

Four and a half years of this article being published and I stumble across something and I realise I am right on top of the point of no return!

Everything I look at suggests to me that the next 24 months are absolutely critical and if things continue on for the next 24 months as they have for the past 72 to 96 we are buggered.

The crazy thing is that this point can be brought rapidly forwards to as little as two weeks time, proved the scientists are not hacks and full of it again.

One volcano or a series of volcanoes to match only half of Yellowstone's potential maximum levels as far as eruption is concerned and its well and truly over.

And for 20 years I have complained to deaf ears that this world has relied upon something that cannot even cope with the announcement of a coming event. The Stock Market!

Well the rich, the powerful and the politicians have liked to gamble and may well have gambled away billions of lives.

But of course they will deem themselves the ones worthy of surviving any possible coming catastrophes and responsible for the continuation of mankind, right?

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