Friday 9 December 2022


 A very, very long time ago I started to notice things.

It got to the point where I started to feel ilk Neo in The Matrix films knowing something was not right with the world but could not put my finger on it.

Sadly two decades went by and no Morpheus and crew came to help.

Over a decade ago I started to tell people and friends that I thought something was coming and that the people filling up the public services including the health authority, the NHS seemed to be of a certain type.

They seemed to make a lot of noise, at least when they felt being hard done by, and make many claims about how humanitarian they were and wanted to help people.

Sadly despite begging for sympathy they would then be exposed as not doing very much and then seen on Tik-Tok dancing with dead bodies.

Despite realising I was right all along about everything those I know still went for the part line when the pandemic came long only having to apologise repeatedly yet again when I was right about Covid19 as well as right about vaccines.

During this time I only knew of two old people reported to have died form Covid and one actor that appeared in the film, Crocodile Dundee.

Then deaths started to come my way via other reasons and there were several that happened prior to Covid popping up.

I had not known much in the way of death and then my grandmother passed away followed by my father a few years later. Then this ..

Two friends that died ..

  • Ken Bunn
  • Eddie Perry

Just before Covid was supposed to get here

  • Karen Pritchard
  • Peter Curry - Scientist and Lecturer
  • Amanda Flynn (old girlfriend)

Before long after the vaccines when I told people that this would not go well ..

  • Daughter tells me of nine people in a village dying of clots
  • Several people I know had various issues from strokes to Bell's Palsy and shingles
  • Several people online told me they knew people having all sorts of issues

The lab leak theory popped up.

I had to stop claiming I had predicted a pandemic that would mutate many times, based on cosmic ray graphs, because it became obvious this was not natural.

Then the vaccines came out and I thought this would be very bad. Before long it started to emerge that they had covered up the lab leak and was silencing anyone including Doctors that would even whisper such things.

Including Dr Robert Malone who invented the mRNA vaccine.

Then we were hearing they were listing people as dying of Covid19 when one case in particular that has a bullet in him.

Then there was the whole 'died with Covid' reporting.

Now I had seen early on a report that emerged that they checked blood samples in Italy going back and found Covid in people all over Italy in the earliest samples they tested, which was September 2019.

A few months ago after I left a few comments that Dr John Campbell looked into, he found it, covered it and asked how he was only hearing about this now and stated that it had to have been around for a lot longer to be found right across Italy.

He also covered the Elephant in the Room question in that how was it that this deadly virus was raging around Italy for an bare minimum of six months and no one knew about it?

How indeed.

Then Dr John Campbell and others, like Jimmy Dore and other Doctors, started to cover that there was more deaths than average being reported and no one knew why.

He also asked why the news media were not talking about it.

It was not Covid but no one seemed to know or was even asking about excess deaths from a mystery illness.

Remember that now there are deaths and no one is talking about it.

So then there was this build up of vaccine injuries and people on Twitter pushing the vaccines were claiming I was spreading misinformation and they stated that if nothing happened within a few days of taking the vaccine then you was fine and you were safe.

I informed them in no uncertain terms that they were lying their backsides off and I reported countless of these to Twitter who did absolutely nothing.

They have since shut the hell up up vaccines and eventually stopped calling me an anti-vaxxer.

But apparently they still think the world is catching for because of 'evil', projection I assure you, working class people using fossil fuels.

When shown all the cold and snow they blamed warm oceans, when shown the oceans were actually cold too they just switched to something else.

They passed themselves off as woke progressive leftists but were nothing of the kind I told people I am almost certain they are chess players in the WEF just pushing pieces around the proverbial board.

More and more injuries, more and more cover-ups and even videos of nurses speaking their minds and Doctors speaking very low almost as if they were conscious of being recorded or concerned they might be?

Week after week and month after month the reports on Excess Deaths kept coming as did the lack of any reports from the mainstream news.

Dr John Campbell and others become quite frustrated as at one point these deaths exceeded those from Covid, we know they were lying about anyway and they asked ..

'When the number of deaths were from Covid and despite being lower than they are now, Covid was all we heard about. Now we have mystery deaths that are way higher and all you get is crickets from the mainstream media'.

Very often you would get George Orwell quotes.

Oddly enough the WEF Wombles would order everyone to listen to these Doctors in the early stages and them despite not having an form of education themselves, attacked all the same Doctors for saying things they do not like.

If someone told me these people belonged an an utterly evil Satanic Church or cult and sacrificed all kinds of things I would easily believe them.

When made angry enough they would happily post about their wishes for people to die and then blame it on others that they were so evil as I have shown many times.

They are saving the planet and the people they actually do not give a shit about and the animals they also do not give a shit about from the evil people they want dead.

Nobody but nobody can tell which is which.

They have repeatedly told people top do things that would cause them great harm and death.

During all this time I had heard from a nurse that within the NHS nurses were trying to get patients to sign 'Do Not Resuscitate Order' with no Doctors or witnesses present.

Now I had been saying for a long time that the public services were capable of some great evil and despite this coming from someone who six years ago did not believe me, even I doubted this.

Before long I would hear more.

The people saving you from you and if you did not let them and do as they ordered you to you was a right-wing nut-job Nazi and deserved to die carried on regardless of the reports, facts, science papers and experts. They are the experts now.

It made absolutely no difference at all to these people when they learned the following ..

  • A friend contacts me because his ex-wife, Lorraine and an old friend, had died, Karen Pritchard, his sister having died a couple years before
  • Then he contacts me again two days later and informs me that of the four in his family, David Pritchard had died leaving him the only survivor, the beer drinking, doner kebab and curry diet one oh and chip shop chips.
  • This was completely backwards and none of these four were even remotely close to even pension age

I was told by beer loving, curry and kebab easting Stuart who himself had refused vaccines and when I asked if Dave and Lorraine has been vaccinated? “Yes”.

A socialist I know personally that had argued with me constantly for three years sees me recently, stops me and then stops me in my tracks as they called other people names and said “You was right about everything, Covid and the vaccines” and you could see the pain in their face having to admit to this.

Other people that knew this person were speechless and nearly passed out having heard that this person, of all people, admitted they were wrong.

Even from someone that disagreed with me, a professional and a social worker who had ignored me and already stated I was right and they was wrong, had his mind blown to pieces hearing this.

Then there was this insane story from Tim Pool who was covering a story in the UK's The Independent tabloid of a Paralympian in Canada who asked her authorities for a stairlift.

They asked if they would like euthanasia instead?!

Here is the link to the original story.

Now people have been up in arms about this for several reasons. Well its murder for a start but even suicide is frowned upon and a no-no for many religions, including Christians.

Now I suddenly remember this when a follower from Florida reacted in disbelief and anger over this report when I posted it and I replied ..

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Christian's stance on this, how could I have forgotten?”

It also transpired that when people looked into this ass it is illegal it was reported that the laws were changed in this year of 2022?!

Why would you do that? Why in 2022?

Yeah how they did not realize that when they did this they were absolutely buttforked is beyond me but then I did state they were employing morons.

It did not take long for it to get way worse ..

I get told from within the NHS that they were giving automated pain relief to people but that where they would otherwise have the drugs on show there were locked away.

These 'drugs' were administered by a syringe which as some automated system, itself contained within a box and placed under the covers as if to hide it.

Each time this was seen people were told it was pain relief but the patient would have passed away within 24 to 48 hours.

That was not Canada but the UK.

Now there was a woman that got wind of this having become suspicious herself and a family member had passed away have the same exact contraption and was told the exact same thing.

Only she was a Police Detective and there had been previous conversations about the lying going on about Covid, vaccines and this talk building up of a depopulation agenda.

If they are doing what it seems to strongly appear now to more people that they are, why?

Now they have a bit of an issue and I cannot be the only one to have spotted this ..

.. the housing market and economies?

Yeah if you suddenly lose a load of people and you have a surplus of housing then the market crashes, supply and demand, right?

That is the capitalist system them have been abusing for years, right?

I mean I have stated economies are run like a pyramid scheme and I have stated it for two decades or more.

They wasted public's money on themselves or like Mark Drakeford in Wales, sanitary towels for men and a trip to the Qatar World Cup.

So what do they do?

The system that has propped them up for years will collapse and is in the process of collapsing for a long time and everyone has seen something that makes no sense to them.

How about upping the retirement age?

Lying to people with health conditions that is a fate worse then death?

Lying to those with terminal conditions?

Abusing children?

OK so the apes want to stay on top branch, what do they do?

Well for one I have stated that I am absolutely convinced then have been stashing things away and I do not mean money as that wont be worth jack-shit in a couple of years.

And now what we have been repeatedly hearing is we will eat the bugs, own nothing and be happy but who do we get to these periods where the poor will be deliriously happy once they realize they have been lied to for years, manipulated for years and a plan has been in place to turn them into slaves while they thought they was going to get free money, TV's along with Samsung and Apple Phones, Playstations and Xboxes?

Well here is how they take your house ..


Let me explain as I have asked myself this for a very long time.

During a period where the world has been dropping in global temperatures for years and record snow and cold that has not been seen in decades, check links below, and the UK might get it's first white Christmas in 100 years ..

They intend to introduce something where you home has to be net-zero.

Now of course you will have to pay the government for this so they can send woke man tampons.

This will likely have a manufactured bill of 90 to 120 thousand euros.

If you cannot pay this, you pay in fines instead and repeatedly and consistently be that weekly, monthly or annually. Because giving a Nazi government money makes the temperatures go down in a period of record cold and snow after years of cooling.

So you pay one exorbitant price, or half the price.

#LifeTax for complete made up bullshit top keep apes on top branch. That is from Planet of the Apes, by the way that just keeps on nagging away at me throughout tall this.

Here is someone I have used videos of for while but sometimes they do not come up, he is in Sweden, thought could be Norway with my mad memory.

Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen who was saying what I did about Covid and vaccines and spends most of his time in a god damn forest, ffs ..

This is Brit Reverend Simon Sideways and is conservative and I am sure knows or has worked with both Sargon and Nigel Farage and note that he dislikes the Conservative Party, now known as Consocialists.

Also note when he says 'If you think this is not happening or wont affect you, go back to whatever it is that you enjoy doing and when it comes for you and you want to complain about it? Do not bother and I will only say “I told you so”'.

Mahyar Tousi of Iranian descent and Conservative voter who recently did a talk with Paul Joseph Watson, I think is Jewish?

He and all his followers along with Watson also despite the Consocialists and them stopping Brexit and here is he talking about Mark Drakeford of Wales and the sanitary towels for men and the Qatar World Cup.

This is the country where the authority of a liberal run area has been lying and left me to suffer and likely hopefully die, as is the NHS and socialist council here,

These are the idiots that think by birthright, blood, superiority .. WHATEVER, think that it was OK to lies to the population of the world for twenty years and that come up with this scheme so that they can stay in power.

As I stated long .. LONG AGO .. there has been a push to get either low IQ fecking idiots or evil, amoral prats into higher government positions.

Likely the same elite controlling the private sector.

“Its like there is a secret government within government” - Gail Walker stated to me at the Dragonfly Sanctuary in Waltham Abbey somewhere between 2013 and 2017.

She used to save the lives of Swans and I helped her a few times.

Yeah we are such bad people, me and Gail. Me that saved lives and did not ask who they were or what they were and a woman that may have done the same but used to save Swans and other animals.

How dare we speak out against these people that have been lying and scheming for years against the people. Did we not know that by talking about secret plans against 'the people' that we was acting against .. umm ..

Yeah you see where I am going.

Now I am sure this conversation was around 2015 and she had been noticing things for a long time and to me that was very refreshing.

Because no one else I know did.

Its odd that there was a use of the term 'conspiracy theorist' to shut me down on social media when I had written several extensive articles on 'conspiracy theories' and why the term had a sudden surge along with the number of these theories.

I used to laugh when they called me a 'flat-Earther' and I never once bothered to tell them I had written pieces about why there had been a surge in this.

I did not require proof I could see it for myself and much later I ended up having two friends I would never have guessed would believe in this stuff, believe in it wholeheartedly.

Yeah sadly this was just another of the WEF's traps and I had spotted it years ago along with a long list of other things.

Just that up until a couple of years ago I did not know who was behind it and how all these different things connected together.

Another thing people miss and they place far too much focus on the thing they are passionate about.

Movies, TV, gaming, various areas of science, politics, religion and the list goes on.

Think about it .. its like throwing mud in the stream and you start off seeing all the fish, then half of the fish, then only some of the fish and eventually none of the fish.

I have spent more than a decade trying to link these things, find out who it is, figure out their plan and then reverse it.


  • Everyone knows Woke in Movies is intentional
  • Everyone know Woke on TV is intentional
  • In the US and now starting in the UK everyone knows about the Uniparties
  • Everyone knows Covid was lies
  • Everyone knows Vaccines were lies
  • Everyone knows Fact-Checkers are liars
  • Everyone knows the News Media are liars
  • Everyone knows Climate Change is complete bullcrap
  • In the past two years and even as recent as a few days ago people I have not seen in years have been adding or watching what I do on social media, some not seen in 30 years
  • Friends, some professionals too are telling me I was right and now the last two months of 2022 everyone is talking about it all
  • Temps have gone down (included)
  • Record colds are increasing
  • Record snow is increasing
  • Oceans have cooled (they blamed on the snow)
  • A three year La Nina has occurred and now they are trying to convince everyone an EL Nino is coming
  • Fact-checker we all know lie are claiming that record covering of snow (early I might add) is not proof AGW is not real. Never had any evidence it was real

  • You cannot prove a vague theory wrong” - Richard Feynman
  • Winters are getting longer
  • Sunspots have crashed (included)
  • It snow right on top of summer to 16 inches in three states in Australia (included)
  • The graphs have been exposed as fake – watch Tony Heller on YouTube
  • Scientists have been exposed as frauds – Tony Heller again
  • The censorships have been exposed as real - Matt Taibbi and Jimmy Dore among others
  • The FBI had someone at Twitter even trying to prevent the leaks that he was censoring at Twitter because ex-FBI Jim Baker was still there – Matt Taibbi and surprisingly Bari Weiss
  • Klaus Schwab is panicking as are his lackeys and are doing interviews metaphorically hanging themselves on a World Stage
  • Even Socialists are realizing how wrong this is .. well the REAL ones and not the fake ones the WEF put on Twitter and Facebook

That is how they deal with the crashing housing market and yet they can charge what they like .. thought probably not as I doubt there will be an y currency, not physical at any rate.

Oh it must be global warming?

California starts December with many feet of snow

Mammoth Mountain and five feet of snow in five days

Western US Ski Resorts snowiest start to winter in decades

British Colombia in Canada gets battered with snow

Someone warns the cold and snow in the northern hemisphere is going to get bad

China gets hit with early snow and cold and the state heating has to be turned on early

Three states in Australia gets up two 16.5 inches of snow two days before summer

Siberia was completely covered early and early December has already seen -54C in the region and the most snow cover reported in 17 years was reported elsewhere as the highest on record

As far as trying to keep count, the US has had between eight and twelve snowstorms and as of today the 7th December 2022, several more are incoming

Like Australia, New Zealand had it too and the first few weeks of summer were forecast to be below average

Now lets look at what is coming before Christmas 2022 has even arrived and remember not only has the UK not seen a white Christmas in 100 years but I myself noticed going from a child to an adult that any snow was getting later and later and eventually only after January 1st, when I lived in Bristol.

But I later see the amphibians going up mountains is southern Italy and realised much of what they were stating about the warming and the industrial revolution was absolute nonsense.

My solving of a climate puzzle in the area that explained how a nocturnal salamander was diurnal that scientists and wondered about for 50 years, was SOLVED!

Fifty years we have wondered about that and all it took you is one trip?! THAT'S IT!!”

This puzzle was put to various climate change fanatics on Twitter that included climate scientists and professors of Biology.

Considering their links and themselves being in these groups spreading misinformation they never .. EVER .. come back to me with an alternative explanation.

Because there isn't one and you cannot cheat biology.

I then waited and waited because I trusted scientists, for science to catch up and they never did.

That realization took place after a trip in 2001.

I recall when it hit me and my late father was sitting not far from me .. well laying down in fact when I uttered “Oh shit! I know why they are diurnal”. He sat bolt upright and said “What?!” and then I explained.

I stated at the time that there was obviously cycles going on and I was now convinced that at some point in time the process I spotted would reverse.

When people talk to me today about me seeing and realizing what I did and now it is reversing I always say “Look? I never thought in a million years I would actually live to see it!” and then laugh.

This area was Calabria in Southern Italy now lets look at a few snow forecast maps from Tropical Tidbits who are very good, I must say.

Now lets look at some snow maps form them for the the US and I can tell you that others can go further forward in time than I can and it only gets worse.

Now let me just tell you that the alarmists were back again doing what they did in April 2022 in that because of a few days of sunspots being in the 90's and 150's, they did it again.

They would fire a few days were, it was even lower .. LOL, spots where in the 120's and once again insisted they were going up and kept tweeting 'oops' with an image.

They were just mimicking me which they have done for four years and when I went to explain their mistake, produce monthly numbers (not daily) from solar cycle 24 and the second cycle in the grand solar minimum known as the Dalton Minimum where they had many months well above 100 and this cycle had none, they muted me.

They would then post the muted messages and think that ignoring all my graphs and numbers were funny. The 'Lol' and 'Beautiful' he posted was to disguise the fact he knew their argument was dead but did not want to face it.

That one from the SILSO website with a little annotation from me

Pro-science climate fanatic dealing with graphs and data in science ..

The response after I posted a load of numbers from three solar cycles and a number of graphs from a climate change fanatic, fake woke wef womble, who thought it was funny, did this a few times, to ignore science.

This is what he presented to me and why he is all over the place now ..

I literally laughed at the time he presented it around 18 months ago. They was all about ‘consensus’ and accused others of ‘cherry-picking’ and chooses a paper that claimed the solar maximum of the current cycle was going to be well above 180.

One of them, who I got notified recently by Twitter they had upheld five violations from five for hate speech .. in a debate on science .. was also trying to continue the lie and was being blasted into orbit daily.

This is what I presented to him at the time ..

Notice how it states that the long deep solar minimums would continue until cycle 27 where the solar maximum would be due in the 2050’s?

This did not appear to be focused on very much but I thought they was on the money, mostly. But I had predicted that the current cycle would struggle to get around 80.

Well when you look at the numbers they do look to be about the closest and in a mere couple of months the scientific community will, or at least should, be talking only about this and what I said about submarine volcanoes in my last post.

One of them, who I got notified recently by Twitter they had upheld five violations from five for hate speech .. in a debate on science .. was also trying to continue the lie and was being blasted into orbit daily.

Here is another pro-science climate fanatic ..

Five out of five and look at the dates?

He gets protected while guilty of 'hate speech' while I am buried by Google, Facebook and Twitter for accurately predicting 180 odd things while they get everything wrong?

They think science is about shutting down things they do not want and these are the people, who are a group and lie about it, that have acted together to suspend me from Twitter for several years. Over Covid, Vaccines and Climate. Even before I switched my position on Covid and they was claiming it was just the flu.

So when I thought it was going to be bad they were trying to suspend me and then when I thought it was not as bad as they were claiming they were also trying to suspend me.

Yeah .. work that one out. The answer should be obvious.

I was perceived as a major threat to something that was obviously a political push and a power grab and they knew I would figure it out.

The cycle has been rising for two years .. it does not rise forever until they get the numbers they want. It just does not work like that. A cycle, give or take, is eleven years and we spent three years in a solar minimum.

They insisted that solar minimum took place in December 2019 when they was trying to claim at the time we had not had a minimum of three years because of the numbers and it does not work like that either. You can still have minimums without long periods of zero spots and any historical solar cycle graph will show you that.

Not only do they have to constantly redefine words and terms, they have to constantly move the goal-posts.

So they was in a pickle when I was not claiming to them that the solar cycle had risen for two years and before they could lie again remind them that they themselves claimed solar minimum took place in December 2019. That it was now December 2022 and they cannot have it both ways.

The second cycle in the Dalton Minimum has several average monthly sunspots above 100 and the highest was 160.

The last solar cycle 24 and a record low since the Dalton Minimum had around 5 months above 100 and one at 146 odd. Remember this is a record low and this numbers can be checked, there is not getting away with it.

Now the current cycle has not had a single month in two years reaching 100 and the spots appeared at the equatorial regions somewhere between the end of 2021 to April 2022.

This suggested a solar maximum but we have had in the last three cycles this new phenomenon of double peaks. This would suggest we would likely get another but then again we might not.

So at the time I predicted that the numbers would fall away. I was attacked and called names by the pro-science crown treating the field like its a cult now. I said that it would fall away and then likely have sunspots rise and migrate to the equator again for another peak not that different from the last.

Well it fell away as I predicted and did this for eight months and as stated it then rose for a few days and the pro-science climate fanatics once again forgot about every single month between May and November and focused on those few days.

Despite the fact that even higher numbers reaching 153, maybe more and I missed it, in April did not give them a monthly figure they needed. Around 80.

As you can see no monthly averages in three figures, unlike the record low solar cycle 24 or the Dalton Minimum.

I have lost count of the number of times they have been so utterly desperate that they have tried to claim that lower numbers are more than bigger numbers.

Their desperation can be tasted in the air.

Then they got hit with with the snow reports and the forecasts and have been in a state of perpetual meltdown ever since.

It beggars belief and these people are supposed to be pro-science and adults?

Japan is down to -21C earlier than normal, dangerous cold warnings in Canada and how the fact-checkers have gone into over drive of the record snow cover of the northern hemisphere

Greenland ice increases at record pace, cold hits China and the sun being quiet

Cold in Russia, China, South Korea and Australia's coldest Spring in decades

The global temperatures have had big drop to +0.17C and December has had a bad start even in Australia's summer and forecasts in North America, Europe now too, South America in their summer, South Africa and Australia look to be below average.

But yeah they are going to steal from you because global warming.

We are about to enter what is likely to become, if it has not already, the worst period in human history with the greatest of evil and all they can do is attack me and prevent me from being near my healthcare worker daughter who has cried about all this and my grandchildren?

Yeah its been so obvious for the longest time that all their care about is our well-being, eh?

EDIT? Once again Blogger screws up the colour and the formatting, at least the tags are still there. Only think they are good at when not lying to writers, hiding ads without informing you, ignoring you, burying your blog and deleting posts they do not like

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