Sunday 4 December 2022


 There has been a bit of a delay since I last posted.

This is because for several months now I have had several things going on, have had a multi-faceted attack against me and have been intentionally ignored in an obvious way, have been in and out of hospital, collating more evidence and waiting for predictions to pan out.

Back in March and April of this year of 2020 I had two major things going on and was about to start a third.

I was about to move home which had already taken too long and had people asking questions.

The sunspot numbers had shot up and I was being attacked over this as a bunch of political fascists who had infected science were after their first win against me and desperate to prove me wrong and a group of six or more were throwing numbers at me.

Telling me this proves me wrong and I am a moron and that NASA and NOAA were correct, which they seem to think made their long list of errors are now forgiven because of my first major error.

Sadly for them I tried, using annotated graphs, to show they were using the numbers wrong and that they would have to wait a year for the number that proves me wrong to be published. It was published in October.

I also had to explain what was going on with the solar cycle and that the spots were migrating and they insisted this means nothing. I then taught them about Sporer's Law and their next decision was to make excuses and this meant nothing.

So what I did was tell them that my prediction was that the sunspot numbers would fall away for the rest of 2022 and they called me a moron. Again. This is how science works for them.

Now keep in mind that the number I work with is used because it is the number that shows the effects of the sun and is time dependent. Its not the daily number and it is not the monthly number. It is the 13 month smoothed number or as I kept telling them for nearly four years “The red line. Not the yellow or the blue ones, the red one”.

Now pay attention ..

  • From around February to April the spot numbers went up to reach levels in the 90's to the 150's

  • I noticed this and noticed the spots migrating to the equator and realised I missed something

  • I found an graph on Encyclopedia Britannica on solar cycles that was very good and helped me realise that while I got the spiking right, I also missed something

  • Calling me a moron and being proven wrong on my prediction of a solar maximum of 48 to 70, they told me NASA and NOAA, who have predicted numbers from 25 to 160 and therefore could not possibly be wrong, was going to have their expectations beaten because they said so

  • According to graphs repeatedly posted at me hundreds of times the range was not being published as 80 to 145 by January 2023

  • Now remember daily numbers can swing wildly and its time dependent over many months as you might spot as I explain the numbers

  • In May the numbers dropped as I claimed

  • From May to November I did not pay much attention but each time I looked at the numbers a large portion were around 32 to 46, three in the 50's and there were three days I noticed in the 80's

  • This meant that by November the smoothed would have been dragged down to a lower number than it was back in April

  • In April the smoothed number was published at not over 100 like they claimed and I warned them about but 74

  • In late November it was in the 60's and then dropped to 52 and now has had three of four groups disappear

  • Those that had attacked me went quiet from May onwards and had previously been attacking me every single day with numbers

  • Upon hearing this just a couple of the most obsessive tried to say that the average of 32 to 86 was higher than 80 to 153, no I kid you not, and that the 13 month smoothed number of 74 is up to date, which I could easily proved was bull with graphs

So as now as we are starting December after two or three months of rises that led to a smoothed number of 74, it spent the next eight months dropping away.

Not only is my estimation that the last 8 months have averaged around 45 to 55 but that 74 number was the first of two peaks and that in two to four months there will be another rise to a second peak, as has occurred in recent cycles, that wont be much different from 74. Could be higher or lower but only by around 10 or so at most.

Meaning the average smoothed could end up anywhere between 60 and 80 for solar maximum.

But 48 to 70 was proven wrong, they told me.

And remember and as shown in graphs, the last record low solar maximum which arrived several years later than NASA and NOAA predicted, was 115.

So my estimation is that if the numbers stay low for the next four weeks with no big rise in early 2023 the talk about solar cycles is going to start up again as its pointed out that NASA and NOAA are wrong yet again.

Also at the time I was being attacked some details were going around about my personal life and somehow they got hold of information about me and this is not the first time this has occurred.

It is the third by my recollection.

This strongly suggested that a group or groups were trying to prevent my relocation from taking place which was already a few months over time that had locals asking about this.

That was back in April and May.

It is now December.

I have still not moved and left in danger despite there being no excuses and proof of this.

One resident asked of me .. “Where the fuck is your Dad?!”.

My social worker friend who back in December 2021 did not believe it could happen in six to 12 weeks and I reminded him that I do not know and that this is what the locals and all authorities are telling me, has now been going insane for the last couple of months after telling me in May that “this is not acceptable”.

The belief of people around me now that eight years ago thought I was not lying, as I cannot lie due to my very bad memory, but going mad, is that I was right all along about everything and am being targeted politically.

I had a letter turn up at an address for a student loan they cannot chase me for, from 20 years ago I was told ten years ago that due to the time and my disability I will not hear from them again.

This address was only listed with one organisation and was listed as a 'care of' address and due to my health condition that causes memory issues, a large amount of pain and heart issues I have been in and out of hospitals for, I am listed as a vulnerable customer.

So an address that can only be obtained from one place where I was listed as vulnerable was handed over so I could be pursued for something they cannot pursue me for because of two reasons they told me ten years ago I would never hear of again?

“You are being targeted politically!” was the response I had from several people.

Do you know that I have contacted the big disability organisations and ten different solicitors and have told them clearly what is going on and that I have evidence as well as proof and not a single one has done anything and all said they cannot help?

Everyone I know of all races and skin colour and of different religions including Muslims and Christians are swearing their heads off at the way I am being treated and targeted as well as my human rights ignored.

Even by the groups that take money from people telling them they help people like me.

What is ludicrous to me is that these solicitors and so-called help groups are on a path to self-destruction because they cannot hide what they are doing.

If its political and they are making assumptions they are wrong and this is wrong anyway.

If they are acting under instructions, this is also wrong and this will inevitably explode in their faces when the wider public find out and they will find out.

What? They think they can do a better job then the US government and Big Pharma?

If so, delusions of grandeur much?

'Just following orders' never worked for the Nazis.

They are also hurting my daughter and grandchildren over all this and she is under threat of violence and health issues herself and been crying on the phone about this. A healthcare worker.

Another old friend I have not spoken to in over five years who thought I was going mad and wrong I have since been hearing is seeing for himself, is talking to me.

I broke the silence and simply said ..

Do not sound so mad any more, do I?”

To make light of things his answer to me was ..

You can still be right about everything and till be mad. Lol!”

He is another one with various links and contacts in various fields and I have scientists, experts and many others now.

I also had to tell him, he refused to be vaccinated, of three people he knew a long time ago .. and said that my old friend Jeff had a stroke, vaccinated, and was paralysed on one side of his body after being ignored by the NHS for years despite his begging and being vaccinated while having Covid ..

That a few weeks after this my old friend Stuart who he knew and I told him had refused the vaccine, contacted me to tell me his ex-wife, vaccinated, had died.

Two or three days later, I continue, Stuart contacts me again having already lost his sister to cancer only a few years ago to tell me that his brother in law, an old friend of mine and also had been vaccinated, had died.

This guy I knew who had the most unhealthy lifestyle, no exercise of any kind, drank a lot of beer, ate Doner Kebabs and Indian Curries all the time, was still alive. But three of his family who were far more health conscious and with better diets had all died.

These were not people in their 80's. These were not people in their 70's. No these were not people in their 60's.

I had literally only just been posting in recent months about these 'excess deaths' that Dr John Campbell and others had been covering and then this.

My old friend I had got talking to also knows my social worker friend and he said “I thought I had got through to him on vaccines?” I said “Yeah me too and then he changed his mind because an ex-Doctor who broke the law said 'conspiracy theories' and he changed his mind. But a week later when I told him about Dave and Lorraine, he seriously regretted having it!”

The social worker is Type 1 Diabetic and we already had a scientist lecturer we all knew die just a couple of years back.

I then pointed out to my friend how it was odd that so many people I know had died in recent years, its just really weird.

  • Dave

  • Lorraine

  • Karen

  • Peter

  • Eddie

  • Ken

  • Mandy

  • Ahmet

There may well be others I do not know about and I know my daughter knows at least nine that had died in the last two years.

Now let us get onto why this is happening and why I am being targeted ..

Scientists from New Zealand and Japan investigate the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haapai eruption site, realise its worse than they thought and in this short documentary on the ship they say they have underestimated submarine volcanoes, as I stated for several years.

They said they need to investigate them more and prepare and since then several appeared in a single week in the Pacific.

A shame they were hogging science for decades to get more money for a climate crisis that did not exist, no?

Greta Thunberg has to sue the Swedish government over climate change?

Well if you have to sue the Swedish government and then work you way around the world as no one else is doing anything, then you may as well give up, no?

Used a documentary three years ago on blogs about oncoming climate change and do not forget if you challenged it you was called a denier of science ..

Now used by Crowder only this was not about you denying global warming, this was about an ice-age televised in 1979 and narrated by none other than Leonard Nimoy. Yeeaah someone is watching my shit.

Dr John Campbell has been shocked at what has come out, apologized to millions of viewers because he has misinformed them on Covid and Vaccines and states that you can no longer trust journals, science papers nor the health authorities, news media or government.

Quote George Orwell a lot these days.

Someone that worked in China, knows China, on Chinese in China on Covid ..

Three volcanoes in the pacific, four in Russia and experts expect big eruptions coming.

After snow in Australia right on top of summer and up to 16.5 inches across three states, reporting highest snow cover in northern hemisphere in a very long time.

Good luck blaming warm seas ..

Professor Happer on how the climate crisis people are a cult started by Al Gore

While China are protesting like never before they are getting their coldest wave of air in a very long time and its not even January yet

The Anthony Fauci emails were they had people pushing back and questioning that it came from nature and a Kristian Andersen seem to attempt to cover it up and used the term 'conspiracy theory' something that a social worker friend would testify I claimed years ago they used to shut people down.

Yeah looks like they knew it was a Lab Leak and was doing all they could to stop it,

As Dr Chris Martenson explains

The Katla Volcano in Iceland suddenly rose by 14cm which worried scientists and there was brief talk of evacuations.

An Icelander here explains how seven volcanoes are recharging and another system north of Reykjavik is 'waking up'

Apparently there appears to be a court case over censorship the tech giants might lose and in a panic Google call Tim Pool for support and state that if they lose they might not be able to recommend his channel.

Pool was not impressed as they were already burying his channel and if they lose it would benefit him so they was technically asking for help form the guy they were fecking over so they could keep fecking him over?

So here they get a few things wrong about solar cycles and likely because they are being fed the wrong information and to which they will soon likely discover, but here is more proof of something I was attacked for linking as well as predicting.

Volcanic eruptions increased during solar minimum.

Now remember that volcanoes are not only the second biggest driver of climate but they can also be the biggest.

One eruption caused the 'year without summer' and that was far from the biggest possible eruption, Mount Tambora if memory serves and Mount Samalas likely caused issues.

Now consider that the volcanoes have increased in frequency the last few years and then consider that this now occurs when there is less solar activity.

Back in April the group that has attacked me on everything and yet have continued this for three years while getting every single thing wrong and then claiming I made no predictions came at me about one of the predictions I never made, or so they claimed.

Bearing in mind these are supposed to be people hugely keen on science ..

I had made the prediction that the last solar minimum would be considerably longer than the previous record one, which took place between early 2008 and late 2009.

This was NOT seen by NASA who had forecast a record high solar maximum to take place in 2010, something that NASA and climate change fanatics forget daily and ignore when reminded.

It ended up a record low that arrived in mid to late 2013.

As they started to realise there error, NASA started shifting the goal-posts and this is OK to the climate change people so it went from there predicted 180 ish down to 115 ish.

I then predicted a three year long solar minimum followed by some spiking in solar activity and a solar maximum of 70 I later thought might be 48. I even stated that I would not be surprised if this ended up as low as 30 and was attacked for that.

I also thought it would be a slow rise and solar maximum would arrive in 2027. I kinda made an error that I realised back in either March or April 2022 when I was being attacked.

This is the solar cycle at one point being forecast as 25 for solar maximum of cycle 25.

NASA has also had a forecast lately of a low of 80 and a high of 160 or more.

Now back in March or April the spot numbers I was not even looking at were hitting up into the 90's and I even saw one day at 153. There might have been higher and I missed it.

The science geek climate alarmist fanatics who did not know the definition of a Grand Solar Minimum, despite ordering others believe them that there wont be one. Then ordering others to believe them when they thought there might be but it wont affect the climate .. was saying this proved my predictions wrong.

I was hit with wave after wave of my own graphs and tweets with bit pointing finger emoticons plastered everywhere.

The bizarre thing is that I only ever worked with the 13 month smoothed number as this is more time dependent and gives a better idea when it comes to the effect on the atmosphere and climate.

They had done this previously and I started to explain again what I had been telling them for over three years, that they were using different numbers and that my number was not published yet.

They were being disingenuous. And they knew it.

The numbers had me scratching my head and then I noticed something. The spots had been appearing at the equator.

According to Sporer's Law as the cycle progresses the sunspots migrate towards the equator and then away again.

Now in recent cycles we have had this new phenomena of double peaks that goes with consecutive drops in solar maximums and increasing lengths of solar minimums and others as 'new'. Unprecedented even.

I then found a good graph on Encyclopedia Britannica which showed me I had missed something about my spiking.

I was doing this while still being bombarded and then I started to explain that it looked very likely that solar maximum, or at least one peak, had or was about to arrive.

As NASA had stated the cycle was beating expectations and as it was already hitting 153 and according to NASA's forecasts the highest level was 145 for January 2023, they were insisting, on an appeal to authority, that the average 13 month smoothed sunspots were going to hit over 150 by January 2023.

I told them and I am very confident at times and often warned them of my confidence, that the sunspots would drop away in the latter half of 2022 and they roared with laughter and I was called all the nasty names. From the pro-science group.

They also kept presenting butterfly diagrams of sunspots and claimed this was proof they were already correct about the rest of 2022.

Well its the 3rd of December 2022 and all their claims have not only died, they have died in a big ball of fire on a spaceship hurtling into Betelgeuse at the speed of light.

You see after April the spots dropped away and I was not even paying close attention ..

I see one at 32, two at 40, one at 46, five or six in the 50's, two or three in the 60's, three in the 80's and then one at 25 recently and then that dropped to 12 and is now at 66 and looks as if it could drop by 11 in a day or two?

Also presently the number they claimed proved me wrong on my 48 to 70 when they are OK with NASA and all their money ad resources saying 25 to 170, is 73.

Yeaaah you might be confused and I would not blame you.

So as I said they were chuckling daily numbers at me back in March and April I kept telling them was the wrong number for two years and they ignored that to get a win which is just so scientific and I believe the number that claimed they had in April was posted in October.

That was two or three months where the numbers rose and was reaching in the 90's up to the 150's I know of and they may have been higher?

Except since that time and from the start of May, just a few weeks later, right up now into December the numbers were 32, 40, 40, 46, 52x4 (odd), 57, 59, 79, 81, 86, one other in the 80's, 74, 77, 74, 55, 25, 12.

Here are some I collected off and I oh so wish I had collected more and this was worse than I thought it would be.

Now even a child would know that the averages from those numbers is going to be around 50 range, 45 to 55. Today it is 66. Over more than eight months.

According to the pro-science climate geeks who did not know what a Grand Solar Minimum was now Sporer's Law, these are higher numbers that the numbers from February to April 2022.

Yeaaaah .. work that one out!

Now here is the thing. The double peaks have been a recent thing only and only in the last three solar maximums that have consistently dropped suggesting something has been coming in the thirty years of claims of global warming they have taken trillions for and done nothing and achieved nothing.

So we have to assume that there will be a second peak, but this may not be the case.

Also it should be reminded that NASA claimed a solar maximum in 2025 or perhaps 2026, I actually thought 2027 before April 2022. But this may not be the case?

In this graph I pulled from spaceweatherlive who were on my in a flash when I noticed something odd about the movements, impossible, of spots which then happened again and then had sunspot numbers go from 52 to 25 on their site eight hours later.

You can see the double peaks and notice that there is ..

  • Not much difference between the two numbers

  • The first had a higher first peak, the last two a higher second

  • They are 18 months to 26 months apart

Now remember 8 months has just passed with the sunspot numbers dropping and the fact that the spots had migrated previously to the equator shows that it is now dropping.

Now if there is to be a second peak the length of time the sunspots have been dropping suggests that at some point between now and March they will start rising again towards this second peak.

The second peak could be higher or lower than April's 73.

Now remember at this point things I had previously suggested and published ..

  • Everything is a distraction

  • If they go with Covid and Vaccines it will all fall apart by the end of 2022

  • Climate and Solar Cycles will all fall apart by the end of 2022

  • I cannot believe I am the only one to notice this

  • People are behaving like its the end of the world

  • I think they knew about this

  • Everything has been a distraction

  • They have tried covering things up ..

EDIT: I should add this from SILSO after I went back to them over the discrepancies .. it should help the viewer see a pattern

I called this next one the smoking gun image.

Notice how they got things wrong with the Maunder Minimum? It also states a number of things I said and that the data is sketchy form that point on.

What is interesting here as that in recent years someone tried to say there was some sense of normality in the solar cycles, no changing of length of them and that it was a sudden drop.

While it states that this was shown not to be the case and there was a gradual decline into it?

You mean like the four consecutive drops we just had by 2014, two record solar minimums, migration of spots to the equator suggesting solar maximum just got reached and therefore an even lower one than last time?

With all the volcanoes increasing they lied about?

And the 16+ inches of snow across three states of Australia with two days to their meteorological summer no one is talking about?

Companies like Disney throwing away money as if it is now worthless in an effort lasting for years to keep fans angry?

Covid, vaccines, sweeteners, the WEF, socialist conservative governments, mass migrations, identity politics, pandering to amoral, selfish and self-obsessed groups that cannot see the wood for the trees or tell when they are being used as pawns?

The leader and nasty individual who has sent his group that are not a group, do not get me started, after me is in panic mode, I have been raining down on him and his dwindling followers, official numbers are bs, for months has suddenly done a flurry of debates.

His name is Gerald Kutney and here he is debating with Tony Heller and not only does he ignore every fundamental rule of science to go on a political attack he claims to be following the science.

No, he has been abusing it for years and when the host points out that as an engineer Michael Mann's, blocked me on volcanoes, hockey stick makes no sense Kutney comes back with a condescending “Well it makes no sense to you” which was his way of calling the host 'stupid'.

What caught my interest was that there was a point when Kutney ranted off about people talking science on Twitter, but its OK for him, and should be ignored on blogs, tell that to all the scientists who have blogs, many of which have backed me up.

This man is dangerous, nasty and dishonest. He instructs his attack hounds to go after others, antagonise and mass report them.

They will even go after your employment status to say you have no right to speak and this coming from someone that has admitted he has no degree and even his 'real name' is not real and his been caught in the past lying to Twitter with others in Kutney's group to report people.

How do I know?

Because I was one of their top targets.



Glenn Carr. one of Kutney's hounds I already mentioned and I completely forgot this as everyone that Jason (probably also fake), the superior non-scientist that is a Brit living in France, likely near Switzerland, has managed to have most everyone he has ever agued with somehow get themselves suspend?

Now if you look at the attitudes and compare them with Gerald Kutney in the interview you can see this superiority complex and the parallels.

But when it repeatedly did not work and then when it did I had it overturned they went into celebration on a large thread and then a rage ever since I returned and gate-crashed their premature party.


Now if you look at the attitudes and compare them with Gerald Kutney in the interview you can see this superiority complex and the parallels.

I can tell you that despite Gerald being called courteous, he was not and the only reason he was as calm as he was is he had at least one of his attack dogs ..

  • Aanthunuur (also AantK4)

  • Hakimi (two accounts with this name)

  • Richi (I kept chucking Feynman quotes at him)

  • TKT

  • The Kings Trigger (I am the King)

  • Emilio bye bye CCP

  • Noel John Turner

  • Daniel Kuhn

.. in the chat repeating bollx and attacking people.

Now would it interest you to know that Aanthunuur is in Switzerland where the World Economic forum are located?

It was odd that if you go through the chat he seems worried Kutney wont do a good job?

Would it also surprise you to know that as well as them all claiming they do not have more than one account, that Glenn Carr, also Jason Thomas, is a British guy living in France?

Would happen to be near the Swiss border, would it now?

Here is the very good and straight-talking and honest Bret Weinstein talking to someone I would not touch with a barge-pole as he obfuscates and deflects and uses 'labels' to defend the Biden Administration and what the military did with Covid mandates.

In a time when the world is slowly realizing they have been lied to in all sorts of ways?

And for the first time Blogger deletes a post, does not tell me what post it is nor what was violated and 'telling the truth' is not on the list.

Oh and WordPress want to to do a post about how I feel about eating meat?!

Whatever it was that Google, fascist liars, Blogger deleted it has not been deleted by WordPress nor Substack. So you work that one out.

Boy oh boy do I smell panic and oh what a shock these people have coming to them?



A little odd that as I post this about being targeted, in some ways for the first time, I discover I am being targeted in another way for the first time, no?

Now after idiotically going to people and YouTubers they have been suppressing for years and asking for their support over Section 230 and being told where to get off, lets see if Google deletes this one.

They have been switching off my ads for years when others view it but intentionally leading me to believe from my end, all is well.

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