Wednesday 20 January 2021


Lets get something straight to a great many people that have visited my blog posts in recent weeks who likely have come up with the wrong idea about me.

Or as I am sure is happening have been convinced by others of the wrong idea about me and intentionally so. As a recent popularity spike in my blogs has alarmed and cheesed off the far-left.

If you are not far-left in politics then you are therefore far-right.

Here is the reality.

  • Scientist

  • Like to think of myself as centrist and impartial

  • My tests come out not just centre-left but close to Gandhi

  • The far-left do not like this

  • They switch between me being far or alt-right to being a socialist

  • Am against socialism, get annoyed as most that want it or have been convinced its a great thing have not been told everything. If they told you everything you would not want it

“If voting made any difference at all they would not let us do it” - Mark Twain

I am hated because they think I am a Trump. Not even American and never set foot there.

I have not voted ever because I hate politics and most politicians, they lie, they cheat, they do not give a shit and not even the ones in charge. I fight socialism because I do not need nor will I stand for my life being made even worse than it is and after a living hell going on for decades I will NOT tolerate a fascist, leftist blaming me and telling me I am wrong.

That should be told to my face, not yelled out, lied to, bullied, hounded and harassed on social media and them diving down all the accounts of me they can find because they fear me.

Oh and they do fear me.

They have seen my viewers shoot up and they are losing it over how this is happening and literally in the space of a few hours on the 6th January I went from being told I was insignificant to the capitol being stormed all being my fault and I have got people killed and might have started a civil war.

As insane as that sounds that is what took place on the 6th January.

In fact this is the mentality of the people you are dealing with that want po0wer over you. They want control of what you can and cannot say and how you think and how you vote.

I had hoped Donald Trump would change a few things that were making my life hell and towards the end of his first term not only was it frustrating that he had not done them but I seem to have two options coming up ..

  • Would I go another four years waiting for him to do what he hinted at

  • Will he lose and it will only get worse and not just for me but hundreds of millions

Oddly I did not think he would lose and everyone knows how and why he lost. Though technically 'lost' is the wrong word.

All previous leaders for me turned out disappointing and even Obama did not do the four things he said he would even after two terms.

What was different for me is this was something different. Trump was something different. He was real and not just a mouth piece whispering sweet nothings that people want to hear.

You knew where you stood with him.

This was the same with Nigel Farage.

But for some strange reason the hard-left became obsessed ..

  • Hated Politicians for leading us to where we are at

  • Hated Farage

  • Hated Trump

  • And now we are back with the same types of politicians that got us to this point

  • Only now we know they lies are way bigger

  • They lied and cheated to get us to where we are and the leftists have helped the same politicians we had before lying and cheating for all the world to see

I just do not understand how these people's minds work.

The way many see it as that the leftists after power kno0w many people are naïve idiots that do not do due diligence, get into a dreamy state where they think all their prayers will be answered of they follow this particular bear.

In 2021 they are going to get a rude awakening and they and everyone else will suffer and purely they allowed themselves to be conditioned and not listen to those they were told were the enemy.

So they think I am alt-right. Because they got programmed into thinking that if you disagree with them at all over anything then far-right, alt-right must be why.

Odd that they never thought to ask that if all the answers were easy then where is the country in the world where life is perfect? Because I personally do not know of one.

'How is history littered with groups of people that are self-righteous, believe they are superior and have all the answer and only when it is too late they realise their mistakes?'

'How can a group that spends many a year creating greatest division in the history of mankind, blame the other side for all the problems as well as the divide?'

'Water, when obstructed, finds an alternate path but only mankind can have one side dig its hells in and refuse to move for their fellow man'

'Man has never been more divided than it is today while walking blindly towards the cliff of doom just as their leaders had intended'

Wise and philosophical lines aside, well one can only hope, the banning of people off Twitter and Facebook and the sinister coordinated attack on Donald Trump, Conservative and other voices is wrong.

Angela Merkel did not agree and thinks that big tech companies shutting down freedom of speech should not be their job but the governments.

Both right and wrong.

Start controlling what people can and cannot say and you bring in more political power to various groups that once power is gained get more and you cannot get them out.

People should actually look up the history behind the Nazis. Who were not the Nazis, as they are now referred to. This was just their name for short. Before Hitler took power. The bad stuff came long later.

Hitler was also put in prison and likely for saying things and I believe where he wrote his book and look how that turned out?

Many people have noticed, myself included, there is a very striking and scary similarity between the path modern day hard-left are on to that of the Nazis.

Now here is where it gets way, way worse.

They can now literally influence any country in the world that has the Internet and/or smartphones and you all paid these very companies the money to achieve that power over you.

Irony has never had a greater example than what is going on today.

Sadly I suspected it for years but never it my wildest dreams did I think they would either push it as far as they have, make it as obvious as much as they have nor get as far as they currently have got.

To the hard-left they got a victory recently, or so they think but to billions around the world was stand open mouthed at what they got away with and who is helping them.

So that banning of Donald Trump alarmed a lot of countries and I was hearing things from India, Germany, France, Poland, Mexico and Australia and of course Uganda barred Twitter and Facebook.

There as a combined loss of $51 Billion between Twitter and Facebook.

Then there was a secret video, not sure what too make of this as it was close up and how did he not notice, of Jack Dorsey saying there would be a lot more.

Also that Vijaya Gadde was also recently heard to be saying that they intend to influence things around the world.

Yeah that would be around the world. That is you.

Representatives were summoned and asked for explanations and India did this but I for one would not be interested as it is very obvious you cannot trust anything they say.

Those two lied on Joe Rogan's show and lied to Tim Pool.

Tim Pool has become so incensed that he recently described it as Jack Dorsey punching you in the stomach while he asks you why you are making him do this to you.

Yeah I do not really think for a second that Dorsey or Gadde is in control and are doing this and are just doing as they are told.

Come on, watch them on Rogan. You think these to clowns suddenly decided to take it upon themselves to run the world?

Not everyone is on Twitter and they are either being kicked off now or leaving in droves.

In a matter of months who will be left to influence?

The Hill thought that Twitter would now vanish in 2021 and I an inclined to agree with that statement now.

And after years of supporting companies like Google and Amazon I can say today that I despise them, they are evil and have been complicit with others into making my life hell and took away my ability help help myself and others.

Twitter and the British Government are others.

Its like being caught in the middle of a war by two evil forces at odds and taking the flack from both sides.

The side I am on are the decent honest folk I meet I have respect for. Not those willing to mislead the wider public and treat them as slaves or foot soldiers to help them in their amoral endeavours to hold onto power they do not deserve.

I am fighting to stop the limitations placed upon mankind by those that have become self-appointed kings and queens. Or just kings, whatever the case may be.

Now here are some details and a few screenshots of the hard-left getting rattled.

“One of the interesting things is a lot of the work we have been doing over the last week is work we've built on in other places around he world, where we've seen violence unfold as a result of misleading information or coded rhetoric” - Gadde

The world is spinning out of control because of the bad handling of those in power who now want to limit what people see and from big tech where some lies and crimes are perfectly OK and some truths and even words from a dictionary are not.

What is more scary, the fact that established information among the masses is now looking to be false, cures being implements that are untested and worse than the disease or that a very small number of people have elected themselves as God like deities who can run the world?

There are people and families who have made money and pay their bills by way of followers on social media and I have spent years trying to do the same.

They have been suppressing me to ever greater length for 5 years after telling me I can make an income from this and giving me nothing in the way of feedback, even to what they do not 'like'.

In the last 3 years this has rapidly increased, none of my numbers work correctly on any platform I am on. And just as I found a way around it they purged a ridiculous number off Twitter and Parler got shut down. Yeah I have likely had 50,000 followers or more blocked from me.

Like Tim Pool stated its like you are being repeatedly punched on the stomach by Jack Dorsey, and Others, while has is asking you why you are making him do this to you.

Who elected these arrogant people into the positions of God?

From India on the subject and I do not blame them .. a shame I do not live in India as the way I see it it might be the one place where I wont be treated like crap.

They are getting worse as they are panicking because of the drop in solar activity, the lengthening of it we have not seen before and emerging link to seismic activity and all the record cold and snow right across the globe.

You see they have not got what they want yet.

Lets say people start to think that the AGW crowd have misled them and the fact that they targeted everyone's children .. and the fact that they put to the forefront a child to mislead their children.

Well I think that the backlash might be severe and any chances they had of getting their way will go south for the winter and for good.

Yeah only you have all this talk of The Great Reset and professional people I was friends with who did not believe such stories now know its real and are asking me how they could possibly think this up as it simply cannot work. I said that they seem to be under the impression that they do. The infuriating thing about it all is they literally come across as if we are all slaves and will just do as those in power tell us to.

It really is all like something from the worst B-Rated Horror Movies. End of the world over burning and viruses so that a new system can be put in place where all the ones in power that scr3ewed us over ever worsening capitalism can remain in power under socialism.

And the ones that despise them the most may well have just helped them achieve this?


There really is no getting around it and I do not understand how the hard-left today do not see it and call everyone that disagrees with them that which they actually are.

If you are against free speech and silencing other and only want free speech that you approve of you are the same as Hitler and Stalin and this is fascism. Here is Jimmy Dore, further left than Tim Pool, and Noam Chomsky a Marxist lecturer stating it.

'One you give them the power to restrict the ones that you do not like it then becomes a lot easier to restrict YOU'.

I predicted a great many things over a number of years starting from 15 years ago or further back than that and many thought I was crazy.

Today very almost all have apologized, asked how I coped and stated that it is far worse than even I said it would be.

If someone told me two years ago that their prediction was that the events of the last couple of months would occur ..

.. well I would have called THEM crazy.

Been saying it all year while many said it would be better and just a few weeks ago Tim Pool realised the same thing.

Everyone said that 2021 would be way better, that 2020 was the worst year of their lives by some margin and could not wait for it to end.

Afraid to say 2021 is only going to be worse.

For one thing I have been trying to imagine how the world is going to react to all the record killed and killer snow that has occurred. The AGW group are now, once again with hindsight while telling me my predictions were wrong, blaming the ENSO and La Nina.

Not only I this complete balderdash, how is it that when I stated all year that this winter was going to be a record breaker around the world they did not answer “Oh yeah well of course because we have a La Nina”

In all the years you were told in the media about how fast the world is going to warm did you ever once hear them say, “well every couple of years it will cool down because of La Nina”?

This is how dishonest the hard-left are. Literally a man listed as being 8 miles north of means a 'remainer' posted two graphs and called me an idiot and liar. One of global temps over a period of time and one of ENSO with La Nina and El Nino.

The time scaled were not only very short but completely different to each other so only covered two or three decades.

I had been laughing at this group of people for several weeks with their latest excuses.

So I looked and sure enough I posted back that there were two periods when the global temperatures were at a peak when a full on La Nina were in effect. He told several other lies too.

He then spent several hours claiming, despite the fact he proved himself wrong with his own evidence, that he was not wrong and that I was lying about him lying.

The problem with Twitter and they uses this so if you have had this done to you this is way they do it, is all the posts move down so quickly. This thread has had hundreds of people on it. Likely over 100 have blocked me because they just cannot beat me in any kind of debate.

Well .. the vast majority do not actually debate. They just lie and use tricks, double-talk, provoke and then all mass report you because they do not like some facts and science.

It is very difficult for me to want to live in a world where people such as this not only exist but spend all of their waking hours fooling the masses that they are all for them and improving their lives.

Would rather be hit by a truck or die in a war with a gun in my hands than live in w world with these hard-left fascists in power.

Income from advertising screwed up by big tech.

Disability income wrecked by lying NHS and British Government. Daughter and grand-children's lives destroyed by the same.

Patreon account had nothing happen and would likely be closed down if it did. Tens of thousands followers gone because of despots and evil tyrannical big tech leaders.

Go Fund Me after my daughter was double-crossed by government and Police did nothing in 2017.

Minds account was supposed to earn crypto or something but the numbers there got messed with while I do not understand how tokens relate to coins with Ether and Etherium and watch a lot of videos where people waffle things where not only do they not actually say anything sound like they have zero idea what they are talking about

£35,000 got stolen by family member and despite discovering this and warning probate and authorities was not investigated.

I could go on with this list and I am also supposed to sit here and believe like some kind of dribbling crazed fool that decades of hell was caused by people they now want me to believe were doing a great job and actually making that WORSE is really making it better and for my own good?

I would really not want to see what they would do if they actually wanted to make it worse.

Spent years having things done to me and my family and long sinc3e figured out everything behind it, why it has happened and who is to blame. Though I only have one name to who is at the top and only 99% sure of him.

I have been way higher up the ladder with a view of almost all of the scenery long before anyone else and over the years people have eventually seen what I have seen.

Had non believers that had since realised and professional people whose politics are centre-left experience fear and anger and state that 'these evil, fascist socialists need to be wiped off the face of the Earth” to my surprise.

Say the slightest mean thing to these evil fascist hard-left and they suddenly turn into one of those birds that when a predator is too close to their nests they get on the ground and feign having a wounded wing to lure predators away.

I tagged this #BirdWithWoundedWing Technique.

It is absolutely stunniing as these people would happily hurt you in all kinds of ways physically, financially as well as mentally. They have openly stated “so” and “I don't care” to children being raped, dying, people dying, animals dying and number suggesting a increasing likelihood of worldwide catastrophe.

They are only interested in pushing fear, control and getting money over AGW and Covid while the latter is ironic as they were the ones that insisted it was nothing and wanted to bring all the people home and NOT refuse entry to any countries. Now they do not want you leaving your house.

They have low IQ, uneducated in any field but think they are smarter than everyone else, know everything and have the right to order other people about and make their lives a living hell.

Its like a Dystopian nightmare and I have seen people comment something even I have thought when I have been in my worst moments of pain and fear that I wished an asteroid would just end it all.

They think Aliens are here or might come here? Who in their right mind would want to be associated with evil trash like these?

Could you imagine these fascist woke crowd meeting intelligent aliens trying to explain why they are dishonest and evil towards others and then explain to the aliens what they can and cannot say, think or do?

Pew-pew, ZAPP!

Here are some screenshots of a hard-left Antifa in Switzerland .. remember they are all about saving the Earth, people, children and animals and are all into the science and know more than me.

And I assure you that 100% of the time out of likely 10,000 they are all like this on the global warming front, all hard-left and all pushing for the Great Reset and they all stated for two years that change was coming and there was nothing any of us can do about it.

They are rude, arrogant, ignorant, dishonest and highly manipulative in such a way its worse than what I imagined having to deal with what the Nazi;s would be like in World War 2.

Except for the part where they murdered you which from the way they talk I am not entirely certain they would not happily do the same.

The conversation he claimed he witnessed to convince others that Rob Honeycutt of Skeptical Science and friend of Potholer 'wiped the floor with ' never took place. At all.

Oh and when they are proven wrong or exposed as lying they go on a spamming spree.

Now they ask for science and if I provide 6 tweets of different things they then falsely accuse me of spamming, despite tweets running in a series. But they actually do spam but do not see it as spamming.

There was also a spate where their language and bullying was so bad they thought they was untouchable and then I noted that their tweets were coming up as warnings despite nothing being in the tweets.

Then this one got a life suspension and one of three of late and he must be sooooo confused and not as superior as he thought he was.

It appears what is going on is that they are flagging people and putting their tweets under an advisory on the hard-left and then leave it there as they go through their tweets to determine what they have been doing.

This one was soooo sure of himself and so sure he was invincible and protected. A series of screenshots I have show that they were all suddenly getting scared and many have gone quiet since this one was booted as his friends, when it comes to accusations and language, are way, way worse

  • Your an alcoholic
  • You have mental health issues, seek help
  • You are a right-wing Nazi
  • You are a secret socialist
  • You're a paedophile
  • You're a rapist
  • I blackmailed Boris Johnson, the Home Office and British Government for a House, is thge latest

Here is one that I did just before he got himself suspended because I got so annoyed and thought it would be a laugh as he suddenly kept talking about a girlfriend that was foreign like he was trying to prove something?

I post to Minds under @saintallnights

GAB and Parler as @allnights

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