Sunday 31 January 2021


I am an idiot.

I have often stated that sometimes I can see things very quickly and I can sometimes just visualise things with a little pattern recognition.

Impressing lecturers I did this both at college and university and could often come up with results to mathematical problems that said you could not do and need algebra to solve.

Have gone into this in the past and not going to go through it again here.

Also of note is despite the many times my opponents have tried to put words in my mouth, twisted what I have stated and even stated I never previously stated things I never said it never warmed.

Quite the opposite as I have a health condition that among many other things makes me suffer when it is warm.

What I have maintained all along from the 90's is that it was not down to CO2 and in recent years it has been reversing and cooling and I would advise anyone to be vary wary of convincing graphs presented to you.

Another thing that has always been claimed is that I am a conspiracy theorist and got everything from conspiracy blogs and YouTube channels. Also not true.

So back in the early 90's when no one even knew what the Internet was and smartphones had not been invented I was stating that these claims going around about warming from CO2 was nonsense.

Worked with CO2 all my life via aquatic plants for one.

In 2001 I got to go to an area of south Italy as being a Batrachologist, among many other things, and not long turning down the chance to do a PhD with Middlesex University, I was provided the location of several species of animals I have long been fascinated by.

This was in Calabria and you8 could see Sicily from the mountains I was spending time in.

These species were ..

Salamandra salamandra gigliolii (pictured)

Ichthyosaura (previously Mesotriton and Triturus) alpestris apuanus and inexpectatus

Bombina (variegata) pachypus

This is one of the guys in question and the location was provided to me by an ex co-editor of the British Herpetological Society's John Pickett.

EDIT: These cannot survive at sea-level as its far too warm but were there once a very long time ago.

This is how sad the hard-left are to exploit science as when I told this story one time an account with his name popped up and started disagreeing with me. Two problems with this ..

  • He hated technology and did not even own a smartphones

  • He has also actually been dead for awhile

  • Yup .. those are the lengths those that are willing to abuse science for political agendas will go to to shut anyone down

So then I get down there after we broke down when the turbo on a diesel engone went south for the winter and we stayed in a hotal in Caserte Nord just north of Naples I am finally up 2,000 metres, thereabouts, at my target location.

One of the species I was looking for we soon found only it was not what I expected and blew my mind despite being very familiar with all the others in the genus from across the world. What was supposed to be a canary yellow was a bright orange.

This was a small toad commonly called the Yellow-Bellied Toad, you see the confusion, which was odd because the Fire Salamanders, Salamandra salamandra gigliolii, I was mainly there for were also orange when the other 40 types were yellow 99.99% of the time other than odd individuals.

Does not matter what science subject we are in this is the kind of things that gets me thinking despite the fact I was not in a good way and just got through one of many bad periods in my life.

Had told the guy I went with we were also there 3 weeks too late, as we were supposed to go 3 weeks earlier but he altered the dates. We found no salamanders despite he fact that had another unique habit of being diurnal no one understood.

Now I apologize of this gets a little .. disjointed as I started to make a start on this during a slight lull in pain. I also have to email the NHS due to this and some chest pain I am having close to my heart I simply cannot bear any more.

Anyway I found these tiny sorry-assed streams of brooks and in them I was spotting Salamandra larvae and I pointed them out to the guy I was with and asked how old they looked.

He gave me a sheepish look because he knew where I was going with this. My claim about how we should have been there three weeks earlier in April was spot-on.

What I noticed was that the larvae were very thin and very spaced out in the streams and there was very little in the way of food items.

This was totally different to how you would find them in other areas of Europe and this and the orange and the diurnal habits was driving me insane.

Now the eastern side of Italy I would have loved the chance to investigate was low level. On the west side you had mountains running north-south, a valley and then another ridge of mountains where the Salamandra were located also running north-south.

At one point we was up on the western ridge of mountains and a mist was coming up even in bright sunshine, from the Mediterranean and drifting over the mountains into the valley and you could watch the clouds drifting across it.

It was a while later while back in England that it hit me as to why this type was diurnal ..


    • Mist drifted across the valley and reach the mountains on far side and at a certain time of the year around April any northerly wind cooled enough by the Alps that drifted down in the night would have any soil at its wettest around 5am to 10am in the morning

    • This was when slugs would be out, just as they do in the UK and Salamandra's number one favourite prey


    • This was down to something in the soil or water, colours come from carotenes in the food and so from slugs, which were orange, other insects and coming from plants

    • I now know that the soil there is unique I will get to


    • I realised that these animals had been climbing the mountain to stay with their temperature range for thousands, NOT hundreds, of years and therefore the Industrial Revolution did not start any warming

    • KEY: These species would have had to be located at seal-level in the southern tip of Italy which meant a very long time ago Reggio Di Calabria at sea-level would have had a climate similar to the UK today.

The species of Ichthyosaura alpestris inexpectatus was another find and for me personally a mind blowing one as I have been into Alpine Newts from a child and had found a British colony of them in Surrey in England back in the late 1980's before I had even passed my driving test.

Yeah I really have been an expert that long and back in 1984 had found Marsh Frogs in Kent.

But this subspecies in southern Italy had only ever been rumoured in recent years and the fact that only in the very north of Italy was the further south they were found made this highly unlikely.

But this was not all as these two subspecies were 600 to 800 miles apart, one was 3.5 inches long and very blue while the one to the south was over 5.5 inches long, more robust, grainy skin and a lot less blue. Even the patterns were vastly different.

Each species showed a division at different moments in time and as I explained to fascinated experts they all agreed. I had solved a 50 year long question.

Of course I did not have the entire picture.

Yes I have always stated that the climate of Earth swings about and if you have cold troughs, which themselves vary in ice-age depths, to hot peaks which will likely also vary.

Most animals are known with Genus/Species/Subspecies and I have stated for decades that this is not descriptive enough. As well as geology climate swings separate animals geographically at different points in time.

Therefore different subspecies would have been splintered off for hugely varying periods of time and really you need something that shows what this is. If indeed it can be worked out at all.

Yeah .. when I was asked to do a PhD it was exactly because of talk like this but was in Applied Computing but I coded a system for the animal kingdom.

Yes so this story I have told before and with my memory might have been told a couple of times previously on this blog?

Also the people that are intent on ignoring science while insisting they are all about the science and stating that we should follow the science do not like that story and they certainly wont like that many more people will get to read about it.

Yes well I am afraid it is about to get a whole lot worse.

You see .. umm this might get you thinking as I actually had another clue I detected with ..


As it is now 2021 its taken me 20 years to realise that I not only picked up on another clue form another area of science that I ACTUALLY remarked upon at the time. Yes I actually remarked about something I noticed with my bare feet that the guy I was with gave his opinion and and I said something else.

As stated I am an IDIOT!

Before I explain what I recently discovered which had be remember this remark at the time I will state that for many years I expected everyone else to catch up over the Industrial Revolution but they never did.

I simply did not understand why they were not and did not give it much thought.

Then they started to get heavier and heavier over time with the message and it seemed to be they were trying to program something into the consciousness of people and still did not know why this was.

Then I came across a bunch of people that claimed to be into the science but they dismissed every single bit of science and every single report and science paper I presented and there were hundreds.

They refused to accept each and every one of them as meaning anything at all when many were irrefutable and others unprecedented. No one does this in science. There was not even the slightest show of doubt or even relief. Nor did they bat a single eyelid as I posted stories about mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and other animals dying with my theory as to what is going on.

Its a simple matter of fact that in science if you ignore other theories and dogmatically stick to your own things go wrong which can and will end up with people and animals dying.

Now they are dying, ignoring the fact they are dying, not showing any shock or empathy and insisting on banging their drum.

Claiming they are worried about the animals and environment but show no feelings or shockwhatsoever to thousands of whales and dolphins dying.

Yeah I know the science and do not need someone convincing me but others should be very wary and if you have found the same thing in these that have convinced you of one thing I would highly advise you do not take their claims on anything at all.

To me it appears they are luring people in using fear. That to me is also not only pretty manipulative but evil. Literally making out you care for people or animals when really your just hoping for some leeway. Leverage to power .. or something else? Money perhaps? Who knows?

'Never do the right thing for the wrong reasons

'With record cold and snow growing around the world each years the last few years and with people now dying are you really going to tell them that you need to make it colder? If you are not what is it you are going to tell them you need to do with the solutions you do not have along with the proof you do not possess?'

Now reverse back up a little to before we got to the mountains we were aiming for and if you recall I stated that we broke down?

The turbo went wild and engine started revving like crazy and we found a mechanic and left the car there. We then managed, after a number of phone-calls and me communication with the local Italians, got a hire car and ended up in a hotel in Caserta Nord just a little north of Napoli.

It was hot there with a temperature of 38C at sea-level and despite the fact I could not handle heat and had suffered in the south of France the say before at 25C I found it surprisingly bearable.

I can have issues at 22C so this was a surprise and I realised it was because the air was very dry, a surprise what with us being so close to the Mediterranean. Did not make sense.

In the hotel I walked across the hotel room barefoot and said to my friend .. “the floor is warm?!” and he thought they must have underfloor heating.

I said “Are you serious? Its blooming warm here even at night .. you know I think its volcanic? Maybe we are not far from Pompeii?”

Now I have an interest in all sciences for the most part and did think it would have been great to actually get to see Pompeii. Because of the volcanic eruption and because my favourite rock band did a legendary and classic live piece there. Pink Floyd.

I cannot remember what I thought at the time as it was awhile ago and I was not sure at the time whether was was in close proximity to Pompeii or not.

I also was not aware of the extent of the magma chamber beneath Pompeii at the time.

Both prior and post this event despite my desire to do something in science or discover something in science that would benefit mankind and progress it there have always been huge upheavals.

Years ago people could not understand how these things always seem to happen but what with everything that is emerging today people now think that I was not mad or caused this but was all by design.

Maybe they was on to me as someone that could see and reveal things?

Many that thought me mad, knowing that I do not lie, now say that “You was right all along, you was spot-on about everything!”

I get asked how I have coped all this time and how I am coping now. Well I am in hell and might be in hospital in a few days and I wonder each time I type out an important post like this one if I will suddenly die from one of my untreated symptoms before I post it?

The point of that is to show that my desire to make a difference has been scuppered every step of the way from various directions. Even now.

“When are you going to build this PC you need to build?”

“I see now how important it is that you do what you do”

“Has no one offered to help you?”

These are things I get from one professional friend that thought it was all mad and now thinks that not only was a spot-on but that things are far worse then I had predicted they will be. And them some.

Now then volcanoes ..

I have been looking into these heavily of late along with the atmosphere, solar activity and a number of other things. Even with volcanoes alone there are so many and what with Earth being 71% water we have no idea how many there are or where they are.

Then you have super-volcanoes and despite the fact there are several known the one yu always hear about is Yellowstone. And boy have I watched a lot about that one.

And then Campi-Flegrei in Italy caught my attention.

Had seen people mention in in a little detail and sometimes only briefly but each time I would hear something that piqued my interest.

Had planned for a long time to look into this in greater depth as part of it was under the sea and I wondered what the effects would be if a super-volcano that was located under the sea would do?

I also had not realised how it was connected to Pompeii, sometimes these scientists and documentaries are really, really shit at explaining things.

Also noticed on maps they flashed up there was a bay that looked somewhat circular and wondered if, a very long time ago, there was a large volcano that was once located there and had blown completely.

I had also wondered about this with Yellowstone?

Now then it is well known that I mentioned to Michael Mann that one of his papers were he used the DVI to rule out the LIA was wrong.

Was blocked by him for pointing this out.

When I kept telling people convinced that AGW was real, or more accurately very obsessed with convincing others it is real, I would not mention what DVI was.

After telling me I was wrong for several weeks one of these promoters of AGW one day asked ..

“What is a DVI?”

And that's why I never fully explain everything because these people are not familiar with science as they claim and are dishonest.

How can they just claim I am wrong when they do not even know what a DVI is?

The LIA is the Little Ice-Age that took place between around 1648, arguably earlier, and 1700.

The DVI os the Dust Veil Index and a layer of volcanic dust beneath the ground that shows us signs of how big an eruption was, where it was and WHEN it was.

This shows us clues about specific eruptions in specific localities.

You cannot use them to rule out the Little Ice-Age as being localized which is what Michael Mann tried to do and where he got this nonsense idea form I will never know. Disingenuous.

Its been shown to also be global in other studies.

Now then here are other reasons you cannot do this and the first one I have already mentioned ..

  • Earth is 71% water

  • We do not know about all eruptions

  • New eruptions often erase evidence of previous eruptions including the DVI

That is it Michael Mann, end of story. Recently I think someone put it to him that I was causing a lot or ripples and he unblocked me to post the tweet saying ..

“I have to admit its true. Sometimes I block people for saying stupid shit” which was posted at me by one that ignores science and when I went to reply I found I was blocked again.

Mr Mann is not going to like this.

So then a documentary popped up about Campi Flegrei and watched it.


  • Down there the volcanic eruptions produce this yellowish tuffa rock? Hmm could this be behind the animals to tend to be orange down there?

  • The ground has risen from 7 to 10 metres, I already knew years ago, but that it should have erupted but that rock has acted as a seal?

  • Campi Flegrei has erupted many more times than they realised and the traces of many eruptions were erased by the following eruption?

  • You mean this confirms my theory that the animals have been separated at several different points in time as I stated in 2001?!

  • It has cause mega-tsunamis with some previous eruptions

  • Chances are when it does it will be bigger as a result? Maybe a VEI7?

  • Crap! Where I was in Caserta Nord was slap bang in the middle but slightly to the north of this super-volcano?

Remember that Stromboli has been erupting as has Mount Etna on Sicily.

The video I watched to be one of four parts, cannot recall which par it was and think it was the fourth and then fell asleep while it was playing.

So I ended up watching it again along with all of the other three parts.

I have linked them all and its quite detailed but the narrator speaks a little fast and I gove you fair warning the last part has a large section of a worse case scenario of there is a super-volcanic eruption.

Please be advised if you watch it as its a little scary.

Also remember this is also a theory and a super-volcano erupting does not mean a super-volcanic eruption and this is true for all super-volcanoes, if you did not know.

So just on the slim chance that after reading this you hear that Campi Flegrei, Yellowstone or one of the others erupts do not think automatically that the theoretical events that follow are an absolute guarantee. It is only a theoretical prediction if Campi-Flegrei if there is a super-volcanic eruption.

I also tend to ask myself three things in science and maybe more than I just do not recall right now and these are ..

  • We might not get super-volcanic eruption as these might just got weaker over geological time-scales?

  • We might not get a asteroid strike that causes an Extinction Level Event because most of the dangerous, or bigger, ones have gone?

  • We might not get any super solar-flares or any occasions where climate of Earth has been as warm as it has been in the past because the Sun has used up a lot of fuel?

Remember, these are just questions I ask myself and not necessarily the case.

There has been a huge increas in fireballs and meteors in the last few years and when you consider that the solar system is billions of years old and that there are other planets its definitely the case that many asteroids have ceased to be for one reason or another.

I do so love it when scientists commit themselves to say something is happening when there is no proof or that something will happen when they do not know.

My best onses are the years in each subject where they have stated that things will not happen for thousands of even millions of years and yet there is a long list of data I have seen and thought “Yeesh, well so much for all those claims you made, eh?!”

And yet I live in an age where some baseless claims in science want to be taken as gospel while actual data gets completely dismissed and ignored.

Also they lied about it but two different teams of Chinese Scientists found no evidence of man-made global warming in 2014 and again in 2019 and came to the same conclusions I stated here. That it was already warming when the Industrial Revolution started.

The argument they AGW crowd used was that the were only talking about north China.

  • No they were talking about and used the term 'global warming'

  • So their defence of AGW is that it is not global?

So then this has been mapped out and is one of 50 parts or more I posted just since January 2019 and have posted about this since 2012 on here.

It has occurred after two gauges, not reliable, for global temps have stated it has dropped.

Record cold and snow reports just for this winter have come in from right across Asia including Russia, the middle-east, Europe, North and South Africa, South America and North America and even Hawaii has reports of heavy snow as has Australia and New Zealand has had snow even in its summer.

And no its not La Nina and trust me when I state that if you put two graphs of global temps and La ENSO side by side you will find two occasions in the last three or four decades when the global temps have peaked at the time of a La Nina.

Here are the four parts regarding Italy's Campi Flegrei super-volcano and its the last one that has the scary forecast of the worst case scenario. You have been warned.

Here is one on the super-volcano at Lake Toba

Lake Taupo super-volcano in New Zealand

Extinct super-volcano in Australia

And an extinct one in Russia they call the Siberian Traps that erupted for a million years, though I often take scientific claims with a grain of salt and this is one of those.

Interesting that one of my theories I have talked about is brought up as a possible trigger for eruptions, and the fault lines, with antipode. In that an asteroid strike large enough on the opposite side of the world triggers an eruption.

This had been considered the trigger for super-volcanic eruptions but they now know, or think, this is not the case in some. Like Camp Flegrei for one.

My next piece has to be on the events following the inauguration of Joe Biden and the stock market fiasco as ..

  • Feminists seem to have been disappointed

  • Students seem to be disappointed

  • Those with Mortgages awaiting stimulus cheques are disappointed

  • People with jobs in a certain pipeline seem to be disappointed

  • Those wanting Medicare and diabetics are disappointed

  • He was very quick to sign up with the Paris Agreement which has many wondering why he focused on that and many climate groups worrying he will barge in and take-over and saying he can get lost

  • Kamala 'Hairy' Harris claimed there would be no fracking so environmentalists are disappointed

  • Hard-Left groups have been targeted and suspended so they are disappointed

  • The Censorship the hard-left called for has been used to shut down them and people screwing over billionaires on Reddit .. so many more disappointed

  • Many Climate Groups have notices on their profiles trying to tell people they are not political and have no affiliations with political groups likely because of all the reports that Greta Thunberg, her family, Fridays For Future, Extinction Rebellion and even Black Lives Matter are Marxists or run by them

  • The Stock Market, Billionaires, Hedge Funds, Game Stop, Blackberry, Nokia, Wall Street Bets, Robin Hood (the imposter) and selling shorts

  • There has been a record amount of executive orders

  • They only approve of walls when they are being erected to protect them and one has to wonder of they are expecting backlash from something they INTEND to do?

  • #FoodForThought

  • My word has he even been President a month yet?

  • I can tell you this has a fact and you can check yourself that many Extinction Rebellion

  • Despite what the Hard-Left have bene telling me abo9ut greater support ..

  • Many groups around the world stopped posting on Twitter in mid to late 2019

  • Others stopped around May to November 2020

  • Even those that do, do not get many likes or retweets

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