Sunday 7 August 2022

Dawn of the Emerging Sun

First off I am not in Wales. Mores the pity.

A building that was due to be completed that I was told was 3 to 4 weeks time back in May has had no lights go on to date.

Nor have I been informed what is going on and locals are asking and some getting suspicious and I dare say that in another week they will start asking DIRECTLY.

Someone going through the same process only took 16 to 20 weeks while I am at over 30 weeks for something that was supposed to take 26 at the outside. We was also identical in every way, the same category and even she, who has spoken to me and seems very keen to meet me, does not understand what is going on.

I have emailed and had no response so what I will do is try very hard to find out later next week but its a small town and people talk and the locals will only talk more and more.

Oddly I know the plasterer for the building and he does not understand what is going on and has been trying to find out but not heard nothing yet.

So I have been stuck in a building of bullies after I was offered a way out on the same day 7 months ago, I turned down because I thought I would be moving again in 2 to 3 months.

Oddly the 'bullies' have been kinda silent for two months or more and I am wondering if they suddenly realised that if I dropped dead from a heart attack or something else, they could get into a whole heap of pain?

Who knows?

But one is not completely silent and now being spoken to by a long list of people and have recently bumped into one that said 'everyone says they are too much'.

But it only takes one of their attacks and one heart attack for one life to end.

I am having some incredibly painful headaches again too and those three days of heat were bad but a few days later it was like September or even October and people were walking around in north London with jumpers and even light jackets on.

Several times I was actually shivering in .. July?!

Now the sort of people I have upset would do anything and everything to stop me.

Some of these would just mass email people and this is not that. Because this would not stop other people moving into the building and I am but one of 12 or more people.

But there is one organisation that has a lot of power and money and if they paid workers to screw things up or even buy the building, this would be nothing to them.

But that is just speculation presently and maybe here has been some sort of financial collapse?

Who knows.

This could be the reason why ..

Over many years I have been involved in exposing many things and I started out with the intention of being undetected and building up over time. You name the cause and I have been there and in each in recent years, to get around me being buried by the usual bit tech giant suspects I started adding various platforms to my arsenal.

In this regard by the time anyone noticed I was becoming a problem I would have already reached a great many people and while they was deliberating my numbers would be growing.

Because they do not see them all.

From grooming gangs to the NHS lying that everyone now sees, to fake news and corruption on the public services and also various areas of science.

In 2001 I realised something about climate change which was nonsense in my opinion and that is the Industrial Revolution started no warming. I expected the world to catch up.

Sadly I was seeing other things and was even asking questions about them, like the Svalbard Seed Vault and as I said to a friend “Why now?" "Is there something coming they hiding and are not informing us about?” and while he thought I was wrong about this I said “If there was something coming, do you think they would tell us?”

My life kept getting turned upside down and many people did not understand why.

By 2011 I had already suspected all the mainstream media was spouting fake news and something occurred I was involved in that allowed me to prove it.

Gangs preying on children and what seemed like a planned terror attack in London in 2012.

So after I did all that and gathered evidence along the way I sent DVDs with recordings via recorded delivery to every main news outlet.

Zero response.

My life somehow got turned upside down again and I was being both ignored and lied to and about by the NHS and then some domestic abuse case I was involved in.

Buy now I was beginning to hear in the grapevine that there was something going on in politics and people were getting suspicious.

I ended up on Twitter to circumvent being buried by Google and, as I was told later, WordPress.

After destroying several extremist leftist groups I switched my attention to climate change and they key point was when I noticed something odd in one area of science.

This made me look at something else and then something else and so on and in each case the data was up .. or just off.

I started predicting as well as linking things together, coming up with new theories or even ones that others had previously come up with.

I then realised they were lying about climate change.

The eventually one of my predictions appeared to happen and that was Covid.

Then I realised it was not as I thought and nor was panning out as models predicted and the numbers were off. Oh great, more bullshit.

Then I predicted what the vaccines would ant would not do and due to my own conditions the NHS had spent years lying about and ignoring I decided against it.

And I got attacked over and over for this.

Then I was proven correct.

The socialists that jumped on the Covid and vaccine bandwagon were the same people who later forgot that in the beginning when I said it would be bad, they were calling me a 'nutter' and was fear-mongering', which was false. A year later these roles had reversed and they did indeed run around fear-mongering, which they say was OK because they was saving lives.

Well it now is emerging that they have actually been causing harm and lives but of course it will be someone else's fault. I would wager they will blame Trump as they do fort everything else they are to blame for.

Now I had linked the solar, volcanic and seismic activity together and later look at oceans and started to make predictions about the weather globally.

I also predicted that there would be a pandemic based on record cosmic rays combine with a contracting atmosphere after to record solar minimums.

I also predicted how long the last solar minimum would last and that, akin to a car engine sputtering on a cold morning, the sun's solar cycle 25 would leap about a bit.

I did predict that the solar maximum would arrive in around late 2026 to mid 2027 but this has now turned out to be wrong.

Oddly enough as daily numbers spiked above 100 the fanatical alarmists who show daily they do not know how any of this works posted daily numbers, not even monthly numbers can, to rule out my smoothed number prediction.

Out of far in excess of 100 accurate predictions they seem to act like they can use one mistake to silence people and forget that not even Albert Einstein was without his own errors.

In a solar cycle sunspots appear at low latitudes and then migrate towards the centre as the cycle heads towards solar maximum. They then appear close to ad even on the equator and then migrate away again.

This is known as Sporer's Law and they have appeared near and on the equator over recent months and the last few days the number of spots has dropped to around 40 and look to go lower still.'s_law_and_the_rhythm_of_sunspot_cycles

There has been way more large volcanic eruptions in the past 10,000 years maning we have been in a lull and making the claims over the climate look very suspicious.

They tell you, I get lied to about this daily on Twitter by WEF people, that no one ever said its like a run up to the Maunder Minimum but here are scientists saying it in 2014 on the BBC.

Here is a climate scientist on the BBC telling you that the main drivers of climate are the sun and volcanoes, oceans are a third.

Study finds that most of the temperature surface station in the US are placed in urban heat islands.

Two teams of Chinese Scientists find no evidence of human induced global warming and said they found evidence a cooling was coming and were concerned about it and already seeing signs in 2019.

How about a report that states that the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haapai Volcano eruption in the Tonga Islands not only being was higher than they reported and I claimed but now an unprecedented amount of water in the stratosphere and a possible temporary warming of Earth's surface temperatures?

Since a child ever since scientists talked about cities like New York being under a mile of ice I have asked myself, along with many other questions, how this occurs.

In recent times due to seeing data that I personally never thought I would ever see, I looked into this further. I then predicted along with a number of volcanic eruptions that this water must come from the sea. Or even volcanoes that have large lakes sitting on top of them, or indeed glaciers.

I have also been reminding a group of un-educated, in science, fanatical people that you cannot jump up and down over a few days of heat when volcanic eruptions have been up at a rate of 300% for the last two years or so.

I also predicted that not long after the eruptions go from the current 48-53 and down to the 10-20 that was occurring previously that the global temperatures would fall faster over time.

Again no one can really say how long for nor how low it will go and much of it still depends on any bigger eruptions that occur before it drops back down.

Prior to the Maunder Minimum which we think started at some point prior to 1648, there was also a large eruption which we only discovered a few years ago.

This was Mount Samalas in Indonesia and was big enough to leave a depth of pumice tens of feet deep and was discovered by a French scientist who was shocked to find the pumice was actually already being collected for commercial use.

Talk about finding things right under our noses, eh?

Arctic Sea Ice is above average in 2022.

South America has had record cold and snow, South Africa and Russia is below average as it has also been in Australia and in New Zealand they might have to close many ski resorts.

After my predictions in volcanic eruptions panned out as I said .. now Fagradalsfjall is having another big earthquake swarm and alert level raised.

Staying on Iceland their Askja Volcano is also showing some serious uplift the last six months or so.

In Italy Stromboli is still spewing out lava.

Although not concerning right now in New Zealand their Taupo Supervolcano has had some earthquake activity in recent times

Now first off this does not mean an eruption and being a supervolcano this does not mean an eruption would be a VEI8.

That being said the volcano's history is of very rare eruptions but are relatively large when it has erupted.

In all honesty Taupo was not on my radar for concerning and I hope it stays that way. What does concern me about volcanoes sitting beneath lakes, glaciers or oceans is that going off in a big way to very high altitudes not only are they going to cool the planet but potentially can put a very large amount of water in the atmosphere.

Into the stratosphere where generally there is not much water at all and aerosols can remain for several years but also the Mesosphere which contains a lot of ice already.

The Hunga Tonga Hunga Haapai added a serious amount to the upper atmosphere and I was right and they all wrong when I thought it was a VEI5 or potentially even a VEI6.

In a couple of months you have Autumn arriving in the northern hemisphere, a possible early winter happening again.

Over the next six months we head into winter proper and with six months of solar data to look at too and if you consider the amount of time we have to get back around to summer 2023 in the north hemisphere, if any big eruptions happen in that time and its going to look obvious.

If it turns out in that time that the solar cycle as reached an early maximum and we do go into another record solar minimum of three years or over, that is potentially a lot of cooling especially of any other eruptions reach 60,000 feet or higher.

The higher it reaches the higher things remain and despite the Tonga eruption reaching around 85,000 metres and not feet, we might have got lucky as it was just one eruption.

La Soufriere erupted around 29 times, albeit not anywhere near close to the height in Tonga but imagine something on the scale of the latter and just having two or three very high level eruptions?

I am attacked a lot about my confidence and they feel the need to constantly remind me that you do not prove in science while they forget things like the Replication Crisis.

But I am not claiming something specific is definitely the case, far from it.

There are things I can be certain about and that is that it will cool over time.

That being said I cannot tell anyone how long this will continue for nor can I state at what depth or how cool it will get.

It could be ten years and 0.5C of a drop or it could be 30 years and a 1.5C drop, I just do not know and the sad fact is there are many contributing factors, none of which we know about nor can predict.

When they tell you its all down to CO2 and your responsible they are not only lying their asses off to get control over you with fear but they are ripping you off at the same time

Here is an article that I used since 2019 that was originally posted on the South China Morning Post but was later put behind a pay wall.

Look at what two teams of scientists found in 2014 and then just prior to July 2019 when this was published.

  • No evidence of human linked CO2 warming

  • Signs that there is a cooling coming

  • They are more worried about cooling than they are warming

  • Man has no control over CO2, so net-zero us an excuse to rip off the working class

  • Man has no control over climate

Another one I predicted they would find and once again was attacked and called names for by a group that never produces any science, only has appeals to authority and rubbished scientists and papers they do not like.

Out-gassing of CO2 in the Southern Ocean.

It was only a few years back and I posted the documentary on my blogs where the hosts lied to me and then buried me for years and experts have stated I am likely owed, across the board, £700k+, that they discovered in Italy that volcanoes emit CO2 PRIOR to eruption.

Also not long ago they discovered that the bottom of the Pacific Ocean was cooling and that may be an influence of the last Grand Solar Minimum known as the Maunder Minimum.

Here is Peter Martinson of the American Astronomical Society from 2011 talking about an upcoming Grand Solar Minimum which was, of course, attacked when presented to fanatics on Twitter. They said he was a fraud.

Now going to help out some friends I like who were blown away when they realised that I guy smashing it up on YouTube and a guy on Twitter were one and the same “Why has it taken me so long to find you, you are EIPC!!”.

Jake and Mari are inquisitive and on the level and not over the top and just stick to the facts and some years ago they interviewed Professor Valentina Zharkova if the Royal Astronomical Society so that's now the US one and the UK one.

She produced a paper about an upcoming GSM and she was attacked and they removed her paper from Nature. Political because they just claimed it was false but a shocked Zharkova said they removed it for an Earth orbital model which makes little difference and was from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory anyway.

Its removal was out of line and sent alarm bells off everywhere.

Also what they left out was that Zharkova had not only been published 260 times but that she STILL has a previous paper on the grand solar minimum up. And the comment from another scientist is that it has 'unprecedented accuracy.

Now I tried to find the video but as is true censorship and YouTube fashion along with all other big tech giants, I cannot find it.

But I did find this.

Another thing is that back in the 1970's NOAA scientists stated that an ice-age was coming and this was talked about for a number of years. Somehow by the late 1980's the changed to 'the world is going to catch fire'.

For some reason the WEF group and alarmists have lied and said this never happened because they want to push that we have known abut global warming since the 1950's or something and some talk about Svante Arrhenius from way earlier. They leave out that Arrhenius actually said that warming would be a good thing.

When the GSM idea was being talked about they also rubbished it and the main reason given was that 'we are not in an ice-age' and literally implying that it happens over night.

At one point they were telling people in Twitter in July 2020 or 2021, I forget which, that I had claimed we would be in an ice-age at that point a year or two before.

Like hundreds of other times I asked them to 'go get the tweets' and like every time I ever asked them that, no tweets materialized.

These are the same people that would go back ten years of they thought they could find something to destroy someone they do not like even if being honest.

These are also the same people that insisted that the global temperature would not drop and came up with excuses when it dropped to -0.01C.

Yeah after 300 years of exponential warming they had excuses for it being -0.01C globally and then insisted that there was no GSM because we was not 1 metres under ice overnight.

Well in this lost documentary that has NOAA scientists and hosted by none other than Leonard Nimoy, Spock from Start Trek, they say that a ice-age can happen suddenly (big volcano eruption) or over two hundred years.

As scientist and lecturer in science from Stanford, I think it was Stanford, forgive me I am British, Dennis Jerz once said while backing me up on Twitter when I posted his blog which the alarmist idiots pretending to be scientists failed to miss and ruled it out because 'Its a blog linking to the same, sorry', Jerz said .. 'New Science invalidates the old, that is the whole point of the peer-review process'.

If you did a search of this Mathew David Clough with some pretty colourful words you will find untold amount of disgusting tweets.

He is a Biologist, dontcha know? A Biologist that long with another and Professor at the University of Texas, two Geologists and a bunch of others claiming to be climate scientists .. all get theirs asses handed to them and exposed as frauds as they failed tests I gave them with a series of question in their own fields.

I also make damn sure when I do this that they have absolutely no room at all for manoeuvre or excuses and I ask over and over and will do this for weeks and even months.

I intentionally always ask questions I know full well are not easy to find.

In his case after a row about genetics and other things I simply asked ..

“Why are Flamingos pink?”

This one just one in a long list of things that I did on Twitter that garnered a great deal of attention and people were stunned. On both sides. I might add.

Te insane thing is I have literally thousands of screenshot and links to tweets but due to my short-term memory loss I do not always think of things to post.

I literally have many dozens if not hundreds where I am literally taking the piss out of them and tearing them up all over the place or creating memes that had my side in fits of laughter.

Some things get talked about for months, maybe even still are that I did a few years back?

What the WEF people and alarmists do is forget the Replication Crisis and used the Peer-Review process like a gold-seal of factual information. Which is false and sinister along with being disingenuous.

You can easily find out of the group or people that are informing you of things are untrustworthy .. just find a scientific paper that's been published that says something to the opposite of what they have been telling you.

Here is a GUIDE ..

  • Its right-wing

  • Its political

  • They are paid by Big Oil

  • They are lobbyists

  • They are Trumpers

  • In some way they will say Putin is involved

  • They may even not say anything and just say 'conspiracy theory'

  • Watch out for answers with leading or loaded questions, its in their training

They will never say this about the scientific papers they cherry-pick and they will never acknowledge anything you say or present to them and will ALWAYS have an excuse to give you.

Moving on ..

Here is a Romanian YouTuber who I have watched a number of years and is friend with Sargon of Akkad.

He goes over something I have previously heard about, an insane plan by the billionaires to create these huge cities.

These will be extremely tall and narrow and very, very tall with mirrors on each side of the 'walls' and in in a straight line for hundreds of miles.

Not only will you not own anything you will not have a car either.

Everything you see has been a long term plan, they have lied and they have cheated the people and they have stolen from the people like ravenous vampires, all the time plotting to oppress the people because they have kept something hidden.

Something hidden they know is coming that will remove them from their lofty and abused positions of power.

I have picked up a number of followers, one a published writer and more and more people realise that this is a plan and a series of lies that they have been working on for a very long time.

He told me today and thinking I was unaware that they have planned this for decades.

He got a complete shock when he found out who I was, what I have done and just how long I have worked on all this along with how many things I got inside and destroyed from the inside out.

It was never money they need to do this and remain in power and complete their plans, it was full or vast majority of support from the people in each and every nation.

And so I switched from cause to cause, just prior to anyone thinking I was become too big a problem in a particular cause I would shift to the next one.

To the enemies and fascists along with extreme leftists I wanted revenge on, just as one group thought I had vanished before becoming a major problem, a new one thought I was a new face and not a threat.

And so for several years the charade went on and went on and on and on.

Would it make you laugh to explain that I showed that at one point in time GCHQ were interested in meeting me with a view to employing me and that I did not make the appointment and have been called a liar.

Yes apparently instead of just telling people I did work for GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence and had a PhD, I instead decided to make up interviews I never attended and turned down the PhD offer.

Think about it, if I had told them I worked for GCHQ and had a PhD, how could they prove I did not? I am anonymous after all.

Oh and of course the media, government and WEF people did accuse of and others that would not agree with them and take Ukraine's side in a war. SO WEF people pretending to be leftists, woke and alarmists attacking me and others and telling us we are Putin's puppets for not agreeing with them and wanting war.

We were told we were a tiny minority and the whole world agrees with them.

A little odd the that the WEF are pretending to be woke, gay, agw activist alarmists with degree and PhDs (I kid you not) and attacking what they suggested was 1% of the world.

Or MAYBE it is because we are NOT 1% of the world at all and far from it.

Like here is an actual leftist I consider to be honest and wanting the truth, Jimmy Dore who has other guests on wanting the truth like Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate.

Apparently the whole of South America has refused Ukraine President Zelensky a speaking spot and it sounds like Africa does not agree either.

I also know India are not too happy with Ukraine and I dare say many others besides so it really sounds like it has been lie after lie after lie.

Just for the record, I have been told I am against solar power. No, I am just against people lying about it.

Have been told I denied there has been warming and I certainly did not do this either and my two blogs that have run since 2012 not only explain my health condition makes humid heat unbearable but that I knew it was getting warm. For a few years. Then in 2017 I was talking how I noticed it as getting cooler each year.

Volcanic Sunset London just two days or so before those few days of heat. The local store owners were talking about it and I had to explain. This was just a mobile phone photo and it was way more red and purple at the time.

This is the current global temperature from the most reliable we have which is the UAH graph and often to be found on the site of Dr Roy Spencer. Another name in a long list that the alarmists do not like and attack.

Argentina had its coldest June in 20 years this year of 2022 and July started off with record cold and snow in much of South America but I bet like many other reports here, you never heard that in the mainstream news? Unless you are in South America, of course.

Animal attacks have been up and I have spoken to various science groups about the behaviours of both animals and humans being down to the changes in solar activity, magnetosphere and even the Schumann Resonance?

Leopards in India.

Crocodiles in many places.

Monkeys in Japan.

Even domesticated Dogs?

Reports regarding sharks and elephants too along with Bears in the US and here in India.

If y9ou do some research many deep sea creatures have come up from the depths and a couple months back scientists in the Philippines said they think it was geological activity,warned on this for two years, and so many whales have died the while time volcanic eruptions have been up 300%.

Then Australians wondered where their white whale, a Humpback they called Migaloo had disappeared to.


So lets just recap what the WEF people pretending to be woke, alarmist, social justice warrior socialists said on Twitter regarding AGW Climate Change.

Ignoring that they throw each other under the bus ..

  • A Grand Solar Minimum is not happening and is crazy conspiracy theory, when it has happened before and AGW has not nor has AGW been proven to ANY degree

  • A Grand Solar Minimum IS HAPPENING but there is so much CO2 it will continue to warm and be no record cold and snow. It then dropped a couple years later to a global temperature of -0.01C and here have been dozens if not hundreds of record cold and snow reports

  • A Grand Solar Minimum is not happening because NASA and NOAA are going to get a prediction right in 14 years and because of daily spikes of sunspot numbers and the smoothed figure is going to reach 200+ in 2025. Until data showed it wont.

  • Might add that the whole time there was something I totally missed, they did not know what the definition of a Grand Solar Minimum was and I spent over a year asking and none of this large group could explain it

    • So something they did not know, understand nor were able to define they claimed was not going to happen and how it would not affect anything if it did

  • It is TWO or more low solar maximums over a period of time

  • A solar cycle, technically half cycle as its a magnetic flip, lasts 11 years

  • In 2008 we went into a solar minimum that was not only low but a record for length that lasted 20 months

  • We then had a solar maximum that was two years later than NASA predicted and was 2014, not 2010 and was very low at around 90

  • This is when scientists started saying it was like a run-up to the Maunder Minimum and then a year or so later the lies increased

  • This solar maximum being far too low was then followed by another record solar minimum which beat the last one and lasted, as I predicted, around 36 months

  • The sudden early spike in solar activity has caused many to think that the next solar minimum will be longer than the last one.

  • A graph the climate alarmists posted showing again they cannot read graphs showed a solar minimum lasting around 9 years and solar maximum in late 2025

  • Only if it occurs now and two years or so early this might suggest a 10 year solar minimum?

  • NOAA charts for the 2030'a show a non-existent solar maximum which would normally arrive around 2037

  • Now this has all been pointed out, its science they do not like so its false and the graphs are wrong

  • Pointing out they were their own graphs they now want to stick to the bits of the graph they want to be true and the rest of it is garbage, I KID YOU NOT this is what the WEF group are not trying to do

Here is an interesting guy who is always looking at and analysing data from NASA and NOAA.

Now this gentleman was a former 'believer' and I recall in one of his many videos about this that he was asked at one point to look at all the data, not just the ones presented to us in the media.

So he did and he said once he had finished he 'felt very silly' and 'would not trust any graph from NASA or NOAA ever again'.

Here is a video that matched up with what I told people about temperatures I myself noticed a few years back.

Since 2015 there has been a downward trend in temperatures and this has occurred at a faster rate than the previous rise. Oddly enough one alarmist this was posted it claimed last July or the July before that I claimed we would be in an ice-age by now.

This was another person called Robert Ingersol and I, of course, asked him to get the tweets to prove it and they were not forthcoming because they did not exist.

They will find any excuse to run down science they do not like, scientists that do not say whet they demand and scientific papers that do the same.

They are all the things they accuses others of being and all the 'ists' and all the 'phobes' and if you have a group that does not believe in religion and does not believe in science you have to ask yourself what they do believe in and what are their motivations?

These people are evil, amoral, selfish and are quite disruptive f the lives of others, have no belief system of any kind, ignore the facts, do not like words nor anyone that disagree or disobeys them, are full of pish, wind and poising and are evil incarnate.

The are a blood sucking leech on humanity and communities and have delusions of grandeur and a deluded self view that they are the humanitarians and think that emotions, feelings and words are all the proof they need.

They are a scourge.

Philosophical Investigations has rather a long list of videos on politicians, data, science, facts, graphs, NOAA, NASA and Greta Thunberg on their claims and is quite adept at taking them all apart.

How about the woke crowd wanting to eliminate 'male' and 'female' being used in science? Starting off with Anthropologists.

There are the people telling .. no attacking people about what to believe on pandemics and global warming and they literally want to eliminate what upsets them?

They are evil, selfish and amoral fascists and in all honest fooken bonkers!

Lastly here are Jake and Mari from New York who I like very much, are level headed, have good analytical skills and talk to Professor Valentina Zharkova and David Birch (Starman) who both impressively predicted an early spike and solar maximum to solar cycle 25.

In this video Jake goes over extreme weather and record temperatures and not just the recent ones they want you to hear about.

He spotted and I missed the spots around the Sun's equator and has since spoken to Zharkova and Birch about this, I have spoken to Birch and need to again and we do follow each other .. he is British too.

Jake goes over how the solar cycle has hit a lull and since we started watching it has has gotten deeper over several days and can potentially go deeper still, because as of yesterday (3rd August 2022) the spots have dropped to 32 and most of these are centred around one large group which could start to fade.

On a side note that popped up on my radar and something I predicted regarding Covid19 vaccines.

A professional friend has had been saying that for ten years I had been right about everything decided to disagree with me yet again at my prediction for these rushed vaccines.

I stated that “Mark my words, in the long run, these vaccines will do more harm than good” and in a sarcastic way his conclusion which took him all of sixty seconds thought was “We will see”.

Here is a video of Dr Bret Weinstein of the Darkhorse Podcast on YouTube speaking to Dr Geert Vanden Bossche who had apparently given some negative predictions himself.

Weinstein notes that while his prediction was nit quite accurate it was closer than anyone else's.

Early signs are that it looks likely that while the vaccines were designed for the early strains, the later mutations where different in such a was that they made them more 'virulent'.

Therefore the rate of spread that has surprised many experts was down to the vaccines themselves and they was all wrong.

So as they have stated humans created this through greed and stupidity though they left out fear and it could now become a Pandemic Of The Vaccinated.

If the last three years have taught me nothing else its that my eagerness to get away from highly populated group-think areas as I just cannot stand the ignorance and sheer stupidity.

I has been so frustrating for me not being able to acquire things I need while being ignored and lied to by the NHS after an initial panic and a couple of things that were supposed to take 4 months taking 7 and another taking 10 months at the outside taking longer.

I really do not care who I go up again nor who I call out and have been blocked by Professor Brian Cox, Professor Katherine Hayhoe though via reputation only, Michael Mann, Gavin Schmidt and others.

I have been calling out idiocy in science for years and I never bought into many things, like the Hubble Constant, Dark Matter and primarily the age of the Universe. Because what they said did not add up.

It is one of several things, I do not keep track, that I am likely the only or one of only a very few people have said.

Been attacked over that too and I got into it with science people about things moving faster than light, destroyed the man and he closed his Twitter account as a result. He was also an extreme leftist and his extreme leftist wife actually told me he did this later without knowing who she was talking to.

These people really think they are superior at everything and are so not and so very arrogant and ignorant and should look up what Albert Einstein said about this.

When the James Webb Space Telescope went up I expected that very soon after it started imaging it would find galaxies that they claimed would be a few hundred million years old but would have taken billions of years to form.

Preliminary studies found a bunch of discoveries and one with a Redshift of 16.7 and would make it 230 million years old. With mass billions of times more than the sun.

This is in no time at all and many think now as they look they will find more at a greater Redshift than this? 'It will take many years', you don't say Anton?

'Nobody expected this' well maybe no one you knew but I think you will find on my blogs I have been saying this for years.

Now here is a video about the Grand Solar Minimum uploaded in 2011 and with Peter Martenson, seems to be a couple what with Dr Chris Martenson on Covid.

Like Professor Valentina Zharkova is of the Royal Astronomical Society, Martenson is of the American Astronomical Society and its odd how they have both been buried as it never appears in searches as its highly likely I have not in around five years.

This is one that never seems to come up for me in a few years now when doing a search and have to keep pulling it from my blog.

The WEF fake alarmists are not going to like that I have another massive prediction look like it is going to be the case.

But then these are the people that watched me make many predictions, get ever angrier as each one turned out to be accurate. Then at some point around 60 of them with them still waiting for their first prediction, then decided to tell people I was lying and made no predictions at all.

Lastly I have been told that I do not care about the environment, people, children or animals by someone that everyone was convinced was living in Switzerland so much so he was nicknamed 'Swissy'.

Only I discovered someone in Switzerland calling him German.

He is also part of a group that pushed woke leftist agendas who follow him everywhere but claims he is not in this group.

Do you know anyone else who is callous, supremacist, thinks he is master and commander of the world, appears the world's worst capitalist but pushes socialism and the Great Reset?


Now this one spent a very long time both bringing up Quantum Mechanics and trying to convince me and others he knew everything about Quantum Mechanics. When he was not attacking both sides about his precious hydrogen.

Find him and say something bad about hydrogen being a good idea as fuel, I dare you?!

Also in the list of famous quotes from famous scientists below look up the one Richard Feynman says about Quantum Mechanics.

Now this WEF womble was actually surprised when I first started stating things on QM and of course his M.O is to just claim you are lying and do not know what you are talking about.

Then I stated posting him links and videos and he has not brought up QM in well over a year.

My judgement on what he was trying to do is very simple and Occam's Razor applies in this case, he went straight for one of the most difficult areas of science and made quotes so that others would think he was of one of the highest intellects.

That did not work.

Even in death I will want my revenge and the truth widely know as this will be the best way to scupper the plans of an elite set of fascists and the followers hoping for a socialist dystopia.

They have distracted most people by infecting everything. Entertainment like TV, movies, games, politics, big tech, censorship, mainstream media, pandemics, health services, public services in general, wars .. the list goes on.

To see the truth you have to see the bigger picture, there is no other way.

When you see the bigger picture and there are enough of you, you can then work together to expose those responsible.

This way I can get back at those that cause a lot of pain and suffering and make absolutely certain they do not emerge from the ashes and put their big fat greedy asses back on their proverbial thrones.

What public in what nation would stand for that once realisation spreads that they have been lied to, stolen from and used for decades, left to die, maybe in some cases actually led to their deaths?

  • Discover them

  • Discover the different facets or causes

  • Get inside each and split them down the middle using actual facts and science

  • I tend to come across as genuine and my track record for science and predictions speaks for itself

  • Unlike many scientists I have way more 'strings to my bow'

  • Go on the attack

  • Repeatedly remind them of one's success

  • Send fear among them and wait for the attention and focus on me by people higher up

  • Repeat until bigger names start blocking me by reputation alone (Hayhoe)

  • Skip into different areas

  • Focus on people on YouTube who are honest, genuine and factual

  • Find them in each of the areas infested with evil

  • Link them together so that others can see the bigger picture too

  • Once the horses are lead to water let them decide for themselves

  • Even when reader might not agree they may later see something and recall something I had published and link it together

  • Be prepared for the long haul

  • This was never going to happen overnight or even over a number of months

  • Be aware that many will be affected by the Dunning-Kruger Effect and these will take longer

  • Sadly for these globalists its the ones that were fooled the longest tend to be the ones that react with the most anger once they accept their reality

  • Win, no matter how long it takes nor what it takes and no matter how much it hurts to battle them both physically and mentally

  • Only ever stop when its absolutely certain the future is the one you want and reach the point its inevitable

One thing I can tell you is that along with it might now be obvious why people call me things like King and Grandmaster is that you might get called a hero a great deal ..

.. buts its not exactly rewarding or at least does not feel that way right now.

Asked myself why I do this a million times.

Then I remember .. it is because I am still alive and I am still suffering in what feels like a thousand ways.

A constant death by a thousand cuts that never appears to have an end.

Ces't la vie.

So these predications they watched me make and prove true they spent a year telling people I never made despite them being on blogs that have been there since 2012?

Well it looks like my age of the universe claim is looking to be proven accurate and yet another claim about vaccines will be proven correct.

And next time even after all this people will STILL disagree with me and tell me I am wrong or I get lied about on social media.

Albert Einstein

Richard Feynman

Niels Bohr

Freeman Dyson

Edwin Hubble

Jonathan Forbes Nash

Carl Sagan

Noam Chomsky

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