Monday, 22 August 2022


When this story came up, was a link to The Times, and as I scrolled down, I simply could not believe what I was reading.

Well, well, well.

After deleting Professor Valentina Zharkova for bullshit reasons and removing and/or altering pieces on Covid, what do we have here?

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is Nature and Volcanologists now admitting to something I have been warning about for a number of years.

It would appear that after many months, likely of reading my tweets and posts while trying to bury me and realizing they cannot, they have decided to .. come clean .. at least a little.

Interestingly after telling the the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haapai eruption would never happen and then telling me I was n idiot for claiming it was several orders of magnitude higher than their claimed 17.6km, it was over 80km, they then told me it was 'nothing'.

These are non-educated pro-science people openly spouting far-left things but when you prod and pry the veil drops and they are not even what they claim.

They certainly were never scientist from these big organizations throwing shade, not woke or communists meaning they were either people with financial investments or World Economic Form members.

Oddly enough they have been quiet for several days and I wonder if they got wind of this?

Though to be fair as a plan was supposed to pan out which has not, I did start muting many of them but I still get to see them whining. Normally when someone comments on a post, only on Twitter out of more than a dozen, they normally respond trying to convince them I am a liar and I see them getting torn to shreds with replies. Every time.

I think I posted the screenshotted tweet where one of them claims that I am the reason that he is an evil, dishonest, foul-mouthed, name-calling liar?

I digress ..

My plan was using science, deduction, analysis, theory and predictions over several years to being down or expose the abuse of science.

I knew for sure that over time this would send shock-waves of fear rippling through to the top of these organizations and that eventually I would force their hands.

I even told them when they did an about-face and jumped on the Covid and then vaccine bandwagon that if they chose to do this, that it would bring their entire shindig down, for sure in 2022.

Oddly at the start of the year they were jumping up and down, a little scared, posting links to prove, they did not. That everyone was still on their side.

I had to repeatedly point out how long 2022 was and now here we are in August and you have had shed loads of reports about Covid lies, vaccine lies, lies about wars, politicians and everyone realizing fake news is actually a thing. Just as I told them it was over ten years ago.

Several of their political deities have been destroyed, many of their divisive groups have been exposed as frauds and .. well .. intentionally divisive.

It is quite odd as one favourite mem of theirs to show AGW was real was a cartoon dog drinking a mug of coffee while his house was in fire while saying “Everything is fine”. This is how science works in the minds of a political scientist.

Now I see that house representing their causes and they are the ones sitting their pretending nothing is wrong.

Only now its a dozen 'houses' burning to the ground and they are trying desperately to convince themselves none of it is happening.

So just like in science where they only see the science they want to see, in social media they only see the tweets they want to see. All from just one platform too.

So now their deity 'Nature' has published something from Volcanologists who crapped their proverbial pants over the Tonga eruption I was correct about and ramming down their throats.

And I was also reminding people there were way more big volcanic eruptions than they were telling us which was confirmed in a paper or article.

Also they know I predicted all this and is just another in a long list that I did and why they hate me.

When the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, has to be the truth” - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Before you read on regarding my analysis or summary of what is to follow, be absolutely assured that I am followed by a lot of scientists and science bodies. As some remain anonymous out of fear, of the WEF no doubt, there are more than I know.

  • Liked by a Volcanologist for Nat-Geo and Scientific American

  • Friends of Science

  • Ned Nikolov PhD

  • Anonymous Atmospheric Scientist

  • Had to run-ins with the USGS on Twitter

    • As a result of one they stated they needed to monitor more volcanoes in the US in a public statement a week or so later

    • This was actually picked up by Jake of GSM News on YouTube who was shocked, had no idea I did it and at the time had not realized that two different people he has been liking comments of on YouTube and Twitter were one and the same .. his reaction was priceless when he realized “YOU .. ARE .. EPIC!!”

    • Bearing in mind they only now have placed seismic monitors in the American Samoa

  • Also remember my whole .. schtick .. is to get then to force their hands

The risks are greater than people think” - well actually .. I thought that and have been saying it to all including the USGS for several years and was ignored and called insane. Because no one else was saying it .. you get called insane.

No Nature, changes in the ocean and atmosphere are caused by the sun, you just do not want to admit you was wrong or hiding it, like when you removed Professor Valentina Zharkova's paper for political and bullshit reasons.

Oddly a number of people reported that in recent days the average temperature of Earth was zero Celsius for two days in a row.

a large magnitude eruption could cause 60% more cooling compared to today” oh so it IS cooling today? Funny that.

The world is different now. In some ways more resilient: volcanoes are better monitored, there is better education and awareness and health-care and food-systems have improved”

  • Monitored?

    • They just put seismic monitors on Samoa FFS

    • The Earth is 70% OCEANS .. FFS!!

  • Education?

    • You mean idiot scientists and Doctors that got nearly everything wrong?

  • Health-Care

    • You mean the systems that took money, bullied people to have vaccines despite health conditions unknown because you refused to diagnose or even known ones, that did very little?

  • Food-Systems?

    • Now your just talking the fucking out of your readers

the world is already 1.1C warmer than the pre-industrial era”

  • Vague

  • At which point in the pre-industrial era?

  • I showed temps were rising long before industrial revolution using animal movements in 2001

  • You try to claim no cooling in that paragraph but we just spent two days at zero and global temps have been bouncing between -0.01C and 0.3C for over a year

Over the 97 large magnitude eruptions detected in ice-core records, only a handful could be attributed to specific eruptions”

  • Weird.. so you were telling people before what volcanoes were not doing when you did not know what volcanoes were doing?

  • When as I stated to everyone, a volcanologist for Nat-Geo who liked my tweet, the USGS and CO2 alarmist fanatics who spent years trying to suspend me .. SEVENT PERCENT OF EARTH IS FORKING OCEANS!!

  • I worked out very quickly with no resources to speak of that submarine volcano eruptions were the missing keys to many things in climate

There are probably many other active volcanoes, their recent eruptions might not be known because their locations haven't been studied”

  • Not probably, there ARE

  • Its funny how activists and liars forget numbers and get vague when they do not go in their favour, eh?

  • Locations not been studied? With 70% of the Earth Oceans?

  • When Mount Samalas in Indonesia discovered by a French Volcanologist in the last ten years noticed a 100 foot depth of pumice that was already being mined?

Further research into historical and geological records”

You mean for the thing that you claimed had no impact on anything despite being the second largest driver of climate on the planet, sandwiched between the Sun we also now flock all about and the oceans we also know flock all about.

It might interest readers to know that I myself published a paper that stated that depths of the Pacific Oceans were colder than they thought and they THINK was influenced by the last Grand Solar Minimum known as the Maunder Minimum which caused the period known as the Little Ice-Age.

“For more than two decades Volcanologists have been asking for a dedicated volcano monitoring satellite to be launched”

“simulation of ash fallout, gas plumes and other hazard”

“Increased on community focused education (uh-oh) and awareness can help to prepare people ..”

  • You mean you do not know shit?

  • But you want more money?

  • What about the billions if not trillions that disappeared down the pseudoscientific AGW black-hole?

  • Yeah you are not going to get money for something else you have proven you knew nothing about amidst a world on the brink of wars and a food and energy crisis that you spent decades bashing over the head and blamed them for burning

  • Not unless you want civil wars instead of world wars?

  • But hey, you are superior activists so getting paid while the world's population gradually gets eroded away is all good, right?`

  • Yeah that last one? Let us sum it up ..

    • So a bunch of people that know nothing and got it all wrong

    • Are going to educate the people that lived by volcanoes for generations, guess you think their scientists are dumb?

    • On how to run-away?

    • Or perhaps its to educate the people how you all now need yet another tax to help stop the planet from cooling?

Its weird how some religion hating activists seem to think they have the power of a God, or granted the powers of one, time after time after time.

So how does that grab you?

Noticed a cool down in London, shivering at times. The southern hemisphere has been below average with a lot of snow in places.

Russia and Alaska were below average at points.

For at least two days, not looked if its continued, the average global temperature was zero.

You have rising energy prices, a food problem that Nature here seems to be oblivious to along with wars involving Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan and maybe even others yet?

Talk of electricity blackouts and eating the bugs.

And ft years of you the people lining the pockets of the wealthy over climate change they have no control over, they are going to tell you that another tax need to be paid.

To deal with something else they have no clue about and cannot control.

You are so full of shit lately, Nature.

Also reported by Cambridge University, The Times and The Daily Mail among others ..


In the past I have spoken to science people about the affect large cyclones have on the transfer of increased volcanic materials in the troposphere to the atmosphere and used a science paper and diagrams from it to make people think.

I also asked that with volcanoes being up at around 300% above normal what if a large cyclone rolled over an erupting volcano?

In the last few days the Philippines have been on alert as they have an earthquake swarm going on for days. They raised the alert for their Mayon Volcano and one other, called Bukara if I recall?

Now I give you Storm Maon rolling on in .. this will be a close one.


Karl Popper.

Bertrand Russell

Carl Sagan

Richard Feynman

Freeman Dyson

Albert Einstein

Thursday, 11 August 2022


The Corruption of Fooling those Suffering

Fibromyalgia has so many symptoms and the last time I went through the most complete list I could find my tally was around 273.

Now two things to note from this, firstly and thank God, many of these are not permanent and some were just a one of like Costochondritis or Chest Wall Pain which is literally pain you get for breathing in. Now imagine that for a moment, every time you breath in you start get to get a pain at some point which increases the more your lungs expand.

It literally felt like you could not breath in more than 50% and trying to sleep was a nightmare and then some as in Fibromyalgia people sleeping is already a nightmare.

It is a non-restorative sleep problem anyway.

The second to note from this is that there have been more symptoms appear since that count up which may be solely down to Fibromyalgia or it might be due to Covid.

I have had chest pain and nearly collapsed a few times and had store owners wanting to call an ambulance a few times.

I also have developed Allodynia which is pain literally just touching things which a couple of years back was just now and then but in the last few weeks seems, at least currently, to appear permanent.

Now I thought that the Allodynia was something that occurred two years ago and I used to hear about this with a Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome sufferer I knew and it sounded unbelievably terrible. I had no idea that Fibromyalgia sufferers could get it.

The Allodynia affects a couple of other areas and one being the bridge of my nose. About a year after I started noticing a problem with my eyesight I never dreamed I would ever have.

As the Allodynia as got worse so has my eyesight and I cannot see and certainly not read anything within about 12 to 18 inches without glasses.

That being said ..

I had long had a theory that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was Fibromyalgia in a milder form and as I learned more about CRPS I told the sufferer that it seemed like CFS, FMS and now CRPS seemed to be different levels of the same thing. With CRPS being the worst.

At first she did not agree and I really did not have anything concrete on this, its just a pattern was starting to appear. But over time she would tell me that the more she heard about me and my ailments the more she become convinced I was right.

Now lets see if I can start to give an idea of where this is going to go while at the same time warning that much of the conclusions I got at myself ..

With Allodynia it suddenly dawned on me that some years ago I had to stop buying size 10 or size 10.5 because if my toes were to touch the end of my shoe, even lightly it used to be painful.

So for a number of years I just buy size 11 knowing I will have plenty of room and this pain will never occur.

I now think this was Allodynia.

Also the heartburn. That started back when I was around 19 and got so bad it was the very thing that made me register with a GP surgery at one point. I was then messed around for years given every drug and got annoyed and demanded I be referred to hospital.

Had an endoscopy and they told me I had a Hiatus Hernia and I spent years being given Gaviscone and then many years later asked for an operation repeatedly and got told 'no'.

Now at around the 20 year part a Dr Huq, who admitted to me that the Primary Care Trusts and NHS were telling General Practitioners to lie to patients, asked to speak to me one day.

Once there I said “Is this about me taking Lansopazole?!

Shocked she said “How did you know that?”

I told her that I had seen something on the news about it causing damage if you took it a long time and she said that I should no longer need it.

I then asked of she was going to tell me that you are only supposed to take it until the 'sores' or 'ulcers' clear up and then not need it any more and she nodded.

She was shocked when I told her that ..

If I was to stop taking them I would get heartburn back within 24 to 48 hours guaranteed

Now figure this and bearing in mind we are talking about from around the year 1988 ..

  • 35 years later after repeated refusals for an operation a Dr Wright at Whipps Cross Hospital originally thought I needed I find out my confusing heartburn that does not follow the rules is a symptom of Fibromyalgia

  • The Fibromyalgia that was diagnosed by me after spending 13 years begging Doctors to tell me why my feet hurt so much

  • This was the NHS who then told me my legs hurt because hey thought my magnesium was low .. another time I did not believe them and one time they turned out to be right

  • But despite diagnosing Osteopenia .. or weak bones ..

  • They did not tell me that Fibromyalgia can cause Hypomagnesaemia

  • Or that it can lead to Sudden Death Syndrome

  • After telling me to buy my own pills from Holland & Barrett they also did not put it on my medical records

  • So each subsequent blood test was wrongly listed as normal

Now that is by no means all the key points but enough to make you think.

Now here is what will make you think harder and just in case you know someone that has had .. 'ailments' that has gotten a hard time, they exist as I have met them and one a son of a barrister asked me for help.

Not only do they lie and leave you and make mistake after mistake but they fail to realise that the public think they are wonderful, can diagnose everything and would not leave people as they left me.

So what happens is not only do you get left suffering and in pain you can end up with those around you thinking you have made it all up. This happened to me and when people found out one by one that I had not received a single penny over this they were shocked.

Now I am going to explain how I came about being diagnosed for something that I only thought I had, had for around 14 years, and begged the whole time, but later realized I had for 25 years plus.

  • At one point I was put on Gabapentin and Amitriptyline

  • Was told by a pain specialist “these wont work on your back pain”

  • I was half way home when it dawned on me that neither my back nor foot pain had been diagnosed

  • Well that is after I was told it was Tenosynvitis and later told no its Plantar Fasciitis and me disagreeing with them saying 'no way', then told it was Pes Cavus why an NHS Podiatrist who used to refuse seeing people of working age. This was then laughed at by someone else who said I did not have Pes Cavus and was then seen my a colleague who said my toes were weird and I had a neurological problem

  • I self diagnosed Charcot Marie tooth Disease which got a Doctor at Chase Farm Hospital excited by my self-diagnosis as it is rare

  • I then saw a Neurologist at Chase Farm who said it was not that

  • The next thing I stumbled across was Fibromyalgia

  • In a local library in Enfield, because the NHS are sad, amoral, lying 'bar stewards' who would not know what a Hippocratic Oath was today if it fell on them from ORBIT ..

  • In Black's Medical Dictionary it lists just two medications for Fibromyalgia

    • Gabapentin (Neurological pain drugs)

    • Amitriptyline (not a pain drugs of any kind and nothing like GABA)

    • Have you guess what the deliberate mistake is that set all my alarm bells off at once?

Gabapentin along with Amitriptyline were BOTH prescribed at the same time for my pain and I was told that these would not work on my back pain.

I also mentioned that neither area of pain had been diagnosed at the time.

How did they know what drugs would work on which area of pain without a diagnosis?

Also how did they know that two totally unrelated drugs, one not even a pain killer, would work on one of my pains?

The same two drugs listed in Black's Medical Dictionary for a condition I had stumbled across I was becoming convinced I suffered form.

Oh it gets way better ..

  • Now at my third surgery in Enfield because GP's were idiots as well as being dishonest I ask to see a NHS Fibromyalgia specialist and was told “Good luck, there isn't one”

  • Already seeing a raft of mistakes, a shed load of complete bullshit from so many so-called Doctors and Health Professionals supposedly sworn a Hippocratic Oath and having NHS Podiatry refusing to see anyone unless they were under 18 or over 65 ..

  • I emailed Fibromyalgia Association UK and told them what I was told ..

  • What are they talking about, here is a list”

  • I later rowed with that GP after someone high up in the NHS called them and told them I had been recording them and they made me turn off my MP3 player and my phone

  • They then got cocky as I sat there for an entire hour rowing with them while he was smiling

  • Sadly he was unaware that I did not use my MP3 player or my phone to record things and in the recording you will hear me say “Its not good smiling, I have been recording you all for seven years” and his face dropped

  • Well it must had dropped again two days later as he got informed that I recorded out entire row and placed it online

  • Tats the point when the GMC and PHSO also started lying

  • ANYWAY .. before that I was referred to Guy's Hospital next to The Shard at Waterloo in London

  • Dr Kirkham rapidly realized I was fairly intelligent and instead of talking to his understudy all the time he was eventually talking to me and told his understudy I was very smart to work out what I did

  • Not only did he confirm my diagnosis he also said that I had suffered for so long I had worked out that light exercise, CYCLING, helps control it, something I have not done in over a year now

  • He also spotted something with my right knee, did a test that had me scream in pain and told me I had a physical problem with my right knee that was NOT my FMS

  • That would be the right-knee that has left me unable to walk at all and I begged the NHS to MRI for 7 years

That way better?

How about a social worker friend who said I got everything right but did not believe me on this who has Diabetes Type 1, has been lied to, had pills go missing he is told is the NHS arranging things to save money and have agreements with pharmacies.

Yeah not only did he catch them lying to him but his granddaughter and a child ended up in a lot of pain and turned out to be Fibromyalgia.

I knew the girl and her mother very well and used to see them often years ago.

Now I do not know if someone recognised the symptoms as being things I had and looked into it which is most likely because I was told they refused to diagnose it nor did anything about it and my social worker friend was furious.

Because the so called NHS staff laughed at his daughter.

This is a year or so after him asking one NHS staff about these stories about vaccines not working and side-effects and being told 'that is conspiracy theorists spreading it'.

Today he now knows that not only did that person lie but that they were also a woke hard-left socialist and he hit the proverbial roof.

He really does not like socialists, you see. He now sees them as I do, or at least the ones I come across. Willing to lead people top their deaths, lie to people, abuse science for political reasons while looking you in the face and telling you how humanitarian they are.

Before he just did not like them while not believing me and thought they were just narcissistic people.

I could not possibly repeat here what he says about them today and is often posting things on Facebook I have to warn him about so he does not get banned.

Oh he was only a social worker for 25 years with Camden Council and often used to tell me that he would never go back and work for a council because they are greedy, lazy lying pieces of crap that do everything they can not to spend money helping disabled people.

Now he knows that the NHS are exactly the same.

His teacher girlfriend feels the same way now and she got a vaccine injury, pain in her left arm and left side of her chest.

I could imagine the conversations .. him looking at her after witnessing me get so many things right and predicting things over the years that came true.

He thought I was mad when around 8 or so years ago I told him .. 'something is wrong, something is coming. Something bad. People that are either amoral or complete morons seem to be slowly filling positions n the pubic services'.

Some months back now while on the phone he said 'You was right, you was right about everything and it must have been so frustrating for you, not getting help and left in pain year after year and people not believing you about anything? I tell people you predicted all this and its worse than what you said it would be'.

Oddly he simply does not see how the Great Reset and this 'Own nothing and be happy' will be implemented.

What those that think they will introduce it do not seem to realise is only a tiny fraction of people will accept this and when they realise how long its been planned, they will be big time angry.

Now do you think that, what with this lying to patients going on for many years and Doctors that spoke to me openly admitting there was crap going on .. do you think that ..

When people were standing outside with their pots and pans clanging them in celebration of the NHS and all the adverts on TV and news reports about how inundated they were stopped to think about the backlash when the public found out later it was all bullshit?

Let me go back to my social worker friend who would not have it when I told him hospitals were refusing to see people and were empty and lying to the public that they were full.

Would not have it.

One day gets called about a daughter and oddly at a very old hospital of mine, Whipps Cross Hospital.

Now not going to go into details but they wanted him, the Type 1 Diabetic, to drop whatever he was doing no matter where he was and drive miles to get his daughter.

He pointed out her 'condition' and said that they were not supposed to discharge her and was told they had no choice as they had no available beds over Covid.

Oh this gets real good ..

So he sits there for several hours as an area gradually empties of people and sits there another two hours on his own. NOBODY comes out.

A security guard asks him what he is doing there and he tells the guy that he was basically ODRERED to pick up his daughter as they were full of Covid and had no beds but no one had come out.

This guard then tells him to follow him and takes him into and through a ward that was supposed to be locked to the public.

This is what he then told me ..

I followed the guy in wondering why he was leading me thought a ward full of people with Covid and as I walked in I looked around and got an absolute shock. EVERY BED WAS FUCKING EMPTY?! They LIED TO ME!”


  • Fibrofog

  • Short-term Memory Loss

  • Heartburn

  • Reverse Plantar Fasciitis

  • Hypertension and Hypertensive Headaches

  • Allodynia

Long Covid ..

  • Headaches

  • Brainfog

  • Neurological Damage

  • Heart Issues

  • Anosmia (loss of smell)

  • Depression

  • Delerium (difficulty thinking)

Been advised after an initial Panic ..

  • No stress

  • No arguments

  • Get out of where I currently am, quick sharp

  • Was sent for advice and they wanted to take immediate action

  • Regretted turning this down due to being forked about and now being lied to

Now then and considering all the above, take a look at the typical treatment from government run public services and their modern take on serving the public.

After having disability removed for the same condition I have they had already got out of paying for perhaps a decade or arguably more and only after 3 years, was stopped for 7.

After I was then awarded the 'new' disability payments of Personal Independent Payments this was also stopped after only two or three years and for another 6 years. Two gaps adding up to 13 years and an argument for 23 years.

This is disability, do not forget and according to the DOCTORS I am not supposed to be stressed and remember ..

  • Heart

  • Feet, Back, Shoulders and Hands

  • Memory Loss

  • Going through a period of heat that I cannot handle, even right now cold outside but this little room seems to radiate heat like the central heating is on full blast

  • Insomnia and get one night sleep in three days

  • Hypertension Headaches going on for days on end, Dihydrocodeine used

  • Adding up to more stress I am not supposed to have ..

  • They previously pulled the rug from under me about starting my own business after I spent £10,000

  • Also I have been offered two jobs in Wales

  • Remember these things when it comes to government, benefits and jobs as you read what has happened over the last year alone ..

After claiming there was only going to be one department covering all, my friend gets DLA still, others get PIP still, some still get ESA and there is one for military I get awarded another. Sounding more like some divisive leftist group its called LWAC .. something.

How it previously worked ..

  • Get a Letter

  • Get Back-pay

  • Get Monthly Payments

Here is where it stands right now ..

  • Got shocking call from Job Centre saying I never had to go in any more which was a relief as I was getting drunk to get to them and the Doctors (like a pilgrimage with the distances now)

  • No letter

  • No Back-pay

  • No Money

  • Eventually the monthly payment comes though

  • Another monthly payment comes through

  • Two emails about this get no response

  • Two weeks from another monthly payment

  • Still no letter of explanation

  • Still no back-pay

  • Around a year since they asked me to do it

  • Depending on 52 weeks to 23 years owed £5,000 to over £100,000

  • Do not even get me started on what Google owes me over censorship, bullshit and lies

Now then after they wanted to get me out of this building as an emergency move last November and the NHS who had not answered my requests for help, like Allodynia, and taken eight months and counting for an emergency appointment after serious chest pains . Also remember my oldest friend had a stroke and went into a coma for ten days.

Friends all over having issues and a woman relative I have just been told has that issue all women dread to find out.

Added to that as you will discover my social worker friend, who failed to believe me about all this and now he has been lied to, his girlfriend with left chest and arm pain after the okee-pokee, has broken his ankle while in Crete.

Fork knows how he did that, still waiting to find out.

Remember he is a social worker and worked for Camden Council for 25 years so he knows how they work and he is going to compare London where there are very long waiting times, to a small country village with scattered empty homes.

He is going to blow every gasket he possesses when he hears all this and I bet he starts shouting.

Before he went to Crete four weeks ago he did here about the disability being awarded and him a Type 1 Diabetic and knowing me a long time he responded with “About .. fucking .. time!”

No so fast, Mario .. not so fast ..

  • Get pressured to register with housing in Wales to be near my daughter and grandchildren

  • The website is utter shite, I am trained to be able to say that (HCI), and wont let me fill it in

  • I go to my local council after giving up to see f they can act for me

  • They go a bit nuts at my situation and my pills and offer me immediate emergency housing, which took me completely by surprise

  • I say no because of my disability, pains, heart and that moving is the second most stressful thing after divorce and I did not want to move twice in 3 months

  • They say yes to handling it for me, they then say no, because I had already started an application and need to go back to Sheep Shagger Council?!

  • Turns out there is a way for filling it in for applicants like me, you put in some postcode that someone in London was never going to know

  • Told move would take 6 to 8 weeks, think this sounds to quick and it will be 12 to 16

  • Provide all tenancy and medical health details, they told me I had done all that I needed to, remember this as this will also become important

  • My council sends email to Sheep Shagger Council

  • November, turn down emergency housing because I am going to move in 3 months

  • I get registered with council in December

  • Find out couple get housed in 12 weeks during pandemic

  • Get sent a photo of a one bedroom bungalow being built

  • Social Worker friend Mario starts asking me why I have not been moved

    • He quite rightly does not understand how a council in central London can offer me immediate accommodation and a council with a few people, even more sheep and picture of empty for months bungalows takes 3+ months

    • He starts asking me to ring them

  • My council actually calls Sheep Shagger Council to find out what is going on

  • 12 weeks come and go and hear nothing

    • Start getting asked by three people what is going on in March

  • Get shown on video conference another bungalow

  • Lady who registered a month or more AFTER me on the same Band 3 gets a house

    • She, being a local that knows her council better than I do, does not understand why I am sill waiting

    • She and my daughter told me they was going to speak to Judith Morgan about why I had not moved when they picked up keys, but she was not there

    • I get told that she gets told that they 'would house within 6 months'

  • Still get asked in May and get asked to ring them, which I do

  • I get told my name has been coming up for awhile

    • Later get told you only come up in the top ten

    • Coming up for a while suggests closer to 4 to 7 on list

  • They tell me there is a development of flats on river bank to be finished 15th to 23rd July and might get one of those or soon after

    • These are 12 apartments

    • If you you understand maths at a child level this means even without being offered one, everyone above you on the list is gone and you are TOP

  • State that there could be unforeseen last minute mishaps like electrical, plumbing etc

    • So could be anything up to July 8th or later

  • People start watching the building at night looking for lights to come on thinking I would then shortly arrive

  • July the 15th goes by, July the 23rd goes by and I hear nothing

  • Email Sheep Shagger Council in late May

  • Daughter speaks to bf who was the plasterer an asks him to find out what is going on

  • He says he is told its not done and people will be moving in within two weeks, mid-August at latest

  • Only Sheep Shagger Council emails me back and it all starts getting even more confusing ..

  • After a process that was supposed to take 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks (couple housed), 16 weeks (lady same category housed) and me with potentially fatal condition now at 32 weeks ..

    • Get told 'September'

    • Despite asking what the delay was get no answer other than she does not get told which is utterly bizarre

    • Now despite giving all details from the BEGINNING and even having my local council contact HER ..

    • 'What is this about where you are living?'?!

    • 'What is your medical conditions?'?!

    • 'Well I do not understand this and I do not understand that'

    • 'Why has your income changed? Why have you not updated your application details? You have until the 1st of October to do this'

    • Yeah they are now making a big issue out of me sending them the fact that I have now been registered disabled again and getting pissy about it when I have not even had anything off the DWP and this is not the first time

    • DWP, so-called public service, punished me years ago because PROBATE, also a so-called public service, were dragging their feet doing a job then then failed completely costing me £32,000. Probate owes me £32,000 because they failed to act per my instructions.

    • Sends me form as attachment of application that actually states all the fucking information she is now quibbling about at the 14th hour

    • On one form I thought I was fucking imagining things when it stated that my registration date was listed as March 24th 2022 when it had previously been December 21st 2021

    • I also now get the standard bullshit I have had from corrupt councils in England for years 'Its not the obligation of the council to house you' which is what I got told each time I got fucked over in the decades I had my disability

    • Not its because I am FORKING MALE and WHITE .. no? Now WATCH ..

    • If this all was not confusing enough .. I get told I have been moved up to Band TWO

    • Bearing in mind a woman in Band 3 that registered a month or so after I did had been in her new house over a month by August and I am being intentionally DICKED AROUND at the 14th hour, so late not even close to the 11th hour. Gets better ..

    • I then get told by my daughter that this means you get housed in four weeks

    • I then get told that this is the highest you get on as Band ONE .. is just for migrants

  • During all of this the very scenario that the Doctors and my Local Council wanted to ignore, takes place, I get bullied again

  • While being .. DIFFICULT, I tell this woman what has happened

  • The attack that took place that Sheep Shagger Council are now solely responsible for down to discrimination, incompetence or BOTH .. has led to serious heart episodes

    • Massive increase in my hands especially left hand leaving me white with fear ..

    • Cannot ride bike that is used to keep Fibromyalgia symptoms down

    • Cannot hold professional camera which was to be used to make money after moving

    • Cannot use computer any more

    • Or wont be able to for much longer

  • Now for the best part of the total incompetence that really makes it look like I have been intentionally FORKED OVER

    • Private teachers fed up with what government teaches students and tell my daughter to tell me, after reading my blogs, that they want to talk to me about teaching, when I turn up

    • A private healthcare firm fed up and now distrusting of the NHS have made noises about an advisory role

    • For months I have often been on the phone when local people have asked 'When is your dad, the blog writer turning up?'

    • Across the towns of ***** and *********

  • Showing the emails and a collage of paragraphs and form sections to two people in a group DM on Twitter with an lady from Georgia and they both say 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FORKS?!'

  • They ask how this can possibly happen, what an absolute mess of the way to run things, this is totally evil and how can they treat me like this

  • My daughter goes into SILENT RUNNING

  • My Doctors Surgery went into overdrive, called me four times in two days to get me in .. lady Doctor sat there in shock as I ran through 25 years of hell and mistakes from the NHS, Local Councils, DWP and what a Council in Wales just did as her jaw dropped open

    • Still no emergency CT Scan I presume is to see if I have already had heart attacks and need heart surgery I have been waiting for since November 2021

    • Very recently had a blood test for this CT Scan

    • Just got told I have to have another one and was told 'Please make sure you come in for it' 7th September

    • Told her that I had disagreements with Doctors in the past and I always get proven right and that Russell Brand has just reported its been revealed that SRI drugs do not work and all a lie for years by Pfizer

    • She did not disagree with a single thing and just nodded the whole time

  • The Band 2 was changed on 3rd August meaning that I am supposed to be housed now by the 3rd September

  • Literally spent 6 days intoxicated and had no one to talk to until SAS-Man and Ash started telling each other in the private DM they were worried about me and wondering what happened to me

  • Then on the day of the appointment while flaked out on a park bench in London Fields I get a WhatsApp message from Mario who was asking 'why are they taking so long' back in April ..

  • 'In Crete with a broken ankle. Have you moved yet?'

  • Oh shit.

  • If he gets back in two weeks and he hears all this and then sees all the screenshots from all the emails and info and the questions I have just been asked he is going to blow every gasket he possesses ..

  • 'They are discriminating against you and we can see now that you have had this every time with every public service for years and now its Wales too?! Stay here'

  • Bearing in mind he gets back at the end of August which will be just three days before the new date I have had that I would get housed which is four weeks ending on the 3rd September after waiting 36 weeks for something that took 8 weeks with my daughter, 12 weeks for a couple, 16 weeks for another lady, supposed to happen in 26 weeks and according to my new Banding, four weeks?

  • Fork Off Sheep Shagger Council, NO you do not get to move the blasted goal-posts, its THIRTY-SIX WEEKS!!

If I was to find a solicitor and take you to court for intentionally discriminating against me and endangering my life in so doing exactly what chance do you think you would have?

Oh and I do posses all my medical records. So now they cannot be hidden by another public service to protect you.

All this for years for a number of reasons and if you do not know I have had involvements to the top and because of this .. they fail to realise I am major league pissed about that and a number of other major league things.

  • I tell the truth

  • I have short-term memory issues and cannot lie

  • If you tell the truth you do not have to remember anything” - Mark Twain

  • Despite liars and those that manipulate decent innocent people

  • I cover MANY science areas and can see the bigger picture

  • I have a pattern recognition skill

  • I have not only seen, documented and witnessed the corruption, I have RECORDED it too

Now I have tried for many years t stay under the radar, the early years way too much, as I did not want to be of celebrity status.

For those that do not know in two towns where I was .. supposed to be living thousands of people know me.

Across two towns.

As stated I get asked about a lot.

Now here is another short story ..

Going to the store late one night around two weeks back, maybe less, in a dark section of the road a couple are walking towards me.

Suddenly as I am upon them I look up and there is a first in front of my of my face just hanging there and I look at this black guy and he says ..

“You are LEGEND .. mate!”

I fist bump him, not really knowing what is going on here or who he is. I say “Thanks”

His girlfriend looks round at what is going on and looks at me from a few feet away and her eyes go very wide. As if she has just seen someone from TV. I have zero idea how I could possibly be recognised and the only thing really clear about me is my eyes.

Well if you have seen my blogs which have been around since 2012, you would know.

She does the same, raises her fist up and I fist bump her too, thanking her as I do.

I carry on my journey to my usual late night store wondering what in the world that was all about as I did not recognise either of them.

I do not talk to very many people.

Lets see .. I do not venture out a great deal, mores the pity, and there are six Turkish people in stores that all know me and what I do but never seen my blogs and I have never provided them and they have never asked.

There is a nice Indian married couple that own a nice little convenience store.

The same applies with them, they know who I am and what I do and can do but not seen the blogs, not been provided nor ask for the blogs. But they like to talk.

I have given two Turkish guys legal advice but that was only recently.

I have been dragged out of stores by customers that here me talk or give advice, one I saw the other day for the first time in awhile out with his dog. He was across the street and raised his fist as soon as he see me and I did in response,

They could have been customers in stores where the owners are talking to me and I have been explaining .. astrophysics, solar cycles, volcanoes and likely animals or climate as well as Covid and vaccines? Hard to say.

I do recall seeing a Turkish guy talking to a black guy working in a Tesco Express and I had seen him on the Turkish owned store where I do talk.

I could hear him saying “See that guy over there?” and I simply was not paying attention. When I looked around I noticed as I panned he was pointing at me and I the realised who he was. The guy behind the counter says “Yeah?”.

Some nights I go into Seref's store two down and Seref likes talking to him. That guy is a scientist in different fields and really knows his shit! You want to hear him when he gets going, its fascinating and he really knows how to explain things”.

The fist bump night I was going into a different store owned by Turkish people and who I call 'Babyface' was in there. Denitz was having a night off and I was still looking confused and told him what happened and said “I think people are beginning to work out who I am?!” and he started laughing.

I also told him that as I was walking to the store I was actually thinking 'Hang on? That is not the first time that has happened?'

Bad memory is a beyatch.

It is now 7.49am and thanks to my insomnia I have not been asleep for even a minute and I thought 'If your gonna frikkin keep me up all night I might as well finish this shit?'

Decades. South Italy in 2001 and animals atop a mountain and I figured out a climate quirk no one knew about and realised the Industrial Revolution did not start any warming. Batrachologist, Ichthyologist, Herpetologist among others.

A number of years leading up to 2012 finding out, recording and exposing some gangs that were abusing children that had a little terror plot in that final year I warded off. A four hour recording all about it that everyone and his brother has been burying ever since in 'Country of the Damned'.

Over the years between four and seven of each of Police Forces, Local Councils, Hospitals and GP Surgeries where at each I discovered many times the public was being lied to and things covered up. Recordings exist of social workers from councils lying to cover things up.

Google came to me about blogging and making money, was not my original intent and I spent years working on this and then around 2015 they started messing with my numbers and by 2017 I knew for sure they was burying me. People and I know thought I was mad but apologized to me in recent years realising they are. On both Blogger and YouTube.

On Twitter I have been told countless times by followers on DM for four years that hey never see my tweets, know I am shadow-banned and being hidden and likely keep a tab of my account open to make sure they do not miss any.

My daughter spent a couple of years telling me that my posts on Facebook never come up in my feed, a social worker who is an actual witness to 90% of things I ever posted and also did not believe me and also had to apologize in recent years said a few years back “Why don't you post any of this to Facebook?”

Umm, I do, they do not put it up on people's feeds. Likely because I have experts and scientists and they do not want them seeing them. Like you”

Around 2020 after bumping into someone in a Diabetic Clinic waiting room where he told a guy he was talking to that he also knew someone with a YouTube channel and that I have these crazy claims about being censored and hidden he told me they guy said ..

What does your friend talk about?”

Brexit. Donald Trump. Climate. Science”

The response he got he told me had his jaw slowly drop and his eyes go very wide and he has been telling everyone ever since.

Oh your mate is right, he is being censored in a big way. I do the same and I have lost £1,500 per month in revenue. I have a number of friends that are not as big as my channel and they have lost between £600 and £1,000 per month”

But on social media a group of people that declare themselves gatekeepers of facts and science and guardians of the world and people .. have failed thousands of times to prove me a liar and a fraud or wrong, each and every day over five years.

Witnesses instead watched me expose them as the liars and fraud each and every day over five years.

Each and everyone one either linked to the World Economic Forum or just doing their bidding like a good little sheep.

Only today they are mad, scared and desperate as one by one the dominoes of lies have fallen and little by little the people have realized.

When they have gone beyond the point where they realize that more than 50% of the messages have been lies they will start to question the rest of the narratives and the at some point will just decide to rule them all out.

Felt like and often used to blog for years I was in a limbo like period.

Now the masses have, for the most part, entered that limbo like period and are somewhere between the door, just inside the door or halfway across the realm.

A growing number are out the other side, just as I am.

All I ever wanted to do was use my skills and science prowess to help people. Do something for mankind. Be remembered for doing something good and help progress and not for make believe and emotionally driven things.

Someone .. somewhere decided at some point they did not want that.

Then at some pointed my goals changed and a new factor was added.

The one of revenge.


Yeah the problem with people, family, authorities and me is I have a terrible memory which my friend Mario has known about for years. He has seen my various shit happen, not all but most.

  • Sony Blu-Ray Player stopped working, second, same brand different model, to break down within a year when I have been worried about a contracting atmosphere, magnetic field playing up and a solar flare wiping out electronics with an EMP

  • Discovered one day person whose home this is was leaving trhe house all day while it is hot and leaving a 3ft x 3ft window wide open for all to see with a metal pipe network the local authority put in 20 years ago that gives thieves a climbing frame straight to the window

  • This is a person who years ago went into a school with a child's pram that had their bag in the bottom tray that had their keys in it with their address on it .. THEY WAS ROBBED

  • Same person that has done nothing all their lives but thinks they should get all the attention and be in charge of everyone around them because of their socialism when they do not even understand what socialism is

  • Same person that keeps preparing foods bad for me in all sorts of ways I have asked them many times not to do

  • Who after 8 days of sulking after a row they had no chance of winning and the second night does a big fry up I asked them never to do again and they knew what they were doing ..

  • I know you said you do not want fry ups BUT OTHER PEOPLE LIKE IT”, I kid you not

  • Yeah sky high blood pressure .. heart condition .. being checked to see if I have not had any heart attacks THEY would have mostly caused .. does not fucking care

  • Too fucking stupid to work out they will get blamed if I die here and I even told them this a few weeks prior as I was asked to do November 2021 and 9 months ago .. thick as treacle

  • Bought my 8th keyboard in three years I keep wearing out typing online, a Steel Series mechanical keyboard from CEX, turned out to be American, do not get me started, and with an issue with the RGB on the 'W' key

  • Had no one to talk to, daughter went quiet, mate in Crete with a broken ankle, oldest friend not long come out of a coma during what was the worst summer I have ever had

  • Even now I feel like death after another night with no sleep



Another late edit and this time an image .. soo..

  • So was told that Band 2 means 'inside four weeks'
  • Now told Band 2 was in effect in from March 24th 2022
  • Originally registered 21st December 2021
  • One couple, health unknown, housed in 12 weeks
  • One lady eager to meet me housed in 16 weeks, also on Band 3
  • Therefore since being placed on Band 2 by their own admission has now taken 20 weeks and counting
  • And they are confused as to why a disabled guy with a memory problem and a load of locals are confused?


Should have thought if finding and including these ..


Few videos on Fibromyalgia and in some, or all, mentions Allodynia

Another video regarding Fibromyalgia

And another one on Fibromyalgia

Russell Brand on Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Venlafaxine in particular not working, which I was screwed over by a Doctor over that led me to return to London.

Remember I have all my medical records now they were refusing to hand over for 14 months.

SRIs were all a lie by Pfizer to make money so how many Doctors were wrong on this and for how many decades? But some Doctors are declared correct on Covid Vaccines which has all fallen apart?

Doctor in talk and used him before, British sounding but in the US explaining how Google, YouTube and Facebook censored him and he came close to having his channel removed completely.

We know for a fact that both Twitter and LinkedIn do this to.

He cannot understand how Doctors are not up in arms, especially in the US.

Does not want to be part of any Physician Group. Not how science is conducted.

Said many agree with him but they wont speak out and people should realize the similarities to this and what happened in Germany pre-World War II.

Pay close attention to what is going on because some traps they lead the blind to you will not be able to escape from.

Dread to think what I owed just in loss of earnings but as the Anonymous Hackers former co-founder asked why I was not bigger than Tim Pool? It suggests a lot, more than a million?

This is without decades in damages for the harm, stress, anxiety and death it has all nearly caused and there is no end of evidence via documents to even audio recordings and the odd video going back a decade. More in some cases, like the NHS.


Bertrand Russell

Noam Chomsky

Albert Einstein

Karl Popper