Sunday 13 February 2022


It is the right time, due to things occurring earlier than I anticipated, for my to switch from the science subjects and abuse and lies of them .. to politics.

Now we need to get a few things clear regarding who I choose and what is coming so that certain people I send this to actually get the idea. That there will highly likely become a time when you cannot hide.

Most I know or watch have been dragged into this and id not want to be. Here is a quote from Albert Einstein and people should drop any preconceptions they have and become very aware that at this point it is not a game.


  • I chose those I listen to very carefully

  • I may not agree with some or all on anything, but you should not expect to

  • It is inevitable that in a few months many will know they have been mislead and cheated out of right and money

  • There will be and already is one building, a backlash

  • I warned of this over a decade ago and likely pre-2010

  • This is about lies & truth, right and wrong and as some of you know .. science in many fields I normally cover

  • The above was something ignored by many I know and I warned them this will bite them in the azz within 20 years. It only took 10.

My switch is also tactical on two fronts and you might notice that later on my .. 'message' may have altered somewhat based on what I suspected and what I knew for sure. Tactical.

Timing is everything.

This switch may benefit me in other ways and opens the door to a more popular field or subject matter a majority that is growing is talking about. As they will continue to do and grow for the next several weeks.

Also as this one will be in such quick succession to the last one they, lets call them the 'enemy' and they look, not only wont see this coming but will be focused on my usual haunts and wont know where this is.

Well, some do say I am a genius and I am all bout being factual, honest, genuine and scientific but I also know how to be a tactician, psychology, how to throw people off and beat them without resorting to lying. Due to short-term memory issues I could not lie if I wanted to.

So along the way I use people and find new people and then sometimes I stop using people if they fail to live up to their own standards, doing videos about how the mainstream news have been corrupted and lie about everything, except some things they still want to be true.

Otherwise known as confirmation bias and a logical fallacy. But .. that particular one I know that some do actually do will be over for them in a few months time.

The other things I avoid are ..

  • Lying for the side

  • Sensationalism even just in thumbnails

  • Theories I can in no way prove either way

  • Those that start spats with people that are supposed to be on their side

  • Grifters and those that switch sides in an instant when the sense the tide has turned

This piece is to show two things ..

  • Reality of political Leanings

  • The Mainstream Media have been lying as I stated many years ago

In so doing maybe with all readers, or just most, what I can make people realise is that which I do and that which should be obvious. Once you have been lied to for either a long time or many times you cannot trust anything these people said.

If it was someone that was supposed to be a friend you would cut-off from them in an instant, would you not?

'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me'

But fooled you dozens of times for many years and in that time put unfair restrictions on you ignoring human rights while being overpaid to help others take ever more money from you?

I have spent two decades hating that I live in a dishonest world while listening to others saying 'well that is just how it is' and ignoring my warnings.

Even worse were those with the egos and the Dunning-Kruger Effect who were more worried about how they appeared than what I went through in that time.

I have on occasion been wrong and so not mind being wrong but much of the time I spend a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of something.

Other people never want to be wrong, do not want to appear to others of being wrong but want to decide the answers based on five minutes or less of contemplating it.

As a result many people that cannot abide the thought of being wrong despite not putting in the effort and research then make excuses or dig around to support their position and this is how the Dunning-Kruger Effect works.

One's mind cannot accept being wrong so it will spend a long time justifying their opinions, twisting things about so that it fits or even lying about it for what seems like an eternity.

I have come across all these scenarios both online and off it.

The other thing to watch out for is the use of logical fallacies. You cannot use these in science, law or court nor in any debate. You are abusing logic if you do and I have a all piece in this covering the ones I have had used against me.

  • Appeal to Populace when you say 'but most people say'

  • Appeal to Authority when you say 'but this science/medical/government organisation says'

  • Appeal to Emotions 'but I am trying to save lives'

  • Loaded Questions 'But has this vaccine saved lives?' when it may have cost a lot more

  • Ad Hominem 'You are an idiot/racist/misogynist/bigot/fool/moron'

  • Burden of Proof 'Prove my vague theory wrong' Richard Feynman said you cannot prove vague theories wrong

  • Confirmation Bias 'This site says what I want/need to be true'

  • False Dilemma 'But if you are not with us, this means you are [insert label]'

  • Personal Incredulity 'But I did not see it/your link/proof'

  • Repetition Fallacy 'Its this, its this. Its this ..'

  • Retrospective Determination 'But we said this would happen, don't you remember ..' no evidence provided

  • Appeal to Ridicule 'Your argument is stupid'

  • Slippery Slope 'But IF that happens, this MAY happen so we MUST do this'

  • Special Pleading 'You see yourself as rules not applying to you because ..'

There are others but these are the main ones with a very brief description that you should not get the idea as well as how you cannot use them.

I have had them all and others besides.

In fact I knew and tried to explain to others their arguments were not logical not realising all these things were listed and all had names.

I I have explained a few ground rules before moving on in the hope that YOU, the reader, might learn how to question everything and not fall for traps laid out by others to control you.

Below we go into some politics and facts emerging and I used a number of people I like listening to for their perspective, especially on America as I know so little about the system.

I really d not mind people getting things wrong as long as they genuinely want solutions and can admit when they are wrong and to their mistakes. Not lie and twist to stay with something they want to be true or need to be true because of their political leanings or personal wants and desires.

So first up we have Anthony Brian Logan, I love watching and very level headed and love his style, covering comedian Heather McDonald who collapsed on a live act right after joking about how she had three covid jabs, a flu jab and a shingles jab with no trouble with her menstrual cycle.

Then covering her speaking to a Doctor on air who was previously pro-pro-covid vaccine who agrees with her when she states she will not be having a fourth injection.

This is Gothix, who I really need to watch more of, who explains she was previously against Donald Trump but realised she had been lied to.

In this video she mainly covers an anti-white show in the US that her subscribers sent her knowing that she would go off on one, so to speak.

She goes off on one.

Here is a video covering a Professor at Harvard .. I will say that again .. a Professor from Harvard who apparently stated something about the Freedom Convoy and complained about right-wingers and the supply chain disruption.

If this was not bad enough, calling the truckers, farmers and supporters of the Freedom Convoy right-wingers her solution to get the supply chain going again is to slash the tyres of all the trucks and farm vehicles.

Naive. Idiot. Anti-democracy. Unhinged.

Tim Pool and guests tear her to pieces, this .. Harvard Professor and she is hard-left too and remember its a conspiracy theory to state that the elite exist and the universities have been infested by idiots, something I had stated a decade ago and people thought me mad.

Here is Officer Tatum on the woke hard-left losing their minds because the singer called Adele said she was proud to be a woman at an awards ceremony.

Here are the Hodge Twins who did a piece, they are funny, on Justin Trudeau calling the people of the Freedom Convoy 'racists' and/ or 'terrorist'.

Now imagine my shock when I find out on the exact same day that not only was Gothix a former Democrat and anti-Trump, that Officer Tatum, explaining here, how he woke up to all the nonsense?

This is Eric D July or YoungRippa59 on YouTube, talking about how fans were attacked and called racists for the Lord Of The Rings series, I now hear is up for sale?

Rather oddly a few I listened to on this one actually question how an article came out attacking fans and wondered if the fans had even had a chance to react?

Seems to suggest that all this is actually both intended and planned as I have stated from the very beginning.

What many missed was that in one article attacking the fans they used the line 'Tolkien is for everyone' and I left a comment on The Quartering's YouTube channel, think it was him, saying 'Well why did they change it then?'

Here is Decoy Voice on how the Canadian government wanted to outlaw 'honking your horn' and he does a number of great videos on how the mainstream media in the US and in Canada lied about those working class people.

Notice how I have a collection of black people and mixed race and someone of East Asian decent? Because I like them and what they say.

So I feature them and I have had brief conversations with Decoy Voice.

Of the others I used to watch Tyrone Magnus covering movies commented I was pleased for him being pumped up for getting an interview with director Zack Snyder. I got a 'love' for that.

In fact if you knew where to look .. you might not that I have rather a lot of 'loves' from creators, some of which have likely lost their channels?

I always kept my digital 'footprint' in stealth mode until just a couple of years back on social media and since I have I have made a bit of a splash in a short period of time.

One of my few mistakes as had I just increased this two year earlier and seen some scientific data two years earlier also we would not be at this point. So I feel like I have been racing to catch up, trying to stop it and asking to running down a tunnel only to watch the distant dim light getting ever further way the faster I run.

Though in all honesty this has highly likely been down to the suppression of me by all the major social media giants who also owe me a great deal of money.

Now then let us cover a little bit of history regarding this blog and myself ..

I am a scientist and love and wrap myself up in many or most of the subjects and am always watching documentaries to find out more.

I am also a stickler for the facts and I have to approach everything from every possible angle.

Sadly this first attracts people to me but then drives people away form me and is the absolute bane of my life and in so many ways.

It is highly likely that when it comes to my wide knowledge base, over 100 theories that have proven true that along my health I am the most lonely, misunderstood and most in pain person alive on Earth. Probably.

Of the things I started to notice many years ago was how in the news media things were beginning to sound off and wrong here and there. In the public services and government there seem to be a slow build up of people that were in fact idiots who spoke to you in a condescending way as if they was superior.

Now how it has always worked is as follows ..

  • I would notice something

  • I would tell myself I was wrong

  • I would keep noticing something

  • I would continue telling myself I was wrong

  • A pattern would emerge (have this odd 'ability')

  • I would go at it from every angle for weeks and months

  • I would tell others about it

  • They would spend 60 seconds thinking about it and tell me I was definitely wrong

  • They knew I did not lie and a large number of them about 8 years ago thought I was suffering form some sort of mental health problem

In four years on Twitter my prediction success rate has likely been around 95 to 98 percent in well over 140 predictions I made, though on a single thread I rip those that hate me as I have around 120 odd just on that thread.

I stated that something very strange was going on in the news media as well as politics and the public services. By the time I had done this I had already started to notice many years before and I think 2000, when I was in Calabria in Italy and .. 'found something', to 2003, when my father was lied about and then died, when the spidey-sense really got stronger.

I was still under the impression that one thing I had discovered in 2000 which cannot be refuted would eventually be realised in science and the news media. Over a decade later it still wasn't.

Of course now I know why this is and its how I have stated from the start that everything is pantomime, theatre and a distraction.

Of all the apologies I have had and the concerns about my mental health stopped four years ago, the one I have yet to have on the long line of apologies is the one regarding 'fake news'.

It has been joked that Donald Trump got it from me. Sure there were websites dedicated to the BBC being full of it and I knew the site owners and talked with them years ago. But I was the one that noticed it was everywhere.

Back in 2012 I sent a set of four DVD disks loaded with evidence, it was FOUR, to every single national tabloid in the UK as well as local ones to the major cities.

I still had disks left and have photos of these disks and the documents.

Now before I tell you what happened let me state that I have someone on my 'friends' list that who worked at Cambridge University and in a pub one day he warned me that I would be watched and very likely already was.

Well I had just finished feeding information and recordings to both MI5 and GCHQ and told him that was a given. They had called me and thanked me and told me I was a genius and I stated that back in 2000 there was an interview arranged with me for employment I never attended.

Turned out my girlfriend might have been 6ft 1 inch of gorgeousness but she also have a temper problem too, something her family were very sorry to hear about after I had left the area. They told me they thought she had stopped doing that.

They are .. still .. on my 'friends' list and so obviously were witness to all that I had done in Bristol, including my arranged interviews with GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence as they and other ex-employees strongly urged me to apply.

Your average person also has problems with that which can be disbelief or jealousy.

So yeah, if you know who I am on social media .. then I can tell you that I have some history and then some. Those that accused me of faking an interview I did not attend and being asked to do a PhD I said no to, are not aware nor bothered to ask if there were witnesses or evidence.

To me Police Detectives are .. well .. slow. Every time I have met them. There are recordings on this blog of me being interviewed for the involvement I referred to concerning MI5 and GCHQ and at the end after 4.5 hours plus and hearing about all my science knowledge and asking about things in my home they say ..

You are a total genius, I wish I had you on my team!” - DC Simon Broadhurst and his partner Louise ..

So you get the idea.

SO I have this pattern recognition skill that shocked lecturers at both college and university and was asked about it and at the time I had no answer for them. I do not know everything, you know.

That being said I do have a theory today and its linked to my health condition which sadly also causes many other things, among them short-term memory loss.

So yeah .. I was starting to see these patterns emerge and long before everyone else, now you know why and was questioned about my mental health, which was fine.

Had professionals and Doctors state I was the sanest, mist honest and analytical person they had ever met, some thought I was just wrong while some thought I was onto something. Dr Cody and Dr Huq thought I was onto something. Others were indifferent and some were liars so I did not take much notice nor hang around long when I realised they were liars.

So some time ago in America they started to notice that a very long list of American news media would all state the exact same lines.

So much so that there is a well known video about this, though I doubt my real life British friends are aware of it. Though I likely told some and I bet they did not even bother to look.

I literally recently had to ask someone if they were joking as I said ..

I have told you for four years not to listen to the mainstream news and that everyone now knows I was right and your showing me The Guardian?!”

Now they are going to be sent this video so would have hopefully seen it by the time this gets posted and it is a Canadian, showing these videos of the US news in a collage all saying the same lines at the same time over and over again.

As I told The Guardian reader ..

This has been known about for awhile and trust me, when you see it? You will realise”

So this Canadian supporting or part of the Freedom Convoy shows it and he also shows the Canadian News Networks dong the exact same thing.

I have joked for people for years now that it is like the old horror trilogy called 'The Omen' which starred Sam Neil in the third one. Only it is like they did not kill Damien and he is running the world.

For those unfamiliar it was a massive series back in the day with many famous actors, including Gregory Peck and Damien was the son of the Devil.

I also use to say that it is becoming like Stephen King's The Stand, battle between good and evil and have seen that referenced a couple of times.

Another one I have stated we are heading for which is now something very common to hear and even Tim Pool or a guest used it was 'the world will become like The Hunger Games'.

I do not send family and friends links to my blogs but I may break with that tradition this time though in some instances that is going to be a little .. tricky.

Now then just to hit this home and give some numbers to those naïve or walking around with buckets on their heads or their heads in the sand ..

Here is Russell Brand whose followers seem to be skyrocketing and at 4.9 million odd, who I have been shocked to find myself agreeing with of late.

This is him talking about this creepy and lying attitudes regarding the mainstream news around November 2021 ..

Here is an older Russell Brand video regarding 'fact-checkers' ..

Here is a more recent one and about Facebook's own fact-checkers being caught out.

Now then this has been known for several years for both the mainstream news and fact-checkers but it mostly become proven in the last six months to a year.

So can you ask yourself that while knowing this is widely known and proven ..

How is it that the covid vaccines, pro green-energy, pro-AGW woke crowd on Twitter still promote CNN, MSNBC, Anthony Fauci, the CDC and fact-checkers?

I mean at this point they literally get laughed at.

The funny thing is that despite me calling them 'woke', 'leftists', 'socialists', 'Marxists' and 'Communists' on all platforms and these blogs, I really believed they were none of these things,

This was kept up to rile them and get them to make mistakes I could then screenshot, retweet and post around on different platforms to help give people a better idea.

Know your enemy.

These people claim to be woke, gay much of the time and hard-left.

Now let me tell you what I have personally had them life suspended from Twitter for ..

  • Racist remarks against Blacks

  • Racist remarks against Jews

  • Bigoted remarks against Gays (YES!)

  • Bigoted remarks against Muslims (YES!)

  • Wishing harm upon others

  • Though I have not had them suspended for bigotry against Christians (part of the division plan)


I am not even going to into into how I have exposed two for being fake Biologists, several for being fake climate scientists and how they thought science was done at NOAH, Titan was way bigger then Earth, without CO2 Earth would get down to -273C (0.15C above absolute zero and this from a science teacher here in London?), volcanoes are nothing to worry about, Mars has Van Allen Belts and a very long list of other things.

But they also claim, again see below, they know far more about science than I do and are far superior than me.

If you think about it and have been doing this as long as I have they seem to be about one thing .. and here are the things they defend ..

  • The CCP

  • Democrats

  • Big Pharma

  • Mainstream News

What are the two things all of the above have in common?

  • Money

  • Power

Now here is The Hill which has a funny story behind it all of its own. Saagar and Krystal had left the show to start Breaking Points and I was shocked, relieved and pleased when they hired Kim Iversen.

Now here is where it gets weird .. I did not know but it is supposed to be right-wing, I really do not care about political labels or leanings, I am interested in the facts.

I fond this out and was shocked by it because it had become obvious to me after watching around half a dozen piece that Ryan Grimm was an idiot and very-left. Let us call him a bad liar.

In another piece covered by Jimmy Dore he interviewed a young journalist for Rebel News who was covering the Freedom Convoy and he tried to link both the convoy and Rebel News to far-right and brought up something that the young journalist did not even know about.

After getting told this Grimm then tried to do the same thing again only resulting in him looking desperate and Kim Iversen, his own colleague, asking him what was the point in that and why does he keep linking to far-right?

On being covered by Jimmy Dore, himself a socialist progressive, Dore points out that Grimm is on the payroll of three billionaires, making me wonder why this is?

In this video Kim Iversen covered the US government plans to literally class any dissent as being a 'terrorist act'.

Keep in mind that Julian Assange is not American nor lived in America and that imposing laws where if you complain about government on social media you will become the next Julian Assange.

Here is the video of Jimmy Dore covering Ryan Grimm being held to account by Kim Iversen and about who pats him.

Here is socialist progressive comedian Jimmy Dore who hosts many on the further left who appear to be honest to me, on a journalist who was suspended on Twitter who is not taking them to court.

Told people years ago they were gradually doing this and were doing this to me and that today you have to say the right things or get censored in medicine, science and politics.

Here is Jimmy Dore talking about how MSNBC are still lying about covid and children and he asks why and then states nobody knows. Well money is one but the fact they are lying to your face and know that its widely known is worrying.

I have my own theories and scattered about this blog.

Jimmy Dore has also noticed that I have for many years in that people are slow or do not apologise for attacking him and being wrong.

I will tell you this much .. they also have no blooming idea that they have made the lives of others a living hell on top of what already was a living hell because they wanted to believe whatever they wanted to believe they came up with in sixty seconds. A mere thought, feeling or whim.

I am supposed to be relocating to another country and it is a quiet idyllic village where there are not many people, it is not a big build up city, plenty of nature around.

Added to this many seem to have heard about me, been told one, two or more read my blog, know I am coming and ask one about me.

Maybe .. just maybe .. I might end up being around like-minded people and not doubting Thomas suffering with ignorance and the Dunning-Kruger Effect who make a long list of logical fallacies in their arguments?

What is beginning to become clear to the left, as many have ran away to other platforms and have told me they have realised, just as Gothix and the others listed have, is that they used the obsessive left wanting to shut down people to attempt to shut down everyone.

I tried to tell the loudest people that if you pursue this and give these rich powerful people power you are the very next ones they come for.

Following is a famous old phrase used not as often as I would like of late.

Now this was a pastor or something similar that came out with this but if you look at it and switch a few keywords around you can see that this can be applied to anyone.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

  • Martin Niemöller

Now what you have going on right now is over the next month or two this gradually spreads around the world. Then you have a month or two of people looking up more details about the mass misinformation and them talking to others about it.

During this time there is going to be a lot more coming out in all sorts of areas and will look even more obvious to the wider public in every nation in the world.

In part it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf' where there may be something at a later stage that no one will take notice of and people will likely suffer and possibly even die?

For instance imagine a really deadly virus or similar around 2024 and everyone responding with 'yeah whatever' and you cannot blame them. I would do the same.

You have a majority that is growing that does not believe the global warming narrative and what once they realise later in 2022 they lied about that? What if there is a sudden cooling which actually has science behind it and it is rapid and when told everyone replies 'yeah whatever'?

Now then if you know or become aware that your mainstream news is lying, they do in Canada, the US and even in Germany and France now, and that they only certain things being said .. surely you must realise that you cannot believe anyone they have on for anything?

Cannot recall if its on one of the videos or who talked about it but one showed a video own woke women chasing another woman down the road, who had a pushchair. They attacked her and her daughter calling then racists.

The women pursuing and calling them racist and attacking them were white

The lady being attacked along with her child were black. Work that the flock out?!

One thing I have mentioned for years that friends and family are still saying I am wrong about is that a civil war is coming and they still do not.

Tim Pool talked for awhile about this, after me but also called wrong, here talking about how the media now either say its here already or coming. How about Newsweek reporting on Republican that 'Targeted Assassinations Coming if Civil War Breaks Out'.

Pool goes over some articles regarding this from the leftist media like The Guardian and he explains how the arrogance, ignorance, likes and supremacist attitude of these lying, corrupt, evil journalists show that it is .. inevitable.

'Inevitable' is a world I have used often for many years and my high level of confidence was not only missed by the architects of the current state of the western world, but have continued to ignore it for four years on social media.

That would be four years of me having like a 99% success rate that is way higher than Tim Pool's and probably one reason I was asked by many notable people, one being a co-founder of Anonymous Hackers .. “How are you not bigger than Tim Pool?!”

My answer was “Because for some years now they do not want me to be”.

I assure you if this occurs the woke left will be wiped off the face of the Earth as it will spread just as a certain freedom convoy is.

What worries me is that those elite that instigated this will get away with it.

Do you thin they should only for it to happen again?

Here are memes I made for these topics .. and was called as good a troll as Michael Malice with the best memes on Twitter by one American lady.

Also if they have manipulated all your beloved social media platforms, films, games, TV shows just to help incite people to violence, then consider this meme ..

I also do not just used a shed load of scientists like Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Richard Feynman. Carl Sagan, Freeman Dyson and others but also ..


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