Wednesday 13 October 2021


By the time I started to write this after coming up with a title I was still to post part 4 of the last series I was posting.

This is something I have now posted and part 5 has been .. temporarily postponed. Oh its half done already but due to recent censorship development and wanting a little more time for more reports to come in this post took pole position. No pun intended.

So it is .. tactical.

It was something I had planned for much later in the year after the 'The End Of Ways' series absolutely hammered covid, vaccines and global warming into the dirt.

The idea for the timing was that things would start to emerge because of the cold weather that would make people question many things.

Then there were the videos popping up.

Nurses saying things about Covid vaccines.

Oppression before our very eyes in Australia notably Melbourne and videos of Police sounding like people after Nazi Germany fell 'but we have no choice, its out job'.

Then there were the antibody numbers out of India.

News Media being caught red handed running stories that are lies.

I literally thought this was a piece I would be posting around February 2022 but as always things tend to start occurring earlier than I thought. Sometimes it is later.

So by the time this is posted I expect many people will be asking questions and I have already seen people that were .. to the far .. ish .. left tweeting out their confusion.

I was even followed by an NHS Nurse that seems to be in favour of the vaccines and either she did not realise or was yet another one having questions.

Nothing wrong with questioning things as that is what science is all about.

I will include a quote at the end by Richard Feynman about having questions that cannot be answered and answers that cannot be questioned. Every scientist will say the exact same thing.

So then if people have realised something else is going on or in the process of beginning to ask those questions then yes. There is.

All evidence and science point to this going on a very, very long time. I was asking questions and making predictions a decade or more ago and friends and family thought I had gone mad.

Over time they realised not only was I proved right in each and every case but it was worse than I predicted it to be.

Now back then I was pointing out that people in government positions seem to be changing and seemed to be totally clueless while talking to you as if you was an idiot. When I was pointing this out each time people would tell me that its not like that I am just getting an idiot myself. Mainly because anyone that knew me whew full well that of all the people in the world you do not talk to like an idiot, it's me.

I replied that it is more than that is this now happens every time I speak to someone regardless of which public service I speak to now who I speak to. Every. Time.

When I saw that undercover video by Project Veritas of the FDA talking as if they were superior to others despite sounding like complete tools themselves, this was EXACTLY what I had been seeing for a decade or longer in the UK.

Back then I told people its like its being done slowly for some long term plan for something they know is coming down the line. Something major.

And here we are.

Now I have realised in looking into various scientific data that this has been going on for at least 20 years and maybe longer? My whole blog is about all these odd things and I left them all there because I knew that .. one day .. down the line .. it would all start to come out.

Before I used to refer to this as 'Project Distraction' and even hash-tagged it as such.

Now I decided to just keep it a short name with .. 'The Creeper'.

Because that is how its been. Slowly putting morons that think themselves Einstein and better than everyone else in positions of power and influence like those two forkwits for the FDA.

Maybe they pick people intentionally knowing they are idiots that want to be smart and would get their rocks off at the idea of having power over others?

There are many things that look odd and many I have mentioned in the past. Like why they suddenly decided to make this Doomsday Vault in Svalbard, Norway? Saw someone mention in something .. somewhere there might be one in Greenland? When the movie called 'Greenland' came out I thought it was weird.

Black Lives Matter

To those that followed this do you not think it was very odd that out of nowhere you was promised everything?

Been hearing of reports of BLM marching alongside Trump supporters or conservatives? Never thought I would hear that.

It is been very hard to watch groups being incited and/or manipulated using promises along the lines of a pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.

Extinction Rebellion

To those that followed this do you not think it was very odd that this appeared out of nowhere, got as big as it did and promised you a great deal?

Have you ever seen or heard anything said that might make you question that their claims that they care might not be the case? Or that they know nothing about extinction or even more interested in something else other than extinctions?

Well I have been all around the world twice on their Twitter accounts and a great many and growing have given up posting. Many have distanced themselves from politics too.

Not the distancing could be to conceal themselves or they have realised they have been used to further some hidden agenda?

This ceasing of posts has occurred just as I said it would and from around 2018 until 2021 and I suspect another list of them will have done so my April 2022?

Of those still posting there followers are lucky to be in the four digit range and most are in the two or three digit range.

The vast majority do not get very many likes or retweets either.

Fridays For Future

To those that had children that followed this and got scared over their future do you not think that maybe their plan was to divide families?

The leader is an activist as are her parents but not the activist you think she is.

These political ideologues not only do not believe in any religion and despite it but they also do not believe in families.

They also do not care about science and know very little about it and I have zero idea what it is they do believe in.

Sometimes this seemed an attempt to get children to convert their parents to help Extinction Rebellion grow which not only did not get there but reversed it course back in 2018 or perhaps even earlier?

For both a severe winter where people suffered, got ill or died would have a negative effect on these individual groups.

This is why after years of telling everyone in the world that their world is going to burn now they are telling people 'Well of course its snowing, this is what CO2 and climate change does, you dummy'. Literally so and seem to think that being condescending and belittling to those they views as morons and inferior actually works? Except they never predicted anything to do with cold, snow and blizzards.

Ask them to show you absolutely anything previous to 2010 that predicted record cold, snow, blizzards, winters and global temperatures dropping and they wont. Because they simply cannot.


Have warned those wanting to manipulate you over and over again.

That scientists are going to change their tune and you can only buy their silence for so long until it becomes obvious.

What I have foreseen and predicted as well as theorised on they will also see and each one will get very edgy about sticking to these narratives, paid or otherwise.

Because things come at a price. Always and eventually.

You cannot control physics, time or stop the inevitable. It is that simple.


Ban you for certain speech or words without actually warning you or telling you and do this for years. Best one is them overfilling your webpage with adverts that goes beyond what they allow and then they punish you for it. Freezing your revenue for years hoping you will give up telling the truth and go away.

All the while receiving money for your work via said advertising and yet they do not pay you.

Then there is the burying, leaving you out of searches and shadow banning or removing monetization.


Suspending people even for life very often with bias and unfair reasons.

Hide tweets, remove likes often before your very eyes and a number of us have seen this. Reduced numbers even on retweet numbers. Put warnings on links to cast very large seeds of doubt to mislead the masses.


This is here I have people that know me. Known me for years. Family members too. People that know that I am scientific, know I am good, know I do not lie and well aware that I do not entertain 'conspiracy theories' as facts.

Its where I know I can provide important information that may help or even save the lives of people I know.

Of late several people I have not been in contact for 6 years, 20 years and 30 years have recently added me and can only have done this hearing of what I have been doing and saying.

For the last year my own daughter and close friends tell me that my posts never appear and they have missed, it would appear, everything.

If anyone has suffered or dies that missed a hidden post that may have altered this then as far as I am concerned Facebook will be guilty of manslaughter.


Anti-fascists? Just another name for fascists while trying to disguise themselves.

I have taken on many of these and they are made up of low intellect and low IQ fools that possess not a single moral fibre. They have fooled many people and encouraged them to gather together under their .. 'banner' if you like.

Of these include BLM previously mentioned and the LGBTQ community.

Odd as I hated politics and stayed away from it.

I got dragged in kicking and screaming because they were lying to people and using and abusing science to place fear into people.

I have been accused of being ..

  • Religious

  • Right-Wing, not that there is anything wrong with that but they think that makes you fascist .. while also claiming to be protecting democracy where your only choice is the one they want

  • Being paid by Donald Trump

  • Being paid by Putin

  • Along with many others

None of these are true.

I also used to watch many people of different skin colours on YouTube videos to do with photography, movies, PC tech and even gaming.

Now none of these talked about politics until very recently and not a single one of them agreed with the hard-left or Antifa.

However what Antifa do as well is use Twitter, because its the number one social media in town, and have between 6 and over 100 accounts each they switch between to mass report people and make it appear as if they are the majority.

Because if you ask any psychologist they will tell you that weak-minded people will just go along with the masses. There are tests that show this.

The trouble with the society they want is the following ..

  • They seem to be happy destroying democracy to get this 'magic' society they think is the answer to everything

  • But they are too stupid to realise that they are only helping the elite and powerful they claim to hate remain in power, switch society and make it even harder to get rid of them

If you have not worked it out basically they are pushing for something that's always failed throughout history leaving the ones that caused the mess, the ones in power.

Where they will take away all your things and you cannot own anything while they can.

Where once you are in it you cannot then get out of it if you think you have made a mistake.

If you think things are bad enough now, and I never claimed they were not, then just you wait until they get the society they want.

Karl Popper is someone they use and his philosophy abused and George Soros was a big admirer of Popper, but they forget a few things.

Popper said that you cannot truly be free under socialism or Marxism and he also stated that anyone that promises you heaven only ever delivers a living hell.

It is very difficult to get out of hell once you are trapped in it. If it was easy they would not refer to these things as 'living hell'.

Not only are these people of very low intellect and lie about science but they also lie about politics and even attempt to redefine words and phrases to win arguments and push their evil plans forward.

As well as lying in medicine and all science fields they also lie about politics and one of the best along with falsely accusing me of being right-wing is when they are accused of being fascists they start by roaring with laughter and then stating that fascism is a right-wing only thing.

This is a complete lie.

You can look at any webpage at a political chart ..

  • Its a SQUARE.

  • Right-Wing to the right.

  • Left-Wing to the left

  • Authoritarianism or fascism to the TOP

  • Anarchy to the BOTTOM

  • Fascists in the top-right corner

  • Fascists in the top-left corner

Except when you pull them on this and their use of words and phrases being wrong what you get is a bullying lecture on how the people that created these things are wrong and their own definitions are different.

Think about that for a moment.

Why would they do this?

Why would they need to do this?

There is but one answer. To mislead and manipulate you to do what they want because of they was totally honest with you they know full well that you would run a mile from them.

Another thing they do is lie about what they are and many not only cannot even admit it but even claim they are centre-right or centre-left and capitalists.

This has two goals.

First one is to not set off alarm bells that they are a group and you are being tricked.

Secondly its to make them appear to be honest and have a point when they do not and are lying their asses off and know it.

It really eats away at my should to know that such evil people such as this actually exist.

Just today some Antifa moron that does not know me claimed to me what a number of others have done and that is he is not communist and is a capitalist.

Now its easy to get them to drop themselves in it because these people get triggered and you can do this with relative ease while being quite calm about it.

Another thing I do is exactly that I did today .. by stating “No one rational would associate themselves with the people that you do”. That normally sets them off.

You can always get them to either defend Antifa or you can get them to talk about how they work and get lines like “they will never be caught because ..” where I would then say “Oh for someone right-wing you seem to have some in depth knowledge about a group you claim no one knows about?”

No Antifa are violent, fascist communists that seem to think they are morally superior to everyone else .. because .. they should .. be ion charge of you? Also because of this superiority complex they think this means its OK for them to be evil and bully and coerce others to do what they want you to.

Yeah totally moral people.

Here is Sky News in Australia talking to Andy Ngo and they give a brief overview of the Antifa routes and you might note from the old photo they show that their flags are almost identical.

What is interesting, I will have to try and find it, is like The Atlantic recently. After me being noticed they ran a story about how civil war will break out and who would win. I said that if it does then these socialist communist Antifa would get completely wiped out.

They neither have the skills nor the numbers and not even CLOSE.

The Atlantic, seen to be left leaning, and around 8 days after noticing me ran a story saying the same thing.

Its far from the only thing I have stated for years on my blog that has ended up in some news report while the powers that be use all kinds of tricks to prevent me getting paid.

But recently and it as a Tim Pool video .. and I have seen some of Tim's things stated elsewhere by others too .. he turned around and stated that the US will become like The Hunger Games.

Yeah I said that too and long ago on this blog.

Now lets see if I can recall? As well as The Hunger Games I have also likely said the film Equilibrium? Funny now they want to force drugs upon you like they do in that film? I am sure there was another film too?

Its like these disaster movies like The Day After Tomorrow, '2012' and The Core. Being into science and science fiction I love films like that. But I thought it was odd there were so many in a short space of time. There was even that Pompeii film too.

A decade of two later I am looking at scientific data and based on what I saw made over 90 predictions and since then I have posted reports and papers along with videos I cannot even believe I am seeing.

They like to tell me that science is not .. accurate and not about facts .. except when they are pushing AGW, Covid and vaccines and suddenly it is.

Except even this is a cheat and a con. Because I am not exact.

I stated for a few years now it will cool for a number of years, there will be record cold, snow and winters will get longer.

I never gave an exact time nor an exact depth because at the time and as of right now I do not have enough to know this.

Its going to trend downwards for 6 years at least at a speed I am not currently sure about which can be increased by large enough volcanic eruptions that get into the stratosphere.

See? I cannot be sure or exact only on certain things and of certain directions.

These Antifa used to use quotes from Richard Feynman. They do not so this any more because I have shown them a dozen quotes from Feynman and others on science that shows they have abused it.

After a year of showing them quotes from over half a dozen people they tried to say that I took the quotes out of context or they meant something else.

Would you believe that one told another, not me, that they was a lost cause and a waste of time because they are not listening to the science?

Inaccurate because 'science' is a process.

Its not a system of faith.

Also these people have not only NEVER acknowledge a single thing out of thousands presented to tens of thousands of them but they do not even read their own links.

When they produce links around 80% of the time, and only because I got bored, I go through their links, fake news articles and scientific papers and pull them apart.

They have never done this with an of ours because they refuse point blank to look which means they are not only indoctrinated but conditioned not to look at anything that might make them doubt their own beliefs.

So they moan about religion when they themselves go on nothing more than faith.

The lesson here is that they do not believe in ..

  • Science

  • Religion

  • Family

  • Truth

  • Politics other than their own

This is something you need to figure out carefully.

Once you have realised this you need to start asking what it is that they do believe in?

People claim that I think I know everything and this is simply not true and here in is one thing that I do not know the answer to.

These people are low intellect bullies and liars and seem to be anti-everything and they certainly are not after peace on Earth and I really do not know what it is that they are into. Other than control.

This is what I find quite disturbing.

It is something of a let-down and that itself an understatement that humans like this exist in all honesty.

No civilised alien race would have anything to do with any of that.

Oddly enough these utter clowns actually believe that alien races are just like them.

Well as these people are anti-science and get triggered by it .. they will never find out because if alien races are just like them then their science would not have reached the dizzying heights of space-travel.

It emerged on social media that there was a list of names they think, I mean its more obvious that their AGW, a left-wing extremist or extremists put together of dissidents.

It suggested that these people being 'dead' would be a solution to their problems.

This list included authors and celebrities along with Doctors and even a holocaust survivor among, I presume, other Jewish people?

Death threats because of their feelings and the scary stories they try so hard to claim are factual when they are not while these low IQ fools push for their need to control others should tell you all you need to know.

Their ideology is very strict on everything from owning things to talking about things to even thinking things.

Step out of line just once and you are toast.

This will include destroying your livelihood, making your home life a living hell, going after your family and/or your career.

As these fascists are a very small minority then this means they act like this to the vast majority of people because it is for your own good and they care so much about you.

The phrase 'Build Back Better' was not only an utterly shite one it was also a very sinister sounding phrase and was used by so many it was .. well scary as well as telling.

When the same phrases start coming out among leaders and the media around the world this was obviously something planned over a long period of time in the background.

Being convinced and telling people for 20 years that something is going on and something is coming and being called insane over it, this only got stronger every couple of years.

Today instead of calling me insane people actually either see the plan themselves or see others talking about it on social media.

They do not get it. One friend who is centre-left who has been chopping and changing on Covid and vaccines says “But they cannot do this, it will never work”. I always reply with “Well you better tell them that because it is still being pushed by leaders across the world and on social media. Some even stated that things will change and that we had better get used to it, like they knew it was inevitable and this was before we even heard about Covid19”.

One of the things I explained that no one ever thinks about is the time factor.

Gave a detailed explanation of how long a plan like this would need to be worked on, how they would have plans for everything and find ways of getting people on board to introduce it. In most countries in the world.

Then would say that they claimed they came up with it because of Covid19 and that bearing in mind we had no idea if it would become a pandemic and that even the World Health Organisation refused to call it a pandemic for months.

So I then asked “So what do you think the chances are that they came up with this plan in less than year? Do you not think it is something that would take a minimum of ten years and likely more than twenty to put together?”

People that I debate with have been a waste of time. We all know it is a waste of time and we know they will never be convinced.

They never accept a single thing and never acknowledge anything. While calling others 'anti-science' they literally bat away scientific data as nothing.

This has gone on for over three years and in all honesty you do not do that in science. No one does this in science. Unless something intricate and complex like quantum mechanics, dark matter and energy, you would have to acknowledge something. At most within a few months. Not three years and counting. And that is in a single debate in a single field.

But in all the following?

  • Astrophysics

  • Volcanology

  • Seismology

  • Cosmology

  • Atmospheric Thermodynamics

  • Biology

  • Zoology

  • History

  • Climate

These are just the ones I can recall right now.

All of the above have been presented via news reports, articles on science sites and scientific papers and they have never acknowledged anything nor ever admitted they were wrong.

They even made excuses for someone who was a serial rapist. Yeah been in prison for two attacks, found out about another and allowed to be involved with a potential fourth victim. Newspaper and magazine articles presented to them about him. Attacking, abusing and raping your girls and two short prison sentences.

This story and others like it have featured on this blog going right back to 2012.

Apparently it was someone else's fault other than the perpetrators?

I think it was comedian George Carlin that said “Take the average person and how stupid they are and then imagine that have the people are even more stupid than that?”

Sadly this is why we live in the shit-holes that we do because time after tie after time the idiots are fed false promises and people fall for them and nothing .. ever .. changes. Well .. not for the better at any rate.

Greta Thunberg was exposed as not only wearing a fascist tee-shirt but her parents belonged to the same group and are a family of actors.

Greta herself was used to scare the living bejesus out of children world wide who would then go home and put pressure on family life and family is something these people despise along with religion.

World leaders clapped and applauded her and tried to make out they were the same leftist progressive type people out of fear because these warped people had managed to make their numbers look for bigger than they are.

They finally got their Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and all their promises.

Then one by one the promises were broken, though they did get a signature on a piece of paper and not long after the cracks started to appear. There was a snipe at the leaders that entertained her.

Now Greta has taken a snipe at Joe Biden and Jacinda Adern the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

When I started this piece I knew that data would come out around September to November and the reports, scientific papers and the cracks will get worse. In everything.

So I worked on this one little by little as I worked on parts 3 to 6 of 'The End Of Ways' which went back and forth over emerging data and reports on AGW, Covid and Vaccines. Because I had already predicted what would occur in Autumn and Winter over them.

Now this .. 'plan' everyone likes to talk about stems from not being open, transparent and honest with people .. it stems from lies, coercions, bullying and psychological tricks.

They kind of reverse engineered the greatest quotes form the greatest minds that include the fields of philosophy, science and even politicians. Though you have to go some ways back with that last one.

Took awhile but they uttered the phrase 'Philosophy Of Science' and this allowed me to make a connection between Karl Popper and George Soros.

Here is the latter talking about the former ..

Sadly I have been teaching people to check out people's quotes on quote sites as the left like to quote people that are dead.

What they fail to mention is that if you check enough of these people's quotes you will see that these so-called hard-left failed to mention that the ones they quote would disagree with the and NOT agree with them as they like to claim.

After a few years of throwing quotes at them on Twitter they really do not do this any more and one of their favourites was Richard Feynman. I even have proof that they use dead feminists too and in such a horrific way that is totally disrespectful of someone's memories.

Her name is Mary Wollstonecraft and a number of people were not happy with what they did and I am sure if alive today she would be totally embarrassed and feel violated.

Even The Guardian had to cover the backlash about the statue they waited 200 years for being so insulting to her memory.

Knowing a socialist that lives nearby and a bit of a prude and when I asked her if she has seen the statue she pulled a look like I have never seen.

It is abhorrent” or something to that effect.

Do you think that someone who was the mother or Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein and died in 1797 would be happy of a statue of her being naked for all to see?

Or do you think that she would accuse others of using her, her plight and name for their own agendas?

Now in the UK how do you think it is going when delegates of the Labour Party were told that at the Labour Party Conference too many white men were putting their hands up to speak?

Are they now telling all leftists that are white males they have no right to ask question or say anything? No opinions?

Yeah that will go down well around the world, eh? The left eating itself yet again.

Neil Oliver explains that governments are frightened of their own people, which we have seen a number of years now and one reason why you have had all the pandering.

In Canada a university removes photo, or history, from 1907 of students because it is too white.

Jack Prosobiec discussing cancel culture from the hard-left with Tim Pool and crew.

You can always tell the people you should stay away from as they lover certain .. words ..

  • Solidarity

  • Denier

  • Anti-Science

  • Holocaust

  • Nazi

    • Though more and more are calling them that now

  • Pseudoscience

    • Always projection

  • Capitalist

    • Oddly explained as being bad by several that initially claimed they were for capitalism who turned out to be Antifa

  • Right-Wing

  • Nut-Job

  • Far-Right

  • Racist

    • Though they got caught for being that all the time and two suspended twice by me

  • Antifascist

    • These are also fascists, fascism is top to bottom and not left to right like they lie about

  • Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Theorists

    • Except they have their own and they say the difference between conspiracy theory and facts on the human side is about 6 months

Basically they are a bunch of stupid/amoral/naive/selfish [delete were appropriate] people that will abuse either the memories of dead people or the suffering of others for their own goals.

Others just follow because the pish their pants at the thought of them attacking them as I am sure numbers within their ranks are scared of the rest of the ravenous hoard turning on them and eating them alive.

Here is a link to a tweet from a Marxist, Antifa, Climate Alarmist who also pushes for forced vaccines and lock-downs who admits in a tweet how in the hard-left, that he claimed he is not a part of, how they talk about how whether they should get pleasure ('schadenfreude') out of people that disagree with them suffering.

He then tries to show he is nice by stating that he does not agree.

Yeah except a large number of us have seem them celebrating and poking fun even out of people dying and I am sorry but that old saying applies ..

'Lay down with Dogs and you get up with fleas'

If these people could not give a shit if you lived, suffered or died when you do not agree with them then they are not going to do this even if you do.

This is not rocket science, it is basic common sense.

You are either caring towards others or you are not, there is no switching it on and off and this also should be applied to both children, animals and the environment.

Also if you do not have the facts or the science and insist your doing the right thing it could very easily have dire consequences when the time comes.

But I assure you they already have a list of names and things to blame all their mistakes on when it does go wrong. Suspect Donald Trump and Brexit are in the top five?

Their whole attitude comes down to that if everyone else does talks, acts, thinks and feels as they tell them then the world will be like paradise.

Except Karl Popper stated that anyone that promises you paradise only ever delivers a living hell, see below and look at the Carl Sagan quotes about being bamboozled and charlatans and promising to also question everything.

Why are we been told things that go against the greatest minds that ever lived? Who are these names and these people telling you to be this way compared to all these greats? They are no one, that's who. Now telling us to ignore everything we have ever been taught or learned because these super-nanny and likely billionaires orchestrating this want to remain the ones in charge?

Like I said .. many, many stupid and naïve people being manipulated by paid amoral fascists being themselves controlled by Puppeteers.

I have long stated that its like The Hunger Games .. or like Equilibrium in the past and uses others and I have also used the film The Omen where in real life its almost as if the son of the Devil, called Damien, survived and was in control of the world.

Here is The Quartering talking about a Woke guy who wished Covid and death on someone in a rant and then tweeted out he had been told to take his employers name out of his profile because they had fired him.

Now that one was just an insight.

I have stated for a decade or longer that some very bizarre people are getting into positions of influence and I first spotted this in the UK but have since seen this in both the US and Australia as that last video shows.

Now I have to say something I never thought I would say. My opinion of Russell Brand has gone up, though to be honest I have not seen anything of him other than his early days.

So I never really knew what his politics were but I started hearing he had been cancelled by the left so I realised only then what his politics were. It also interested me a little and it was only when Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald covered it I decided to take a look.

So it turns out he told the truth about Russiagate, Hillary Clinton and this lawyer. That Russiagate being down to Trump was a complete lie.

So of course the fake news I have been talking about for more than 15 years who all very likely lied about Trump and Russia, attacked Brand.

What continues to amaze me and I get this and have had this with thousands I have battled with, even when the lie has been exposed they continue to push it.

I have seen so many return after exposing lies either in politics and even science they just return and start repeating the same lie you have previously exposed.

These people think they are ..

  • Moral

  • Superior

  • Forward Thinking

  • Fair

  • Honest

  • God Like quite often

These people literally think they are in the process of building a better society built upon lies, bullying and the manipulation of others.

The reality is these people are insane, off the chain mad and firkin stupid if they think for one second they are either going to achieve something or build a better society.

Its interesting of late because I knew it had to happen. You had Tim Pool, Jimmy Dore and likely Glenn Greenwald and looks like Russell Brand all know realising that something is not quite right.

Something that was also eyebrow raising is that they called Russell Brand, I think it was, the new Susan Sarandon.

You will have to look this up but Sarandon seemed like a supreme leftist who was behind organising protests or some such. Likely see herself as a progressive and in support of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

After the Democrats .. umm .. 'won' the election and then started double-crossing and stabbing people in the back, Sarandon and a group planned to go down and have a few things out with AOC.

What was hilarious was AOC got wind of this and closed her office and went home and I made a meme it was so bizarre. With the 'insurrection', we now know had FBI agents or informers in the scrum, AOC up the road famously said she hid in the bath for fear of being raped.

In my meme I suggested she went home to hide in the bath for fear of being raped by Sarandon.

My prediction for around about now and into 2022 was that not only would al large portion of the socialists, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ and wotnot start to realise they were being used but that many celebrities would too?

Here is Dore and Greenwald talking about Brand being .. cancelled.

Now then here is where things get .. messy.

I was a big supporter of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and even that young woman whose name I cannot recall who got silenced by what they call 'secret family courts' who the website UK Column got behind.

Sadly I could not garner the interest myself from UK Column because I was involved in my own similar thing against my daughter.

The number of organisations, agencies and government public services I fought off was, even if I say so myself, staggering. But I am far from the only one that stated this.

It got to the point where 'workers' would say things to my daughter like “You know your father, he is some kind of genius, isn't he?” and she would laugh.

On a recording with Police Detectives in a post titled 'Country of the Damned' at the end of giving a 4.5 hour statement catching two completely different types of criminal groups and literally stopping potentially hundreds or murders and hundreds of rapes of under-age girls the two Detectives say at the end “You are a genius and I wish I had you working on my team!”

Been called this by scientists, Detectives, GCHQ and MI5, court Judges, lawyers, surgeons, university lecturers and others and I am given all kinds of nicknames.

One Christian group called me 'The Messenger'.

Another called me 'Warrior of God'.

Non-Christian groups of people that just want the truth called me 'Robin Hood'.

It seems when you try to do the right things and you do enough amazing things and do it long enough people like to .. call you things.

People I now believe are pharmaceutical company employees and/or socialists only have gotten very annoyed and call me a long list of very distasteful things.

I guess they want me down at their level? Stupid? Amoral?

I digress ..

Apparently I faked loads of recordings, Police documents, GCHQ documents (yes because people fake Secret Service shit with no comeback all the time) and all manner of other things.

All I want is the truth or the facts no matter who this hurts or embarrasses because I for one am sick and tired of the bullshit, lies and evil.

At his point I will explain that politically I am literally a little to the right of Gandhi.

I also had never voted for anyone in a General Election in the UK. Not the Conservatives, Labour or Liberals.

I do not agree with socialism nor Marxism and it simply does not work even in a country without any diversity, it will not work and you can NEVER get it to work. You will just cause a lot of damage to a lot of people if you try and force it.

There will also be an inevitable backlash, history shows us this is the case.

Now when both Nigel Farage and Donald Trump came along I had a little hope restored that things would change. But I had my .. reservations.

I predicted Trump would become President of the US and people thought me mad. You can imagine what people said when he did, eh? It was funny.

I also talked a lot both online and off about Farage.

But a few years in and things that were going on did not make sense. None of the things we wanted to happen actually happened.

Then I pointed out exactly what you would have to do to cheat en election. Based on the idea that in a number of ways I think they would try to cheat one.

Then there were the indictments after indictments.

Then that 'seemingly' impossible result even Tim Pool did not expect and nor did anyone else.

Then you got doddering, bumbling, mumbling and sleep Joe Biden. Yeah how the flying forks does that happen? It was like a joke.

Then he breaks all promises. Then the censorship gets worse. Then we find out about covid and all the shit that came with it. Then there was more talk of indictments for Biden. Then there was all that talk of Donald Trump's return.

It has been like the pantomime I stated it was and I told people that I was putting my trust in people but how do I know they are not all in it together and just playing the people?

I want people that can act and be open and honest because the attitudes for three decades has been “Well that's politicians for you, it is just how it is” while I would reply “Well I assure you that attitude and failing to see what's happening before your eyes will only help them deliver us into a living hell”.

If you act more and more obedient as they slowly enslave you the process will only continue until you are a full on slave.

And here we are today. For twenty years I have been telling people that unless people wake up within twenty years we will end up in a very bad place and not just in any one nation but globally.

Well .. here is Jimmy Dore talking to Glenn Greenwald about a CIA plot to kill Julian Assange and they mention the Trump administration.

He never did pardon anyone like we all thought he would, did he?

Switching to Joe Biden here is Jimmy Dore on polls where the majority now believe Joe Biden is an idiot. Only 43% of people think that Biden is 'mentally sharp'. So 43% of some figure are just as big an idiot as Biden?

What self respecting scientist a decade ago would have thought we would reach a point where social media giants and government would be more than happy to censor people to sensor science which includes both scientists and Doctors while fake news and bit tech are happy to lie to you?

Fast forward to 2021 and now you cannot question viruses, medications and global warming and the weather.

Who does not see this as the acts of fascist organisations at this point is either evil to the care or possesses a lower IQ than your average rabbit.

The National Geographic actually made what can only be described as a propaganda video trying to talk up absolute liar, Dr Fauci. He has been ridiculed for claiming that he has PTSD. PTSD and a victim card for being caught out consistently being wrong?

These people think that everyone is stupid.

Well the trailer on YouTube, which bare in mind many conservatives and Trump supporters refuse to use or have been banned from, at the time of typing it received 7,700 likes and 108,000 dislikes.

So Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp had a few outages and around the same time a whistle-blower popped up speaking out against censorship and what Facebook get up to?

A little odd, many were suspicious of this whistle-blower, possibly thinking the fake news could use this to take attention away from Project Veritas?

Well now its started to emerge that she is a Marxist and buys Marxist related things for people she knows?

Today's Marxists are all, not not deluded .. well yes they are .. and evil but, in major favour of censorship.

Which in all honesty in the modern age with all that history tells us, makes them morons.

Introducing a socialist or Marxist system is bad enough in of itself but they are happy for the same evil that lied to us for decades and created this mess to remain in charge, with even more power as long as they get the system they want?

Utterly and completely moronic, narrow-minded and dangerous.

What will happen is that the same people that do not give a crap about anyone's lives will be in positions you cannot remove them from and they will care even less about anyone's lives.

It will never be voted in so will have to be forced or cheated and will result in a civil war in each country they attempt this and many people, in my estimation, will die if this occurs.

As if enough have not died already?

At the end of the day this planet does not have a problem with global warming and there is no impending crisis. Covid is what it is. Neither of this can be controlled anyway.

But it does have one major problem that is causing a lot of problems with things like plastic in the oceans. Too many irresponsible morons.

Too many morons.

Too many people.

And for some bizarre reason they have been piling more people into countries and been doing so for years without improving anything.

I am relate to a socialist and we have disagreed for decades. In recent years we disagreed on global warming and covid vaccines.

Everyone else agrees with me and state that its ridiculous that this person would disagree with me on science subjects. The history of us is they have never won a single debate in three decades but still argue. They do this .. argue thinking one day they will get something right where they then act as if everything they previously got wrong, they actually got right.

Its baffling.

Only now in recent times instead of quoting and preaching to us about this fake news report or what Dr Fauci has stated .. they now admit they do not listen to Dr Fauci and have gone very quiet on vaccines, due to recent things coming to light.

The UK has had a crap summer and they have actually gone quiet on this too.

Now this person literally bullied everyone on AGW and Covid vaccines so a number of people constantly. Daily very often. So many are now shocked that for a few weeks they have fallen silent and not on one but both.

They have admitted that their elderly mother in their 90's has been very ill on and off since the vaccine was given.

I reminded them that I had warned them that I do not tell people what to do, I just tell people of the science and what, to my mind, will occur. I stated that I had warned them in the beginning that if they do this and something bad or worse still, someone dies from the vaccine that they will get blamed and have to live with it.

“I am trying to protect this family” is the reply we used to get.

This drives everyone nuts because socialists and Marxists like to treat others like low IQ children and its not about protecting its about control. They are, for want of a better term, 'control freaks' and the worst part about it is they do not possess the knowledge nor abilities to arrange a piss up in a brewery.

I have come across tens of thousands of these people from all around the world and I would not allow them to be the boss of a hamster or a dog, let alone the boss of other people.

Fortunately the one I know has, in recent times, admitted they, socialists, have gotten things wrong.

Also fortunately is that this censorship and the leaks coming out is decimating supporters of Marxism and Socialism. That is why I knew when I went back to look at the like and dislike ratio over Fauci it would be bad.

There is yet another sensible and intelligent sounding black guy I ave listened to a few videos of on YouTube called Officer Tatum. He and others, likely Anthony Leroy Brown & The Hodge Twins, have all pointed to the craze at stadiums of chanting 'Let's Go Brandon' or the literal chant.

In one someone filmed on their phone this building up among the spectators. I guess the Marxists excuse of 'they were not chanting that' which later switched to 'its only a few people' bullshit got on people's nerves?

So this film where they started chanting it and it sounded like hundreds and all of a sudden a lone voice of a woman who then rather moronically started screaming at everyone being racist.

Because they do not like the white dude that is President?

They all started laughing and asking them how this makes them racist and the lone woman just repeated it and in the end they just more or less said 'Yeah OK then, we are racist' started laughing and went back to chanting.

I presume it was some sports event? Where sports people get paid a lot of money which will not happen in a socialist or Marxist system. So why were they there?

Were they hypocrites?

Do they not know how a Marxist or socialist system works?

Did they hear about the chanting and attended the event to wait for it to happen and then lash out like an moron at the crowd?

The mind boggles.

At the end of the day the things I was stating well over a decade ago have turned out accurate in politics and society.

Idiots and ideologues have been placed little by little into higher positions of authority.

They do not care, they virtue signal that they do while constantly showing they are venomous. They do not understand what it is they are pushing. They do not understand maths but claim they do. They do not understand science but claim that they do. They claim they are for the people but this is only when the people agree with them.

They all now face a flood of reports between November 2021 and February 2022 on covid infections and weather reports and I have spent all year warning this. After accurately predicting everything for almost three years now.

I have shown them the basic underpinning of science fro Feynman, Dyson, Sagan, Einstein and many others.

I have explained how slow moving animals living at high altitudes move up and down showing the climate has swung about for a very long time.

I have shown them quotes from Marxist lecturer Noam Chomsky that they also simply ignore.

But a core number of what are now sounding like paid shills simply wont have it, continue to lie and bully and claim nothing will happen.

Second year of Covid. A La Nina, wildfire soot, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, SO2 in the atmosphere and the sun still low in activity. The weather reports are already coming on for snow early from China to Europe all the way to the US. All the nations in the northern hemisphere are coming in on covid and vaccines soon and some already in and does not look good.

On Twitter, and no doubt on Facebook, bullshit is starting to sprout wings.

Will explain something I got wrong ..

When Google first popped up as a search engine I told people it would never catch on. But it did.

Took me years to figure it out. Children. It had a catchy name that appealed to kids and from there it spread to adults.

That template has been used again, also the letter 'G' is key.

Greta Thunberg. Only that has not worked anything like it did with Google.

Many years ago not only did I scratch my head at how Google got so gig with a stupid name and a single search field but I also kept asking myself why they seem to have an urge to buy up every company going?

There was a point in time when I realised this was around the 100 mark and I started pointing this out to others who were shocked at the numbers.

I stressed very hard to everyone that I did not like the sound of this and seemed very sinister and was convinced that in the long run this would not be good for the average person.

Fast forward to 2021 and along with Google, Facebook has been at this and each company, including Apple have been up to some very bad things.

While repeatedly telling us how they are all bout humanity while trying to shut down how we communicate as well as what we can talk about.

Too many people.

Too many naïve people but not enough for the elite's liking.

Too many stupid people.

It has cost me so much .. for so long. Everything, in fact.

So as I have stated before .. the things I see? They make no sense. And I have been seeing them for a very long time.

The only thing that makes sense is that everything you see and hear is false and the amount of information poured into your brain and the types of information are designed to keep people in the dark.

Because they only thing that creates a plausible scenario is that I have been right all along and that they knew too and have done everything they can to keep those they view as inferior in the dark.

I have known this for some time know, or I should say theorised this, and my plan all along was that at just the right time just when they thought they had gotten away with it I would be here to make people realise ..

.. who the real enemy is?

Well. I always did tell people 'its like the film The Hunger Games'.

Maybe these morons at the top get their ideas fro movies?

They lied to me.

They lied about me.

They left me in pain, untreated.

They destroyed my daughter's life.

They have done their utmost to destroy my grand-children's lives.

They took credit for plans I exposed and saved lives and they did this twice and I never got so much as a thank you from GCHQ or MI5. Considering I almost worked for the former though I think had I intended the interview they would not have employed me. Look at what I have done. I did get “You are a GENIUS!!” many times.

So when you have taken everything from me and left me living a life of torture and pain .. what did they think was going to happen?

Recently some people .. that knew of me .. found me. Others that thought they knew me see I side to me that scared them. Did not cause any issues and I had to .. tone myself down somewhat.

Their genius grand plan had a series of flaws.

One of which is that they created me.

I am a problem and how much of a problem remains hidden from me. But due to their knee-jerk reactions every time I intended to strike fear and expected a reaction I got one.

How much of a problem I become remains to be seen.

But my intention was to not seem to much of a threat. I had .. 'personas' here and there which remain disconnected. For a very ling time it was my intention not to have much of a footprint on the Internet either.

After Internet Relay Chat using software called mIRC I decided that on the web I was going to remain at a minimal level.

The idea being that as I started to notice something was not quite right while not knowing what it as I would slowly increase my presence.

In the hope that eventually by the time they realised there was a problem I was known to too many people and that erasing me would alert too many people. That was the plan.

So they had a plan that was a bit of a creeper and for what they had in mind it simply had to be this way.

The best way to counter something like this was to come up with a creeper plan of my own.

I literally have no idea how much longer I will live.

The pain is one thing but sometimes, as I have this very day just prior to typing this section out, get very odd sensations in the area of my heart that I am 100% certain is the heat itself.

A daughter, grandchildren and half a village seem to have been awaiting my arrival for the last two years and more and more people seem to be hearing about me.

At a guess some see this blog, some get told predictions I have made they have then seen come true and while this is going on they realised they are being lied to more and more by the government and the news media. Many seem to be Christians and for some reason many Christians in the past see me as some .. odd saviour or something? Warrior and Messenger are two words that have been used for me and I do not know why.

Maybe they see themselves, their beliefs or ways of life coming under an ever increasing attack?

Except my attempts to get there have been three times now and each one has failed.

Not only is this frustrating due to the horrific life I live currently and because of my memory problems but it is also scary.

Do not like being a burden and despite what I do not many people have helped me and so much so that when someone does do something I find it strange.

Risked my own life without thought a number of times to do the right thing. Suffered pain as well as huge financial losses, lost homes .. lost possessions that meant a lot to be that I cannot replace. I have made plans and had others, government included, pull the proverbial rug from under me.

There are things I have missed. Things that can never be reacquired and times that can never be relived.

It is a torturous and painful hell and if there is one thing I can do while there is breath in my body it is fight back.

They have turned me into something I myself do not like and in this hell is a sense of abandonment and isolation no normal human could endure.

I do so like the word 'reciprocate'.

To win the kind of war we are currently in you simply need to get a message pointing out the facts of the situation, describing how long it has gone on for.

There will those people who have doubts and asking themselves questions.

You merely need to show them things to ask them more questions.

They have an army which is mostly faked and using multiple accounts to make themselves appear larger than they are. Like a toad when it stands up on its legs and puffs itself up in front of a snake.

If you can get as many as those with doubts of which there will be an extremely large number right about now which will grow in the next 4 months. Then it is over.

What will remain is the core fanatics and extremists and there simply is not enough of those.

It has taken me a very long time to uncover as much as I can and then wait an inordinate amount of time publishing little by little and get to just the right time.

From November 2021 until around July 2022 is just the right time.

What remains is how many people you can get the message to. And remember with those in doubt the method must be 'gently, gently catchee monkey'.

You cannot tell them how is it, this much I have learnt over the years. You simply need to provide them with the details that are within this post and then allow time to do its thing.

You wont get the fanatics and the amoral ones looking to gain something out of this bizarre push for oppressive societies that has left me scratching my head and wondering if humanity has a future.

You just lead that horse to water and walk away.

Horses .. do not like being forced.

Just before this was to be posted a court in Germany ruled that YouTube's censorship be reversed and .. well .. the 'YouTube Is No Truth Commission'? That is funny, right there!

Did you know that there is a term for describing people that believe the political narrative of the day unquestionably, laps up or believes mainstream media and is prone to submissiveness? They also have outbursts of fear and like to publicly shame free-thinkers.

'Complicity Theorist'

It would appear that 'complicity theorist' is thought as being the exact opposite as 'conspiracy theorist'.

So a complicity theorist believes in something that is mostly lies as opposed to a conspiracy theorist that believes something that may or may not be fantasy?

Now maybe it is just me but the former sounds way, way worse.

The Great Reset and any planned socialist societies are not going to be anything like what you think they are regardless of what side of the political divide you are on.

They are going to be way, way worse only if and when they arrive there will be little you can do to turn back.

You will be given another living hell by the same ones that turned the last society into a living hell the only difference being the speed involved in getting there.

How is it that 'the greater good' only involves serving a tiny fraction of people?

Whether you are in Australia, Europe, the UK, US or Canada if you do not see this by now then my estimation will be that you soon will.

Here is one to cook your noodles for the nest few months .. how do you know what is in those syringes?

Food for thought.


Noam Chomsky

Karl Popper


George Orwell

Mystery Quotes

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