Saturday 19 June 2021


Fore-note: there are not supposed to be any adverts on this blog and its come to my attention there are 7 and I am absolutely FURIOUS about this.

Obviously left there intentionally so they can punish me and the blog and I have tweeted at Google Adsense and got nothing while Blogger's account is protected so you cannot do shit.

Could sue them for hundreds of thousands, f@cking fascist slave drivers.

So then they have announced further lockdowns and still pushing vaccines when everyone I know has long since been fed up with lockdowns, lost faith in vaccines with regrets of having them, refusing second dose, refusing any dose and now no longer pressurising loved ones and family to have them.

It has all stopped from what I am hearing.

Two people I know have been hospitalised, one with Bell's Palsy and his sister with a heart attack while my health care worker daughter and her firm have yet to meet anyone tested positive. They do, however, know 5 that have had blood-clots and one of these died.

I know of two women in the 20's who were in hospital bed's next to each other who both had strokes. One woman that fell into a come and died.

Bearing in mind that its been emerging that the Coronavirus was combined with a fungus in a lab where videos of bats being in the lab along with 15,000 samples stated in interviews with staff.

This means that not only have the hard-left been lying to everyone so have the government and the fake news.

But it gets better. You see three fungi have been associated with the virus and killing people that started in India but reports of cases in Uruguay and Chile.

The fungus was combined with the coronavirus to make it 'sticky' while one Doctor in India believed the Black, White and Yellow Fungi were 'sticking' to masks?

The coronavirus that has never been associated with a fungus now has them oozing from every orifice?

It gets better still ..

Yeah they created vaccines that I said would not work and friends and family are realising are not working and dangerous .. but ..

We only just found out new information about this Covid19?

The WHO said they investigated and now turns out they did not even ask the CCP for the missing data that disappeared from their website and claimed it was a hack.

Also claimed that the CCP ordered a re-engineering of the virus to make it look natural so how did they come up with vaccines without all the necessary data?

More to the point why has no one mentioned this and why are they pushing these failed and dangerous vaccines harder than ever?

Now along with Bell's Palsy, heart attacks, blood-clots, heart inflammation, ischaemic strokes we also have brain damage and someone on Twitter claimed his wife and mother of his children had lost her eyesight, 94 days at the time, was down to AstraZeneca and had got no help from the British Government or public services like the NHS.


Getting people actually say to me that now they are being told that “well the vaccines do not actually stop you getting it” in which case they say to me “well what is the point in forking having it?!”

I say “Well know some have a vaccine in them they have zero control over too” and there eyes go wide.

When I posted details online I will go into here I noticed two things while the hard-left defended vaccines and compared them to Aspirin, yes I kid you not they actually did that, came across like experts and spelt Aspirin as 'Aspirine' at the same time.

Reported ,many times that as well as using a fungus in creation of Covid19 to make it 'sticky' that their were experts in India that stated that they believed that fungal spores were sticking to facemasks.

Here is a report in India of a split between experts and whenever this happens the hard-left telling everyone they are about the science always go with one that supports their view as if it is fact.

This is pseudoscience.

World leader turning up at the G7 Summit did not seem to concerned about the Indian variant of Covid19 reportedly ravaging the UK?

So after being told one set of stories for over a year and while they were working on magic vaccines which, even if you DID create one, would take 4 to 7 years and another 4 to 6 of testing .. this came out showing Bats were indeed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, they had 15,000 samples, no safety training and other tidbits ..

So the question is this ..

Provided that data is needed in any science and we was told for a year these things were not possible and 'conspiracy theory' only to now discover it had a fungus combined with Coronavirus to make it 'sticky' .. how did they come up with these vaccines?

Now they either knew from day one and kept it silent .. or they did not and not only were the vaccines rushed but a complete gamble?

It is one or the other and as we know that the vaccines are doing more harm than good and no major effects on the virus it would rather suggest the latter.

It also does not help that as the masses are not switching to distrust with the media and the governments along with these health services that they are pushing the vaccines on people harder then ever.

The word 'depopulation' is being uttered more and more among people.

The hard-left Marxists I assure you are about to do the exact same thing with AGW or global warming. They will pick whatever they feel helps them.

Oddly still arguing with me after I predicted the solar minimum better than all their cherished authorities.

Worried about talk of a Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age like in 1650 when we had one called the Maunder Minimum they have come up with a 'new' idea to talk it down.

A 'terminator event' is where a band of magnetism takes place on the Sun. Now they are saying one has just taken place, this is not the first time they came up with a theory of a big solar maximum and it failed, and will lead to a high solar maximum.

Back in 2006 and already covered by me they missed the longest solar minimum of 80 years, predicted a record high solar maximum that was a record low and by 2014 everyone was talking about how similar it was to a Maunder Minimum.

After that the missed yet another solar minimum even longer than the last one.

Then all the madness started to erupt and animals behaved bizarrely around the world. Then they started to die off and this has continued.

Now at the end of a solar minimum that has lasted longer than any since the Maunder Minimum something no one has heard of pops up and yet again they are predicting record high solar maximums.

Which can very literally be shown to be wrong in just a few months.

And then there will be some other bullshit.

Meanwhile no one talks about global warming outside the political hard-left in western nations and everyone is talking about the number of erupting volcanoes.

Which, I might add, is rubbished by the hard-left purely because they are losing their political vice-like grip with AGW. The ship has sailed.

Its like there is a consortium or group that's been given the task of angering, scaring and confusing as many people as possible so that they cannot see the wood for the trees?

Here is a video that includes people linked to the IPCC where they go over claims my the Marxist Climate Alarmists and their deity Greta Thunberg and explain that they have been twisting things and that there is no date whereby we cannot turn things around.

So they lied about that and I find it odd that it has taken this long to state that these 'deadlines' are hogwash.

But then in all honesty its been my job to put people into a corner and force them to make statements against their masters.

One of my most used and favourite lines is that among scientists 'no one wants to be left holding the baby'.

So after 6 months of drops we have a June that has had some cold spells and some more forecast meaning that we might get another month without a rise and maybe even another drop?

Will be the end of the road for the alarmists and their AGW as with winters starting earlier and ending later no one will expect much of a rise for July or August.

Stated that 2021 was going to be a key year for so many things and consider that if it drops again in June .. that it will likely continue faster and speed up with any more high level volcanic eruptions .. that by the time this year is over .. we could be at -0.2C to -0.6C?

As for these Marxists and their Puppet Masters .. I have called them fascists for the longest time now and have worked hard to get more and more people to not only see them for what they are but report them for what they are.

Still it is not like they would do anything utterly stupid like start branding people as the Nazis did leading up to World War 2, eh?

As state no matter what has come out from the Biden administration or China these Marxists have yet to condemn a single thing the CC has done.

Now consider these actions to force people to do something against their will, oppressing children to have these vaccines that are untested while I have talked about long-term effects are yet to be determined.

How about a video of three Doctors they tried to silence here talking about a Science Paper in Japan where they discovered the spike proteins from the Pfizer Vaccine has caused spike proteins to build up in the ovaries of women and in bone marrow.

This shocked them and is potentially a long term- effect for Leukaemia and Ovarian cancer as well as possibly making women infertile.


Right now only because Google and Blogger have been screwing up my blog for several years and with me having enough reason to sue them I noticed that ths above video has vanished and I have no idea why this has happened. It was a science study.

Anyway I went looking to see what else I could find and I was down in the comments section of a video regarding vaccines and Pfizer in particular when I stumbled across two people NOT Japanese, both talking to each other about people they knew that both become afflicted with Leukaemia a short time after their second Pfizer dose.

This time I thought a screenshot with the added address to the YouTube video would be better as once again things are disappearing.

This includes the report about Human-Animal hybrids or Chimeras ..

Also I have always maintained that I do not trust anyone though the hard-left have done very will to keep insisting and getting it wrong that I get my evidence from 'conspiracy theorist' blogs and 'right-wing' sources and believe everything I am told?

No. AS I keep telling them and have for years but they just wont have it .. I WORK OUT what is bull and what is not.

Case in point ..

Fox News staff called Ivory Heckler gets muzzled by them, turns out she was speaking to Project Veritas.

The Daily Mail, hated by the hard-left and called a right-wing nut-job rag, reports on this and for some reason and very early on in the report had already referred to Project Veritas as 'right-wing' and 'right-wing activists' twice.

Now why would you do that? It is odd how just about everyone including those that are supposed to be right-wing say it like you are a mass murderer?

Yeah well online and on Twitter especially the hard-left got as far as they did because what they did was make out to others that there were from a broad spectrum of political leanings.

Yeah not only was I well aware they were not but I have lost count of the number that claimed they were centre-left, centrists, centre-right or moderate right and every single time after a long period I would get them to explode and admit they was lying.

One even ranted at me when I said something wrong about socialism and Karl Marx and actually said “You are a moron, you know nothing about socialism or Marxism, I own Das Kapital by Karl Marx and other books”. Only people hard-left would even read these books, let alone own them.

My answer to this was “Yeah I do not care, it was just another ploy you always fall for and now I know that you are a Marxist and so does everyone else”.

That was a British Biologist who not only ran away, got torn up on his own subject but also acquired personal information on me from a friend of his who worked for Age-UK.

Never did get from them what they promised and in the end Age-UK ignored me without doing the investigation they promised nor asking me what evidence I have.

Yeah this is child's play to me and I used similar tricks on all the British Media back in 2012 and by that I mean every single one of them. Give them a little evidence but not the major things, explain what I had and wait.


In the actual interview Ivory Heckler tells James O'Keefe of Project Veritas and has recordings that she was fired for standing up against censorship, steered away from some science reports and towards others in a condescending tone by a fucking moron who is neither a Doctor or a Scientist and cannot do that is she wanted to.

She also explained how the narrative was always push-push-push Covid19 vaccines while at the same time ignored every story of every adverse side-effect said vaccines caused. Even heard, might have out link in last post, that the CDC were deleting reports from VAERS. The Vaccine Adverse Side Effect Reporting System.

This all literally reads like something from a disaster movie where it turns out every at the top is evil and like that character that only thinks about himself in the movie '2012' only way more selfish, sinister and evil.

They even spoke to a crew of staff from Fox News which they play in the video along with recordings of conversations and they all admit it.

This is one of only two UK tabloids I have used to post stories but I have ripped both a new arsehole when their facts are wrong, slanted or omit key information or data.

Like Black, White and Yellow Fungus ALWAYS omitted when they are talking about the Indian variant of Covid19 ravaging the UK not even the G7 leaders seemed bothered about.

People really need to face facts. If mankind is willing to pick and choose from known liars what is true and what is not then its not only stupid but, if there are intelligent life-forms out there, does not deserve its place in the cosmos and no intelligence would want anything to do with this.

Been ignored, laughed at and scorned for years regarding my claims of 'fake news' I started years before Donald Trump stated it. Some joke he got it from me.

Well in the UK it is Andrew Neil who is the most admired and he left the BBC, started his own channel with others called GB News. Here is an opening monologue where he says he is going to ignore the bullshit in Westminster, be focused on us while going after the hard-left woke and cancel culture.

His ratings have been reported to have been far superior to both the BBC and Sky News and as a result there has been a meltdown from the hard-left on Twitter.

Because the song they sing was that we were in the minority and things would go there way and we will just have to get used to it. And this shows that yet again they are lying their asses off.

I spoke to two people I know who were totally unaware of this news channel and both want to look it up.

Here is a section on GB News where they call it Woke Watch and as promised they have gone after the Police that they now call social workers in uniforms and this 'bend the knee' culture and as I know Harry Redknapp has been on the show he does not agree with it.

The Game is Afoot!

This now all confirms the very last of my claims and predictions from years ago. My friends and family have seen many things I stated they thought I was losing the plot over turn out to be true.

This was the most bizarre to them but was the only thing that fitted to me .. think about it this way .. for a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide vaccine .. how could you POSSIBLY hope to cover shit up in one country, putting your own people in danger, when its in a long list of countries?

Was they just hoping to wait until people in other countries were all dead and then say 'oh sorry we got it wrong, we only did it to save you, how was we to know?' whereby I will be right there to say 'well you were warned, ignored the laws, protocols and human rights .. so YOU DID KNOW .. now GO TO PRISON'.

To me its staggering what is going on right now. The reports I see are staggering as to the side-effects and I know there are far more out there we are not hearing about.

Whether one say we get a load of reports from some other nation and realise, because mathematically this will reveal cover ups, remains to be seen.

Will be be a European country? India? South Africa? One of the nations in South America?

Its like I am in some kind of crazy dream and at any moment I am going to wake up to realise it has all been a nightmare.

I am not seeing all these sets of scientific data, the news media is not acting like a Nazi fascist propaganda team while pushing vaccines they know are untested, harmful and potentially deadly on their own people. Also the socialists are not behaving just like fascists, pretending to be for the gays, Muslims, people of colour just so they can get in power and destroy everyone's rights to a say or even voting once in?

Did you know it snowed in Cordoba Argentina recently for only the 7th time in 100 years?

Currently in mid-June its dropped to 15C in London and a cold blast is due to hit North America in a few days.

EDIT: Scientific Prediction Number 69 since January 2019 and this one was that they would be looking a lot closer at the Earth's Core and start discovering things ..

I also took some time out and thought I would make a few memes along these lines and have around 60 or 70 to post out every now and then throughout 2021 .. the year I believe will have everyone turn on these amoral Cultural Marxists and their fascist attitudes towards all others not like them ..

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