So then thought it as time I updated this.
Many think me some kind of warrior and invulnerable but its not actually true. Being undefeated by any of the thousands of hard-left and regardless of level of education I got a bit of a reputation. Big.
But despite how people have viewed me over time and though I have touched up it I am not without my handicaps. I wonder what one of the original Anonymous members would think of this when he asked me 6 months ago “How are you not bigger then Tim Pool?” and I replied “Because they do not want me to be?”
Despite never losing and even being blocked by Mann, Cox, Hayhoe, Potholer, Honeycutt and others I have had my other battles. My real life battles.
First off is big social media giants like Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook who have been screwing me for years now. But I wont go into detail here and I have in the past.
These have been with the Police on different occasions, local councils and other government departments and public services. In fact I have been asked questions by people within the services who failed to realise that what was preventing me was the very people they worked for.
Among these is the NHS.
They lied to me for 25 years and I am still not getting treatment now. And yet I have had dozens of texts about getting a Covid19 vaccination I would rather die than receive, no fascists are bullying me.
There is simply no getting around it and it is SICENCE this plan and the vaccines were utter lunacy and this was even stated by a man that used to work creating them, Dr Philip Mason otherwise known as Thuderf00t on YouTube. Go and check and go back a year when they said they was going to rush vaccines.
Leaving aside my heart pain and the pains in other areas which include my feet, requiring special shoes and leaving aside my memory problems .. my eyesight is failing.
I resorted to wearing reading glasses over a year ago and yet the ones I found to be perfect are already not enough and I need to get ones a little stronger. I wonder what state they will be in, in two years?
No big deal, right?
Yeah except as my eyesight started going I also started getting a new pain from the lightest of touched and this is called Allodynia.
Now I had never even come across this name but the pain I had around 7 years ago with a friend. A woman I knew had Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome and the most painful condition known to man and at the top of the McGill Pain index at or above 40.
My condition of Fibromyalgia was the next one down on the index at 28.
Now as I learned more about CRPS it sounded a lot like CFS but with more symptoms like this one where this woman experienced pain from the lightest of touches, I did not recall until recently, and skin feeling like its literally on fire, which is the one that stuck in my mind. Well FMS sufferers do suffer from short-term memory loss, you know?
In all honesty I thought she was joking or lying to begin with. It just sounded so mad but over time I realised this condition was bad. She was treated like shit by the UK Government and public services too.
So when I first experienced Allodynia I got it in my hands and my forearms and its always a “oh now what the fork is this now?!” moment.
Over time it become more frequent but here is the rub ..
The bridge of my nose gets exceedingly painful when I try to wear glasses and even now things are a little blurry because I am not wearing them but my nose is burning a little and painful from when I was wearing them an hour ago.
Oh and I am trapped in a building with a socialist bully who thinks the world revolves around her and her politics that a social worker friend calls 'Hitler's Wife' and a relative cannot believe how I have coped.
Thats leaving aside how my daughter was a victim and shat on and how I have lost tens of thousands and over over £250,000 and the horror my daughter went through while they protected rapists only me helping and stopping an attack in London at the same time. Recording with Police on 'Country of the Damned'.
They say the better you are the worse you are treated? Yeah certainly has felt like that for over a decade now.
If I am honest things go from bad to unbearable and the only time I get any peace is when I am on my mountain bike taking professional photographs for a webpage the government was supposed to help me set up in 2017, before pulling the rug from under me.
Despite my symptoms gradually growing and numbering around 275 (no these are not all permanent) I have been removed from being 'disabled' twice, the second time with the help of the NHS and their lies.
Twenty five years it turned out they either got it wrong and lied. They lied for at least two years by the time I self-diagnosed and then lied about there being no specialists. Yeah I have recordings of all those GP consultation lies too.
After a battle and Fibromyalgia Association UK asking me “WTF are they talking about” and giving me Guy's Hospital I eventually had my diagnosis confirmed by a Dr Kirkham there.
Think about this for a moment. Symptoms that were building up over 25 years, at the time.
Asking if these were all connected and told no and ignored for 13 years.
I eventually successfully diagnose myself and have it confirmed at Guy's Hospital.
I THEN had my disability re-instated .. and then they took this from me yet again 18 months later.
I was sent back and forth to different hospitals in Merseyside and London for years over my heart and I have Hypertension Stage 2, which I have zero idea if its related to FMS or not.
NHS? Not interested-not interested-not interested and was just given an initial appointment and immediately discharged each time.
Before the diagnosis five separate hospitals contradicted the last one asking if they were insane?
Plantar fasciitis
Pes Cavus
Neurological Disorder
Those are the ones I recall .. the Pes Cavus had two experts state this at Barnet Hospital and they were BOTH wrong.
First was Whipps Cross Hospital.
Last was St Michael's Hospital.
Sitting in a lot of recordings I tried to get the, now I know is, fake news interested in but they would not even open up dialogue with me.
Many of these are not even online and I tried different social media to get some other independent news or people to approach me but no one came. Had some from Rebel Media once but they did not push for it really and I am not one for pushing.
Tried using Tiger Balm and they do say and it does help, with my chronic headaches but not migraine, but put it on your nose and the fumes cause your eyes to water.
Oh and I have been refused Pregabalin because of cost for 5 years and refused Sodium oxybate the whole time .. but they can give me a vaccine that has tossed the legalities over testing out the window and bully people for it, eh?
Anyway I do not want this to be a long one with me droning on .. so here are some screenshots ..