Tuesday 8 December 2020


I is truly bizarre what s going on currently and there is a veritable sea of lies over the election, Covid and AGW.

If you thought the behaviours of us humans sounds insane I can assure you that if you spend a while researching this it is also going on in the animal kingdom.

Literally just see story of Buddhists in Thailand in shock as elephants have killed three monks.

Hundreds if not thousands of whales died on beaches around the world.

Birds dropped dead out the sky across North and South America, Russia, UK, Europe and just see one for China where it is occurring every day and each time hundreds of birds. Another in Thailand too with parrots found dead on a telecom transceiver tower.

Deep sea fish coming to surface more and more and Moonfish being caught by anglers or washed up on a beach thousands of miles from home.

Dolphins have died.

Animal attacks on humans have increased across the world even from domestic animals.

Off the coast of Russia an unimaginable number of sea creatures have died and do not forget 70% of Earth is ocean and has a floor we have barely explored.

There are a bunch of people who claim to be humanitarian and worried about the planet who are lying their asses off, claiming AGW is real, claiming Covid is a huge threat and claiming there was no fraud in the US Presidential Elections.

I did post about Covid, I got that wrong. I had to stop as no way am I giving out false information

I have not got AGW wrong.

It is obvious to the majority and a growing number of people that there indeed WAS fraud at the elections and there is evidence of it.

For the longest time I have waited for everyone to put these things together.

'Why is the group of people that are lying and bullying others and shutting down free-speech the main pushers of man-made climate change, scaring people over Covid deaths and calling for lock-downs and stating there is no election fraud evidence when there is?'

Once people realise this and realise these people are fringe far-left Marxists then they realise they have been lied to and the news media have also lied to them too.

They also are now either stating that The Great Reset is a conspiracy theory or actually asking what is so wrong with it?

  • People encouraged to spend money and but things by leftist organisations like Google that know that all there stuff will be taken back off them

  • WEF: “You will own nothing and you will be happy!

  • That is everything and I do mean everything from a spoon to a house

  • Think about that .. everything .. farmers, business owners and your property becomes property of a state run by fascists who lied and cheated you for several decades

  • Ad they have to get every single person ON EARTH .. to do this

  • And they claim they came up with the plan in around 6 months


I tell others that each and every day IU simply cannot believe how shit my life has been and how much more shit they want to make it.

And I have these very same people asking me what the problem is after spending months lying, bullying, cheating, falsely accusing, spreading lies, character assassinations and doxing.

The fascists want to know what is wrong with being treated like a fooking shit for years and now being turned into a slave and things getting far worse?

They are starting to make Hitler look tame!

I know Jewish people that fled London for Israel two years ago because they could see what was coming and getting scared because the hard-left are literally Nazis and disguise this by calling everyone else that.

It is sheer madness and I ask myself if there is a connection between the odd human behaviour and the parallel we see with animals right around the world?

Cannot be mere coincidence and there are far too many coincidence as a lot of science data is also off the chain.

I mean you literally have hundreds of affidavits and the vast majority which is growing believing there is fraud and seen the evidence and the exact same people that have tried to scare you with climate change and Covid are very literally stat6ing there is no evidence.

And then there is me, not helped, supporting Donald Trump, hoping he is to the people, everything they want him to be and think that he is. But you cannot support anyone else .. as anyone else has these evil Marxists among them. These socialists.

But the whole time I am concerned that it is not all a charade designed to distract us from the real events heading our way?

I get attacked and told that I am going to cry like a baby when Joe Biden is announced as President and are ADAMANT he will be.

My answer is that as disappointing as that may be my blog would, or at least SHOULD, increase in popularity a thousand fold.

Because the right wing fractioned off into its tribes and like the left, put all their eggs in particular baskets.

Now I have no idea how many baskets there are but I can tell you what two are .. 1) God and 2) Q Anon. 

I am not religious myself but the odd thing is Christians seem to love me and I was called two things by two different groups 1) 'The Messenger' and 2) 'Warrior of God'. Tried to tell them they was barking up the wrong tree but you get the 'he works in mysterious ways' line.

So what the leftists do not get is that if Biden becomes President, and I certainly now do not want any fascist Marxist socialists getting power over so much as a hamster, many people that thought they had this in the bag because of said baskets they chose are going to look elsewhere.

Imagine it ..

'Oh we screwed up on that one. Now they are in power, what are we going to do? Well these was this one guy that warned about this and got everything right for years that the big tech and government have been silencing for years and we took no notice or helped when we should have done? Maybe pay more attention? As we fecked it now .. we fecked it .. we backed the wrong horse and Biden .. oops .. now Kamala Harris is President!'

The idea of someone doing the right thing while others walk into traffic with their eyes closed is that despite the wrong outcome making me more popular and helping me get out of my living hell and being able to treat my condition and all the pain and suffering that comes with it ..

.. I DO NOT want President Biden and The Great Reset where rather then sitting her in this 360 degree of hell I would rather die in a civil war against fascists with a gun in my hands.

But that is just me.

Meanwhile I spent 8 years watching others get more attention, get help, get support, get funding, get a million pounds and/or house. While I suffered.

I was never approached by the left and offered money to shut everything down or join their side and so you know why?

Because and as my friends will tell you that I am NO SELLOUT TO EVIL.

There are some signs of changing times but I have been here so many times before and had so many rugs pulled from under me.

Yesterday I was hearing that Twitter had a hard left purge going on where NOW the hard-left were crying that there were separate rules and they was bing picked on.

Fascists. People with zero morals that rejoice in the suffering of others suddenly develop morals when the tables are turned and they all go limping around the floor before you performing their 'bird with wounded wing' routine.

Help them,leave off and the minute you turn your back they would bury a knife into it and I speak from experience.

It is what it is and you can claim its this or its that, its evil or its the magnetic field or Earth changes but none of that matters because at the end of the day it is a problem that you need to deal with.

A sadistic serial killer I am sure has excuses, issues and a troubled history as to why they are the way they are .. but you do not leave them to walk around murdering innocent people because 'their past issues and feel-feels'. And this attitude coming from the people that rejoice in the deaths or their opponents, have wish death on those they do not like and then cry 'fascism' as soon as someone accuses them of something.

When these people look up all they see is the poop emerging from a Viper's arsehole.

So they have hash-tagged this thing #StopTheLeftPurge .. or something like that and a video is linked below of Count Dankula going over this and laughing. Because suddenly the left calling for more and more censorship and crying it is happening to them now.

Do you see this? Rules for thee but not for me.

This is fascism. It is how fascism starts. It is how it started in Germany and Nazis were called Nazis before they did the things that people use the term for today to state others are like.

Adolf Hitler took over the party in 1921 I think it was and they were already called Nazis a couple of years prior to this. Then all this shit started, the propaganda, accusing others of what you was doing, silencing dissenters and de-funding the Police.

Yet no matter how many times you tell them and show them they just ignore it and continue anyway which means they are either imbeciles or they know full well what they are and do not care.

You have a very cold and bad start to both Autumn and winter and may well get a lot worse and soon people will also be asking where all the dead bodies are.

Now if they come here and see this and then say to themselves ..

'Say? Why IS IT that its always the Socialists and Marxists that were behind this nonsense?'

If Biden becomes President and I hope he does not .. then everyone's immediate concern is doing to be the socialists within the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, the CCP, China and The Great Reset as this will suddenly be a very real and scary possibility.

And all because tribal people wanted to rave about their particular horse in the race and not research and read and take it all into account and do a little deduction.

Trusty me when I tell you that I left clues and comments all over the place the last few years ..

  • Sargon of Akkad

  • Tim Pool

  • Styxhexenhammer

  • Likely Steve Turley but cannot recall

  • Fox News and others I cannot recall but they are out there

  • OAN and NTD later on

I cannot say Steven Crowder as I only started listening to him regularly recently and wish I had sooner.

Spent years everyone telling me to just hold out, the suppression will end, it will go the way we want, Trump will be President, he will kick the social media giants into touch.

So if Biden becomes President it might get worse and despite the fact they have not been able to get rid of me because they cannot prove me as fake news or lying .. eight years of the life of a disabled guy who lost £50,000 and owed half a million will suddenly go up in smoke.

And after losing 90% of my belongings, my home, car, business and lied to for years and got no treatment over my health it will get worse and they might knock on my door and take my last couple of belongings and I am scared about that, let me tell you that for free.

And this is supposed to make me happier? With the help of a baton on truncheon or maybe even electrocution therapy?

As I stated I would rather die ion a civil war with a gun in my hand.

Its been 25 years or more of a constant hell and pain and enduring horrors most would not believe and each and every day I ask myself how I have managed to endure watching the world slowly go to hell while everyone in it made mistakes but thought they they was right and everyone else was wrong.

Yup clearly this has had a positive effect on the situation.

Yeah despite the fact that I have noted that here in the UK that all the political parties are the same and that I have been telling people and blogging this for frikkin' years and only NOW are people beginning to say it .. I have little hope that things are different in the USA.

Obama gets in and after awhile nothing really changed much, did it?

Trump got in and I felt elated and I was sure back then that all the social media giants would be dealt with.

Now post Presidential Elections 2020 it worse than ever and I wonder if Trump will remain and to the things we all thought he would in his first term.

After all we only back him because the alternative is far worse.

Same thing happened here in the UK and today Conservative voters are ripping into Boris Johnson and a growing number are calling him a sell-out, globalist or controlled by either George Soros or Jeremy Corbyn.

Once again and with a third Conservative Prime Minister in a row we STILL await them to do that which they promised. Brexit and immigration.

Just like the Hollywood studios making woke films that do not make money and naïve movie reviewers thinking for 5 years that each time a movie flopped they would learn their lessons and make decent movies again without political messages.

Been telling them for three years this is not going to change and is intentionally to achieve something, though what I was not sure. I called it all #ProjectDistraction.

Fast forward to today and not only are the woke movies and TV shows still going but they have plans for the next several years. And then there are all the movie theatres struggling or closing.

Now come on if ten years or so ago yo9u made a movie of the world going mad and story like what we are seeing today then I am sure that yourselves, as well as I would, would have said it as shit, a stupid story and not believable.

A friend of mine says to me today “Your theories and predictions we all thought was mad but today not only did you get everything spot on buts its even crazier than what you said!”

This is someone who is now arguing with his own girlfriend over this who thinks all the news is honest and not fake news and this is made up and he going mad about it.

Yup .. and therein lies he causes of the world's issues today .. people that do NOT back up their snap decision on what is going on or have the responsibility to even research their own beliefs.

Too much of an inconvenience as they have far more important things going on in their lives like their job, saving money, buying shit.

Wonder what they will think when all their shit gets taken away?

Feel like the most incompetent morons going? Especially after being told for years that this was all coming down the line?

Relative: “After years of putting it off I just bought a nice house in an nice area”

State: “Yeah about that house? Ours now, sorry!”

Guarantee that relative knows nothing of The Great Reset and wont believe it if I tell him. Or three others despite the fact I have professional friends now, are talking about it and just cannot see how they are going to pull this off. I always say “exactly” but then again maybe there is no Great Reset and maybe its just more distraction from the fact that a Grand Solar Minimum is going on and its going to get colder for years and they will all look like lairs and fraudsters?

I can only give you the facts or the possibilities ..

When the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, has to be the truth” - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Stop making the mistake of going for the confirmation bias where you only consider the answers that you want to be true.

This is rife everywhere and its a disease and dangerous to the extreme.


  • Donald Trump has oceans of people at rallies

  • He gets 2 to 3 million more votes than Barack Obama

  • Joe Biden had no one turn up at rallies

  • He gets 10 to 12 million more votes than Barack Obama

Things reported but not sure of area

  • Counted votes when they were supposed to stop

  • Reports of dead people voting

  • Reports of people voting twice

  • Reports of more votes than residents, unheard of

  • Minnesota had 90% turnout, never heard of this happening anywhere

  • String of ballots with same birth-dates

  • Ballots looking printed

  • Ballot numbers running consecutively

  • Video of someone offering to stuff ballots for Biden into boxes

  • Videos before election of buying ballots

  • Reports of homeless voting for Biden

  • Reports of OAPs leaned on to vote for Biden

  • Poll Watchers thrown out or asked to stand 20 feet away

  • In every polling station appear to be hard-left activists

  • Republicans being picked on or ones mostly asked to leave

  • Reports children voting

Those above will belong to one of the lists below.


Georgia ..

  • USB sticks were pulled from machines in sinister fashion

  • Asked Poll Watchers to leave

  • Blamed it on leaking mains pipe

  • Reason turned out to be a lie

  • Carried on counting after people left

  • Pulled five or six cases of ballots from under a table

  • Late vote spikes for Joe Biden shoot up around same time

  • Reports of 450,000 votes only for Joe Biden which is impossible without fraud

  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win


  • Software Glitch gives 6,000 votes to Joe Biden

  • Ballot arriving after counting stops

  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win


  • Late vote spikes for Joe Biden

  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win


  • Late vote spikes for Joe Biden

  • Registered Democrat Poll Watchers witnessed irregularities

    • Was told to shut up, shouted at and told they would accuse her of racism

  • Indian woman mistaken for Democrat and staff admit they want to throw Republican poll watchers out then turn hostile to her and shout at her and say she is on the wrong side

    • This alone warrants an investigation and how did BIASED fringe leftists end up as staff?

    • Was told to shut up

  • Another voter witnessed several staff unsure about a ballot want to award it to Biden, which is illegal, and to get her point across suggested they award it to Trump and was then shouted at and told to shut up

  • Statistician states voting numbers are impossible

  • Blocks to machines being investigated

  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win


  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win


  • Wisconsin had roughly a 90% turnout which is unlikely

  • Dominion Software used and Eric Coomer stated that he fixed it so Trump cannot win

Reports of ..

  • Dominion head telling people he had made sure Trump cannot win

  • Does not turn up at Pennsylvania hearing

  • No word from anyone in Dominion

  • Offices deserted

  • Same building linked to George Soros

  • Staff delete LinkedIn accounts

What If ..

  • Put Biden in ..

    • Antifa will continue to smash up stuff .. only ..

    • Conservatives will be out in force too

    • No one will trust the election

    • No one will accept 'we will make it sure it wont happen again'

    • Putting in the cheaters and sayings its OK is not gonna fly

    • Complete break down will happen between February and June 2021

  • Put Trump in ..

    • Antifa riot only, which they will do anyway

Fascist Leftists

  • Tell you the facts of everything above, its always in favour of Biden

  • Lie

  • Stated there was no evidence

  • Character Assassination of Witnesses

  • Refuse to admit affidavits are evidence

  • Lie

  • As more evidence emerged some switched to 'it is not enough to alter election result'

  • Misquote people like the Department of Justice and say there is no evidence

    • Actually said no evidence of widespread fraud

    • Widespread Fraud is bullshit and unprofessional

      • What does it mean

      • You only need up to 6 swing states to alter result

People to listen to on this ..

  • Conservative Twins

  • Steven Crowder

  • Tim Pool

  • One America News

  • Newsmax

  • NTD

  • Podcast of the Lotus Eaters


Odd situation arose as I was half way though typing this out of a woman claiming to have Police raid her house and point guns at her children in Florida having the hard-left screaming 'fascism'.

Yeah lets leave aside the hard-left are the fascists everywhere ..

Turns out she has a webpage about Covid that asks for money, does not know whether she is a business and not-for-profit and has no news updates for 8 weeks despite tweeting a lot and was previously fired.

She also has a Marxist symbol, like that of Extinction Rebellion but placed on its side.

There is a video she posted of Police but only them entering the house and it seems very fishy to me and these could be Antifa terrorists or scammers cheating scared people out of money?

Her name is Rebekah Jones and the website is Florida Covid Action which also sounds very 'activist' and odd that she asks for money to tell viewers the numbers?

Does she have a page with a link to the Centre for Disease Control website?


Here is a news article about it someone sent me.


Tim Pool on broken heart of a liberal who saw for herself the hypocrisy and made a video about it ..

Here is Count Dankular on that purge on Twitter regarding the hard-left

Whale Sharks ..


Elephants Killing Monks ..


Deep Sea Fish turning up far away from home ..


Birds all over the world dropping dead out of the skies ..


Another in a long line of Whales and Dolphins dying ..


Try this again as I get more people now but no one go mad.

Just the stress levels and trying t replace my equipment so I can battle better for something I often question is worth it or will I make any difference at all?

Many followers seem to think so but not enough have helped offset the suppression of me, and failing to pick up that I am indeed a threat, and helped get my blogs out to a wider audience.


And just when you think 2020 could not get any more bizarre than it already is yet another report of some official stating that aliens exist. This time fro Israel.


Like a scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey an Monolith gets reported being spotted in Utah in the USA and as weird as this sounds it only got .. weirder ..


Monolith then appears in Romania


And then it appears in the UK on the Isle of Wight ..


If this is true? Would not be surprised and I am a scientist and was smart as a kid and I always insisted that most of the stars we see in the night sky had planets. As a child.

This was against the 'consensus' of scientists at the time.

In fact I have a long history of going 'against the grain' and there are close to 4,000 posts on this blog and I have another now neglected blog on astrophysics and the cosmos.

Or its all a distraction.

Raises an eyebrow but until anything tangible comes up it was just be odd news reporting to me an likely with one of several agendas.

I, for one, will not be distracted and keep my focus, as hard as this is at times.

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