Tuesday 24 March 2020


Never have complied to anyone else's beliefs.

Never did vote either way in a General Election.

Twenty years of a torturous life, being attacked from all sides and horrors of which would cause a permanent mental collapse or suicide in most. Collectively all.

Despite what I know and what I predicted coming .. I could never have seen this.

Many asked me previously how I was still alive. This was without knowing it all and not even half of the tale. Country of the Damned was only a small part of it.

Then I watched my daughter on video conferencing .. scared out her mind, shown symptoms of Covid-19 for a few days. Four grandchildren with her and another placed with a Muslim paedophile father by the government.

Having heard her want to take her own life because the fucking leftists wanted things their way in their bitter twisted and deranged minds.

Crying from 300 miles away because she does not think she will ever see me again.

After twenty six years of hell they managed to somehow go beyond all possible boundaries.

If the disease takes any one of them the government and leader had better pray it tale me along with them.

Because if it does not there will only be one motivation left. To make sure the evil ones are punished for the crimes they have committed the moment they craw out fro under their rocks to take their seats on their imaginary thrones.

Have informed the hard-left who have used lies, trickery and indoctrination while hogging the industry of science along with world focus that brought all these about ..

  • Every lie you can think of
  • Every excuse you think you can make
  • Every trick you can pull
  • I will destroy them all
  • You ave been used to get into your heads and see how you think
  • My skills are far more than I let on and those were more than formidable
  • My motivation will be to do one last thing for mankind
  • And no one or nothing will stop me
  • However to those that know me and where this is going ..
  • I made need one or two things .. and a team
  • Eventually

Did not think it was humanly possible to feel as I now do.

Nor be in the position I find myself in.

Some that know say its unimaginable the circumstances I am in and how I got here. Like everything else I suspected there is no other explanation than by design.

The thought of what mankind has become via a combination of stubborn, stupid, greedy, naïve and manipulative people leaves me with such bitter disappointment in the moments where I have both anger and fear entwined like some strands of the finest silk.

'Why do you want to know the numbers?'

Because the numbers allow me t assess the danger and the numbers were lies.

Spent most of 2019 and earlier and years on these blogs warning about putting all your proverbial eggs in one basket.

Called a pseudoscientist I was attacked, reported, goaded and lied to to protect their cause for some evil Marxist global empire while I warned that there are a great many areas of science.

In each of these areas lies a very real threat to both Earth and mankind.

But they decided to latch onto a natural swing that has continued for billions of years and twist it to achieve some Dystopia.

I warned.

And I warned and I warned. For the longest time.

But they suppressed while others did not get the word around enough. Promises were continuously broken to the point that both of us just ignored them.

Oh they tell you it is not the end of the world.

But looking at the numbers and the ever increase incline we are as little as mere days or weeks away from realising that is is the end of the world as we know it.

There will be no way they come back from this but they will try and they will try to enslave us as they did previously. Like undeserving queen ants will claim all lands as their own, all buildings too.

There is a world of difference between a ruler and a leader and the latter I have not seen for a very long time.

Mankind cannot continue as it has and certainly not in the western world.

For this one mind pleads to know how a heart can endure this much.

Wonder how many are aware that not only did I predict very high numbers of cases and dead in China that China Mobile alone seems to e missing over 8 million customers?

Seen reports that state it could be 16 million missing.

Dr John Campbell I stopped watching the videos of as the last video he stated the numbers in China are right and everyone is in agreement?

Odd as he is the only one stating this and everyone else says the opposite.

Tell me Dr John Campbell after asking people to stay at home and self-isolate or welding neighbours into their homes how long does it take to check every home of 1.6 billion people for bodies?

Ergo, no one can state this.

He was also fashionably late on the facts and chose to ignore and not research what people told him that was very easy to find. I did it back in January.

Annoyingly he he also mentioned a few times abut how the World Health Organisation had lost all credibility.

I could, in all honesty, no longer recommend his videos. Late and wrong numbers passed off as fact is why I listened listen to my own daughter crying.

Running down others while ding the exact same thing.

Mankind just never learns and the Dunning-Kruger Effect seems to be more widespread than the coronavirus?!

Google and YouTube have outdone themselves.

  • Yeah we are going to piss off to protect ourselves
  • Meanwhile clamp down on free speech is automated
  • Now we make billions while
  • We demonetize, de-platform and bury for censorship
  • Cannot talk about Coronavirus
  • Or mention Covid-19
  • Or talk about Trump
  • Except everyone now cannot do their own content
  • So all they have to talk about is the Coronavirus and Trump

So come back from under their rocks with more money than God and take over the world as leaders will they?

My socialist now seriously regrets being a socialist and says they are all mad.

Even stated to me that there will be trouble when this is over and stated I knew and have known for awhile whee this goes.

“What if Pakistan decides to nuke China over this?” and I replied “Yes I thought of this possibility too and it is a real one.”

Sound insane?

Yes. For 15 years now they all sound insane until they come true ..

In the height of the Covid-19 pandemic Pakistan testing missiles and China helping them and also up to things. China after dominance in the Indian Ocean?

Yeah India has noticed ..

Yeah war is inevitable in my mind. Has been for awhile and thought it might come by 2027 or so but could be a lot sooner as is often the case when a make my predictions. Get the event right but very rarely the timing. One or twice I was proven right within 2 to 48 hours.

Thousands dead in each country?

What if its hundreds of thousands of dead in each country?

Dread the thought but what if its millions in many of the larger populations? US, Europe, Africa and the Middle-East?

You are talking tens of millions to billions of very angry people. Not rocket science that one. There will be hell to pay after this is over and in so many ways.

Many reporting asking whether the Coronavirus might mutate more? Well yeah cosmic rays are at record levels and might go higher and might even spike in ways we are unaware of?

Yet still no one mentions these particles in their talks regarding the Coronavirus mutating. Somewhat bizarre, do you not think?

Now then these cosmic rays being high which cause mutations are still not being talked about in the fake news or among scientists. Come on, man?! Carl Sagan talked abut these things years ago!

You cannot release documentary after documentary and movie after movie abut the possibility of disasters and then bury the science when something comes out!

Dr Nils Morner stated that an unimaginable amount of damage was being done to the scientific community and they simply is not let up in them, whoever 'them' are, in doing this.

Here is the kicker. Stated all last year about AGW never being real, getting involved in debates and explaining to the cult that wont let it go that you do not have all the data. CO2 is not causing warming, at least not to any level that it is even close to a threat. That would be hundreds of years away.

I also wrote 30 posts and stated that submarine volcanoes number from one million t ten million and these are not monitored or known. I have also explained that it was only discovered recently that CO2 is emitted prior to eruption and they started t build sensor alarm systems for volcanoes in 2017.

Meaning that the AGW climate change promoters not only lied when they stated that we know about all the volcanoes and monitor them all but they lied by a God damn long way.

I also stated that with the outbreak of the Coronavirus that this would not only drop emission by a larger margin than they could ever achieve but that any talk about AGW Climate Change would cease. They they would lose support for their fabricated horror predictions and this would continue for two years.

They rubbished all of that and stated that the Earth would still get warmer?! Levels of incompetence from climate scientists,which some claimed they were, was stunning. Because they failed t see two things. Bearing in mind that they could NEVER hope to influence China, the emissions from the country dropped to stunningly low levels. This wont return to what it was. Untold people have died, a second wave of the coronavirus is now ramping up, see ADV China below, and the supply chain is broken and demand dropped through the floor. You cannot make what you cannot sell. But these hard-left people do not get economics either.

Now they also stated emissions crashing and Coronavirus wont change anything to which I then said, well you lied then?

  • CO2 Levels dropped off a cliff in China
  • Then they did in Italy
  • This spread across Europe and to UK
  • This is happening in the US
  • This will keep spreading and last for months
  • Populations will decrease sadly and considerably
  • Fear will stop people travelling and spending for years

  • If the CO2 goes down its game over
  • If the temperature goes down as the result of CO2 then its game over
  • If the temperature rises, it wont, even after massive emission drops then its GAME OVER
  • Both will show they were wrong and lied

Now then here is something else I stated now being talked abut in mainstream media where Sky News Australia and Rita Panahi (?), who I follow, and three others also contradict the AGW Climate Change Cult and state that which I have done ..

  • CO2 comes from until number of submarine volcanoes
  • No one wants to know about AGW Climate Change with the Coronavirus Pandemic running riot
  • How stupid Marxists are still insisting AGW is the greater threat to life

Now here is the kicker. Everyone talks about the super-volcano in Yellowstone and whether this is a threat or not as if it is the only one?

Well no there are 6 or 7 of these .. THAT ARE KNOWN!

Between the one million and ten million estimate submarine volcanos we have zero idea how many of these are also super-volcanos.

Now oddly I argued with a scientist on my own side about this. Dave Burton claimed that you could not put down CO2 to these volcanos and that you could calculate them all and water pressure would prevent CO2 dissolving.

Utter hogwash. In the end I just ignored him. He sounded as loony as some of the AGW cult member. Talking about water pressure and doing calculations on things we have no numbers for and would not apply to a super-volcano going off.

If you look into it yourself you will see that these climate scientists and their models are missing a hell of a lot of data and then some. Some 80% or more is guess and there are entire numbers missing. Volcanoes and the Sun are often missing and considering they are predicting the climate of the distant future when we cannot get the weather right for the following day half of the time.

Have you ever trusted weather reports 10 days ahead of time? Or do you wait or even go back closer to the time to see if the forecast has changed?

The two bikers, one South African and one American, with strong links to China and their latest on how the Chinese Communist Party on how they are lying and twisting things

Romanian Vee on the censorship over the Coronavirus and the hypocrisy of fake news regarding the Coronavirus and Donald Trump

Styxhexenhammer also now stating that which I have done and that you can only get the death rate from the Coronavirus from those 'recovered' and the 'deaths' and that it is wrong to give the rate that based on confirmed cases.

This, to me, was a deliberate attempt to mislead the public of every country and as the panic has already set in can only mean they are doing it to keep you working a little bit longer? Or in case they want you go to back to work? So just like the CCP then?

The Amazing Lucas has some concerns about government growing during this Coronavirus pandemic. Wondering now if people are thinking along the lines of my Project Distraction theory?

Now these two videos are important, providing I can find the other one as it was a live stream news coverage of Donald Trump speech by Steve Lookner of Agenda Free TV.

Now I did not watch or listen to the address. As I understand it Doctor Fauci, I think his name was, was missing and Donald Trump decided everyone would g back to work in two weeks, altering what was previously stated.

Now this lead to an absolute meltdown of swearing by Steve Lookner. This shows you how scared everyone is getting. He feared for his parents in Massachusetts and claimed that Donald Trump made his decision and did not base it on science.

Now as I also understand it a bill they voted on was voted against by that bunch of complete idiotic morons that are the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi at the forefront of this who tried to add some identity politics into the bill.

But like everyone said in the backlash and myriad of videos, what the flock has this got t do with a global pandemic?!

Maybe the leader are going to play Russian roulette with their people? Worried that whoever works the longest time loses out in some race to make money or look good economically?

Well as I have long stated and especially about the stock markets, all the more reason to have come up with a GLOBAL plan in the last 100 years.

At a time like this everyone has to suffer equally, including the fucking banks, and all needs to be shut down at the same time and for the same period of time. Not anybody capitalising on it.

Rewards should come later and naturally will to anyone that does the right thing DURING a pandemic. Actions speak louder than words and go a lot further with me.

Capitalising on suffering, does not.

Here is Tucker Carlson of Fox News talking about this

Now I am posting the time stamped part where I think its for actually around 45 minutes that Steve Lookner goes into one hell of a rant on his Agenda Free TV channel.

Bearing in mind he is not happy with Donald Trump's address and says it the most frightening thing he has ever heard while not being happy with Google and their censorship as they are burying his live streams because he covers the Coronavirus.

I know how it feels to be screwed fro both sides as I have been for many years now and he might be naïve to the censorship going on?

Now as always and with his sensible take on things here is Tim Pool as the Relief Bill has been blocked twice by evil Democrats who have nore or less just murdered people and Tim states correctly that 'this is DISGUSTING!'

After this do you really think that you can trust the left on anything?

Was it it oly the far-left that harp on about AGW Global Warming?

Want to destroy the left and climate change hoax? Then yu have to get it out that not only are they evil and do nt care on the far-left and the biggest liars going but now is the best time to make people realise it is indeed the left pushing the AGW agenda.

Do this ad the only ones that will be pushing AGW is the hard-left and even then ONLY the dishonest, loony woke ones.

The honest ones will rapidly distance themselves and this will dwindle their numbers further. And at a time when ..

  • Coronavirus Outbreak going on for to years
  • Emissions going down
  • Sun Cycles still doings its thing
  • Volcanoes doing their thing for 3 years

Now you have the perfect time and opportunity to end the biggest con in modern times.

You know what to do. Even Tim Pool is begging viewers to share all his video!

Due to a selfish moron and complete and utter weirdo that no one likes and totally ignorant who has refused t listen to anything regarding the Coronavirus and me telling his partner that he will be the one to bring it into the home .. well he now has.

Eight weeks of talking to deaf people and now three family homes look like they might have the virus?

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