You have to think of the film Hot Fuzz with that title to get where I am coming from.
But in the wake of all the data that is emerging in science it is somewhat convenient that everything and everyone is divided, angry, at each other and scared of a virus while ambulances cruise around slowly with their lights on, at least in London.
For a few years now they have been building up hope among people that seem to have lost their minds and behaving in very bizarre ways .. for another fall.
With mere weeks to go to the Presidential Elections for 2020 in November it has been obvious for awhile now that Donald Trump will win again. Except for the hard-left Marxist socialist types who have been running around telling everyone they will win.
They have taken no notice of reality. They have taken no notice to the swings across the rest of the world. They have taken no notice of the backlashes towards them.
They seem unaware of just how many black and/or independent news YouTubers have trasdhed them over recent times.
Here in the UK there is a backlash against Boris Johnson because he and Priti Patel has been full of hot air and we have reached a stage with Brexit where so much time has passed by that it has long since past that they had no intention of leaving.
Or maybve the whole Brexit thing was just the plan on this side of the proverbial pond to keep British and European people divided. Not from each other but divisions with each country.
Now I get called a fringe right, far-right, alt-right liar and nutcase all along but these people are so fucking insane I wonder if they are actually working for government departments or NASA, NOAA, USGS and the rest.
I have talked about this with many followers because these people can be only one of two things .. either so mentally disturned they should be in a mental health institution or government people intentionally muddying the waters and creating a divide.
The truth is I never voted in a General Election in the UK. Ever. I do not like politics or politicians and I have not believed any of them for decades.
In fact I have often thought they was all in it together and the whole election process is just to keep us waiting for a time when we can vote because we think that vote will change things.
When the various governments started having their G6, G7 and G20 meetings, or whatever they were called, this just made things worse.
But what I knew from the get-go even if I did not realise how deep in denial everyone is or not wanting to see the truth, while others come up with bizarre theories they cannot prove but force upon others is fact, is people do not listen.
They do not weigh everything up.
They do not look at the bigger picture.
They fail or refuse to connect the necessary dots together.
This is because they havce all fallen into their own tribes and then you have tribes within tribes not and I have witnessed this with the 'left eating itself' and I am afreaid to say the 'right eating itself.
There is this guy called Dylan, possibly, who is otherwise known as 'Educating Liberals' and he was kicked or left Twitter and mosied on over to Parler.
A few nights back I witnessed a backlash against him because he questioned something Donald Trump did or said. I did not look to see what it was.
What was particularly stupid was that one response was 'flock off back to Twitter' or something to that effect.
Not only was this statement idiotic I though how hard-left like some people get in deciding that a new platform is theirs?
Or maybe that was the grand plan?
I have had a single follower rant aty me and then unfollow me because arguing against global warming with leftist pushers of AGW I used animals evolving to prove that the Industrial Revolution did nothing.
Yeah despite anyone's claims about where animals came from. They evolve. Ever seen a Poodle? Think that was a fierce natural predator? Ever seen albino forms of animals? Mutated plants that led to all the types of Japanese Maples?
Then there is this whole Qanon thiong I thought was very interesting and intriguing and you would see lines like 'trust the plan'. I had hoped something would come of it.
Then there is this whole censorship thing. How is it that with a whole term in office that nothing has been done about the censorship of Google, Twitter, Facebook and the others?
Even these indictments became a joke as everyone knew that there would be yet another and it would fail like the previous one or ones.
Now I do not trust anyone and you have to earn my trust. I do not get blinded by things, wont have the wool pulled over my eyes nor manipulated. I feel like I have been at times by what is supposed to be my own side.
Despite my health and hellish situation I have had zero help but plenty of people telling me that they have never seen anything like me, see anyone destroy as many people as I have and go undefeated as long as I have and encourage me to keep going.
Yeah I did not go on Twitter to fight a war.
I went on Twitter because I realised that Google were burying me and obviously I was blogging about something they and my own government, who pulled their promises of help while stabbing my daughter in the back over rape gangs, were silencing me.
I have posted on blogs for 9 years and was supposed to start being paid back in 2016 and still have not been today as the revenue froze.
At the same time I was also working on many other things and still am and I had previously written books. Books that I was told by single agents were amazing while big connected agents did not want to know.
So I see Twitter as a way around this censorship so that Google could not bury my blogs and refuse to pay me using tricks and lies.
Another hope was that if I got enough followers I might find a similar thinking solicitor that would come to me and say what others stated .. “Flock! This is the worst story I have ever heard, let me help you!”
Oh I have had help and promises but none of them ever came to anything. No reasons involved either.
Its almost as if the front line people approach me and then as it goes higher up the chain people realise that all I am about is the truth, facts and science and would expose the plan?
Or maybe they already know I suspect some grand plan for all this division?
Who knows?
So I am supposed to be on one side but when it comes to this 'running the show' and both sides of the pond I feel like I am being screwed by both sides and have indeed felt this way for two decades.
I am anti-socialist and it does not work and I get and agree with a great many things, not all admittedly, with conservative voters.
But I have realised for some time now that, in the UK at least, the Conservative Party are not conservatives. They just talk like it for the masses.
I have seen at least twice that I have noticed Boris Johnson called 'The Further' by people that had voted for him.
And then there is the dreaded SGW Global Warming question I have posted well over 30 parts about explaining what is and is not going on.
So we have had decades of scare stories about burning and melting ice-caps and never seeing snow again and yet right now we are breaking records for snow across the globe. To say man is not in anyway the main contributor and cannot control it was heresy. As it was to say it has never been proven.
While at the same time to suggest, just as all the data does, that a Grand Solar Minimum is upon us would have you labelled as a 'nutter' and 'right-wing conspiracy theorist.
But hold on a moment? GSM's are not only cyclical but have happened hundreds to millions of times in the past. So it is science. When did science become heresy and fantasy become science fact?
Tom Pool did a chat about how people on the far-left see science as bigoted and are triggered by facts and science.
And yet during the persistence of the mainstream media and advertising programming people to think the world is burning around the world .. then we get the mass migrations.
Already having far too many the northern hemisphere suddenly opened its doors and the world see photos of a veritable sea of people flooding into Europe and the UK. Then it started happening in the US which really caught my eye. Not only did I not foresee that one but it backed up my theory I had hoped I was wrong about.
Yeah only umm ..
If people are flooding to the temperate regions because they think in a few years time they wont be able to grow food, and they get a free lunch anyway, and the western world was more than happy to stab their own in the back, let them in while NOT improving the infrastructure or increasing homes what happens if ..
The global cooling scientists who had been warning about a GSM for years which governments and MSM and the likes of NASA and NOAA ignored are right?
Know this. The Earth cools and the Earth warms in different cycles in different length due to different factors but we know for sure that it warms a lot more slowly than it cools.
Now a cooling can be rapid. Yes it depends on many factors most of which we do not fully understand. Or maybe they do and have just not told us for years? Maybe fore the Svalbard Seed Vault was built? Mammoths were found frozen with flowers in their stomachs suggesting it could be very rapid.
What happens if they are right? What happens if things over the next 5 years or so go as the data suggests? What we do state is that it is going to get colder but we are not sure how much by or how quick this will occur. AGW people seem to know everything without actually knowing the science, which is truly bizarre, and will tell you exactly how much it will get warmer by and when.
Now things are happening more rapidly than I had anticipated and seeing signs all the time.
Which has me wondering if we will get another big volcano that will speed it up again?
Now then .. lets say it speeds up? Do you think that knowing this is a possibility the rich and powerful would stop and give a thought to those they views as beneath them?
Or do you think they would make plans to save their own asses?
If you consider this a a plausible possibility and the data is certainly there to back it up .. what do you think these politicians and rich p0eople will do to save themselves?
Russia, Canada the UK, US and much of Europe are in the firing line and food production will be low to non-existent.
So there only option is to head for a country within the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn which will be awkward because its overloaded with people. Far too many people and some of them not very nice .. sooo .. umm .. wait a minute?!
By golly gosh how convenient is this?! They have been flooding out of these areas for years and hiding north into the target zone for much more ice and snow and not enough food?
1 Freeze to death
2 Starve to death
3 Kill each other in the processes above
4 After whatever diseases, real ones, do not wipe them out first
Yeah and that brings me on to Covid and something that I thought was going to do a lot more damage than it has. I had to stop and admit I was wrong on social media. Yes, it does happen.
Remember that ..
1 I predicted a pandemic in early 2019 but for 2024
2 This was because I expect cosmic rays to go through the roof
3 Then the videos started arriving
4 Then Italy
5 Cannot see the virus so I ran models
6 Made predictions
7 HEARD .. of two local deaths
8 Since then nothing has made sense, the numbers are obviously fabricated and the hospitals have been empty while I have not seen a single person being put in an ambulance anywhere but have seen them cruising around slowly at night, sirens and lights going on and off
Yeah .. this is not the pandemic they are telling you that it is. At least not hear in London it is not.
Now then here is Hillary Clinton on a tweet wiping up feelings with her followers .. and if you take a look there is one, lady I think it was, who states that she simply could not take four more years of Donald Trump.
Here is what I said about it ..
'Does anyone else think that Hillary Clinton and others are winding up their own to set them up for heartbreak hoping they will spark something?
Sounds traitorous to their own to me? Because Donald Trump will win.
Master Plan?'
There is more.
How do you get idiots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez elected as a politician in the United States or Diane Abbott in the UK who has even put on odd shoes?
Its utter insanity and would have been thought of as unthinkable 40 years ago.
Forty years ago? Is that not when the whole AGW thingh started up not loing after they were talking about ice-ages from 1974 to around 1980 when everything suddenly flipped?
I am sure it means nothing?
You might want to ask yourself why the Svalbard Seed Vault was built when it was suddenly and look into WHEN?!
After a documentary about it I asked why have they done this now. I initially thought it was build ion the late 00's but apparently not.
Cannot recall where and I have no idea if it was accurate and I have not looked since but I read somewhere they either started building the vault or planning it in the 1980's so not long after they shut up about ice-ages and talked about warming.
SCIENTIST: 'Yeah so there is going to be this ice-age and we will not be able to produce food and there will be a sharp rise for a few cycles before a sharp fall'
RICH/POWERFUL : ' Oh fucccccck?! What are we GONNA DO?! Oh wait a minute?! Did you say it would rise up first? Right now listen up ..'
Years later ..
SCIENTISTS SHILLING: 'Yeah we have his dude ..'
POWERFUL: 'Stop him .. stop everything .. DOX HIM .. the rabid left will do him in'
SCIENTIST: 'Yeah about that .. we did everything and the attack hounds doxed him several times with three addresses and they kept getting it wrong and he has taken down wave after wave of people and just keeps getting around the suppression tactics'
Trust me 'conspiracy theories' exist on both sides, have happened many times, they are just people conspiring is all .. but the left go nuts about this unless its one of their own in their very long list.
I have no doubt their all kinds of names for these theories and one I have heard of is Agenda 21 .. but I have not read it and have zero idea what it is.
But if you think that thise we currently have as the rich and powerful would tell us about an upcoming catastophe, collapse the stock market while they required money to come up with their plans of self-preservation you are an incompetent fool. Do not be a naive fool as this is what they are banking on.
At the same time do not fly off half-cocked thinking up every crazy idea in the book and then run around insisting you are right with nothing to back it up.
As I would think that ..
1 You are a naïve idiot that is not going to get through any plan
2 You work for the government muddying the waters
Then there is the scientific side of things when it comes to the possibilities.
Among other things I am an expert on wildlife and I am related to others that are and I know a great deal of experts.
Long before I stumbled across the science data in 2019 myself and others had been noticing odd animal behaviour going on for a long time.
1 Animals appearing where they are not supposed to be often thousands of miles away
2 Beach strandings
3 Birds dropping dead out of the skies
4 Masses of dead Turtles of different species in the oceans
5 Increased attacks by animals both wild and oddly domestic from what I have seen
Now we know animals can pick up on electrical and magnetic fields and have tested this but have never pinpointed how this works. When you do not know then you do not know. You cannot make things up. You can have theories, sure. But these will be open to scrutiny and at times ridicule.
Now I have a condition that the alarmists like to pretend I have not got. And this causes many different symptoms a few of which are potentially fatal and I have to live with this every day.
Its listed in the top 20 of most painful conditions according to a list by the NHS which was published in The Sun tabloid.
It also causes short term memory issues which drive me insane every single day. Yes you read that correct, short term memory loss.
I get no help and no treatment and I am out often over doing it risking a coronary and while out have been threatened with violence twice. A group of 7 of a particular religion suggested I go for a swim in the River Thames. I just laughed and walked away.
London is filling up with rubbish and is more dangerous than I have ever known it to be.
People say that 'the world has gone mad' and you are likely nodding your head at this point.
But hang on? Did I not just explain the the world's wildlife has gone mad?
Imagine this ..
What if this was known? Do you think they tell you everything? And what if they knew that creating a distraction to save their own skins would be very easy with the sort of messages like Hillary Clinton's above?
Let us say your a leftist and you absolutely insist on lying and pushing your agenda?
What will you do when the day comes when it is obvious it is getting colder for 20 to 50 years and the possibility occurs to you that you was lied to, used, abused and more or less sacrificed?
Those causes you champion? How important will they seem to you then?
What about your friends? What about your family? Provided you have not been indoctrinated and fully separated from them?
I think about what will happen and if I am wasting my time trying to do anything at all?
I wonder if I will ever get out of this hell-hole because when it all goes down, and it all, this is the worst place to possibly be. Friends say that.
What I think about is that those we elected and paid to live like kings and queens might actually get away with this while sacrificing millions if not billions of people?
If this theory is the case I do not want evil people such as this to get away with it.
Maybe they might have some logical excuse as to why they did what they did?
This is why I have always maintained that you should not put all your eggs in one basket.
2When the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable has to be the truth” - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
And at this point I refer you back to the title and the start where I mention the film Hot Fuzz and when the people running the village murdering people get found out all they keep saying is ..
Now to finish up .. back to the science teacher that lies and thinks Earth will get down to -273C without CO2 ..
Last post I put up a video of Sabine Hossenfelder a highly intelligent scientist so lost her temper over the mainstream news and 'do-gooder leftists that are too dumb and conflate science with opinion'
She has a lot to learn in this department as many of it is the complete abuse of science and it is now coming out, reported by Tim Pool for one, that leftists actually get triggered by scientific facts and truths and think science is bigoted. I merely wanted to stop this by exposing it and worked years to do this.
So here they are going on the attack of Sabine Hossenfelder forcing me to yet again use the hashtag #NotMyScientist and remember this one tells all they are a science teacher in London.
Only the hard-left defend the hard-left and this push of lies regarding AGW because they were using ot to gain support to get power.
Looks to me as if you could not score any higher, no?
It does not matter what you say, what you link or where you get your sources the levels of mental gymnastics they perform and lies they tell to keep their narrative alive is astounding. But no defibrillator could revive this particular dead horse. It only remains now that as people realise exactly what has, or indeed has not, gone on with them, their movements and the solar activity and that particular hose of cards collapses. Well even faster than it already is.
Hundreds of Birds Dead ..
Thousands Birds dead from cold and lack of insects, because of cold ..
400 Pilot Whales now reported to have died in Tasmania where they had record cold ..
Here is an Antifa Extinction Rebellion supporter who tried to tell everyone he was a centrist, got exposed as he was exposed here for his real feelings about animals ..
Late Addition: