Friday 11 October 2013


AN email to the Ombudsman about Eon Energy who now claim they are applying to a court to FORCE a pre-payment meter, which are all rigged and you pay a standing charge for them!!

Eon also have not dealt with the fact that I seem to have THREE totals that I owe, two online and one in a letter?!

They also have not commented on the £55 call out fee I have refused to pay them, remember banks were banned form charging a £50 fee for being overdrawn and I see this being no different! Especially with the recession being on they should not be employing call out tactics and £55 fees over £100 to £200 being owed!! Not any fee at all in my opinion and is just more trickery and greed.

So yet ANOTHER Ombudsman and so far despite all the evidence I have provided to each and every one we have had ZERO PERCENT action and I cannot get them to act then NO ONE CAN. Ooh OK well not many will be able to, lol. SO let us now see how this one fairs? Lol.

As far as I am concerned this is defrauding the taxpayer to be paid large salaries for sitting on your arse all day every day!

Anyway I have emailed EON again and here is an email to the Energy Ombudmsan...

Dear Sirs

I have not had the time to read your letter as yet.

I am disabled and very busy and am now feeling quite ill.

I should let you know that Eon Energy had a guy phoned me and I was tricked into agreeing to something I would not otherwise have agreed to as all the details were not divulged to me. Even though I explained to Eon in an email, the same time I paid them £110 out of a £300 bill I only just received, they left a debt guy called Andy to deal with me. This even though I said I would have the bill paid in thirty days?!

I was then told that by Andy that I cannot pay by VISA online any longer and that I had to pay either by Direct Debit or Payment Card if I am refusing a pre-pay meter. I found this odd as this would mean that I would have to leave my house and go to a Post Office to make payment instead of doing it from the comfort of my living room? For someone who is disabled too?! SO I did not pay and waited for the payment card. Only when it arrived I apparently agreed to pay £44 a fortnight, or £90 a month, for a whole twelve months?!

SO Eon Energy do not do quarterly bills anymore and only read meters ONCE in twelve months?!

Added to this when I showed my friends my electric bill they said I was being robbed and there was no way I had used that much electricity, the amount on my last bill I refer to. I am a single man who lives alone, hardly puts on the heating in winter, spaced out showers and had all summer instead of baths. I also rarely use my cooker too. My lights have been switched to LED bulbs too and I have a set over some Orchids which costs £20 per year to run.

My friends, also with EON, have three adults and two children living in their house. They have pets and among them reptiles which need heat and light and yet there bills are half what mine are. They also all have smartphones each and TVs in each of the rooms, whereas I do not watch TV.

Indeed the only thing that is ever on that uses any mount of electricity at all is my laptop and my washing machine.

I have emailed Eon and told them to stick their payment agreement and said they had better remove the £55 fee for call out too was I refuse to pay this. In case you do not agree well all I can say is that banks were stopped from charging a £50 fee for being overdrawn! I do not see how this is any different.

They now tell me they are going to apply to the court to put a pay meter into my property. I will NOT ALLOW THEM to do this and I have told them so.

I relish the chance to appear in court and told them so. However I have warned them that if an order is placed by a court without me being present I will see this as amoral and a breach of my human rights and that anyone that walks onto my property to FORCE anything will be met with the equal amout of force to stop them.

I WILL NOT ALLOW THEM ENTRY and I do not care WHO COMES ALONG to aid them.

I should warn you that I have a blog that covers corruption and it has hundreds of secretly recorded audio from meetings, appointments and even phone conversations. This includes all public offices even the Police, NHS, HMRC and just about every other one you can think of and I am heading for 100,000 visitors now.

I have had MPs email me and ask if they can use my data in the House of Commons too and I still have the emails.

I also attack many Ombudsman too as for each area of corruption I have followed the correct procedures only to have Ombudsman LIE to me about evidence I have provided them, all freely available on the Internet, and do nothing.

Basically the public's perception is well if I can go to the lengths that I have and acquire all this evidence and Ombudsman everywhere still do nothing then they obviously all do nothing or have no intention od doing so and therefore just eye candy for the British Public.

You can find my blog here... and it is hosted by Google's Blogger.

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc

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