Friday 11 October 2013



Dear Sirs

Do you have difficulty reading?

There is no way that you can state that the evidence I provided you with is inconclusive!

Now either your all totally incompetent or your just a front to waste time for the DWP and its immoral actions. The video alone I provided you goes from the ROAD which is 100 yards away, past the COMMUNITY BINS which are 75 yards away, long a path which is 50 yards long and extremely narrow, through my gate up my path and to my street door.

I then walk into my house and show you that you can see my street door from my living room!

I bloody visit here would easily show you that not only are the bins nowhere near my house, let alone street door, but that the path is TOO narrow to get the steel bins down. It is also NOT the only path to my house and is TECHNICALLY one of THREE!!

It is without a shadow of a doubt and any judge that is NOT corrupt would rule that your conclusion, or lack thereof, of it being inconclusive is a total avoidance to do take any action or decision in my favour because you had no intention of doing so from day one! Which is what I expected anyway and I just wanted to expose yet another department that is stealing money from the taxpayers.

The whole time we have been in contact and the inordinate amount of time it has taken for you to reach this conclusion, itself with no excuses, has been posted online and I did so because I knew from day one that this would be the conclusion.

In fact, and believe me not only I but every single person who is or has read about my case with you, thinks it is totally ludicrous that you can reach this in-conclusion with the lengths that I have gone to and the evidence I provided. I mean laughable.

In fact the response I get one hundred percent of the time is "Well what the **** do you have to do for these people to do anything?! You are right they are just stealing the taxpayers money!!"

Your explanation of this decision is far more inconclusive than the evidence I provided and you failed to also provide a reasonable breakdown of how you came to that conclusion with the video I provided.

Baring in mind that the letters I gave you CLEARLY STATE that MY DOOR WAS BLOCKED BY A BIN!! It may have been stated STEEL BIN?! But it matters not! I will remind you once again that the ONLY BINS in my ONE HUNDRED YARD LONG ROAD are extremely large steel bins and that is IT!!

Also it should have been bloody well obvious from the video that there was no way on Earth that you could get just one of these bins anywhere NEAR my house. ERGO THEY ARE LYING!

What is laughable about all this is that they do this more than once and yet you cannot fathom out that they have lied on every occasion and therefore not doing as they should have done!!

But now all that you have said and done has provided me with far more evidence of corruption for my blog and now am heading for 100,000 visitors which is all I expected to get out of this anyway. Oh yes I also wrote TWO BOOKS about it too which are now garnering a great deal of interest and I am being urged to publish them, which THUS FAR I have not attempted to do so since I started my blogs over a year ago.

So at the end of the day and at some point early in 2014 your going to have to answer to reporters or the British Public. Whichever one it will be I will have no say in. But I set out to prove the government liars when they want to point the finger of blame to where the problems lie in the UK and when they did this to benefit claimants and then disabled people I decided enough was enough!!

You are just one department in TWO DOZEN that I covered in the space of just two years and like so many others before you and since you, you have managed to achieve absolutely nothing while portraying yourselves to be there as a public service to the people.

If you have not figured it out already I also do not stop until it is well and truly over and every single individual in the UK, as well as the rest of the world, are fully aware of both the truth and the lies.

I am afraid that the letter you sent in response to my last email does NOT do you any favours with the public perception, after all it has been online since the day I received it as has all my correspondence from public offices. You rare public servants, or supposed to be, and therefore answerable to the public. AS your service is not only ABYSMAL but also hidden and largely unknown to the wider public I will endeavor to do my utmost to draw attention to you.

If of course I am 100% wrong, and that is a rare thing believe me, then your organisation has NOTHING to worry about.

Martin Haswell BSc

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