Saturday 12 October 2013


Well I cannot say I am surprised at this one. Conspiring to use green taxes and climate change for higher bills!

Well they are sort of right as what with the uptake of solar panels and less time having energy consuming heaters on they are not getting as many billions as before so hiking the prices!

It is not rocket science! Though they think it is and like many others think the majority of the public are either too stupid to realise or too amoral to give a crap?!?!

Those that see my recent posts will note that I have been hammered and bullied by Eon to have a key meter when I know they are rigged! A friend that thought me mad just recently had £7.00 disappear in one go! When he phoned them and asked why they said that was for a standing charge. He said he had a go at them and said that he was both unaware of this and having received no notification about and and when had it started.

If £7.00 can disappear just like that then it makes it impossible for poor and struggling homes to judge when it will run out and budget for that!!

About time someone taught these firms a few lessons in real life?!


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