Saturday 5 October 2013


It is a Saturday morning and I awaken sit upright with my hands spread to the side and wonder what in the world is happening to me while a single tear meanders onto my cheek before drying.

I have just had the most vivid dream. I just spent the night feeling deeply in love more than I have done for a very long time. It is the third of three dreams I have had of late and the very core of the dream is something I have not dreamt about in a very, VERY long time indeed.


This time the dream was different. The object of my desire happened to be someone unknown to me and not that of someone of my past?! The deep down feeling, longing and love was greater than that to which I have ever experienced before. I know not to what is happening to me of late.

This dream not only has someone new, though has a similarity to someone I do know but only seen once in ten years, but it has a vivid setting too. I am in a typical English country village complete with the village green. It is picturesque and summertime without being too hot. I am standing near he corner of the green speaking with an attractive and slim woman with long dark hair. She stands about five foot six inches tall and it becomes obvious she is into me in a big way as I am her. I sense this quite strongly frm the way in which she speaks softly and her body language along with the look in her eye as she gazes at mine. I feel an inner warmth as if my heart has become that of the sun that spreads slowly through my chest to bursting point. I am surprised that I am not glowing from the intensity of the feelings I am experiencing. It is a beautiful place to be.

The scenes flash to and fro and we do things together and in different places. Another time there is a foot path and I see her walking with her family, who themselves are now already familiar with me. I join them and put my arm around this dreamy girl that in one night has stolen my heart. Her mother simply smiles at us.

Another time we are at the very picturesque café on the green but it is closed. The windows are made of of tile like glass and look of a period in time that is gradually fading. The store is closed and empty but my new found love possess the key and we enter within. As we enter I enquire as to how she has the key and she explains that the store belongs to her mother. We sat and chat about which I know not and I am gazing out through beautiful panes of glass across the elegant and stunning view of the village and its expanse of green. The feeling of love and belonging feels my soul to a stage of contentment the likes of which I have never known. I feel I am home. I feel I am at peace. I feel goosebumps. I then realise I am living my perfect life with its perfect setting in the most desirable way imaginable to me. I wonder if it is real.

The scene changes and suddenly I am walking through the village and I see a site of my love as she enters her home. It appears she has not seen me or has failed to notice me. I am confused. The scene shifts again and this time I am walking a similar path and the love of my dreams is entering her mother's cafe and again I am not noticed. I ask myself why again. The scene shifts again and I see my love with her family walking that same footpath as we had done previously. This time no one notices me. It is as if I no longer exist. My analytical mind ponders the possibilities. I wonder if I have done something to hurt her? But there is no glances and no expressions on their faces. It is as if I have become a ghost. I wonder if I have died by no one looks sad. Have I been erased from time? Am I seeing the life I was meant to have but some mishap or intervention changed the course of history to the reality I truly know but am choosing to ignore?

The scenes continue to change and in each it is the same. It becomes torture. The warmth and intense love I feel seems to be gradually and forever ebbing away from me. I do not like this and the fear engulfs me like a dark shadow. I am desperate. I do not want this feeling to go! I have not felt this for so long if indeed I have experienced anything like this at all. I will do anything to hold onto it but it is not within my power to do so. I have no input at all and the views in my dream become merely that of moving pictures.

I so want to communicate with her. I so want to tell her how I feel! I know not how to. I see her but I already miss her. I know not even her name. I am sobbing and on my knees and then suddenly I am bolt upright in bed, my hands spread out upon the mattress breathing heavily as I feel a tear traversing my cheek and drying as it edges ever further.

What is happening to me?!

Have I been without love for too long? Is ten years more than any sane man can endure without love? Am I sensing perhaps that something is about to change? Do I think that is even possible? Is it possible that my increasing confidence is showing and that perhaps that will change something? Maybe others will pick up on this? Pray to God that SHE might pick up on this?! One thing is certain and that is that I will not forget THAT dream any time soon!

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