Friday 4 October 2013


Well now I have heard it all!

For all the stupid and pointless wastes of time taking up courts, judges and lawyers times from doing good things, if that is at all possible, now this?!

As if two companies who both have copied and used each others...licensed technologies, bah-humbug, now we have the two largest manufacturers of Chocolate who have gone to court over owning the colour purple?!?!

I kid you not!!

First of all why oh why did Cadbury's stupidly try to OWN a colour?! Obviously they have never heard of sports?! But I have to follow up with... Why oh why did Nestlé then want to take them to court over it?!

It is the colour PURPLE! Or at least a particular shade of it at any rate.

As a previous student of Computer Science I can tell you that across the rainbow of colours, 7, that we are familiar with that pigment colours across the same spectrum numbers tens of millions of colours! Computer graphics chips can produce 24 million of them.

Care to hazard a guess as to the number of shades of purple there are?! No? Nor would I but rest assured there are many to the point that this court case was a waste of money and highlights how owners or chairman or large companies have lost the plot!

I wonder how many more examples of lunacy and wastes of vast amounts of money that could do so much good by helping those seriously in need or charities that actually do something?! Well if there are any that is?!


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