Friday 4 October 2013


My God this one I have been avoiding posting about! 

This is not only a very horrific story but it is gut wrenching sickening for me as we'll as a little to close to home for comfort.

My own daughter having a batty and amoral mother who was then left with my grandchildren had different but horrific possibilities facing them too at the hands of lying social workers and a local council!

But despite my avoidance of this gross story and its horrific nature I witnessed some details tonight that led me to finally type out a post, despite the obvious similarities to what I experienced.

May not seem quite so evident right now but once I explain what I witnessed tonight and a look back of my detailing of my experiences which go right back to 1996 and right up to the present day you will understand two things.

What these similarities are as well as the fact that this blatant and knowing disregard of not only human life but that of children's lives by those who have the audacity to use the words 'social', 'civil' and 'servant' among others.

The BBC had a journalist speak to the father of that poor child, Hamzah Khan, who was left to starve to death. Now I remind you if what I have previously said that many appear to develop morals when they are suddenly thrust into the limelight or hurt! But the explanations and versions given are a mirror image of my own experiences. Observe...

The father stated that he had requested many times that his children be checked upon but he said and I quote; "I was pushed aside like my opinion did not matter and that I was wrong and she and the social services were right"!

Now this was so eerie to hear that a stronger then average shiver coursed through my nervous system! Only I had proof too which is all available on here.

Now before I mention what I witnessed next I should add beforehand that the council countered this by stating that "we did check on the children and did not find them to be in any difficulties"?!

I have emphasised what they said before I bring to light what I saw along with a reminder of the child's condition...

I saw images of the home with piles and piles of rubbish, empty booze bottles and god knows what else that you could be fined and imprisoned for keeping pet animals like cats and dogs in and we are talking about a young child here, remember.

The second horrid thing I have to remind you of is the conditions of the poor child's body and his clothes as pointed out by the judge himself?!

'The child was dressed in a baby-grow for a 6 to 9 month old'!! Also that he was in this condition as he was slowly starved to death!!! 


My guess is NEVER and probably one of a whole series of lies just like Wirral Council have told for 16 years plus by first leaving my daughter then two grandchildren with a woman who was amoral and without an ounce of maternal instinct whatsoever! In fact she encouraged my daughter to do things that even on my death bed I will never comprehend despite my self proclaimed intellect!

I am also rather surprised this happened back in 2009 and I did not know about it until now?!

I am afraid that Judges have many more 'real dangers' to 'DISCOVER' and that Council leaders and Social Workers have been ACTIVELY helping them hide. Only reason I can think is being sued for getting it wrong in the first instance?!

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