Saturday 5 October 2013


Here we go again with something that has not only irked me for the longest time but knew was going to be reduced again.

The very idea of the abysmal Legal Aid that had existed was that human beings who could not afford them could get there legal fees paid for! It's a natural given right everyone should have.

However for some time now consecutive, and yes I did say CONSECUTIVE, governments have decided, or those that really pull the strings, have made it clear that a person's life is worthless if they have no money. Nor is any of their family members. Think about that. Think very long and hard about that.

In all honesty it was shit anyway and needed changing for years but for the better as did the whole legal system! You see the industry is a laughing stock and yet another example of an industry that has become a gradual mess while opportunists have been able to trick and rob both government and members of the public out of cash based on bits of paper that states that these people are competent lawyers?! They are NOT!

From just before my daughter was born until the present day I have had five run ins with the crap lawyers that legal aid affords you. On each occasion much was promised and nothing delivered, not ONCE. I even have letters from one lawyer from 18 years ago who pursued a case for months before calling me in and apologising as they did not know they could not take it on according to the bloody laws themselves! Quite how they failed to realise this as did the legal aid board I will never know!

So here they are after cutting it back several times they are cutting legal aid back again! Why? Because like everything else they run they are shit at it, really shit and after thirty years they have only gotten worse! This is because they are lazy and uncaring and nothing more. All because one industry thinks it has a right to a huge hourly few because they attended university, so did I, while the government thinks it can give poor people, disabled people and benefit claimants more than enough legal help by awarding far less than HALF the lower rates of average solicitors?!

If there exists a book on false economies a few thousand copies need to be ordered, sent to the Houses of Parliament and all Members must be fluent and familiar with EVERY WORD before being allowed entrance to either the House of Commons or the House of Lords. Added to this should be a simple arithmetic test, common sense test and added to that a test that they possess an ounce of morals and humanity.

Hmm come to think of it you could add this to journalism too and stop opportunists making a beeline for journalism?!

Of course the constant barrage of reports of the recent legal battles I have mentioned, like Apple and Samsung, will only infuriate more of the public of which more and more are realising they are being told their lives are meaningless and worthless. Especially when there is currently a big legal battle over the colour purple between Cadbury's and Nestlé!

I think that bow is now beginning to creak somewhat!

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