Monday 8 July 2013


This is roughly where I was thinking 'oh crap, maybe this is not a good idea?!' but continued further about 100 yards or so and then just decided to come straight home.

I should have been out a good couple of hours more but my leg muscles were in an odd and tired state and I have not got the foggiest why. I felt like I needed four tins of Monster energy drink and a 30 minute massage of my thighs and calf muscles, lol.

Right side of groin still an issue to since they pressed that damned ultrasound scanner on the sore area?! I still cannot get over how he just sat there and lied to me about the results of the scanner, which reminds me I am going to make an appointment today to see the GP.

Have to up these Gabapentin from 600 to 900 and I want to see his reaction when I tell the GP I was lied to and caught out the Doctor and record him of course, lol.

SO have Tramadol and Gabapentin which is till being up'ed but cannot help feeling that I am missing a drug...or THREE. This lethargy along with my knees and back are still a problem. IN fact they have become more so lately probably because the Gabapentin are working, lmao.

I am able and trying to do more which has then hit a brick wall with my knees and my back is the usual pain in the ar...back! Mostly the Thoracic region but also lumber and added to this is the damned frozen shoulder too! Consequences of relieving one pain is it heightens others, lmao.

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