Monday 8 July 2013


My word. Yes it is great that British tennis player had finally won Wimbledon after 77 years but it had give a bit bad in the media.

Flicking through my BBC NEWS 24 app there were no less than FIVE articles dedicated to Andy Murray and his winning of the Wimbledon title!

There was a train in Canada loaded with oil that was a runaway and exploded killing many people and destroying a large part of the town! It was described as a war zone by officials and this got one article about it?! I was quite interested to find out why I could hear an Arab voice on the film if an exploding train in Canada?! Maybe innocent, and if course but Arab, but it makes you think and us more human and excusable than some...other human behaviours, lol.

How many times do you need to be told someone won a tennis match?!

I spent years watching and hoping Tim Henman would win so I am overjoyed. But I have listened to many people in shops hoping he would not win because he had previously stated that he did not like the English?! Now I was not aware of this and to be honest a statement like that I could quite easily and happily pull to pieces in the must embarrassing manner...but I won't.

I am just hoping that this possession and madness with the media does not continue for days when there are bigger things going on in the world right now. It makes people look like they do not care as pride and gamesmanship become all important and eclipse all else. A little bit us and them. Polars Bears and Huskey Dogs anyone to explain the mindless behaviour if the hordes? Say what you like but with the people that should know better that IS what it IS. LOL!

Funny is it not though that he won Olympic gold last year asking with another grand slam. Finalist last year and wind title this year? Asking with the Tour de France getting its first British winner ever with Bradley Wiggins and right at this moment us being led by yet ANOTHER British cyclist Chris Froome?

What perfect timing all these sportsmen have chosen to win things to lift their country?! Hat's off you them! We had the England Cricket team do....something or other, lol, which embarrassingly only leaves the one sport I site any sign on interest in at all?!


Well at least my own football club is showing signs of emerging from the doldrums despite their brief but putting on if a worldwide showcase in the Champions League up to quarter finals, hmm or was it the semi finals?! Lol.

Nope just leaves the English football team winning something now?! Mind you I would happily accept the Scotland yeah winning something! As long as the players do not come out with anything brain dead about English people, lol.

Or maybe they are right?!

After all there had to be a reason that we keep getting kicked in the teeth and carry on taking it?!

I am more inclined to think that when they state this they refer to the British government but not too good at getting their point across, lol.

Mind you whichever is true it makes David Cameron, down there cheering him on, look like a complete fecking idiot! Unless he was born in Scotland of course?!


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