Tuesday 9 July 2013


This is what had just been ruled by the European Court of Human Rights?!

The obviously are not aware if my previous post about then being complete incompetent twats. Well our seems I no longer have to try as they are now declaring themselves as complete incompetent twats!

My God where the hell do they get their ideas from? Do they have some kind of rule book?! Why don't the bloody journalists get ahold of whatever it is they her their ideas from our through?!

A mad woman with a crystal ball I would imagine.

These people have absolutely no cliffs whatsoever to the exact terminology if the term 'human rights' and they are shambolic, an embarrassment to the very idea of human rights and completely blind to real crimes thing on against people's HUMAN RIGHTS!

Hmm I wonder what they would say then if capital punishment was bought back?!


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