Sunday 2 February 2014


Here we are yet again with another story close to this blog...

...the report here is about the scandal if the NHS unfolding. The Care Quality Commission even goes as far as saying that it was more or less shocked at things. But then it makes a catastrophic mistake... states the words 'lessons need to be learned' and how can you state this when half of it is corrupt?!

They have dodged diagnosing me for 12 years or more now. Now on the beginning I cannot state with any certainty but I can for the last three years when I say that I believe my condition was known and that someone instructed a while list of Doctors to lie, and they did too.

My recordings show, and it is a crying shame and hilarious I have to point it out, that Doctors, plural, have my face and on tape and in letters. So several times then...but then there us a while loads of Doctors that said one thing and then did an about face. One did this over an X-Ray I had give privately and IS available to view on here. Then there was that bet odd meeting when a Doctor I was about to see walked post he and recognised me long before I found his clinic 500 yards away in another building entirely?!

Somehow the NHS had gotten ahold of a picture of me and when I realised this within seconds I then had to find a way if getting this on tape. I did.

Unfortunately I was planning on more with the follow up appointment but I never got one, how bizarre?


You cannot really learn when your dealing with liars, it is that simple but I am supposed to say nothing because I am a lesser life firm than they and should be grateful that I have less money than I need to live on and poisoning myself with all the free drugs which sure just the cheap crap and WRONG drugs?!

Of course the fact that they are Doctors who do everything they can but to do anything unless they cannot wiggle out of it.

What LESSONS can they learn from that? Lie more continually perhaps?!


Health watchdog attacks NHS culture

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