Monday 3 February 2014


Well how about that then?

After absolutely tongue lashing several public organisations I get a rather large envelop through my door this morning and I thought in all honesty it was from NHS England. But not it is from another organisation I gave a tongue lashing to and oddly enough about that form I just posted.

I alo remember this actually happening before and likely posted about it. I appplied for DLA and I got an ESA form through the post. This time I apply for PIPS and though I do not remember the form it has ESA on the bottom!

This morning I received the PIPS FORM!!

The last time they they did this, which was awhile ago now, I immediately thought this was some attempt at intimidation? At the time some friends actually defended those in the loftier positions by stating that it is just because the bottom level staff are all stupid and incompetent. I stated well if your correct why is it that these bottom level staff are all stupid and incompetent? They must have been put their deliberately for all of them to be that stupid?

The only other possibility is that they know full well what has been going on for sometime and only interested in their own survival.

So I was glad I sent what I did and WHEN I did to Atos, I do often trust me instincts as you will no doubt see if you read enough of this blog. Afrer all many things that I stated would make me look very silly indeed unless I was pretty sure that 90% of the time it would come out in the media.

Remembering that and then pointing iut there are over 1,600 posts on here that is confidence for you, lol.

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