Wednesday 5 February 2014


Today was a day of revelations for Microsoft.

First off I had a friend visit in the morning who has previous problems with his PS3 whereby an update from Sony contained an algorithm to first detect whether the player had been hacked/rooted/jailbroken or whatever they call it on this console.

I covered this previously and stated my friend bought it used and no one jailbroke the set. I could tell very easily what shenanigans Sony were yo to and I emailed them about it and ticked them if in the process. I then find it had happened to a great number of people out there. Then I got that call from Sony denying it all and I called her bluff by simply asking her, after she insisted she knew for sure, what a particular update was for. She did not know and I starred that she therefore cannot state anything about updates with any certainty. Oops!

My friends PS3 is still get awaiting a new drive but it won't work as they will just rig the next one on an update. Today he told me that he was speaking to someone who works in a retail store and he asked about the new XBox One, though he called it a PlayStation One! One he realised his error he then said that he had been told to stay away from them. He then twisted what he had been told and that he had been hearing many things about the machines having a great deal of issues and that many were going back to the stores?!

I know there are always trying problems with new things but the amount of machines having issues surprised me. I am not sure if the new Sony is having any issues but this was a  surprising thing to hear. I did stare that sometimes people hear of a few stories and then fear the worst, that all machines must be affected?

Then later in the day I saw a friend of mine who has a Nokia 720 Lumia. From the moment he got it he was having issues downloading anything. People were sending him things via all manner of ways and nothing!! I set up another cloud account specifically for music that I could upload and then download to me tablet PC if I ever needed to use it for listening to music, day if the battery on my Walkman gave out while I was out? I used Pocket Cloud but was disappointed in it, took ages to setup, was not obvious what to do or which apps did what and when I did work it out to took longer to work out how to upload. The GUI was rubbish and it was slow to boot. Having used a date few before hand it was a bit disappointing but I set it up and it gave me the option of sending emails straight from each file to someone as a link.

So around my friends place I showed him the list and sent him in email to the sing to test it out. But just like all other attempts it failed. It refused to download and just came up with yet another error page. I started to think that Microsoft were just up to there old shit again and starred to him that I had thought about changing from Android to Windows but his phone had changed my mind again! I said the problem with Windows is you actually pay out a lot for it and then it refuses to play with others, nit realising just how precise I was.

The last time we had this issue with things I told him that I was using the Opera Browser and that he should use that. But we could never find it in the Microsoft store. Today I stated I would have a look online which I pretty much reckon he thought would not happen. To be fair he would think this and he would be correct because I did state many times I writing check out these issues but kept forgetting!

Tonight I looked. It turns out that Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile will not download things like music?! This is absolutely crazy and it gets worse!! Microsoft do not like playing with others and although there is an alternative browser you cannot, repeat CANNOT, make this alternative browser your default browser?!

Now quite how nothing had happened as regards a fine for this practice is completely being me and the laws are just so fecked up on everything it is not true! They were fined many years ago for including Internet Explorer in Windows, despite Windows NOT preventing the installation of Netscape or Firefox?! They were fixed to put in an option for the alternatives. Despite my dislike of Microsoft I found this stupid. But now they have been CODING Windows so that it does not play with others and even lies to you as to the reasons why.

So now I have to tell me friend all this and then state that I am staggered that Microsoft sell any phones at all, though admittedly he is the only person I know with one. I am a bit of a Billy No Mates these days. The last person I knew to use a phone with Windows were the first ones ever and after my XDA phone my sister got the XDA II. LOL!

It is amazing just how naive and stubborn these companies are and their blindness for how quickly they can destroy a huge company it is not true.

I think I will call this the Rome effect? No sound rubbish... how about the Impenetrable Rome attitude. What happens then is that when it's sliding downhill fast they start scrambling around clutching at straws going to stop the rot while living out employees by the dozens or hundreds.

I do not know if these idiot attitudes are down to a single individual or there are just too many blind naive and get morons that are on the board of directors. But whatever it is the end result what's ends up the same. Too many people to please who do not know what they are doing but like to tell people that they do because they have lots of money, yes because that is how you measure intellect of course.

Time and time again they come, rule for while and then start to fade.

As ever the laws are also contradictory and often self serving and us mere mortals just become confused with the mixed signals coming out of all this!

Which oddly is the EXACT OPPOSITE to the very intentions laws were created in the first place and this is the issue I have with laws today.

They are there for the highest bidder and no longer set examples for people to follow and abide by. They also teach that when you get fame, money and power that the laws no longer apply to you. The reaction that some celebrities have had by the insinuations of crimes performed in times gone by has nothing in the way of humbling attached to them. Except when they are on the verge of being found guilty that is, if it gets that far and they ARE guilty of course.

Through the life of this blog I have tried very hard to show the wider public this very thing.

I have also tried to show that the money being wasted by many public services which is the taxpayers money is far worse than the welfare system and that the later is made to look bad because of the tiny 1 or 2% fraction of wasters within said welfare system.

I have also tried to show that if the taxpayer is paying all this money out for services which are then using lies and cheating to not performing the services they are paid to do then this is fraud.


Because they are in powerful high paid positions for a reason, not because they think themselves so important and high and mighty that they should be paid these salaries for sitting on their arses!

Indeed this was why I used the Freedom of Information Act, which I have yet to finish but rest assured I WILL, to tally up the costs of these organisations, services, ombudsman and anything else that is paid for by the taxpayer!

Worst of all is not the lies and the cheating, though it should be, it is the attitude they have. Like they are looking down upon the public and forgotten that they are employed as servants to the public. Or at least this was the reason for their creation.

As far as I am concerned they ceased to be public services some time ago you could measure in many years. Also I have happened to witness in this time and see first hand how some of this money has been spent that is WITHIN my area of expertise and that is wildlife management. I covered this several times last year, an understatement, and will do from about March to October in this year of 2014 and I will acquire a great many films and audio recordings on that.

I also think I know why I have not been threatened with court action regarding this blog?

Fur the life of this blog, which is two weeks away from being eighteen months, I have shown you not only what I did but how I did it, I also suggested that you do the same! Yesterday I caught the tail end of a news report that stated that someone had done the same thing I had been doing and recorded someone. In the new studio someone stated that this was entrapment and many have starred this is what I am doing and that I should tell them first?! I starred first of that I did not care and telling them would be pointless because you would never find out anything! In other words they would get away with it because I for one cannot hire a decent lawyer and to date no lawyer had been interested in enforcing the law because they cannot see a way of getting enough cash out of the task?! Well it turned out that this entrapment law only applies to an individual and that if you are recording someone who represent a company or public service because you suspect shenanigans then you are within your right to do it.

Due to the fact I have laid my cards, or most if them but not all, on the table I may now actually get what I have expected since I was live for a few weeks? A threatening letter from a solicitor who is quite willing to act for a corrupt outfit because they pay well than actually take up the cause if someone who is trying to get justice and make an example if then in such a way that life for many in Britain would actually improve as a result?!

But then like everything else I knew this to be true too! But it still sends my temperature  skyrocketing to discover it is just as messed up and conflicting as I knew deep down that it was.

Indeed this is the site reason now for laying out the cards and increasing the frequency and there are THREE correspondences still to do which I will do tomorrow and will reveal on here when they are done.

My pigeons have all been cooing close together but in separate groups. As those the have read my last few posts know it is my intention now to shake my bag of mad giant cats to the point of fixing ire and then their each one among each group of pigeons.

There are three groups whereby I do not see how I would do this or would there be any benefit to me personally. These would be the HMRC, Police, MI5 and GCHQ and see no point nor way of monitoring their reactions. Possibly the Police I might do, the Merseyside Police that is. But I think sine things would be better served by someone else mounting up a portfolio on these people and using my data to add to their own?!

Indeed this is true and can be used of all my data and likely already has! Indeed this person who I heard recorded someone I could not remember fur the life of me, when my friends asked, what it was about, who was recorded and where?! I simply have no recall to any details so it could turn out to be someone that took their ideas from here or maybe the report was about me? I simply do not know and for all I know it may have been someone overseas? Thigh they still could have gotten the idea from here though?! I have been unable to locate this report on my BBC News app. Thigh it could have been a Sky News report berates I do listen to Planet Rock Radio and their news is Sky News.

But I will hammer away for the next 7 days and I am currently frustrated with myself over one thing! When I had gotten two dates mixed up over an appointment with a Nurse I forgot to ask the receptionist if my medical records had turned up as after about 8 weeks they had not?!

As stated I got a call from NHS England retracting two reports when they got informed by the GP Surgery that kicked me off just how diligent I had been, what I had recorded and just how long I had been doing it! There is nothing really they can do and I have managed to manipulate them into a position where it is they that are stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is where I will manipulate all of them now and after the following few correspondences I will then climb atop these rocks and start to rich then back and forth.

My God! It seems like I have been heading to this point in my life like... FOREVER?! Even with the 18 months of this blog that was only a tiny fraction of time that I have been working towards it. I had to be certain I already had enough crap on each of them before even going live online with it, regardless of what format I was to choose.

Still that light I see in the distance is getting bigger now and by April it should be double the size?!

Fingers crossed!


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