Tuesday 4 February 2014


You might be thinking that it was a bad day to the point I want to forget.

You would be half right but the forgetting reference is not how it sounds.

From the moment I awoke I was in trouble. A friend of mine had been waiting outside having knocked on the door and I had not realised he was there. I had for the past two nights had my sleeping difficulties. Sleeping difficulties in Fibromyalgia, at least in my Fibromyalgia, seems to come in two forms.

You do not sleep properly but you do not realise it. This inevitably scrambles already wonky electronic signals going to your brain.

Then there are the nights you ARE aware of and these are worse than the others. A few nights like this in a row is... quite simply horrific.

I spent two days not leaving the house. Yet I awoke today with my legs aching badly everywhere. I put on some Movelat gel someone had given me.

After awhile my friend left and I had previously had a text from another friend asking for help. I left the house and forgot two forms I was supposed to take with me. I had not gotten far when I remembered and returned to retrieve them. After getting half a mile limping badly on very stiff and painful feet I then realised I had left my nicotine gum behind. I did not have my Tablet PC either as I had forgotten to charge it the night before. Not sure how I did that. I then got two names of roads mixed up I should not have done and both named after bovine animals one being Donkey and the other Goat. Took me an hour to get over how I made that mistake as I am familiar with both roads. Very well indeed.

My friends did not need the help so I high I would venture to the town to try and burn some energy with the hope of sleeping tonight. But as I was waking there I suddenly remembered I had an appointment with the Nurse at my GP clinic. As I walked to the clinic I decided to record my visit.... just in case.

While I was there I made a terrible error and the receptionist stated there was nothing on screen for me. I remarked this was of as this was the second time someone had made an appointment for me that had then disappeared. She said she would look on the system and said to wait and then I said 'oh wait?! Maybe it is the fourteenth?' and as soon as I said this out loud I remembered that the fourteenth WAS INDEED the date!!

I apologise and state to the receptionist that my memory is bad and it is down to the condition of Fibromyalgia. I then tell her it's been bad for a few years and fourteen wise but that previous Doctors just out it down to the pain I have to endure. I may then have remarked that it took me thirteen years before I myself found out what it actual is? Cannot remember but I will put a link in to the recording I made of the visit and you can hear me being confused and then realising, lol.

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