Sunday 5 January 2014


Well moron, us that the best you can come to with?

Protect the state pension? Which part of uncivilised society do you not get?

It would be bad enough if you're idea of British society was based on everyone getting an equal chance, but they do but do they?

Much of money us tired up by those privileged few. Did you never learn pie charts at Eton? My word!

That is so generous of you to protect the state pension?! People will view before such an act of generosity I am sure?

Does this mean that everything else is fair game? I predicted that PIPS, Personal Independent Payments was a stepping stone to cutting the purse strings from the disabled and newsbreak health sufferers? Are you now admitting this to be true? Pratt.

Here is a good way to save billions in cash based on your version of British Society...

...release all prisoners except for rapists, murderers and child abusers. That will save billions and as you're idea of a perfect Britain is an uncivilised one you might as will go the while hog?!

This is the truth if your ideas I am afraid. Your acts towards disabled people, metal health sufferers, benefit claimants and the poor sure that you're vision of Britain is not a civilised society. Because the way people are treated is first off but fair and secondly but civilised. That is it no excuses exist. So if acts such as this towards hundreds if thousands and Webern millions of people then why are you locking up most criminals?!

Maybe you think that you need to be rich, wealthy and if certain breeding to commit crimes against humanity? Would be the only explanation on offer that makes any sense.

Also all of those people now pushed to their limits and desperate will not bother you our your kind will they? A shame that is and it will be poor turning on the poor while you sit on your sun lounger.

No laws and morals apply to all a does fairness. But all I see lately is a bunch of amoral hypocrites that do not practise what they preach. Do you even know who it is the bullshit is for? Speaking to naive and easily lead sheep so that they vote you back into the job you should never have had?

I just cannot believe what a moronic statement he made with promising to protect the state pension. Fecking idiotic beyond belief as he raised the pension fecking age anyway.

God I would like two minutes in a room with this God damn moron as the common sense will be knocked into him to the point he won't walk.

God what a bloody slimy lying slug this twit actually is and the contempt he has for the public in the country he was views in to serve and the country the us meant to run is staggering.

The only thing that could possibly be more staggering than this would be that the majority of people were buying his crap.

Cameron's Pledge To Guarantee State Pensions -

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