Sunday 5 January 2014


Yes indeed here we go...again...

...charge a tax on something that died does FECK all except give the government even more money that they then get used to having and out into silk the wrong things.

This is a major part of the crap that for us into such a bloody mess in the first place.

Introduce a tax, spend it like its a permanent income, when it dries yup do not worry just find another one to introduce! When you have run out of all the taxes you can always take money from the poor by taking something away from them.

Funny how the only thing they suggest might become permanent us the state pension, see the last post. Yet the taxes they being in they is aboard to help us and therefore temporary gets treated as PERMANENT?!

Just a bunch of brain dead morons who have spent the last thirty years or so sleep walking us into a black hole and I call it that because I cannot see a way out.

Maybe they are making you pay for being dumb enough to not realise what they are up to?

Well I for one never voted for either of them and as such I refuse to post for their incompetence when I see it coming do long ago.

This year they will learn that I refuse to post for the indulgences, games and lies. I refuse completely to accept what they are doing to me personally and what they have been doing for over fifteen years. Now they will have to face the consequences of their actions and it being aired in a very public way.

Tobacco Tax Hike Would Save 200 Million Lives -

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