Saturday 4 January 2014


Odd that with the revelations that I have revealed along with the audio recordings that some less shocking story seems to leak out of the NHS.

It has now certainly happened enough  times for me to be able to poke fun at it.

Despite all that I have hear done far less serious and sometimes pathetic stories about the NHS seems to surface?! Pretty convenient and wonder if they can keep it up.

Yes OK porters drinking is not on, though it was New Years so not all the time. But deliberately lying to patients, falsifying medical records and rest results?!  That had been ignored for two years thus far and you ruin with a story about workers who so not drive but operate any machinery but surgical procedures having a drink? Really?

If it had been a bunch of surgeons I could understand it, lol.

Still there should be enough misdemeanours to keep the news reporters busy for a few more weeks?!


NHS probe into 'porters' drinking'

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