Sunday 5 January 2014


Well this is showing signs of becoming annoying.

First they state that snooping on the world is legal, though FECK knows how that can be, then they state it is illegal. Then the last I heard it was all legal again and here is yet another report and our is back to illegal?!

My word, this could get tiring and boring pretty quick.

When will someone do a documentary about how the legal system had become both an ass, one sided and useless?! Both here in the UK and in the USA that is because on these parts is the western world human rights only applies to you if you have money.

That last statement is someone funny when you think that must of those with money have normally done something illegal our lied thought their teeth to get it. Well apart from the brain dead ones that manage to get all the other brain dead ones too adore them as if they were living Gods, lol.

Hopefully the focus of certain news groups of all media formats will start focusing on real news and stop focusing on celebrities private lives and lengthy talks with lying politicians. Hmm add soon the fuss about politicians making speeches where the news media hands around for an eternity with the newsroom popping in and out if the ruin as if someone us about to give birth to an Elephant?!

Maybe one day in 2014 I might finally see this, I doubt it as they are just dead cells masquerading as a collection that work as a team by using words if for syllables consecutively, lol.

Federal judge says NSA program appears to violate Constitution - U.S. News -

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