Friday 10 January 2014


Well what do you know?!

After posting about the Doctor calling me I did not possibly think that I could possibly get any other news in the near future that could not to that in any way shape our form?!

Sometimes it can be fantastic when I am wrong!! Woohoo!!

Literally inside of an hour and just as I got home I laid on my bed to get the weight of everything, still trying to digest that one plan has now almost reached its end when the phone rings with an unrecognised number.

I answer the phone and I am shocked to hear the scouse accent of my daughter saying hello!!

All that I wished to hear was what I got...

1) She is OK and sounds very happy!

2) My grandchildren are OK and also with her!!

3) She won the court case and it is all over! Well I think, lol.

4) She is not angry with me about anything!!

How very, very cool is that?!

Also bizarre is that it was neither my two emails not the absolute roasting I gave Wirral Council?! Mad..

It turns out that she decided to lie low from everything after the court case and had been keeping tabs on me on this very BLOG!!!

How damn cool is that?!

Now you see yet another reason I created this blog! Lmao!!

I just love how cool it is when my genius pays off, you just need to be able to deal with the blank bits and not knowing in between. Now that I have had a great deal of training with because of the very organisations I set out to destroy in the hour that they would be rebuilt by true human beings?!

A great many of them very nearly caused my premature death, might do so still if this scan on my kidneys does not go well. But as low as I got at times they failed to completely destroy me and mainly because my daughter was with a dangerous woman in a family I could not rely on to help her and protect her. The very idea of the Social Workers department doing this showed how much of a home that was because they proved themselves to be sexist twenty years ago. Then lied about my parental responsibility 7 years ago.

Wow I thought I felt elated before and now I feel positively drunk with the elevated euphoria I now feel!!

Bloody hell I thought it would take another few weeks at least and likely a couple of months before I managed to post part two of the Shockingly Good News title of this post, lol.

My bloody word I wonder what the next couple of months will have in store?! Lol.

Got that one wrong and I could not be happier and I mean that quite literally!

Oh yes my feelings all along that 2014 was going to be one hell if a year are already paying off in dividends.

Hmm just before posting I had a thought that I thought I should put in here for those that have had difficulties with Local Government (huh what a joke that term has turned out to be)...

...I just had a go at Wirral Council and their Social Workers Department and reminded them I was STILL HERE, that they broke the law for more than six years and that I can prove it. Plus I did tell them about one other thing...

... THIS BLOG!!!

Just when they thought the nightmare was truly over!! I have no idea what trouble they got into and do not particularly care. The important thing is to stop them all being so aloof, crush the God complexes, shatter the illusion and force a change that will stop destroying people lives just do that a corrupt government can show the people done bullshit figures to make themselves look good so they can keep their jobs, lol.

They are probably sending people back out right now to restock on the created of Horlicks, lol.

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