Friday 10 January 2014


I must be living under a Bus Stop? Three times in as many hours almost, THREE TIMES?! LOL!

Well this is just too much to take in!!!

I have just heard a load of interviews and statements about the Police and the plebgate incident!

Now as regular visitors are well aware this policy of the Police lying is rife. In interviews done native petiole are shocked that a Police Officer has admitted lying and still think that many are upstanding?

I am afraid not.

I then heard someone state in an an interview on the BBC News that he states that the Police are still highly thought of above and beyond "...that of politicians, MPs, (something else I think I cannot recall) and even Doctors"?!


I simply could not believe that being admitted!! Simply could NOT believe it in the words of Victor Meldrew!!

Unfortunately the Police are without a single doubt absolutely no different whatsoever. They consistently lured to me over my daughter and left her in mortal danger several times. A stranger that handed me daughter some free cigarettes and a lighter outside of a Police Station after one incident suggested that she sues/reports two Police Officers by the names of Simon Broadhurst and Kate Roberts who just so happened to be the two officers of Merseyside Police 250 miles away from me that had lied, cheated and left my daughter for dead!

This blew me away when my daughter asked me the name of the office, technically a Sergeant Kate Roberts if I remember correctly as she was aware of Simon Broadhurst but not Kate Roberts who I had been arguing with and accused of lying and cheating with proof.

I also wonder that if the news media had not been paid if and controlled and these stories miraculously have nothing to do with me there must be several dozen journalists around the country throwing themselves onto their swords having heard all the corruption I told them about repeatedly hitting the news?!

But in all honesty the likelihood that all these stories did not stem from all the evidence I sent in to a couple of dozen people and stirred in THOSE FOR DVDs is a bit of a stretch to believe, lol!

Still to hear someone say that about Doctors on TV off them now not being trusted is bloody great news. It means two things and firstly that it has been noticed enough for something to actually day this on TV and now that it has a great many others will be aware of that statement too?!

Now if this turns out to be true, and I have always strongly believed that this week be the case at some point and what I was doing all this for, then that which I have divulged here will be stumbled upon at some point, if not already, and blown wide open to the entire nation.

Then this evil rot by these few highly immoral people can be dissected out of society and discarded. Then hopefully some people who are truly humble human being with heart, but not naive lefties who hopefully now see the errors they have made, and the road to  improvement to a better Britain can start?!

I would like to see this country return to the tinged when the rest of the world looked up to us as trend setters for certain things like that we did in the past. Not selling out so that some politicians can be sure personally and financially one after the other until the 'Great' in Great Britain was completely obliterated to the point our governments were lying and cheating to keep up the mirage?!

Hopefully a chink of light will start to appear at the end of a very long dark tunnel this year?!

To defeat the man you must first shatter the illusion!

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