Saturday 12 October 2013


I must say that the selling off of Royal Mail has surprised me on many levels.

First off I never thought they would do it after so long. This is in contrast to a disagreement with my grandfather who said they 'would not be allowed to sell it' and 'would never happen'. To be honest he has little knowledge on reality or real life and looked at Royal Mail through rose-tinted glasses as he was a Postman for over thirty years.

I wonder if he has seen the news and picked up his jaw off the floor?! Lol.

So then the next surprise was the amount of people buying them as we'll as the amount of cash it made?! Despite what the MP Mr Unnama, or whatever his name is, is stating. How can people see value and all make a rush for something that has lost money so consistently for decades?! It makes no sense! Lol.

Despite being wrong recently on these counts I will still hazard a guess that those that bought heavily into the shares will regret it?

Or perhaps it will be run a great deal better showing that the successive governments have been incompetent yet again?! Or maybe private firms will see it as a new way to make money by bombarding our letter boxes with adverts, brochures and offers?! Perish the thought!

That latter theory would be interesting to see come to light when it has appeared to me in recent times that blog writers, I know I have, have been ripped off and treated like garbage, lol!

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