Saturday 12 October 2013


I should be paying more attention to the ALTERNATE news excerpts like the following on DuckDuckGo which I found on their app!

It seems Edward Snowden has more parallel thinking to me than I thought?!

In what I think for me is the statement of the decade and mirroring exactly what I have stated on here and thought for a long time they accuse their Department of Justice starting crimes only get punished depending on who commits them!

So not turning up to answer awkward questions at inquests in the UK is nothing compared to lying to congress! They have spent a long time creating a mess they want to continue with and make worse and they do it on the claims that it is to protect us and in our best interests! Funny as that every time I see or hear of anything leaked it always looks like it is in THEIR BEST INTERESTS?!

I think this is going to make things a lot clearer that even the most naive and easily fooled will be able to see it all for what it is. Pure evil.

The statement of not prosecuting someone who lied to congress but relentlessly hunting someone down who had told the truth made me roar with laughter. You have to think of the kind of people these groups employ? You cannot employ intelligent people on the principle of PROTECTING THE COUNTRY AND IT'S PEOPLE if you are going to do nothing of the kind!! Unless of course you have employed people who ate amoral in which case they will be a danger to the country or the people. If not and there are employees of these organizations that have morals and normal human feelings then I am afraid to say that there are going to be a queue to be the next whistleblower?! Also if this sort of thing can take place in that industry imagine what may arise from others?!


“As someone very clever said recently, we don’t have an oversight problem in the US we have an undersight problem.”

The problem has grown up to a point where Americans have “an executive, the Department of Justice, that’s unwilling to prosecute high officials who lied to Congress and the country on camera but they’ll stop at nothing to prosecute someone who told them the truth,” Snowden added.

Snowden has expressed his satisfaction that people around the globe are starting to understand mass surveillance doesn’t increase safety at all.


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