Friday 11 October 2013


Right well I can add to this story somewhat!

Previously I have told how I lost my benefits over four years ago along with tens of thousands of others while labour was in power, cheers Tony Blair! It was awhile later a Doctor spoke to me that she had realised something was going on and checked the clinics books. She shockingly discovered that her specialist clinic now failed to list a single person on Disability Benefits!!

Now at THAT time the council started decking about with my rent and have not paid it in full to this day... Despite leaping through several hoops at THEIR request and one costing me a weeks rent of £175!!

Since then I have refused to pay council tax! Well I cannot afford it in all honesty, lol. Now two things need to be clear as the Labour Party and the media are utterly clueless or just playing the public as naive and stupid...

1) the attack on disabled started over FOUR YEARS AGO!!

2) I have yet to be taken to court after nearly five years so the figures are WAY UNDER what they should be for people in arrears with Council Tax!

Of course it will get worse and we are now on top of Christmas again!

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