Friday 11 October 2013


Well this is shocking but should not be.

So this article not only mentions the council who failed Baby Peter failing another child but also mentions another!

I wonder if anyone who has read this or aware of the horrific stories have thought about that lady who was fired over Baby Peter?

I have stated over and over again that we live in an age of fall guys and puppet governments! I have stated it for many years and the last few years have only confirmed it in my mind. Also the last couple of years and what is going on currently has proved beyond doubt that the system employed is not fit for purpose any longer!

It is beyond my imagination to think of a time long after we have left the global crisis when the world's population has become even larger and societies having another crisis?!

Continuing on this path if we can scrape out if this one eventually our children and our children's children will not survive the next! Oddly in any breakdown of society there is loss of life and the first targets of 'the mob' will be the living children or children's children of those who have caused this crisis.

That is how selfish and amoral these individuals are. Or perhaps just how naive and incompetent? After all I know not their faces or who they are so cannot really cast comments on them except for they are wrong and without compassion and trying to mould everyone in their image!!

Hmm reminds me of the Jehovah's Witness who, after speaking about the crises, said "I do not know WHAT is going on?! It is like THE DEVIL runs this country?!" Normally disagreeing with them I paused before stating that he was right, lol!

Oddly this story was not listed on the MAIN HEADLINES or even UK MAIN HEADLINES of the BBC?!

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