Thursday 10 October 2013


Well I wondered whether or not to go again  and had told several people that I might decide not to go any more after this meeting.

Only now that I have had this meeting I am now having a Bee buzzing away under my bonnet and am doggedly intending to attend the next meeting. It also had its own surprises in store along with some useful information regarding the most intelligent sounding person I have listened to in a fair old while.

He also happened to be American!

He was also a Chiropractor and added to this happened to be the only speaker that they had on offer today?! Still after he had started explaining things with a laptop and slide show presentation I was not about to complain. I was grateful for his time and the explanations he gave out along with some insight into Chiropractors, Osteopaths and even some on Physiotherapists.

Doctor Chadril did a speech afterwards on various things but then broadsided me with a divulging of facts that were completely contradictory to the three group sessions I had attended. Together it made this session the most interesting, the most helpful and added to this the most confusing!! VERY CONFUSING!!

Let me explain...

Doctor Chadril started to explain the Tranquil Support Group which was what we were attending, or so we thought?! As it turns out these meetings I have attended have NOT been the Tranqil Support Group at all! In fact the REAL supprt group does exist but is not even held in the SAME BUILDING?!

Confused? Well come to my Confused Support Group where it is I that am the Chairman of the board?! In fact it is not really a support group, though I will continue to tell you that for several months! Then I will tell you that the real support group is a whole MILE closer to my house than where they have been making me go to?!

I cannot emphasize that enougth because for some bizarre reason my Plantar fasciitis, the bottom of my heels, were giving me some real grief today and much more than normal! Luckily not too many other things were playing up, other than a faint pain in my back!

Two things were obvious to me by the end of the group get together and that was that first off people had been duped for some unknown reason and the second is that this weeks meeting and speaker should have been the VERY FIRST ONE! It was informative and actually made you feel like you might...get somewhere with the meetings and manage to deal with the pain you have and WANT to continue to come. Whereas until now I was beginning to feel like they were a waste of time and no more than a recruitment drive to get people working for free.

Oh yes well now that I am ON that subject and yet again we did have yet another volunteer do a speech about doing volunteer work at Chase Farm Hospital and then some. This chap was called Brian and the poor guy had suffered a brain tumor that he had removed. But this left him with partial paralysis and he was not able to continue his work of carpentry. AFter some difficulties I can totally relate to and through an old customer of his he ended up volunteering. But it was how he explained what being a volunteer was like that took me by surprise.

HE could not emphasize enough how much working for free at Chase Farm Hospital would transform your life and I remember thinking 'whoa slow down fella your going way over the top here!' He sounded like a Snake Oil peddler from the wild west in the late 19th century! Again they would state a few hours a week as they had in the last meeting. But boy did he really have some passion about what this work can do for you.

I just do not see it myself and could never imagine how I would!

However...IF they was able to do some SURGERY to remove or lessen some pains and privide pills that will not make me ill or kill me to deal with those pains that surgery can do nothing about I would happily work for said hospital for months on end!!

But they do not so I will not and nor is it clever to do something that will COST YOU MONEY to do and aggravate your pains in the process!

One last thing is that the lady who appeared last time I had thought is a reporter was there again. Only since last time I have seen who I thought was the reporter on TV on BBC's Dateline. Now the reporter that I THOUGHT it was is Dame Anne Leslie and it was not The Guardian but instead The Daily Mail who have caused an uproar of late over Ed Milliband's father. I am pretty sure now that I got it wrong and it ois certainly NOT Dame Anne Leslie.

Now that was probably just as well as I did not know that The Daily Mail was a hard right wing newspaper, I do not read them and do not take note of these things, lol. It could be that it was not Dame Leslie I was thinking of at the time but I doubt the need for a reporter to attend twice. But she was there today and it is NOT Anne Leslie, lol.

On the same subject of attendees I can tell you that there was even more people yet again and a few people broke the strict rules and are obviously extremely dunce!! Dr Chadril repeats the rules fairly often to the point it is annoying and nauseating but in all fairness people STILL break the rules! For example...

1) One old black guy had his very loud phone ring five times and repeatedly hung up only for the person calling to doggedly call again NOT realizing that the person they were calling was somewhere he is not allowed to receive phone-calls. Just as surprising is that he never thought to simply switch the phone OFF the first time. On the fifth call he then decided to leave the room to answer it, going into another part of the building he was not supposed to be, but in so doing grabbed the back of a chair for support which then itself went straight over sending the man flying and crashing down into other people! How some people survive the week is beyond me at times.

2) A Muslim lady complete with head-dress and clothing kept asking questions despite being told right to her face that she can ONLY ask questions at the end of the group meeting. It took a total of four times before she stopped asking.

3) Best one of all though was that another couple who were dressed normally and looked like Pakistanis or Indians kept speaking to one another every now and then and had a baby in a pram who also made noises now and then. I did not pick up on it at first until I saw Dr Chadril look over at them with a quizzed look on his face and I gave them another glance before realsing they were a COUPLE!! The rules are not only strict and repeated along with being handed out on a piece of paper each time you go but only the PATIENTS are allowed into the room!! No partners and not even your carer if you have one, family member or GP is allowed in! But what makes it all the more ludicrous on these idiots is that when Dr Chadril emerged into the waiting area to ask us to enter he took one look at the amount of people then asked them to be quiet because he wanted to speak and the RE-ITERATED that anyone who had come along with a partner or family member is NOT ALLOWED IN!!

So with number 3 above they were told this in a letter, given a piece of paper on entering the building stating it, had Dr Chadril state it clearly and loudly to all people in the waiting area and mentioned it again before the Chiropractor, a Mr Leizer by the way, started his speech but there they were! Chatting too!

Christ almighty, lol.

Amy way this one did not have much in the way of revelations but it was recorded and there maybe things in there that I did not pick up on?!

Here is the link to the audio...

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