Thursday 10 October 2013


Well I have said this a fair few times about Google and its Blogger.
Just like how many companies want to drive you insane by wanting to install a search toolbar of their own into your browser because Google got so rich so quick here is Google REALLY at work! 
Just the other day I had to remove search toolbars from a browser on a friends laptop from Bing, Google themselves, Ask, Yahoo,  AOL and a couple of others I have never heard of and cannot recall. Then there are others like Alexa, StumbledUpon and several others I cannot recall. Most annoying is when CNET started to try and install things on your computer when you were downloading freeware and shareware software from their website, which I stopped doing some time ago now. Even right now AVG has hijacked my start-up page so that I go to an AVG search page and did not even ASK ME IF THEY COULD!!
Fecking greedy scheming rip-offs!! 
Hmm now while we are on the subject how is it we have had it drummed into us time and time again by magazines and such like to install and pay for Anti-Virus Programs and Firewalls, along with how great they are, and all manner of software and BLOATWARE that slows down your system while the whole time several organisations, like the NSA and GCHQ to name but two, have been getting into our computers and storing all our details the whole fecking time?!
Anyone for a group get together to form an alliance to take these software houses to court for taking money under false pretenses?!
Anyway here is a screenshot...

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