Wednesday 10 July 2013


Well here is a PRIME EXAMPLE of why I am glad I never worked for the government, MI5 or GCHQ because your just a mindless robot they follows orders.

The trouble is, is that the masters you serve are not worthy if their positions. They lure and cheat and do it for all the wrong reasons, normally amoral and selfish ones.Then given up, blamed and even 'bumped off'?! Jesus at least it used to be a worthy cause and now it is just about money, back handers and scratching backs for favours.

Like I've stated for months it just gets worse and worse while they continue to show how they suffer from extreme tunnel vision and live in different worlds to the rest of us.

The odd thing is that when the bow does eventually break they were going to look more stupid, incompetent and embarrassed but to us but to the rest of the world when it does. No one will ever take us seriously ever again.

This chap used a tool and possesses a tool whether they say they can. The very scary thing about this sad obsession they have about people possessing guns is that its completely wrong how it is handled.

Never before have we been closer to explosive unrest. Never before have we had protests of one culture against another. Never before has the public been so pissed off and while trying to keep a lid on things!

No what scares me that if anything was to kick off in a big way all the bad, evil and radicals will produce an armament that would put the Green Berets to shame?!

In other words the only one with weapons are the craziest, could not care less and evil brigade.

Those without any weapons, or those you have disarmed are the decent law abiding ones. But then I guess its like telling us certain drugs damage brain cells when they do nothing of the kind.

You lie and constantly shire that the rules for you are different sure everybody else because you manage to get done narrow minded idiots failing to tell the arse from their elbow agreeing with you.

Cannot wonder if its the same lot been exposed for crimes if their own thing back years against children?!

It is a society for fools based on false or impossible hopes along with double standards who has a fucking cheek to act like a nanny state to boot, lol. Even Family Guy's Stewie Griffin makes jibes against these factions as does Brian about how they have held back scientific progress and still are.

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