Wednesday 10 July 2013


This is really going to be a breakthrough?!

Someone who is kind of part of my family went to their Doctor and said they were feeling depressed. As it turns out the Doctor had a miraculous new cure that she then divulged to him and it will change the worlds and save billions of pounds?!

The treatment is as follows and as directed to do by the GP, in North London yet again...

..."When you first look at yourself in the mirror in the morning...SMILE!"

I kid you not! What a patronising bitch?! She is damn lucky she did not day that to me I would have exploded in a tirade of abuse and but rested until she was struck off!

What patronising and condescending attitudes they have, what do they think they are a higher firm of life as will as intelligence?!

It is an absolute disgrace that people can be treated and lied to in this way and I will make sure that 2013 will NEVER be forgotten by ANYONE prepared to treat people like crap!

When you compare this to the attitude to everyone working and those but working which includes disabled people it is starting to show signs of similarities with concentration camps?!

That is how I felt when i was lied to about the unsound scan telling me blatantly lying that I don't have s hernia that will kill me that I artwork do have and he knew it too!

My landlord owns his own building firm and I bumped into him today. When i told him what had happened regarding the lying Doctor and that I had also recorded it he reacted with shock. I think he has lost count of the number of times I have shocked him and her then said "It's bollocks ain't it?!" Lol.

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