Wednesday 10 July 2013


Well can you effing believe it?!

Only a short while after the expenses scandal they now want a pay rise?!

So they lose one lot of money and then award themselves another lot. Just goiters to show really that they was all aware if what was going on which means they were all...something else too. Lol.

Good knows how long into a recession too, lol. How are you supposed to take them seriously when they say they understand the publics anger at the bonuses bankers pay themselves?! They just have no compassion for anyone else but themselves but continue to lie to idiots who believe them normally known as journalists?!

Never in a million years would I thought them STUPID enough to do this what with everything else going on, our not going on as the case may be.

Still this will only come back to but then in the face before the year is out.

As for the even more incompetent and without foresight or insight watchdog, well a lot of good they are. Another body of a complete waste of money!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy they just like to keep STOKING that fire and getting it good and hot and keeping it there.

Well it's their funeral.

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