Wednesday 10 July 2013


I also see that the outfit that like to act like the modern day Gestapo, by hammering on doors over money when they have no right to, are still being revealed to be crooked?!

Oddly enough it is the same organisation I recently revealed killed my father so damned good timing BBC, lol. It states £25 Million was paid out to outgoing executives and I've also heard that many were not even line but got paid anyway.

It does not state over what period of time this is for?!

What are these BBC Trust people doing?!

It has been a couple of years of hearing nothing but excuses, excuses, excuses of how they have been unable to do the jobs they are supposed to, paid to do and knew nothing about it.

Another totally redundant outfit also wasting a load of money. It is obvious they all have money tree orchards and think that is how it comes. They are also very good at obtaining some blood when all there is around are pebbles?!

So over paying, stars by millions of pounds. Protecting a paedophile ring and treating it as an in-house joke and now paying themselves millions of pounds.

Plus they charge £145 for their crappy TV license when there is FECK all to watch outside of Doctor Who which had been all over the place of late anyway.

They also seem to think they have the right to go banging on you're door as if there is a national emergency.

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